The PP assumes the Mayor's Office of La Guardia (Toledo) thanks to the support of the councilors expelled from Podemos
The 'popular' Marta Maroto has assumed the Mayor's Office of the Toledo town of La Guardia this Saturday after receiving the support of the three councilors of the Non-Assigned Group, who stood for Podemos in the municipal elections and who have been expelled from the purple formation.
In statements to the media, Maroto has indicated that he assumes the Mayor's office with “great enthusiasm”, thanking the councilors of the Non-Assigned Group for giving him their support and in the face of an agreement of these characteristics, he has indicated that dialogue and understanding of this type to reach agreements “is being seen in many places”.
Some pacts, he added that serve the interests of the municipalities, the interests of the parties and the interests of the residents, “that on May 28 voted for a change that we have experienced today here in this City Council with this governance agreement and with this position of governing the PP with the councilors of the Non-Assigned Group”.
defend the pact
He has defended, before the agreement, that in addition to the members of Podemos before being expelled, the PP also spoke with the PSOE and that the party represented by the mayors expelled from Podemos had “an electoral program very similar” to that of the PP.
“When you have so many things, it is common, it is much easier to put an agreement into motion, especially when the people are asking you for it because it has been done through social networks and on the street,” he argued..
Regarding how this legislature proposes, he has said that he does it “with enthusiasm, commitment and prepared people”. “I cannot break down any measure but our electoral program contemplates a drop in services, such as the municipal swimming pool and the drop in the allocation of those of us who are councilors”.
Finally, he indicated that “it is historic” that after 28 years of socialist government in La Guardia a woman will govern the City Council and that the government team will be made up of five women and two men.