These are the pensions that between 2024 and 2027 will have 200 euros more per month
Last March, the last package of measures for the pension reform was approved through Royal Decree-Law 2/2023, of March 16, on urgent measures to extend the rights of pensioners, reduce the gap and the establishment of a new sustainability framework for the public pension system.
One of the main innovations included in this decree law is to ensure that the minimum contributory pensions granted by Social Security reach 60% of the median income corresponding to a household of two adults between 2024 and 2027.
How much will pensions rise in these 3 years?
And what will happen in 2024? On the one hand, contributory pensions will rise again on January 1, 2024 according to the average CPI, as happened in January 2023, when they rose 8.5% with the new pension revaluation formula.
On the other hand, one of the objectives of the royal decree is to reduce the existing gap between the reference amount of the contributory retirement pension for people over 65 years of age with a dependent spouse and the poverty threshold calculated for a household of two adults.
Thus, on January 1, 2024, “the reference amount of the pension will be additionally increased by the percentage necessary to reduce the existing gap by 20%,” they explain on the BBVA Retirement portal. By 2025, the percentage will rise to 30%, by 2026 to 50%, and by 2027 the amount “will be additionally increased, if necessary, until reaching the poverty threshold calculated for a household of two adults,” they point out.
This means, by way of example, that the minimum retirement pensions with a dependent spouse will have an amount of 1,178.57 euros per month in 14 payments in 2027, compared to the current 966.20 euros per month, that is, 212 .37 euros more, according to the calculations of the Social Security.