Sánchez despises Feijóo's offer of dialogue: he will not meet with the PP until the King designates a candidate for the investiture
“We can't afford a lockdown”. The leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, sent Pedro Sánchez a letter this Sunday in which, “as the winner of the elections”, he asks the socialist leader and acting president of the Government for a meeting next week to facilitate his investiture. The PP, as the winning force, “must govern”, demands Feijóo in a petition rejected by the socialist leader, who summons him to a meeting after the constitution of the Cortes, when the King has designated a candidate for the investiture.
The popular president, once the recount of the foreign vote has finished, which has given one more seat to the PP at the expense of the PSOE – and which has intensified the scenario of blockade, since both the left and the right currently have 171 deputies and all depends exclusively on the affirmative vote of Junts-, addressed the socialist leader as planned to “establish a responsible dialogue, for the benefit of the political and institutional stability of Spain.”
The long-awaited socialist abstention sought by Feijóo, unprecedented to date, would eliminate from the equation any hint of an alliance between the PP and Vox at the national level. A strategy that Santiago Abascal and his family have been denouncing for weeks. In fact, a good part of Vox's campaign was based on warning voters that the PP promised to repeal sanchismo but, at the same time, reach out to Sánchez to corner Vox. Hence, Abascal tries to make both parties similar and insists that only Vox guarantees the real alternative.
Feijóo, on the contrary, says in the letter that he recognizes the profound differences that separate the PSOE from the PP. In the face-to-face several weeks ago, Feijóo already asked Sánchez to sign an agreement in which both promised to let the list with the most votes rule.. An offer that the President of the Government rejected, accusing Feijóo of embracing Vox in numerous autonomies and mayoralties.
But now, with the results consolidated, the popular ones resume their proposal for a meeting and dialogue with the PSOE as a tool, says Feijóo to Sánchez, that restores tranquility and hope in politics to the millions of Spaniards who see how the result of the process election in the middle of summer for now only opens the door to a repetition at Christmas.
“The complexity that the electoral results may cause should not aggravate these uncertainties or undermine the confidence of citizens in the capacity of our political and constitutional system to ensure the best governability in the interest of Spain, its cohesion and the framework of coexistence defined by the Constitution”, warns Feijóo in the letter sent this Sunday to Ferraz.