The final challenge for Correos: bring 2.47 million votes to polling stations in all corners of Spain

Correos has established a special logistical deployment for this Sunday, in which up to 14,000 company employees will work, to guarantee the correct functioning of the postal vote and the collection of the final count on this electoral day. Specifically, the delivery, office and treatment center staff of the public postal company will participate in the day, while also mobilizing all the necessary vehicles from its fleet.
When the polling stations open, a first team of company personnel will deliver the ballots in custody at the 60,314 polling stations distributed in the 22,562 electoral locations of the 8,131 municipalities in Spain.. Finally, another team will collect the so-called third envelope, with the final result of the scrutiny, from the polling stations of each and every polling station in the country.
For these elections, Correos has carried out more than 21,000 reinforcement contracts, both for offices and for the delivery of shipments and the necessary tasks in logistics centers, opening offices in an extraordinary way on Saturday and Sunday, with an extension of customer service hours until 10:00 p.m. in 654 offices throughout the country, opening on local holidays and the extension of hours throughout the network, particularly in tourist areas where there has been a greater influx.
All of this has resulted in 2,622,808 applications for postal voting, which is a historical record, of which 2.47 million have resulted in a vote, the highest figure in the entire democratic period in Spain.. Only 150,873 people who applied to vote by mail have not voted. In addition, it has distributed the electoral propaganda shipments of the different parties and coalitions that attend the elections.
“In short, Correos has adopted since the call for the general elections on July 23, all the necessary organizational measures to guarantee compliance with the obligations entrusted to it during the electoral processes.. The public postal company has put and will continue to put all its technological, logistical and human resources to guarantee citizens the full exercise of their right to vote,” says the public company.