All posts by Carmen Gomaro

Carmen Gomaro - leading international news and investigative reporter. Worked at various media outlets in Spain, Argentina and Colombia, including Diario de Cádiz, CNN+, Telemadrid and EFE.

Two Israelis shot dead by a Palestinian at a gas station in the West Bank

Two Israelis have died in a Palestinian armed attack in the West Bank while the war between Israel and the fundamentalist group Hamas continues in the Gaza Strip without a truce agreement being seen in the coming days as US President Joe Biden had predicted.

According to initial information, the perpetrator of this Thursday's attack was a police officer from the Palestinian National Authority (PNA).. In the middle of the afternoon, he arrived at the gas station near the Eli neighborhood and shot at point-blank range two Israelis, one 16 years old and the other 57 years old.. Shortly after, he was shot dead by one of the owners of the food establishment where four Israelis were shot dead by two Palestinians nine months ago.. As he told the media, he is a reservist who was part of the ground operation in Gaza.

The Palestinian attacker this Thursday was from the Kalandia refugee camp, between Ramallah and Jerusalem, and was released in 2019.

“We welcome the heroic attack in Ali in the same place where previously two operatives of the armed wing of Hamas carried out a similar attack,” the Islamist group reacted.. “It is the response to the crimes in Nablusi Square in Gaza,” added Hamas, which this Thursday accused Israel of having shot and killed more than 100 Palestinians who were waiting for humanitarian aid in that area of the city located north of the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Army denies shooting at Palestinians seeking assistance or at the humanitarian convoy. “Dozens of Gaza residents died due to the stampede and crowding and unfortunately Palestinian trucks ran them over during an attempt to escape,” said army spokesman Daniel Hagari, praising “the bravery and determination of the civilian who neutralized the terrorist in Eli “.

The devastating military offensive that Israel launched in response to the Hamas attack on October 7, the Islamist group's calls to “confront soldiers and settlers in all parts of Palestine” and “carry out martyrdom attacks against the occupation” and The proximity of Ramadan, a holy month for Muslims and always sensitive in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict around Jerusalem, has triggered tension in the West Bank. According to data from the internal secret service (Shabak), 200 Palestinian attacks, including 150 armed attacks, have been aborted since the beginning of 2024.

The great instability in this territory with an increase in raids and incursions by the Israeli Army, with increasingly frequent use of drones, is of particular concern to the United States, which is leading the mediation to achieve a truce between Israel and Hamas in the hope that can calm two explosive fronts: the Israeli-Lebanese border, where there is an intense exchange of blows between the Israeli Air Force and the Shiite Hezbollah militia, and the West Bank.

Ukraine, the biggest challenge for the European Union

The European Union has experience in integrating countries from the socialist orbit and even former Soviet countries, such as the Baltic countries.. But it has no choice in doing so with a country that is suffering the worst armed invasion since the Second World War, with devastating missile and drone attacks every night and part of its territory in the hands of an enemy that swears and perjures that it is fighting a war.” existential”, although in reality it is only existential for the members of that regime.

Ukraine today represents the greatest challenge for the EU, more than disconnecting the United Kingdom, more than integrating the Eastern countries. Brussels combines a good dose of faith and much more relaxed conditions than those its last members had. Everyone knows that the first objective is to win the war and that can delay some issues that, over time, can be worked on calmly.. Right now Europe cannot turn its back on Ukraine, possibly the country whose population is most eager to join the European project, and which suffers Moscow's wrath precisely for this.

One of the issues that the EU is most concerned about is the fight against corruption.. Ukraine, like all the countries of the USSR, maintains a system with a certain level of corruption inherited from the old socialist order. It is in all social orders, but it is very tangible in the political world. kyiv has already taken significant steps in the fight against these practices, even in the middle of the war, such as ousting its former Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov for a massive purchase of winter clothing for the army in which a commission agent earned a good premium.. But the problem is not so much the individual actions but the system that allows them and the few counterweights that monitor it.. In Ukraine the health system is public, but a doctor will not see you if you do not give him a bite.

