The PP rules out an agreement with Vox in Ceuta for its attacks on the Muslim group

SPAIN / By Cruz Ramiro

The president of the Autonomous City of Ceuta, Juan Jesús Vivas (PP), has ruled out the possibility of reaching an agreement in the city to form a coalition with Vox due to the differences between the two formations on fundamental issues. Sources from the Ceuta PP have reported that these differences are mainly limited to the attack that the Vox party carries out on a part of the city's Muslim community, which in different plenary sessions it has branded as “pro-Moroccan”..

The PP has estimated that this circumstance goes against the principles of the PP in regard to coexistence between the four cultures, for which reason these conversations with the Vox party led by Juan Sergio Redondo in Ceuta have been ruled out. In the last Legislature, where the PP also governed in a minority with 9 seats, it had the specific support of Vox during the first of the four years in office, although that agreement was finally broken.

Juan Vivas is ruling in a minority with 9 of the 25 seats in an autonomous Assembly made up of PSOE (6), Vox (5) and the localists Movement for Dignity and Citizenship (MDyC) (3) and Ceuta Ya! (2).

Ferraz stopped the pact with the PSOE

The possibility of an unprecedented agreement between the PP and PSOE, the two great forces in the autonomous city, had taken flight after the Ceuta PP confirmed that they were holding “talks” both with the PSOE and with local parties to reach an agreement of governance without the help of Vox. They did not describe it as a “pre-agreement”, but they did highlight the good pace of the contacts due to the “special circumstances” of Ceuta, but from Ferraz they stopped the possibility of an agreement with the popular.