The key dates in Extremadura clash with the campaign for Moncloa

The manifest disagreement between the Popular Party and Vox to reach an agreement that allows the investiture as president of the PP candidate, María Guardiola, opens an unprecedented scenario in Extremadura that also overlaps with the general elections.
What are the deadlines that are now expected in Extremadura?
The president of the Assembly of Extremadura, the socialist Blanca Martín, has a period of 15 days from this Tuesday, June 20, to propose a candidate for the Presidency of the Junta de Extremadura, after consulting the parliamentary groups. Therefore, it counts until July 5 to propose a candidate to preside over the regional Executive. Despite not having the numbers for it (28 deputies from the PSOE plus 4 from Unidas Podemos do not reach an absolute majority by one), Guillermo Fernández Vara announced a few days ago that his intention was to stand for said proclamation. And it gives the impression that the person in charge of the Assembly will allow it and thus take advantage of the media focus already in the electoral campaign of the general elections on July 23.
As established in the Statute of Autonomy of Extremadura, Blanca Martín will propose a candidate for the Presidency of the Board that has “at least a quarter of the members of the Chamber”. María Guardiola could also try it with her 28 deputies and wait for Vox to give her support in one last attempt, which is quite unlikely.. In any case, it has to be decided by the president of the Assembly.
When could the first investiture vote take place in the Assembly?
From those moments, the proposed candidate will present his program to the Plenary Assembly of Extremadura within 15 days following his appointment, and after the corresponding debate, the first investiture vote will take place, something that according to the established calendar , must take place, at the latest, before July 20, three days before the general elections.
In this investiture vote, the candidate must obtain an absolute majority to be proclaimed president of the Junta de Extremadura, and in case this majority is not obtained, a new vote will be taken 48 hours after the first one, in which a majority will be required. simple. So it would be July 21, one day before the general elections.
The procedure may be repeated, with the same or different candidates, “as many times as it deems appropriate” by the president of the Assembly of Extremadura.
When could the new regional elections be held?
If within two months from the first vote none of the candidates has been elected, the president of the Assembly of Extremadura has the power to dissolve the regional chamber and the acting president of the Autonomous Community will proceed to call new elections.. It must also be taken into account that August is usually a non-working day and plenary sessions have never been held in the Extremadura parliament. In any case, the Table of the regional Assembly, which is now dominated by an absolute majority by the PSOE, could declare this month a business day.
If that does not happen, the countdown to the clock for the next elections could start in September and the first dates considered for the possible new elections would be the last week of October and the first of November, according to sources consulted by EL. WORLD. There is a maximum period of 54 days between the dissolution of the chambers and the official call for the new regional elections in Extremadura.