How does a minor burn heal?

Burn is an injury to the skin or other tissue caused primarily by heat or radiation, radioactivity, electricity, friction, or contact with chemicals.
1. What do we consider a minor burn?
Minor burns fall into two types: first degree and second degree.. The first degree affects the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). The area of burned skin appears red and sore, without blisters. An example is sunburn. There are no lesions that show discontinuity or erosions on the skin.. For their part, second degree ones also affect the outer layer of the skin (epidermis) but also part of the inner layer of the skin (dermis).. These burns usually present skin lesions such as blisters, inflammation, reddened skin, and pain.
2. How does a minor burn heal?
Treatment depends on the type of burn. First degree ones usually heal on their own within a week.. Applying cold compresses can help reduce discomfort or pain.. It is very important to hydrate the skin well and apply products with soothing ingredients such as calendula or aloe vera.. Moisturizing the skin not only provides aesthetic benefits, but also improves the performance of its functions. For this reason, it is important to use preparations that allow us to maintain optimal skin hydration.. Second degree burns should be cleaned gently with soap and water.. Very cold or icy water should not be applied, as this would produce vasoconstriction in the affected area and favor the increase of the lesion, as well as increase pain.. It is important not to break small blisters, as this can carry a risk of infection.. If the blisters or blisters are of medium size (less than 0.5 cm in diameter approximately), a professional should be seen to assess the burn and possible treatment.. Then you have to apply an antiseptic (such as chlorhexidine, for example). If there are no clear signs of infection in the burn, it is preferable not to use topical antibiotic ointments or products, since, in addition to not having shown a benefit in reducing infection rates, it contributes to the development of antibiotic resistance and the appearance of contact dermatitis. Finally, we must cover the burn with a clean dressing and carry out the daily cure.
3. What kind of antiseptic should I use?
Chlorhexidine would be the first choice, since it has a more immediate and lasting effect and has a superior bactericidal action.. Povidone-iodine could be used as a second option. This is because it contains iodine in its composition and is contraindicated in pregnant women, infants, newborns, people with thyroid problems and those allergic to iodinated products.
4. What is the healing process of a burn like?
Burns heal through two mechanisms: regeneration and scarring.. Mild ones can take up to three weeks to fully heal.. A burn can itch as it closes the skin.. It is important not to scratch the area.
5. When is it necessary to consult a health professional?
If the burn does not reduce normally or presents continuous redness, heat and inflammation, a professional should be consulted for evaluation.. Also if there is increased pain or suppuration.
6. What home remedies should not be used?
Toothpaste, butter, ice or alcohol were remedies used in the past.
Toothpaste, butter, ice or alcohol were remedies used in the past, but they have not been shown to improve the healing of burns and, on the contrary, they make them worse.