Shock in Italy: seven minors gang rape two girls aged 10 and 12


The Italian Carabinieri arrested nine boys on Monday night, 7 of them minors, for the rape of two girls aged 10 and 12 in Caivano (southern Italy), a town with serious problems of crime, mafia and abandonment and that after the events the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, visited.

The arrest warrants were issued by the investigating judge of the Naples Juvenile Court after the request of investigators who are reconstructing the acts of violence that occurred on several occasions in the municipality, they reported in a note.

According to the media, these arrests were made due to some videos that reached the phone of a relative of one of the victims.. After the event, the Police have carried out two raids in the area against drug trafficking and crime.

Meloni, tough hand against juvenile delinquency

The prime minister, the far-right Giorgia Meloni, visited the area after the event, which caused great commotion in the country, after being invited by the local priest, Maurizio Patriciello, and assured that “the fruits of this visit will soon be seen.” after recognizing that “in Caivano the failure of the State has been consummated”.

After the group rape, the Government also approved a decree law against juvenile crime which will make it easier for minors to end up in prison, although other more controversial measures have been left out, such as lowering the age of criminal responsibility or prohibit minors' access to pornographic websites.

The “Caivano decree”, which took its name from this town where the rape of the two girls occurred, also punishes parents who do not send their children to school with prison sentences.