However, the will of Brussels coincides 100% with that of the vast majority of Ukrainians and the process is unstoppable.. “There is no way to understand why one country can invade another with strange, vague excuses that there are Nazis. That's nonsense. And that puts the European security architecture at risk and therefore, people have understood that helping Ukraine is a just war and it is what we have to do also from an ethical point of view,” says socialist MEP Nacho Sánchez Amor.

Russia has become Europe's greatest enemy and this is what neighboring countries have understood, who already know from experience its imperial ideology and its militaristic tendency.. Moscow has financed ultra parties and secessionist movements where it could destabilize the EU, including Puigdemont's sovereigntist project, Le Pen's party or Brexit supporters themselves, such as Nigel Farage.. With its gray zone strategy, it has invested mountains of money in state propaganda and has persecuted opponents, even with murder, in several European countries.. The Russian pilot who took refuge in Spain and was shot dead in Alicante is the latest in a long list.

“The weakness of the Russian arguments and the solidity of the Ukrainian ones allow us to think that although there are problems to be solved, although the war is of course creating problems in some economic sectors in Europe, although there are others derived from the shortage, for example, of grain , people understand that military aid to Ukraine is fair, it is ethical because you have to help those who have been attacked,” says Sánchez Amor, who also refers to Russian propaganda: “Russian propaganda tries to polarize Europe by presenting the European Union as a thing that is always on the verge of self-destruction. If it was for Brexit, for Brexit. If it was because of the pandemic, because of the pandemic. According to them, the European Union is about to collapse but it has been collapsing for 25 years and here we continue giving vaccines and providing weapons.”

Ukraine applied for accession to the EU in February 2022, that is, in the midst of Russian escalation, and was granted the status of EU candidate country in June 2022.. In December 2023, EU leaders decided to start accession negotiations.

When we talk about integrating Ukraine we are talking about integrating at least three different countries: the first of them is born in the center of kyiv, Lviv or Dnipro and dies a few kilometers from its municipal limits.. These are those cities of skyscrapers, elegant tsarist buildings and beehive neighborhoods with ugly buildings in the style of the Warsaw Pact, where there are Crossfit gyms, sex shops and house music clubs attended by thousands of teenagers.

These cities, with very little crime and rattling nineteenth-century trams, are not part of the European Union but are full of EU flags in their schools, official buildings and sports halls. The Euromaidan of 10 years ago broke with Russian influence and changed everything. Even the traditional drink of the Soviet world, tea, has been replaced by a very Western addiction to coffee.

Sometimes we are not aware, in Western Europe, of the extent to which this political battle to integrate Ukraine is also vital.. Members of the Friends of Europe organization define the EU accession process in these terms: “Ukraine is crucial for the enlargement processes. If Russia prevails there and the EU proves incapable of defending it, the credibility of the EU will suffer an almost mortal blow.”. And they make the following criticism of this process: “It is not easy for countries that have suffered totalitarian regimes and a centrally planned economy to adopt the EU acquis, made up of thousands of rules and regulations.. “The EU must better supervise and help the candidates more.”

Nacho Sánchez Amor believes that “if Putin wins this war, we would be almost guaranteed that there would be another one in the near future with another aggression against another country. That is, it already happened in Georgia, it already happened in Crimea, we cannot let it happen again, because that will be an invitation to Putin and other autocrats to say, 'well, in the world in which we have managed to create dictatorships, these things have already happened. “They can't stop them.”

The second country contained within Ukraine, although in fact it may be the first in importance, is the rural world, that of the brick jatas (country house) and colored windows with a fireplace and a small garden in the front.. If the American dream exists in the capitalist world, those small properties surrounded by a wooden fence represent the Soviet dream. In this world of rural Ukraine, the most driven car is the Lada, a true unbreakable tank.

