The Family Law, on a tightrope: faces the frontal rejection of the opposition and nationalists


The Family Law project, sponsored by the Ministry of Social Rights, headed by Ione Belarra, faces a difficult parliamentary process that could end up ruining the norm. The text, approved by the Council of Ministers on March 28 and sent to Congress labeled 'urgent', faces rejection by the opposition parties, PP and Vox, and also by the nationalist and pro-independence formations, PNV. and CKD.

The first group to leave an official record of its position against the project has been the PNV, which has already registered an amendment to the entirety against it.. The Basque nationalists consider that the government proposal violates and “dismantles” the jurisdictional order “triggering” the powers of the State to “harmonize, condition, direct and control” the Autonomous Communities that would become “mere executors” of state policies.

The parliamentary spokesman for the PNV in Congress, Aitor Esteban. Moya EFE

Neither in ERC are they satisfied with the bill and the same happens with the opposition groups: PP and Vox. The latter are willing to present amendments to the entire text as well, while the Catalan republicans are weighing the possibility of doing so. The deadline to register this type of initiative ended this Monday at 6:00 p.m. but it has been extended minutes before it expired at the request of the PSOE, which has had the support of the PP.

invasion of powers

The PNV, in its amendment to the entirety already registered, expressly cites invasion of powers in policies aimed at protecting the family, education, health, information technology or housing. In short, the Basque nationalists consider that the measures included in the Belarra law are of a transversal nature and “widely go beyond” the community directive on the reconciliation of family and professional life.

The nationalist formation gives as a clear example of this invasion the Seventh Additional Provision of the project that urges the CCAA to “comply within a period of 24 months the obligations imposed on them by law, regardless of whether these obligations correspond to matters of exclusive competence autonomous”.

The PNV assures that there is “an increasingly reiterated tendency of the state” to limit matters that are the responsibility of the autonomies by way of “conditioning” them. And he warns: “The achievement of equality between CCAAs cannot simply justify the need to harmonize, since without the diversity of the communities there would be no true plurality or the capacity for self-government.”

The bill transposes the European reconciliation directive, something to which Spain is obliged, and also includes three new types of permission for the care of relatives, extends the concept of large family to single parents with two children and recognizes different types family such as LGTBI, adoptive, reconstituted, multiple, foster or with members with disabilities, among others.