The amnesty does not break the PSOE, it makes it stronger
The PSOE should replace the fist and rose flag with the pirate flag. It would be the most honest way to symbolize Ferraz's degradation and to expose the mercenary and predatory regime that governs the Socialist Party..
Merit of Pedro Sánchez, whose authoritarian leadership has managed to turn the aberration of the amnesty into an anecdote and an organic procedure. The party does not break or fissure after having introduced it into the national debate. Quite the opposite. Sánchez has turned it into an instrument of cohesion and discipline. And in unequivocal proof of the meekness with which the internal organs and counterweights react.
The spaces for contesting the amnesty have been settled in the most predictable territory and most favorable to Moncloa propaganda.. What if the dinosaurs and what if Aznar. What if the territorial barons. What if the media right? What if the intellectuals. Yes, the Democrats.
Sánchez has once again demonstrated the intimidating power of power. The one who exerts himself and the one who fears losing himself. The pirate flag flies with the current and extorts the system, in such a way that submission to Pedro the Red has predisposed a state of cohesion and impressive omertà.
The magic word is amnesty, the password of total obedience. He hasn't named her yet nor has the boss needed to do so, but it works like Pavlov's stimulus. And as an instrument of exemplary punishment in case the temptation of single verses occurs. For that reason, Redondo Terreros was executed like a puppet.. And for the same reason the most qualified jurists of the Council of Ministers, Margarita Robles and Grande-Marlaska, have dissolved in shame and the complicity of silence..
The possibilist approach that explains the canonization of Puigdemont consists of invoking or summoning the two-headed monster of the PP and Vox. Sánchez already said that he was going to find the investiture votes even under the stones. And under the stones snakes are usually found, no matter how much the maximum leader wants to sell them to us as pets.. “Pedro, do what you have to do,” Valentín González Formoso told him in mafia style at the obscene rally last Sunday..
It was the way in which the socialist leader of the Galicians reduced the elementary principles of political ethics to opportunity and opportunism.. Whatever and in any way. Thus Sánchez has decided that the pirate flag must be fanned and the very docile militancy anesthetized, although the law of silence has also achieved the support of the press and affects Sanchismo, dusting off the motto of the depoliticization of Justice.
The PSOE has nothing to do with the PSOE, but the trompe l'oeil of the acronym conceals a political project without ethics or ideology whose reason for being consists of the survival of the leader.. The president's prosperity suits the troops. Sanchismo is a way of life and a political formula in a permanent state of emergency. Sánchez always has an extreme reason, a greater good, to justify the aberrations he incurs. And to muzzle the discrepancies with the distribution of the loot.
The PSOE is not broken because the PSOE does not exist. And because the buccaneer alternative in force is both fueled by loyalty to the boss and the formidable cooperation of the PP. Feijóo's chaotic and erratic leadership functions as an unequivocal ally of Sanchismo. This is demonstrated by the terrible management of the mobilization against the amnesty. And the spectacle of the failed investiture proves it. Sánchez is going to lick his antagonist's agony while preparing Puigdemont's return through the front door.