Pedro Sánchez clings to the Constitution to calm doubts in the PSOE due to the "crossroads" of the amnesty
“Within the framework of the Constitution”, “within the Constitution”, “complying with the Constitution”… They are the catchphrases that punctuate all the actions of the PSOE and interventions by Pedro Sánchez in recent weeks.. The open negotiation with the Catalan independentists to arrive at a formula on amnesty has the formation in a tense calm. Publicly, they close ranks with the socialist leader and try to shield him from criticism from the opposition, but until we see black on white what was agreed, there is tingling. Because, as Carmen Calvo, former vice president of the party, who was once again starring in an event with Sánchez, has recognized, “we are facing an interesting crossroads.”
Everything that was clear, for the first time, by Sánchez this Friday at the European summit in Granada and under the protection of the highest representatives of the European institutions, where for the first time he mentioned the word “amnesty” and defended its application, turned into silence. at a party event in Granada just hours after saying goodbye to the European leaders. The socialist candidate maintains his bet that “there will be a progressive Government” that will “continue advancing in rights and freedoms, building coexistence” and that will do so “within the framework of the Constitution.”
Sánchez has found in Andalusia, both this Saturday in Granada and last week in Seville, the staging of a closing of ranks with his commitment and a militancy that carries him in his wings.. The socialist leaders and officials who speak out these days show their confidence in Sánchez and that everything will be done “within the framework of the Constitution”. An expression that also contains an important load of desire, because the truth is that no one in the party has information except a small hard core.
Because the socialists know that they face a few key weeks, a decision, that of the amnesty, that will mark a turning point. And that generates hidden tension. “Pedro, you have a great challenge that is complex and we all recognize it.”. It is exciting, but difficult and complex,” acknowledged Pepe Entrena, general secretary of the PSOE of Granada.. “We are in the middle of important political decisions for the present and future of the country”; “We are in a treacherous moment”; “Complex structural decisions must be made with courage and determination,” reflected Juan Espadas, general secretary of the Andalusian PSOE.
Sánchez greets his supporters.
More clear about the moment that Spain and the PSOE face with the amnesty has been Carmen Calvo. Former first vice president of the Government – she left it by decision of Sánchez in the remodeling that he undertook in July 2021 – has described the situation this way: “We are facing an interesting crossroads. But when have we socialists not been at all the crossroads of Spain to defend it and move it forward?”. And he added: “We are facing a solution that has to have a long historical response, but we have credentials for it.”
It is worth remembering that Calvo spoke out against the possible granting of an amnesty when this issue was not as present as it is now.. “Amnesty is prohibited in our Constitution and in all democracies. The amnesty means canceling all the work done by another branch, the Judiciary,” he went on to say.
Sánchez is aware of the situation in the party and that is why at the closing of his event in Granado he wanted to expressly thank “the party's support for these weeks ahead of us.”. And just 48 hours after his meeting with Alberto Núñez Feijóo, he did not miss the opportunity to send a message to the PP. “Neither Spain sinks, nor breaks nor disappears. In the face of the prophets of the apocalypse, I tell you that Spain is advancing and counts more on the international and European stage.”. And he added: “What breaks and calls into question equality among Spaniards are the pacts between the right and the extreme right.”