Most of its inhabitants are born in a place and are buried in the cemetery 100 meters from that same place after having lived tied to the land.. Most only allow themselves a weekly walk to the gold-domed Orthodox church that stands out in every village.. Even the field is organized and labeled under the old criteria of Soviet communal farms or kolkhoz.. In that flat horizon of sunflowers and cereals, the vatniks live. The vatnik is the traditional Soviet coat and is used to pejoratively refer to those nostalgic for the USSR.

In the countryside, the pro-Soviet or Soviet-nostalgic feeling in older people is more tangible.. That universe of babushas (grandmothers) with headscarves, monuments to the heroes of the Second World War and gardens with flowers is in the fields of Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, Chernigiv, and Donbas.. Integrating this Ukrainian rural world represents another major challenge, especially considering the agricultural quota models of the European Union.

Regarding this, the MEP believes that “all entries into the European Union by any country generate tensions in one sector or another.”. We Spaniards remember how Spain's entry into the EU was not easy, precisely because our interests or our agricultural sector was viewed with suspicion by others, such as the French.. But those are things that fit. That seemed like a world. And then we have arrived at a system of production, distribution, sale and export of agricultural products that works reasonably well.”

The third country within Ukraine is a line with more than 800 kilometers of front and the places through which that same line has previously passed, that is, the liberated territories. They are semi-abandoned and destroyed villages and cities, where there are no public services left and where demining and reconstruction will take years. Only a Marshall Plan could make this enormous scar habitable. “When we say that there will be reconstruction, it is not reconstruction after the war, it is reconstruction now. That money, the 50 billion from the Ukranian Facility plan, will be ready to be executed in the coming months,” concludes MEP Sánchez Amor.

Social Security now denies the objectives that Escrivá set for the Minimum Income

“The Minimum Living Income (IMV) will lift more than a million people out of extreme poverty”. With this phrase, without the slightest doubt, José Luis Escrivá, the former Minister of Social Security, presented the star measure of his Ministry in June 2020. It had only been three months since Covid had changed the world and begun to sink the economy, and the Government launched the IMV with the expectation of reaching “850,000 homes in total and 2.3 million people”, of which one million had income below 3,000 euros per year and were considered to be in extreme poverty.

This objective has been abandoned by the current Ministry of Social Security headed by Elma Saiz, mainly because they consider that the improvement that has occurred in Spain in the labor market has reduced the number of potential beneficiaries.. A sensation, however, that they do not confirm with data, since they cannot calculate how many people the benefit could reach, as they acknowledged this Thursday when publishing the first official statistics on the IMV. It could also have influenced, perhaps, that the figure has turned out to be unattainable.

“When the IMV was approved we had 18.5 million members, now with January data we are at 20.6 million. There has been a substantial change in the labor market, with 2 million more people working in a market that offers better quality of jobs than it did before the crisis, which is why this persistence in seeking the 850,000…. “We have to refine that photograph because society is changing, the job market evolves and that somehow alters the photo that can be had at a given moment,” sources from the Ministry pointed out yesterday.. They do not want that numerical objective to be used, but they do not give another one either because they say they cannot calculate it.

Although that was the challenge that Escrivá set for himself, time showed that it was an overly ambitious plan and that there were obstacles that the Ministry had not taken into account – among other things, due to the haste with which it had to approve this measure. under pressure from Podemos and the then vice president Pablo Iglesias-. Among them were a proportion of people who, although on paper they had no income, they did receive it in the underground economy and, therefore, had no incentive to request the benefit; another group of potential beneficiaries who, being on the margins of society, did not have the capacity or tools to interact with the Public Administration; and a series of overly strict requirements that limited the scope, among other.

To overcome this, the Executive was making legal modifications, signing agreements with third sector entities (NGOs, for example) and deploying dissemination campaigns (a bus toured the entire country to bring the IMV closer to its potential beneficiaries), bringing the penetration It improved but never reached the initially set objectives.. The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) poured the first bucket of cold water in July 2022, announcing that at the end of 2021 only 284,000 families would receive the aid – which does not have a fixed amount, but rather complements the beneficiary's income up to reach a certain threshold-.

