No socialist regional president, except the host Puig, will accompany Sánchez to the Municipal Convention of the PSOE


The socialist regional presidents, with the exception of Ximo Puig, who acts as host, have chosen to stay in their territories campaigning instead of going to the Municipal Convention that the PSOE is holding this weekend in Valencia.

With the intention of “putting the focus” and the “prominence” on the municipal candidates, according to several regional presidents transferred to Servimedia, they have chosen not to go to Valencia, and focus on their “tasks”.

In addition, they maintain that there is “much to do in the territory” which is where they are playing for re-election on 28-M, the date on which the nine regional presidents of the PSOE will go to the polls.

From the federal leadership they already pointed out in January, when this convention was announced, that this conclave would be very focused on the municipal elections and the local candidates because, for the regional elections, they left total freedom for the federations and for them to organize the acts they considered .

In this way, they cleared up a possible noise in Ferraz in case all the presidents did not attend the Valencia meeting and the interpretation of a lack of unity in the party before the elections. There has been unity in the decision of the socialist regional presidents to hold events in their territories and decline their presence at the Conference, as confirmed by Servimedia with Aragon, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, La Rioja, Navarra and the Valencian Community.

In Ferraz they remember that there was already a “unity photo” in Zaragoza at the beginning of the political year when a meeting of the Federal Political Council was held in which, among others, all the socialist regional presidents met, as well as the rest of territorial leaders of the party, and in which the party was seen aligned, although two days later, the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, angered Ferraz because he questioned Sánchez's strategy against Alberto Núñez Feijóo in an interview , barely two days after showing his support at the Zaragoza meeting.

In addition, later there was internal noise in the party due to the differences in the PSOE on the way in which the reform that they considered necessary, to the so-called law of only yes is yes, was being undertaken after the entry into force of the norm and reductions in sentences for those convicted of sexual crimes.

“Sustainable municipalities”

The socialists will hold a Municipal Conference this weekend in which they expect the participation of more than 2,000 militants, councilors and candidates, and which will be attended by members of the federal Executive and almost all of the socialist wing of the Government, with the president, Pedro Sanchez in the lead.

According to the data that have transpired, on Saturday, the mayor of Vigo and president of the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), Abel Caballero, will coordinate the table on “social and healthy municipalities”, while the mayor of Seville , Antonio Muñoz, will be in charge of coordinating the table on “sustainable municipalities”.

The table on wise municipalities, smart cities and insurance will be coordinated by the candidate for Mayor of Madrid, Reyes Maroto; and finally there will be a fourth commission on municipalities without a gender gap, led by the mayoress of Toledo and candidate for re-election, Milagros Tolón.

The president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Ximo Puig, will be the only regional leader who will have a leading role in the Conference, by participating in the closing ceremony of the event together with the socialist candidate for Mayor of Valencia, Sandra Gómez, and the head of the Executive and leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez.