Carles Puigdemont replies to Yolanda Díaz that the PSOE and Sumar cannot impose on Junts the conditions for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez

The PSOE and Sumar focus their efforts on the negotiations for the investiture in a renunciation of unilaterality by Junts per Catalunya.
In the process of paving the way towards the approval of a future amnesty law, Pedro Sánchez seeks that Carles Puigdemont's party assumes as a preliminary step the need to not repeat the crimes committed during the process.
Precisely along these lines, the second vice president of the acting Government, Yolanda Díaz, expressed herself in an interview published this Sunday in La Vanguardia.. The leader of Sumar points out that “unilateralities do not fit” in an amnesty agreement. “When one party sits down to negotiate, it is already renouncing unilateralism,” he adds.
Hours after the publication of that interview, the former president of the Generalitat and current Junts MEP, who also met with the Minister of Labor and Social Economy two weeks ago in Brussels, recalled that it is not the pro-independence parties who “need support to go to the investiture.
In this sense, Puigdemont has added in a message on Twitter that “the conditions are not set by whoever asks for help, but rather it works the other way around.”. “I think someone is confused,” reproached the post-convergent leader.
Díaz considers that the resolution of the institutional conflict in Catalonia must be based on “a political and social agreement that includes parties, businessmen, unions and civil society.”. And this “broad agreement” would culminate in an organic law for the amnesty.
The leader of Sumar is aware that “there are many people who today have doubts” regarding this measure, but insists that “what must be understood is that the amnesty is not a law, but rather it ends in a law.”