In December 2021, the Government approved the creation of a new Children's Aid Complement (CAPI) – which is now 115 euros for children under three years old, 80.50 euros for those aged 3 to 5 years, and 57.50 for those aged 6 to 17 – intended for both IMV recipients with children and other low incomes. “The supplement of aid for children that will be launched within the framework of the Minimum Living Income will reach the beneficiaries of the benefit with dependent minors, but also other low-income families, since the guaranteed income thresholds will be raised and assets established for each type of home,” Escrivá explained then..

While to collect the IMV, the assets cannot exceed 28,495 euros in the case of a family of one adult and one child; The limit to receive the Childhood Aid Complement is 45,678 euros, meaning there are many more potential beneficiaries. The same happens with assets, which must not exceed 56,990 euros in households with one adult and one minor to access the IMV, and however can reach 60,905 euros to request the CAPI.

For this reason, while up to 850,000 beneficiaries could receive the IMV, according to Escrivá, the AIReF calculated in its second opinion (published in 2023 with data as of the end of 2022) that the CAPI could be received by 1.5 million people.. “The supplement is a benefit aimed at both potential beneficiaries with IMV children and non-IMV beneficiaries,” explained this institution, and even recommended to the Government that both aids could be requested separately, since the CAPI request is made with the same IMV form, although later this is not perceived.

Half a million counting those who do not receive the IMV

The institution chaired by Cristina Herrero took the opportunity to demand that the Government periodically make public the number of IMV recipients and reported that in 2022 the number of recipients remained stagnant at 284,000 homes – of which 122,789 also collected the CAPI -, and to which were added 150,529 who only received the CAPI.

Now the new Ministry of Social Security has listened to AIReF's requests and has published statistics regarding the IMV for the first time.. In them, several things draw attention. The first, that the Executive counts as beneficiaries of the IMV families that do not receive it: they only collect the supplement for children, without the State completing their income.. This leads the Government to say that there are 557,405 beneficiaries in Spain, when in reality only 376,073 families receive the Minimum Income (of which 181,075 receive only that income and 194,998 collect both the IMV and the CAPI), because they add to this group the 181,332 families that only collect the CAPI without receiving the IMV.

This is a methodology that AIReF does not share because these people are not receiving the IMV, as this media has been able to confirm, but that the Ministry defends at all costs, ignoring the fact that Escrivá himself presented it as a supplement that “other income households would collect.” “discharges who do not receive the IMV”.

It is also curious to see that we are very far from the objectives that former Minister Escrivá had set for himself.. Of the 232,889 single-person households to which the benefit was believed to reach, the IMV has only reached 127,746 (slightly more than half); They expected to provide protection to 126,061 two-adult households, but it has only reached 35,878 (less than a third), or it would cover 46,151 three-adult families, a figure that has finally remained at 13,498, according to data published yesterday.

In families with children, the objectives are not met either, but there is some distortion, since it was estimated, for example, that the IMV would cover 72,901 households with an adult and a child, but today it reaches 57,902. The problem is that this amount includes those who do not charge the IMV and only charge the CAPI.

The Treasury will create a chat to assist citizens with debts with the Tax Agency

The Treasury will create a new chat so that citizens with debts with the Tax Agency can deal with the Administration in a more agile and intuitive way, since the measure will be accompanied by greater information about the procedures carried out by the Entity.

“Citizens will have response forms with contextual help by requesting a telephone appointment and through a new chat service. In this way, the response to the procedures will be simpler and more agile, making it easier for citizens to comply with their tax obligations and achieving greater simplicity,” states the guidelines document that will govern the Annual Tax and Customs Control Plan..

In terms of seizure proceedings, the Treasury seeks to reduce tax burdens and encourage greater voluntary income by citizens from whom seizure proceedings are requested.

The simplification of the language of the Tax Agency will not end there and will also apply to the documents it issues most frequently and, specifically, those related to the control of personal income tax..


In the document, the Treasury also warns that the settlement of taxes on the banking and energy sector, as well as the temporary solidarity tax on large fortunes, will be closely monitored.

