Feijóo consumes the tsunami

Blue tide. Tsunami. KO. Overturn. Coup de grace. Lunge. Sorpasso. Overturn. Reconquest. Everyone in the PP chooses their own metaphor for 28-M, but none of them fully portrays the euphoric reality of the PP, which achieved an unappealable result in the regional and local elections.. More than unappealable, tomb, and above his own omens. Only the most irreducible optimists of the main opposition party had aired such a comeback.. The PP swept the local polls – it will govern in seven of the 10 most populated cities – and won in seven of the 12 communities in contention. And it took control of the absolute majority in the Community of Madrid and maintains power in the Region of Murcia.
Not only that: at the close of this edition, it was in a position to seize no fewer than six of its strongholds from the PSOE: the Valencian Community, Aragon, La Rioja, the Balearic Islands, Cantabria and Extremadura, with two more, Castilla-La Mancha and Asturias, to a single seat of the overturn, with more than 94% scrutinized. And, as if that were not enough, the popular ones could also add the majority together with Coalición Canaria in the Canary Islands. The Socialists only remain standing in Navarra, in Asturias -by a few votes, at the close of this edition- and in Castilla-La Mancha, although on the wire. These last two cases resonate in the PP with enormous symbolic importance, because in the national leadership of Genoa they had drawn the last frontier of power for the socialists in the territory of Emiliano García-Page and in that of Adrián Barbón.
With these data and pending the final outcome of Castilla-La Mancha, the PP would govern at the close of this edition in Andalusia, the Valencian Community, the Community of Madrid, Galicia, Castilla y León, the Balearic Islands, Aragon, Murcia, Cantabria, La Rioja and Estremadura. In total, 66.6% of the population of Spain. Just two thirds.
The turnaround is almost total, like the triumph that the new national leadership of Genoa scores. Fifteen months after the war between Pablo Casado and Isabel Díaz Ayuso left the popular on the very edge of Vox's sorpasso, Alberto Núñez Feijó's PP recovers the local hegemony of the right and turns the regional map like a sock. If the 28-M was the flying goal of the general elections at the end of the year, the PP shoots out and euphoric towards its particular second round “against sanchismo”. Convinced that La Moncloa will fall under its own weight. Feijóo's strategy of appealing to the moderate fishing grounds of the PSOE and the useful vote of the Ciudadanos electorate has worked. The “freedom” of the regional candidates to each have their own accent, too.
Last night, Genoa was a party, as in the great events of José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy. The double-sided bombshell brought echoes of a “change of cycle” to the Genoa headquarters, such as when 12 years ago Zapatero handed over the spoon and Rajoy swept the back of the refugee vote from the economic crisis. “It is the biggest victory since 2011″, they sentenced in Feijóo's team. «This is a KO to Pedro Sánchez. If this is not a cycle change, come on…. The Spaniards have spoken loud and clear,” management sources assured the media, without containing the euphoria an inch.. «The big winner tonight is the PP. What is clear is that this means an absolute change of cycle and a clear rejection of sanchismo,” said Cuca Gamarra, general secretary of the popular. «And they reject Sánchez because they have a clear alternative that convinces them. There is a very blue blue tide, our most optimistic expectations are met ».
But the victory of the PP is not complete, because it will still have to add the parliamentary majorities in the old strongholds of the PSOE that now fall on its side. And the agreements with Vox? Starting today, we will talk. «Today, enjoy», they settled in Genoa.
The PP obtained almost 7 million votes, around 800,000 above the PSOE, and four more points. “These are absolutely resounding results,” said Gamarra, who wanted to highlight above all the absolute majorities of Madrid and La Rioja.
“The objective that Feijóo set has been met: to have more votes, more mayors, more communities and more councilors,” said the number two PP. «And far from triumphalism, we assume it responsibly. We Spaniards have said that there is another way to govern,” he said.. The victory is “of real Spain”, in his opinion. “We have perfectly understood the message of the Spanish and we will continue to govern for everyone,” emphasized Gamarra, who “the alternative is unstoppable”. “Today’s result is the best endorsement for the next change”, that of the general elections.
With these results, the PP will govern in 7 of the 10 most populated cities in Spain: Madrid, Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza, Malaga, Murcia and Palma. Only Barcelona, Las Palmas and Bilbao are not done with. The following three will also have PP mayors: Alicante, Cordoba and Valladolid.