Azcón does not want to be Mazón: the pact with Vox risks the territorial power of the PP in Aragon

The PP's decision to hand over the presidency of the Cortes de Aragón to Vox has completely changed the rules of the game outlined so far. To concoct the governance of the community and other administrations such as the Teruel Provincial Council, the popular ones had a clear roadmap: agree with regionalism, Teruel Existe and the Aragonese Party (PAR), and put aside any agreement with the formation ultraconservative. A script different from other regions and with its own scheme: an Executive in the minority and talking to everyone. The great unknown is what happens in Teruel, in the face of a possible domino effect.
This would happen as long as a PP minority government is guaranteed in Aragon with Jorge Azcón as president. The 28 popular deputies could facilitate this, as long as Teruel Exists, PAR and Vox abstained, or one of the two regionalisms gave a favorable vote.. This was Azcón's initial idea, but it is the formation led by Santiago Abascal who is pressing the popular ones in the region, as it does in practically all the territories. Hence the toll that the PP candidate has had to pay, giving the presidency of the Cortes to the ultra-conservative party. PP sources confirm that it is a “high price” and that it should be “enough” for them to abstain from the investiture and not further twist the political change.
The formation of Santiago Abascal, on the other hand, wants to govern where there is a majority of the right and it does not hurt to claim everything possible to make this happen. The political spokesman for Vox, Jorge Buxadé, pointed it out this Friday in the Cortes of Aragon: everything goes through a pact that allows “evict the governments of the left” where there is an “arithmetic sum” to achieve it. This is the case of the community, but of course it is not the idea carried by the PP candidate.
The first step in this ordeal of Vox has been the demand for the presidency of the Cortes de Aragón, with Marta Fernández at the helm. The PP only thought of giving up a vice presidency to achieve an abstention in the investiture session of Jorge Azcón. Nothing could be further from the truth. The gesture of the popular has been to cede the presidency of Parliament and not have any verbal or written agreement so that their vote is favorable in the investiture.
With these wickers doubts arise in the two parties that had already advanced their vote to give the presidency of Aragon to the PP. Neither Tomás Guitarte, from Teruel Existe, nor Alberto Izquierdo, from PAR, want Vox to be in any equation with the PP. If this is so, they would change the meaning of their vote. Even so, due to the arithmetic outcome of the polls, the popular always have the option of getting the yes of the ultra-conservative formation with a coalition government. But it is not what the popular want. Consulted sources assure that Azcón is not Mazón and that in Aragón the plans are different because that is the electoral result.
However, this has its consequences in the territory. The constitution of the Teruel Provincial Council is still up in the air —and with no scheduled date— and everything is open. Initially, the presidency would be obtained by the PP with Joaquín Juste and with the approval of Teruel Exists. But this last-minute maneuver by Vox with the presidency of the Cortes generates misgivings in the formation of Guitarte.
Both parties, PP and Teruel Existe, detail that the agreement is very close and they do not believe that there is anything that would cloud the negotiation. The PP, in this sense, points out that the talks for the Table of the Cortes of Aragon are a pact completely isolated from others that are being hatched. The number two of the formation, Ana Alós, has ruled out, this Friday, the existence of any type of programmatic agreement between PP and Vox. “Not a single paper has been signed, there has not been a single programmatic document that has been written, debated, or put on the table yet,” he pointed out..
“We remain convinced that we can govern alone,” they remark from the PP. Meanwhile, the deadlines for the investiture play in favor of Jorge Azcón. According to the regulations of the autonomous courts, the investiture session must take place two months after the constitution of parliament, and that moves the scenario to after the national elections of 23-J.