Likewise, the result of other recently created taxes such as the Tax on Certain Digital Services and the Tax on Financial Transactions, better known as 'Google Tax' and 'Tobin Tax' at a colloquial level, will also be specifically analyzed..

In addition, the document from the General Directorate of the State Tax Administration Agency also recognizes that the planning of this exercise and “predictably” of others in the future will be affected by the repeal of the Montoro Corporate Tax reform by the Court Constitutional on the tightening of the limits on the compensation of negative tax bases.


The most striking novelty for the taxpayer will be the taxation of cryptocurrencies, called “virtual currencies” by the Administration. This change was planned for the 2023 campaign, but finally, the delay in the regulatory processing of the project caused it to become effective this year.

For this, three models have been enabled: 172, to declare balances in virtual currencies, 173, which declares operations with crypto and 721, which reports on assets of this type held abroad. and that users with cryptocurrencies in this situation have until March 31 to fill out and send to the Treasury.

Another entity that will receive greater scrutiny from the Treasury will be neobanks and other alternative payment financial entities, subject to less control than traditional ones.

As usual, the Treasury will also monitor businesses with high amounts of cash with special care, since it is a business model with “high risk of existence of an underground economy”, a category that it shares with companies that use electronic methods of payments located abroad that avoid the obligations to provide information.

In terms of assets, it will focus on those who fictitiously move to Autonomous Communities with fewer taxes and on the taxation of foreigners who reside for more than 183 days in Spain and only pay taxes on their income in the country and not on their entire income. income, as they should.

These are the five most profitable accounts in March 2024

March, third month of the year and with it come changes: season, time, wardrobe…. And financial planning? The truth is that, given the possibility that the European Central Bank (ECB) will lower interest rates, the profitability of deposits has turned downwards. For this reason, paid accounts have become an increasingly popular alternative.

Flexibility, gifts, free cards, return of purchases and receipts…. They are accompanied by numerous advantages that have led to their rise in recent times. But if they are gaining followers for something, it is mainly because of their profitability.. “Given the current instability of rates, these accounts are increasingly closer to the remuneration of deposits. If we add to that its various benefits, the result is a very varied offer,” they point out from the financial comparator HelpMyCash.

So among so many options, choosing can become a complicated mission.. What to look for? Profitability is usually the predominant criterion, although not the only one. So, against a backdrop with such a wide range, these are the five most profitable accounts for the month of March.

1. Trade Republic Savings Account, 4%

Although it is not a traditional remunerated account, the Trade Republic Savings Account remunerates savings with an attractive 4% APR for balances of up to 50,000 euros, which would allow you to obtain up to 2,000 euros in one year.. Enough to be the most profitable account on the market. In addition, it does not charge commissions nor does it require direct debit of the payroll.

But beyond its interest, its debit card offers 1% cashback and does not neglect security, since the money is backed by a deposit guarantee fund. And aside from savings, Trade Republic is a gateway to the world of investments with very low fees, since it allows its clients to explore stocks, ETFs, bonds, cryptocurrencies and more.

2. Revolut Flexible Account, at 3.97%

Like the previous one, the Revolut Flexible Account is an attractive option for those looking to maximize their savings, as it gives access to an expected return of up to 3.97%, depending on the Plan selected.

However, it also has great flexibility: clients can withdraw money at any time, without restrictions, and it does not charge commissions of any kind.

3. Sabadell Online Account, 3%

Thirdly, the Sabadell Online Account stands out, an account that has a current promotion that pays 6% TIN during the first three months, followed by a competitive 2% TIN (3% APR) for balances of up to 20,000 euros.. This offer is aimed at new customers, which would allow them to earn up to 596 euros the first year.

At the same time, it does not impose commissions or payroll. Likewise, it offers the possibility of recovering 3% of electricity and gas bills, as well as free debit and credit cards.. In short, an opportunity to optimize savings with the most attractive profitability.

