The PP of Aragon already stages the transfer of powers with Lambán's partners
They are the traditional “democratic uses” of Aragon. Or so they explain it in Jorge Azcón's PP, at least. When a party wins the elections and is in a position to add a majority, the members of the regional government in office begin to pass them relevant documentation and, above all, do not make any major decision without consulting it.. The popular ones assure that this is what Javier Lambán's partners are already doing, but not the PSOE, since this party has not yet given up the arithmetic battle for lost.
«We are already with the transfer of powers with the Aragonese Chunta, Podemos and the PAR (Aragonese Party). They are passing papers, but the PSOE is not, because Lambán has declared himself in democratic rebellion,” sources from the leadership of the PP in Aragon point to this newspaper.. In this way, Azcón's team not only stages the presumed inevitability of his inauguration, but also tries to put his finger on the PSOE's sore spot ahead of the general elections on July 23.
On May 28, the popular ones obtained 28 seats in Aragon, the same as the sum of PSOE, Podemos. Izquierda Unida and Chunta, so that if they convince the PAR deputy, they would only need the abstention of Aragón Existe and Vox for Azcón to be sworn in. The first would not be a difficult stumbling block, since the leader of this formation, Tomás Guitarte, assured yesterday that he will refrain from investing the PP candidate if Vox is left out. In other words, to “flee from the politics of blocks” and leave those of Santiago Abascal composed and without councils at the gates of 23-J.
But, just in case, Azcón is still negotiating on a very low profile and on three sides: although he has an absolute majority with Vox and will have to talk to them, he is already talking with Aragón Existe and the PAR so as not to close any doors.
lone government
In any case, leaving Vox out of governments is a main mantra of the national PP. “Our commitment is clear. We are going to try until the end to form governments only of the PP ». The popular campaign spokesperson, Borja Sémper, said it emphatically. Although he did not give “his word” that there will be no regional or local governments with the formation of Santiago Abascal, as the popular leader of Extremadura, María Guardiola, has done.
In a press conference after the Management Committee of the main opposition party, and when asked by Vox, Sémper assured that “the only party that does not want to agree with any ultra of any condition is the PP”. After that, he asked himself: “Or is it that Bildu or ERC are not?”
The PP has an absolute majority with Vox in four other autonomies, in addition to Aragon: Murcia, the Balearic Islands, Cantabria, the Valencian Community and Extremadura. In the first two he can easily get around the pacts, since he adds more than the entire left. In Cantabria, the Regionalist Party has already announced that it will give it its votes to prevent Vox from influencing.
The real hot potatoes for the popular are Extremadura and the Valencian Community, where there is little chance that Vox will accept to stay on the sidelines, without more.
In any case, the national leadership of the PP will not get involved in these negotiations. “This is not the time to monitor anything. Those who should take the initiative are the colleagues of the communities. I am not the one to go further, “said Sémper.
At the national level, he showed the “declared and firm will to form a Government of Spain made up of members chosen by Feijóo, without other formations”. “We believe that it is possible” to govern alone, he concluded.