The CIS of Tezanos places the PSOE as the first force with a view to the elections of 23-J at half a point from the PP

The CIS of the socialist José Félix Tezanos predicts that the PSOE will be the force that will win the general elections on July 23 with 31.2% of the votes, thus surpassing the PP by half a point. To the formation led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the Center grants a voting intention of 30.7%. Popular and socialists are, according to the CIS, in a technical draw with a slight advantage for the latter.
The barometer for the month of June, first after the regional and municipal elections of 28-M and after the call for early general elections for 23-J, places the Sumar platform, led by Yolanda Díaz, which includes Izquierda Unida , Compromís, En Comú, Más País, CHA, Equo, Podemos and a series of minority formations, the third position with an estimate of 14.3% of the votes. In this way, the platform would surpass the radical right-wing party, Vox, which would obtain 10.6% of the ballots.
Compared to the previous CIS barometer, carried out a month ago, the PSOE climbs two points, while the PP rises 3.5 points. In May the distance between the two parties was 1.9 points and now it is 0.5. With regard to Sumar, the inclusion of Podemos under its umbrella represents a boost of two points. In the May barometer, the CIS gave Yolanda Díaz's coalition a voting intention of 12.3% and now raises it to 14.3.
This barometer corresponding to the month of June has been carried out coinciding with the hangover from the regional and municipal elections on May 28 in which the PP was the clear winner, the PSOE suffered a severe setback and Unidas Podemos practically disappeared from power in the autonomous communities and in the main town halls. A moment in which, in addition to bringing forward the general elections, the President of the Government Pedro Sánchez reacted to the collapse of his party by deploying the discourse of fear of the “extreme right and extreme right” in which he includes the PP and Vox and whose pacts presumably they would be necessary to oust the socialists from territories such as Extremadura, the Valencian Community or Aragon.
Likewise, the survey was carried out in full negotiations of the Sumar platform, led by the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, to form lists for the general elections on July 23 that would provide protection for more than fifteen formations policies, among which Podemos has finally been included, although with enormous reluctance on the part of the purples due to the veto imposed on the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, and the spokesperson in Congress, Pablo Echenique.
Despite this unfavorable context for the leftist formations, the Tezanos poll predicts that it will be precisely the bloc made up of PSOE and Sumar that prevails at the general polls. Both formations would achieve 45.5% of the votes together, while the right-wing tandem -PP and Vox- would only reach 41.3%.
According to this survey, after the May elections, the PP and PSOE are in a technical tie with the Socialists slightly in the lead. However, the left would win the elections thanks to the push of Sumar, while Vox stagnates.
As regards the Catalan independence groups, the survey places ERC ahead of JxCAT. Those of Esquerra appear with a voting intention of 1.8% compared to Junts, which has 1.6. In the case of the Basque Country parties, the CIS grants a tie to PNV and EH Bildu, both with a 1.1% vote intention.