A woman dies in an accident with the same motorcycle with which her son died a month ago


A woman from Milliken, South Carolina (United States), died last Saturday in a motorcycle accident while doing a route in honor of her son, who died a month earlier, also a traffic accident with the same motorcycle.

According to the Colarodean newspaper, Diane Everett lost control when she stepped into a culvert and was thrown from her 2012 Honda CBR as she headed west on Larimer County Road 12.

Joshua Everett and his sister Amanda Everett, two of Diane's children, also participated in the tribute walk for their recently deceased brother.. It all happened when they were warned that they had to slow down. “As we got closer, I could see parts of the motorcycle and I think we both knew what happened,” Joshua said.

Despite Diane wearing a helmet, the accident left her in critical condition and she had to be transported to UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies in Loveland, where she ultimately passed away hours later..

Unfortunately, the day of commemoration and homage to the deceased turned into a tragedy. The family is totally decomposed to lose two loved ones in the same circumstances in just one month.