Victims of ETA and Vox try to retain the 'Tsunami case' in the Court while the PP withdraws

The political party Vox and the association of victims of terrorism Dignidad y Justicia have decided to take a step in the summary on the Democratic Tsunami and go to the National Court. Both Santiago Abascal's party and Daniel Portero's association have requested to appear in the case as popular accusations.
The investigation into Democratic Tsunami brought two fundamental episodes to the table: the collapse of the El Prat airport after the ruling of the process in October 2019 and the cutting of the A-7 highway on the border with France. In both cases, against critical structures of the State. The reports from the Civil Guard, after four years of investigation, have been conclusive. And the investigating judge understands that action must be taken against those accused of “terrorism” crimes.. But the Prosecutor's Office is suspicious. They support it leaving the National Court, because they do not consider that one can speak of terrorism, since it has not been possible to establish, in their opinion, the existence of a structure. The Prosecutor's Office does believe that the facts would have qualified as sedition. However, after the disappearance of this crime due to the legal reform carried out by the Executive after the negotiation with ERC, they would have to be judged, they maintain, as aggravated public disorders.. If it is a case of terrorism, the case will remain in the National Court. In the event that it were disorders, the summary would end up being transferred to the Catalan jurisdiction.
The cause intersects with the negotiations that the acting president Pedro Sánchez currently has open with the Catalan independentists, in which the amnesty for 1-O is the first pillar on the table.
Until now, for the Government, the best solution regarding this summary was for the case to leave the National Court and travel to Catalonia, for it to become a matter of public disorder instead of terrorism, a more complex matter that would, without a doubt, make it difficult the negotiation on the amnesty that is on the table. And until now, the Executive was calm since there was no one in person and the only accusation is being brought by the Prosecutor's Office, who clearly defends that these events are only public disorders. The emergence of these two possible popular accusations can turn the tables. The judge is committed to maintaining the case for terrorism, but if there is no accusation that supports the same thesis, he cannot advance on that path.. If only the Prosecutor's Office remains, it has no choice but to refer the case to Catalonia.
If the judge finally admits these appearances, the case could remain in Madrid, since both defend in their writings requesting appearances that the events should be classified as terrorism.
As explained to this newspaper, there were polls for the Popular Party to appear in the case, but Alberto Núñez Feijóo's party avoided the matter and opted for silence.
In its writing, Vox explains: “We have learned that the Court to which we are addressing is investigating some facts in relation to the connection of Tsunami Democràtic with the planning of terrorist or seditious actions, as well as the possible connection of said organization with the Committees for the Defense of the Republic, against whom a summary has been concluded and pending prosecution for crimes of belonging to a terrorist organization and possession, deposit and manufacture of flammable explosive substances or devices of a terrorist nature,” indicates the text to which EL MUNDO has had access.
It details that in the case there are seven defendants accused in the known as the Volhov case, where Vox is also involved: Oriol Soler Castanys, Xavier Vendrell, David Madí, Josep Lluis Alay, Jaume Cabaní, Marta Molina and Josep Campmajó.