Wave of death threats after a kiss between Pedro Sánchez and the King of Morocco: "A bullet for one euro will be in your ass"

The King of Morocco, Mohamed VI, and Pedro Sánchez share a passionate kiss on the mouth. A cartoon in which the Alawite wears an LGTBI patch on his djellaba. On the back of the monarch can be read: “That Mohamed VI vote for you”, while asking for the vote for the Workers' Front, the authors of the poster located in the Cármenes roundabout. According to its spokesman, Roberto Vaquero, the Workers' Front defines itself as a formation of “revolutionary patriots”.. “We do not believe in left or right,” he adds.
Unlike other banners hung in Madrid, that of the Workers' Front has caused a wave of threats of all kinds against the militants of this political formation after being a trending topic in Morocco. Country from which they say they have suffered “a campaign of harassment” in which they point out that politicians from the socialist party of the Alaouite kingdom would have participated.
“A one euro bullet will be in your ass”, “If that image is not removed, they will kill you”, “I am going to cut off your head and play soccer with it and in the end I am going to give your body to a monkey to fuck you, dirty dog», «Tomorrow we will share a corpse in the alleys of Madrid, son of a bitch…». These threats are some of those that appear in the complaint that the party has filed with the State Attorney General's Office.
“They are only the most serious, but we have received hundreds. Some from users linked to Morocco and others from bots,” says Vaquero, who denounces that the canvas has already been vandalized on at least “twice”. “The first time there were some Moroccans two days after we placed it,” he says.. The second, yesterday afternoon, by militants of the Carabanchel Anti-Fascist Coordinator.
“We will put the canvas up for the third time despite the threats against our party,” he says. “Threats that even,” they add, “has suffered the installation company repeatedly.”