The Government is counting on the 'Tsunami case' being transferred to Barcelona and paving the way for negotiations with the secessionists

SPAIN / By Carmen Gomaro

It promises to become a hot issue when you return from vacation. And it will jump from the judicial field to the political foreground, framing the negotiations of Pedro Sánchez to form, or not, a government with the support of the Catalan independence forces.

The investigation into Tsunami Democràtic put two fundamental episodes on the table: the collapse of the El Prat airport after the sentence of the process in October 2019 and the cutting of the A7 motorway on the border with France. In both cases, against critical structures of the State. The reports of the Civil Guard, after four years of investigation, have been forceful. And the investigating judge understands that action must be taken against those accused of crimes of “terrorism”. But from the Prosecutor's Office they are suspicious. They support that it leave the National Court, because they do not consider that terrorism can be discussed, since it has not been possible to establish, in their opinion, the existence of a structure. The Prosecutor's Office is of the opinion that the facts would have fit as sedition, however, after the disappearance of that crime, due to the legal reform operated by the Executive after the negotiation with ERC, they would have to be judged, they maintain, as aggravated public disorder.

The final decision is in the hands of the State Attorney General, who will hardly rule against his representative in the National Court, as it would create a problem for Sánchez. If the cause is transferred to Catalonia, it would be a movement to the liking of Moncloa. With the crime of terrorism and the process of returning to Barcelona having disappeared, the judicial pressure on the negotiations would be reduced. “Without a doubt, this situation would make everything more comfortable,” point out political sources familiar with the negotiation.

Because the investigation affects the entire independence arc. Among those investigated are the former leader of ERC Xavier Vendrell; businessman Oriol Soler; the former leader of CiU David Madí; the historian Josep Lluís Alay, confidante of the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont and, in the latest reports, he was joined by Marta Rovira, general secretary of ERC, who, under the pseudonym of Matagalls – name of a mountain in Montseny -, communicated to Vendrell: “My people can do it without the support of the structure, but not with the structure against it”.

The possibility of transferring the case has been strengthened after the imputation of Rubén Wagensberg, deputy of ERC and fourth secretary of the Bureau of the Parliament. As a parliamentarian, he is registered and the Court loses jurisdiction over him, who would appear before the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC). But there is the possibility that the instructor, Manuel García Castellón, head of court number 6 of the Hearing, separates the proceedings on Wagensberg from his case and maintains the rest of the proceedings.

In its reports on Tsunamic, the Civil Guard explains: “To achieve its objectives, the platform undertook a powerful media campaign, promoted by the pro-independence civil sectors, making itself known on September 2, 2019 through Twitter and receiving the support directly from prominent figures of the political spectrum and leading leaders of the independence movement such as Carles Puigdemont, Oriol Junqueras or Joaquim Torra, who, consciously, and with the aim of achieving their objective of the “Catalan Republic”, placed it in a preponderant position, giving it enough weight to act as a vehicular platform and official channel for the mobilizations”.

Tsunamic Democràtic was acquiring an important public notoriety, “managing to establish itself as the main promoter of a set of actions aimed at disturbing public order, demonstrating an exceptional convening power”. In the first days of October 2019, while the sentence for the leaders of the procés was being determined in the Supreme Court, there were “massive actions of social mobilization, framed in a carefully planned strategy, with a direct intention of achieving the destabilization of the State, trying to demonstrate in this way a supposed fragility of it, “says the Civil Guard.

There were many episodes organized by Tsunamic, according to the Civil Guard, which underlines “the actions of extreme violence that occurred after the publication of the conviction of the so-called Trial of the Procés, the occupation of the El Prat airport facilities, the acts of boycott during the day of reflection of the general elections held on November 10, 2019 or the traffic cuts on the AP-7 motorway.

massive scenarios

SOCCER. The events of 2019 sought a massive impact. For this reason, Tsunami paid attention to the Camp Nou, where the classic against Madrid was held on December 18. The “Sit and talk” banner was unfurled, thus demanding political negotiation, and balls were thrown onto the pitch.

CULTURE. On December 26, 2019, during the Christmas concert at the Palau de la Música, broadcast on TV3, Tsunami banners were also displayed.