The Central Electoral Board agrees with EL MUNDO after the PSOE's complaint about the electoral polls

SPAIN / By Carmen Gomaro

The Central Electoral Board has not considered the complaints of the PSOE against various polling companies and the media, including EL MUNDO, for the publication of electoral polls. The body certifies that “the requirements demanded by article 69 of the LOREG have been complied with” and has not considered it appropriate to take any of the measures demanded by the training led by Pedro Sánchez.

Specifically, the PSOE denounced that in the survey carried out by Sigma Dos for EL MUNDO on June 11, data was omitted that, in reality, was included in the infographics published on the double page in which the result of the panel was reported. .

The PSOE itself reproduced in its complaint the infographics in which the data that the party denounced was omitted appeared. EL MUNDO decided, however, to repeat the technical sheet of the aforementioned survey, publishing it on its website with all the data that at the time was already correctly included in the edition of the newspaper corresponding to June 11.

The Central Electoral Board does not even assess the complaint against the pollster, Sigma Dos, since “the requirements of article 69 of the LOREG” do not refer “to those who carry out the surveys but to those who publish or disseminate them.”

The resolution of the JEC, published this Wednesday afternoon, also dismisses the PSOE's complaints against ABC and the pollster GAD3, as well as against El Español and Sociometrica, for similar reasons..