The 585-kilometer flight of the gunman from Barcelona to Murcia with two threatened women

They were more than six hours of anguish. Listening to the threats of a man who had just killed another and was bragging about it. This is how two women lived the 585 kilometers by car that separate Barcelona from Murcia at dawn from Saturday to Sunday, transporting Roger LS under “coercion and threats”, whom the Mossos d'Esquadra were looking for for having fatally shot five times in the back at the manager of the Granollers shooting club, in Canovelles (Barcelona).
The suspect assaulted them on Saturday night at a service station in the Sarrià district of Barcelona and “at gunpoint”, as indicated by the National Police, forced the two women to take him to Murcia by driving all night on the highway. On the disturbing journey, the suspect told them that he had killed a man a few hours ago and was threatening to kill them all the way, according to police sources.. Upon arriving in the Murcian capital, early in the morning, he got off in a central square and headed towards the train station to continue his escape.
When they were released, the women notified the police, who set up a device to locate the suspect.. They managed to stop him at the station. During the arrest, the attacker, 19 years old and Spanish nationality, resisted and even threatened the agents, trying to remove one of the weapons.. However, he was reduced and in the search they found two loaded pistols, ammunition and a knife.. The Police transferred him to the duty court, although he will be sent to the Granollers courts to answer for the crime in the shooting club.
The two women were declaring all day at police stations and received the support of relatives who traveled to Murcia. Then they could return to Barcelona. It was the end of a nightmare that began long before, specifically on Saturday afternoon, when the suspect went to the shooting club of which he was a member in Canovelles.
There he spent an hour practicing with two firearms. Around half past seven in the evening, when the facilities were about to close and there were few members left, he approached the manager who was in the shooting gallery from behind.. It was then that the suspect shot the victim five times, without the causes being known at the moment.. Police sources indicate that the attack was by surprise and from behind, as was recorded in the video surveillance service that controls the entire club.. While Roger escaped without the members present being able to do anything to stop him, the victim, in his 50s and a resident of the town of Granollers, lay with serious injuries on the floor of the facilities.
Picture of the suspect.
Shortly after, they notified the emergency services, and numerous Catalan police patrols, as well as several ambulances, traveled to the club.. However, the toilets could not save the life of the victim, despite the resuscitation tasks. The severity of the injuries caused him to die shortly after.
While the toilets acted, the Mossos d'Esquadra began with the investigation. The first thing they did was identify the suspect, who has a weapons license, from witnesses and security cameras.. They also had access to his file within the club, of which he was a regular. At that time, the agents began an extensive search and capture device for Roger, since he was armed and was considered very dangerous.. They also alerted the court on duty so that the judicial committee could lift the body. Police from the scientific unit began by viewing the cameras to determine the causes of the crime. In them it can be verified that the attack was from behind and that the suspect shot the victim several times.
The agents of the Catalan regional police established numerous controls on the roads and stations. Rapid and air intervention units were also activated to track the suspect, who had the model of vehicle he had used in his escape.. In this sense, the agents knew that he had escaped in the direction of Barcelona, although they lost track of him when they arrived in the Catalan capital.
The extensive operation deployed by the Mossos was looking for Roger all night through various wooded areas of the metropolitan area, but without success.. Everything points to the fact that the attacker stopped in the upper area of Barcelona and changed his clothes there before assaulting the two women so that they would take him to Murcia.
The Canovelles City Council yesterday showed its support to the family and friends of the victim and thanked the “quick action” of the security forces, which allowed the alleged perpetrator of the events to be arrested a few hours later in Murcia, who also resided in a municipality from the area. The Consistory has been in contact with the relatives of the victim and with those in charge of the shooting club and at the disposal of the Mossos d'Esquadra.
For now, the facility will remain closed for several days due to this tragic event.. Several members of the club explained on TVE that the victim was a highly appreciated person since he had been in charge for five years. His task was to check that the security measures were complied with in the shooting gallery and that everyone carried the weapon correctly and the appropriate material.
In addition, they indicated that the club has strong security measures, not only due to the video surveillance system, but also due to the periodic controls carried out by the Civil Guard, so that not one accident had been registered.. They also recalled that to obtain a weapons license it is necessary to pass medical and psychotechnical tests.
The suspect, who lives in a municipality in Vallès Oriental, applied to be a professional soldier and was even in the military training school. However, during the selection process, before the start of the investigation last September, he left voluntarily, without the causes having transcended. For this reason, several sources indicated to this media that he cannot be considered an ex-military officer, as had been initially maintained.