Climate activists paint the columns of the Brandenburg Gate in color


A group of environmental activists from the group Letze Generation (Last Generation) sprayed the emblematic Brandenburg Gate, located in the German capital, Berlin, with orange and yellow paint this Sunday to protest the climate crisis.

A Police spokesperson has detailed that the six columns of the monument were affected. Police officers made arrests at the scene, according to the German news agency DPA.

The group of environmentalists has indicated that they used fire extinguishers prepared to spray the color and, in addition, they also sprinkled paint on the floor of the Pariser Platz (Paris Square), next to the Brandenburg Gate.

Thus, some of the activists have stepped on the paint and left colored footprints on the cobblestone floor of the square.. “The protest makes it clear that it is time for a political change: away from fossils, towards what is fair,” Última Generación stressed.

“We will continue with our protests until there is a change in policy against the climate crisis. By 2030 at the latest we have to abandon coal, oil and gas,” said the group's spokesperson, Marion Fabian.

The Last Generation group has been characterized by extreme forms of protest that have included traffic blockades and have displaced the Fridays for Future demonstrations from the focus of public attention.

The group announced that next week there will be blockades on the streets of Berlin again. The activists claim to have collected donations worth 600,000 euros for their protest actions.