Three heroin clans fall in Cañada Real: 21 detainees and 18 searches carried out

The Civil Guard has dealt a major blow to heroin trafficking in Madrid's Cañada Real Galiana with the dismantling this Wednesday of three clans dedicated to the sale of all kinds of narcotic substances, an operation that has resulted in 21 arrests and 18 searches practiced.
In the homes and bunkers of those investigated, the agents seized more than 300 grams of heroin, 200 grams of cocaine, two marijuana plantations with nearly 1,000 plants, 62 kilos of buds, four short weapons, a shotgun, cash and nine high-end vehicles, the General Directorate of the Civil Guard has informed.
The origin of the investigation dates back to the beginning of this year, when an increase in the movement of buyers of narcotic substances was detected in the surroundings of Cañada Real Galiana, specifically in sector VI. Thus, the Civil Guard decided to establish surveillance devices that allowed the agents to identify the members of three different clans.
These organizations were not only engaged in the distribution of numerous narcotic substances, but had also installed marijuana crops inside several of their homes..
Children to “give the water”
The investigation was complex due to the extreme security measures adopted by the members of these clans.
In addition to changing mobile phones on a regular basis, they used children and women from their surroundings to “give the water” (alert of possible police presence) when they were going to carry out an important transaction. They also used minors to conceal the drug.
The investigators managed to identify all the suspects, who were integrated into a strong structure led by a married couple..
His two sons were in a lower echelon and were in charge of supplying, mainly heroin, to the traffickers in the area.. Likewise, the Civil Guard was able to arrest its supplier, an acquaintance of the Security Forces and Corps, as well as his collaborators.
“Smoking rooms” for customers
In the seven houses where they distributed the drug, the members of the network had set up various “smoking rooms”, rooms where they allowed their clients to consume the narcotic substances they had been supplied with.
After the operation, these buildings will be demolished this Wednesday, explains the Civil Guard.