Moncloa is now trying to reduce the tension over the amnesty and Podemos's criticism: "The noise, the fewer decibels it has, the better"

This Wednesday it was time to comply with the protocol of the family photo of the 22 ministers who will accompany Pedro Sánchez at the start of this new legislature, posing on the steps of the Moncloa Palace. But the president and his team did not spend much time on the staging: from the first meeting of the new coalition, the order that began the process for the approval of the General State Budgets (PGE) for 2024 already came out yesterday.
Four months after the elections in which the amnesty for those prosecuted for the illegal 1-O referendum has monopolized political life and has stirred up protests in the streets, the Government is now working to try to reduce the the tension. “People are restless,” they acknowledge. That is why the messages in the coming days will focus on appealing to “tranquility” and all its possible synonyms, from “calm” to “serenity.”
This new phase has its own internal translation after the departure of the Council of Ministers from Podemos, whose two last representatives – Irene Montero and Ione Belarra – said goodbye to their positions on Tuesday, accusing Sánchez of having “kicked them out” for “discomforting” with their work well done”. “The noise, the fewer decibels it has, the better,” summarize sources from Moncloa.
In the Government they count that they will be able to approve the PGE with the support of the investiture block. However, to meet another of the objectives set for this legislature, that of the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), they necessarily need to come to an understanding with the PP and, from there, they have also made an attempt to begin to rebuild. the bridges with Genoa that are currently dynamited.
“The challenges ahead of us are so ambitious that it would be desirable for all political forces to feel involved,” said Pilar Alegría, the new spokesperson for the PSOE Executive and Sumar, this Wednesday.. “Sometimes it is very difficult to reach agreements and dialogue when from the first minute you encounter an opposition that seems to have made the decision that its letter of introduction is the insult.”. I hope it adopts the jacket of being a constructive opposition so that we can talk,” he added.