EU Defense Ministers to Discuss Role of SatCen in Addressing Security Challenges

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, will chair the second meeting of the ministerial board of the European Union Satellite Center (SatCen) on August 29 at the Torrejón de Ardoz military base in Madrid.
The board meeting will take place immediately after the informal meetings of the EU defense and foreign ministers on August 30 and 31 in Toledo, according to the EU diplomatic service.
During the SatCen board meeting, the EU Defense Ministers will discuss the role, activities, services and main achievements of SatCen in the last 30 years.
In addition, they will provide political guidance on the hub’s role in helping the EU address new and emerging international security challenges.
This Satellite Center supports EU decision-making and actions in the field of the Common Foreign and Security Policy, in particular the Common Security and Defense Policy, including the Union’s crisis management missions and operations, through the provision of products and services resulting from the exploitation of space assets and relevant collateral data, including satellite imagery and aerial imagery, and related services.