Carnero (PP) unseats Puente (PSOE) in Valladolid and leads the turn in Castilla y León

SPAIN / By Cruz Ramiro

Jesús Julio Carnero has taken office this Saturday as mayor of Valladolid, the fourth of the current democratic stage, and with which he puts an end to eight years of the mandate of the socialist Óscar Puente, in a plenary session of constitution of the Corporation that has passed normally and before a large number of guests, including the president and vice president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco and Juan García-Gallardo.

The Valladolid City Council has hosted this Saturday the constitution session of the municipal Corporation, the twelfth of these characteristics that has been held since 1979, as specified by the General Secretary of the Consistory, Jesús Mozo.

After the entrance to the Town Hall of the numerous guests and authorities -Fernández Mañueco has arrived at the City Hall after 12:00 hours- the 27 councilors of the new municipal corporation have agreed and the session has started with an explanation by the secretary and the formation of the table of age, made up of the oldest elected councilor, the socialist Rafaela Romero, 64 years old, and the youngest, the popular Carolina del Bosque, 27. They have then taken office in order of candidacy based on the votes received at the polls on May 28 without major incidents and with the different formats they have sworn or promised the positions..

At that time, the vote for the election as mayor was carried out, to which the heads of the list of each party represented in plenary were presented as candidates: Óscar Puente (PSOE), Jesús Julio Carnero (PP), Irene Carvajal (Vox) and by VTLP Rocío Anguita, who has joined the corporation after the resignation of her predecessors on the list, María Sánchez and Alberto Bustos.

In the vote, as planned after the agreement reached by the Popular Party and Vox this Thursday, the representative of the PP, Jesús Julio Carnero, obtained an absolute majority with 14 votes, while Óscar Puente received eleven from the representatives Socialists, while the two VTLP councilors have voted for Rocío Anguita.

prolonged ovation

The proclamation of the result has been answered with a prolonged ovation from a large part of the attendees, before the new mayor of the city approached the presidential podium in the Plenary Hall to take office, after being sworn in, and receive the baton of command and the corresponding medal, which he received from the outgoing mayor, Óscar Puente, with whom he hugged.

After taking office and sitting in the presidential chair of the plenary session, the newly invested councilor briefly took the floor to thank the outgoing corporation and mayor for the work during the previous term and also launched a plea of the democratic forms with which “the they do things”, whose demonstration is the Plenary, and “make the announcements in due time, never rush”.

It should be noted that the Popular Party and Vox have not communicated before the holding of this session how they are going to distribute government responsibilities among the councilors of their groups. Something that has been criticized this Friday by the outgoing councilor, Óscar Puente.