Podemos raises the tone for Morocco and the case of Ceuta angers Sumar in full negotiation

SPAIN / By Cruz Ramiro

If this Thursday Podemos charged against the “complacency” of Pedro Sánchez with Morocco, in the middle of the holidays of the acting president in a country that “continues to violate fundamental rights”, the alarms of the purple ones sounded again shortly after. El Confidencial published this same day several internal executive wasaps, which reveal how Moncloa admitted to seeking “a political strategy with Morocco” after the invasion of 12,000 people in Ceuta.

The crisis ended with the change of position on the Sahara, which angered Sánchez's government partner, his parliamentary allies and the opposition, and the messages in question were on the telephone delivered to the Justice by the vice president of Ceuta, Mabel Deu , prosecuted together with the former government delegate Salvadora Mateos. Both are accused of having committed a crime of continued prevarication by illegally returning to Morocco 55 minors who entered Spain two years ago.. There are several messages between Deu and Isabel Valldecabres, the former chief of staff of the then first vice president, Carmen Calvo.

These messages, which have initially been criticized by Podemos, have fallen like a stone in Yolanda Díaz's party, generating deep discomfort.. Late on Thursday, however, Sumar was still silent..

If the position of the Chief Executive with Morocco has generated deep discomfort among his partners, even more so after the 37 deaths at the Melilla fence in 2022, the messages published by this newspaper shift the focus directly to the Chief of Staff of whom He was the right hand of Sánchez, but also of the politician who continues to lead the Interior, today in office, despite having been politically burned by various controversies.

The wasaps also document that the Minister of Social Rights and Purple Secretary General, Ione Belarra, directly opposed the handing over of these minors, leaving a written record. Pablo Echenique, leader of Podemos and former parliamentary spokesman, echoed some of these messages. “We have to invent a procedure”, “we can bend the hand of the Prosecutor's Office”, infamous messages about the illegal expulsion of 55 minors. @ionebelarra's ministry, the only one who tried to stop it. That's why they don't want @Podemos to be in the government,” criticized Echenique through her profile on the social network Twitter.

During the afternoon, Juan Carlos Monedero, co-founder of the party, demanded an answer from Díaz's party. “How not to make noise —he raised— when the PSOE demonstrates its inertia to return to its old ways?”. With Morocco, and in particular with Marlaska, it rains it pours. In the famous and disputed interview with Díaz in Lo de Évole, in April of this year, the second vice president referred to the Alaouite kingdom as a “dictatorship”, only to later find herself disavowed by the Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares.. And he even affirmed that, if it had been up to her, Marlaska would not have continued in his position after the deaths at the hands of the police of the neighboring country at the fence of Melilla.

Marlaska has been a piece of big game for parties like ERC and EH Bildu, fundamental allies of the Executive in the previous legislature, and necessarily in the next one, if Sánchez manages to tie the necessary consensus. Until now, even Belarra has remained silent, at a time when the balloon of political activity has deflated after two consecutive electoral campaigns, and just 15 days after the constitution of the Cortes. The left to the left of the PSOE has not revealed its movements, but the messages revealed this Thursday delve into a deep wound that has been sustained for years.