PP offensive due to the CIS controversy: demands the "complete file" of the call that Alaminos won
“The slowness of Congress to convene the investiture debate contrasts with the speed of other institutions to place supporters and relatives of the PSOE”. This is how the PP leadership responds when asked about the information that EL MUNDO revealed yesterday about the entry into the Sociological Research Center (CIS), with a civil servant position, of the son of Antonio Alaminos Chica, right hand of José Félix Tezanos. In fact, its vote estimation system bears the last name of both: Alaminos-Tezanos method.
His son, Antonio Alaminos Fernández, has entered through a merit contest – without an exam – and with a court tailored to him in which four of its five members are subordinates or collaborators of the president of this public body.. The father himself initially appeared as president of the substitute court, although he later declined.
For the PP, which was already very critical of the hiring of Nadia Calviño's husband at National Heritage – who ended up resigning after the revelations in this newspaper -, this is a possible case of “nepotism”, so it has set off alarm bells.
That is why the popular have launched a battery of parliamentary questions and requests for information in Congress. The spokesperson for the formation, Cuca Gamarra, is the one who heads the four writings to which this newspaper has had access. He signs them along with seven other deputies from the leadership of the Popular Parliamentary Group: Carlos Rojas, Jaime de Olano, Macarena Montesinos, Pablo Hispán, Isabel Borrego, José Antonio Bermúdez de Castro and Sandra Moneo.
They registered the first two initiatives yesterday, and they have drafted two others that will be taken to Congress this Tuesday. The first of all is a request for information to force the CIS to deliver all the documentation about the selection process.. Article 7 of the Congress Regulations enables deputies to request any public document – not classified – that must be delivered to them, without excuse.
Well, the popular ones have demanded the “complete file of the call to fill two applied sociological research positions at the CIS for entry through the general system of free access on the scale of scientific researchers of public research organizations.”
That is, they demand from both the Ministry of Science and the CIS itself all the documents of the call that the son of number two from Tezanos won on February 21, 2023. Alaminos Jr. was one of the six applicants who appeared in the process called by the Ministry of Science to award two places for the CIS. The winner of the other position is the director of the Office of the High Commissioner for the Fight against Child Poverty, Albert Arcarons, who obtained the second best score.
In relation to the qualifying panel that approved the incorporation of Alaminos, the PP asks “which people were part of it and what is their curriculum vitae and their experience in the selection of personnel and evaluation of candidates.”
Thirdly, the popular ones have prepared two more questions that they will register today. The first: “What has been the intervention of the president of the CIS, José Félix Tezanos, in the selective process of the call to fill two applied sociological research positions at the CIS?” And secondly, what has been the intervention of Antonio Alaminos Chica, Tezanos's right-hand man, in the selection process. The answer to both things is requested in writing.