Fentanyl: the drug that everyone fears, but it is routinely used in hospitals

In recent weeks, a drug, until now unknown to most of society but very popular in hospitals, has begun to make headlines.. All because of the epidemic of overdoses and deaths that is causing throughout the United States.
So much so, that American authorities have begun to install what they have called an “opioid rescue kit” next to defibrillators and fire extinguishers in order to save the life of someone who has suffered an overdose.
Fentanyl, is it a new drug?
Not at all. Fentanyl was first developed in 1960 and has been used in Spanish hospitals for decades to treat acute pain in certain cases..
It is also dispensed in pharmacies, always under strict controls, so that certain patients who suffer severe pain that does not allow them to lead a normal life can improve their daily lives.
Is it very powerful?
Fentanyl is an opioid that is synthesized in the laboratory and is, according to various studies, about one hundred times more powerful than morphine..
This makes it an ideal drug to control the intense pain suffered by some patients in areas such as the operating room, oncology or intensive care.. In fact, in 2017 fentanyl became the most used synthetic opioid in medicine.
What effects does it have on the human body?
The desired effects include relaxation, pain relief and a feeling of well-being, but depending on the dose they can also produce sedation, drowsiness, confusion or even nausea and vomiting.. More or less the same effects that other opioid pain relievers produce.
If they administer it to me in the hospital, do I have to worry?
Whether you are admitted to the hospital or suffer an accident and the ambulance medical team administers a dose of fentanyl, you don't have to worry about a thing.. Medical fentanyl is safe and is not given to patients lightly.. You are not going to become an addict by receiving a few doses punctually after a major surgery or after having broken several bones.
In the case of cancer patients or patients who suffer significant pain, when their doctor decides that they should take it continuously or put on a patch with this drug, it is because they really need it, because no other analgesic works and only by using this one will they be able to control the pain.
What happens with a fentanyl overdose?
When the dose administered is higher than expected, or in the case of illegally manufactured fentanyl when the concentration of the drug is greater than what it is supposed to contain, the person who has consumed it will go into a coma and suffer respiratory arrest.. That is, the sedation is so deep that you will stop breathing and, if nothing is done, you will die in a matter of minutes when your heart stops beating due to lack of oxygen.
What is happening in the United States?
The problem on the other side of the ocean is so serious that fentanyl has already become the leading cause of unnatural death among Americans ages 18 to 45..
There, illegally manufactured fentanyl, not so much pharmaceutical fentanyl prescribed by doctors, has been distributed in the drug markets for a couple of years in liquid, pill or powder form..
Its potency has made it very popular, and it is not uncommon for those who manufacture it in clandestine laboratories to mix it with other substances such as heroin or cocaine to enhance its effects.
Naloxone, the antidote for overdoses
In the opioid rescue kits that can now be seen throughout the United States, we find a nasal spray that contains another medication: naloxone.
This drug has the ability to neutralize the effects of opioids, including fentanyl, in a matter of seconds. That is why it has become the new American lifeline against the epidemic that the country is experiencing, and in fact the CDC recommends to its citizens that if they see a person who seems to be suffering from an overdose, do not hesitate and administer this intranasal antidote. .
What is the situation in Spain?
According to the National Police, “illegal fentanyl trafficking has not reached Spain yet”. But if we look at the latest data from the Survey on alcohol and other drugs in Spain from the Ministry of Health, the sporadic use of fentanyl is 14% in 2022 when in 2018 it was 1.9%.
The sale of fentanyl for medical use in pharmacies is closely monitored, since it is carried out under strict controls, and within hospitals, the blisters, pills and patches that contain this medication are also subject to strict controls that include justifying each dose that is given. manages
The problem would be that, just as is happening in the United States, this fentanyl manufactured illegally in an almost artisanal way is landed in the drug markets of our country.. Something that only time will tell us if it will happen or not.