France accuses Benzema of having links to a terrorist organization

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has accused Karim Benzema of being linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, a transnational Islamic organization considered terrorist in some countries, not in France.
“Mr. Karim Benzema has notorious links with the Muslim Brotherhood,” said the Interior Minister on CNews.
These statements come after the support that the former Real Madrid footballer showed to the inhabitants of Gaza.
“All our prayers for the inhabitants of Gaza who are once again victims of these unjust bombings that spare neither women nor children,” the 35-year-old striker wrote on X (ex Twitter).
The Muslim Brotherhood, recognized as a terrorist organization in many countries, is one of the most influential groups in the Arab world.. The ideology of the Brotherhood, established by Al Banna and the thinker Sayed Qutb, was born as resistance to British colonialism and was consolidated as an alternative to the materialist and individualistic culture of the West.. Maximum representatives of political Islam, their ultimate goal is to extend the Islamic laws and principles contained in the Quran and the Sunna (sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad) to all areas of life – personal, social, political, economic and cultural. gradually and peacefully.
The interpretation of some of those principles has changed over the years. For example, Al Banna criticized a multiparty system that his heirs approve. Its current leaders, now behind bars, also insisted that they rejected the establishment of an Iranian-style Islamic regime and advocated a vague civil state based on Islamic foundations.. In the economic field, they are defenders of liberalism with some strategic sectors protected and controlled by the State.. In fact, the hard core of the Brotherhood is made up of businessmen who allocated part of their profits to finance the group's work.