The Senate disapproves of Pedro Sánchez's "opaque negotiations" with those who "want to dynamite the State"

The Senate, dominated by the absolute majority of the PP, has opened the way for frontal opposition to an eventual but very probable Government of Pedro Sánchez supported by the minority parties that intend to “dynamite the State”. And it has done so coinciding with the designation of Sánchez by the King as the new candidate for the investiture.
The Upper House has approved, with 139 votes in favor against 107 against, a motion disapproving of the “opaque negotiations” of the socialist leader to try to form an Executive with the “essential assistance” of Junts, whose leader, Carles Puigdemont, recalls, “He is a known fugitive from Justice after having led the frustrated process of illegal secession of Catalonia in 2017”. The Socialists, through their spokesperson Eva Granados, have described the proposal as “old” while Junts, through their representative, Josep Lluís Cleríes, has assured that it is a “black and white motion with music from the Node”.
Motions are a parliamentary figure whose resolutions do not require compliance by the Executive but express the position of the legislative power, in this case that of one of its two chambers.. However, within six months the Government must report on compliance with them.
On this occasion, the Senate has flatly rejected the granting of an amnesty law that, it assures, “does not in any way fit into the Constitution” because it goes against the “express prohibition of general pardons”; “collides head-on with the subjection of public powers to the law” and violates “the prohibition of arbitrariness, judicial independence within the framework of the separation of powers, legal certainty or the principle of equality between citizens.”
“The Spaniards do not deserve a Government that is born ethically flawed and whose survival will be permanently conditioned by those who attempted, just six years ago, to break through an act of force the constitutional order and the very integrity of Spain, which they have never demonstrated. the slightest sign of repentance, and that they never tire of repeating that they will try again as soon as they have the opportunity,” states the approved text.
The “prestige” of democracy
The motion emphasizes that what is at risk is “the integrity and prestige of our democratic system, which would be seriously damaged if the Cortes Generales went to the extreme of approving a more or less covert amnesty law and which would mean assume that what was unfair was not the actions of the political leaders of the 2017 secessionist attempt in Catalonia, but the ruling of the Supreme Court that condemned them.”
The Chamber regrets that the reason for this “nonsense” is the need for a candidate for the presidency of the Government “whose party has lost the elections” but “is willing to do anything to avoid losing power.”
In this sense, the Senate considers it “inadmissible” that “those responsible for crimes can obtain any favorable treatment guided by exclusively partisan interests”; expresses its “absolute disapproval of any political negotiation aimed at obtaining parliamentary support for the investiture of the President of the Government that includes, as a counterpart, the granting of an amnesty, express or veiled, or any form of pardon or judicial benefit, that in one way or another seeks to favor the people prosecuted for the illegal secession process perpetrated in Catalonia”.
It also rejects all the legal modifications carried out in the last legislature to benefit those responsible for the process, in reference to the elimination of the crime of sedition and the reduction of penalties for embezzlement.. These are two decisions that the Upper House believes it is necessary to reverse. In this sense, it proposes updating them to “punish the most serious forms of constitutional disloyalty” among which includes the calling of unauthorized referendums or consultations or initiatives that undermine Spain's credit in the international community.
The Senate also advocates “recovering the policy of State agreements between the main forces at the national level” to avoid “immediately that Spain is forced into the dilemma between a weak Government subject to the agenda of the independence movement or the repetition of elections.” general”