Feijóo unseats Sánchez as preferred to be president of the Government

Alberto Núñez Feijóo surpasses Pedro Sánchez in the preference of the Spanish people to be the next president of the Government, regardless of the result of the investiture session that was held this week in the Congress of Deputies. Although the result is close, 37.1% of those surveyed prefer that the leader of the Popular Party occupy the presidency, compared to 34.6% who opt for Pedro Sánchez and 23.6% who do not want any of them, according to the survey carried out by Sigma Dos for EL MUNDO based on 2,120 interviews between September 25 and 28.
This represents an important novelty compared to the last installment of the Sigma Dos panel, published on August 28.. Then, Pedro Sánchez was the preferred choice for 39.5% of the population, compared to 33.5% who opted for Alberto Núñez Feijóo.. This change in presidential preferences has a lot to do with the perception of socialist voters themselves.. If a month ago there were only 2.4% of PSOE voters on 23-J who would prefer Feijóo in the Government, during the week of the investiture that percentage has risen to 7%. Feijóo has also improved his perception among Vox voters. At the end of August, only 45% defended him as their desired president. Now that percentage is 52.8%.
Presidential preference varies greatly by age. Among young people between 18 and 29 years old, Sánchez wins -42.3%, compared to the 23.5% who prefer Feijóo-, in the group between 30 and 44 they practically tie -33.5% compared to 33.7%- , but in the upper age groups the leader of the PP clearly dominates, with 41.5% among voters between 45 and 64 years old and 42.4% among those over 65.
However, regardless of their preferences, voters of all parties are more or less clear that the next president of the Government will once again be Pedro Sánchez. 62.8% of the population believes that the socialist leader will end up agreeing with the nationalist parties, despite their demands for an amnesty and referendum, and will continue in Moncloa. Only 22.4% believe that Sánchez cannot be inaugurated, while 14.7% prefer not to answer.
The most optimistic with Sánchez are Sumar's voters. 83.1% are certain that he will repeat the presidency, compared to 74.1% of PSOE voters who trust their leader's options.. On the right, the perception that Sánchez will be inaugurated is the majority in the PP, with 61.8% compared to 25% who believe that he will fail.. And tighter in Vox: 47.3% believe he will be president again and 42.1% think he will not.
The power of the dwarf
However, regardless of who presides over the Government, the attempted investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo has also been read internally.. Two thirds of the Popular Party voters consider that not having carried out the voting does not question the internal leadership of the president of the PP, while 27% consider that it does.. For voters of the rest of the parties, the perception is different, and in accordance with the interventions of their spokespersons in Congress. Both Óscar Puente (PSOE) and Marta Lois (Sumar) focused their speeches on wearing down Feijóo's leadership and this is reflected in their electorates. 76.4% of Sumar voters and 69.1% of PSOE voters believe that the internal power of the PP leader is weakened by not having achieved the investiture.
It is also a majority perception among Vox voters, with 52.8%, compared to 39% who do not think that the sessions in Congress and their results will affect Núñez Feijóo in the internal dynamics of the Popular Party.
The investiture, in any case, has been a good showcase. More than 60% of the population admits to having followed it to a greater or lesser degree. And 38.8% believe that Feijóo has been the best in his interventions, far ahead of the 9.5% who believe it was Abascal and the 6.7% who point to the Socialists' spokesperson, Óscar Puente.
Reference population and geographical scope: people aged 18 and over residing in Spain with the right to vote
Information collection technique: through the Sigma Dos Panel by Trust Survey. Mixed telephone (CATI) / online (CAWI) / RRSS methodology.
Sample sizes: 2,120 interviews.
Selection of sampling units: in the telephone interview through random selection of households and application of sex and age quotas in the selection of the last unit. In the case of the panel, proportional allocation has been applied by sex and age group.. The distribution of the sample has been proportional by autonomous community in both samples.
Margin of error: the absolute sampling error can be limited by ±2.2% for a confidence level of 95.5%, and in the case of variables with two equally distributed categories.
Date of field work: September 25 to 28, 2023.
Realization: SIGMA TWO.
Technical direction: José Luis Rojo Gil.