The Government approves a National Human Rights Plan and tries to portray Vox's denialism


The Council of Ministers has approved the II National Human Rights Plan, 15 years after the last one was approved, in 2008. The text has the purpose of establishing rights and introducing new ones based on the evolution of society and new challenges, for example, guaranteeing the promotion and enjoyment of an environment or guaranteeing the health of the population in the face of climate change.

It is a plan whose purpose is to improve the protection and enjoyment of all Human Rights based on the Universal Declaration, the International Pacts of 1966 and all the specific Treaties ratified by Spain.. In addition, it will take into consideration the indivisibility and interdependence of Human Rights.

This text has had the participation of experts and also of the different political groups in Congress, except Vox. This was stated by the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, after the Council of Ministers: “There have been contributions from groups in Congress. There has only been one group that has completely spurned this plan, who don't care about rights.”. He has not named it, but the minister was referring to Vox.

And it is that this plan contains elements that go from the root against the discourse maintained by formations such as the one chaired by Santiago Abascal to question climate change and its consequences. “Tackling climate change is essential for the promotion and respect of human rights. Climate change poses a challenge for sustainable development, and its impacts especially affect people in vulnerable situations. Spain has incorporated into its planning on adaptation to climate change the promotion and respect for human rights,” the text states.

In addition to combating the speeches of right-wing parties and shielding rights -which constitutes precisely one of the axes of the PSOE in this electoral cycle of 23-J-, what the text prepared by the Executive pursues is to protect the planet against environmental degradation and prevent the negative impact on the enjoyment of Human Rights, through sustainable consumption and production, the sustainable management of natural resources; as well as the application of urgent measures against climate change.

Thus, it is committed to the “development of the national climate change adaptation policy, in order to promote coordinated and coherent action against the effects of climate change in Spain, in order to avoid or reduce present damage and future derivatives climate change and build a more resilient economy and society.