4. EVO Welcome Smart Account, at 2.85%

The Welcome Evo Smart Account with a profitability of 2.85% APR for amounts up to 30,000 euros, allows you to obtain a profit of up to 843 euros. But it also gives the possibility of opening a deposit at the same interest for the rest of the savings.

The account also has other advantages such as the absence of commissions and conditions.. It also comes with a free debit and credit smart card, cashback with purchases and withdrawals abroad without additional costs.

5. N26 Savings Account, at 2.26%

Finally, the N26 Savings Account closes the ranking of the five most profitable accounts in March. It offers an interest of 2.26% APR, with no limit on the balance and without commissions or conditions and with the money always available. The bank is under the protection of the German Deposit Guarantee Fund.

To access this account, customers can first open a free checking account and then sign up for a savings account directly from the app. In short, a profitable as well as accessible option for those looking to grow their money safely and without complications.

Spain, of steel and legend, champion of the Nations League

192 days ago a big bang occurred, from which a World Champion Spain was born, but also a steel team made up of women willing to claim their feat, live it and resist.. For them, for all, for all. They had waited their entire lives to have a brilliant place in football and they put on their armor to fight for much more.. They had to prove that they deserved everything, convince that it is as fair as it is necessary and, above all, win.. Demonstrate once again that they are the best footballers to add to their legend by lifting the first Nations League, breaking new ground in continental achievements, and dreaming of another feat in Paris. [Narrative and statistics: 2-0]

It wasn't easy, it wasn't difficult either.. Nobody in La Cartuja saw for a moment that the trophy could escape. Like Sweden or the Netherlands, the intractable France was a puppet in the hands of the Spanish whose plan turned out almost perfectly.

Slow burning, it was difficult for Montse Tomé's team to find the spark in the area, but they settled in to live nearby with all the comforts. They didn't leave a second for doubt. The game started with Athenea challenging Karchaoui and with Mariona, with her half-drops the genius and mischief of this team, hunting down a bad serve from goalkeeper Peyraud-Magnin. She looked for Aitana to take out the compass and give Salma Paralluelo the first opportunity of the game. If against the Netherlands the Ballon d'Or shined little, with the French in front it grew bigger. He appeared to disturb the front line and cause a headache for Hervé Renard's bench.

Spain had the match under control, testing which was the crack in the French that was going to lead to the goal but also tying them up.. France had to focus on blocking the Spanish game, forgetting to rush Le Sommer and Katoto. Tomé insisted that putting pressure on the rival was an essential and non-negotiable job and his players complied to the letter, with Laia Aleixandre reigning in the central circle and Codina and Paredes becoming a wall.

Under that control Jenni Hermoso appeared, it is true that less than expected. Her job was to feed Salma, but the Aragonese woman was well watched by De Almeida and Henry and it was difficult to overcome them.. It took Spain 20 minutes to make use of another of its virtues, personalized in Olga Carmona. The World Cup scorer, who saw how her grandmother carried the final ball to the grass, appeared to fine-tune her crosses and use her set-piece strategy. The first goal could have come from that booklet, with a corner from Salma that Irene Paredes headed just past the post.

The score was not tilted in favor of the World champions because the magic had not yet appeared. They showed the danger along the banks, but they darkened when stepping into the area. Jenni Hermoso couldn't get close enough and Aitana, always pursued, couldn't get close enough either. . So much so that they tried to drive the French Mariona and Athenea crazy by changing bands.. But the one who found the way, again, was Olga Carmona. He rode to the baseline and, without even having to raise his head, took a telegraphed cross that Aitana, appearing from the second line, only had to push into the back of the goal.

Spain had no rival and the French, desperate, gathered together looking for how to react.. The blow could have been greater if, on the edge of half-time, the header that Laia Alexandri connected had not escaped by an inch into the side of the net.

Lock on the goal

It was almost impossible for France to continue being knocked out in the second half. Hervé Renard adjusted his players and danger began to appear, although very timidly. La Cartuja saw Diani and they stepped into the area without getting anything that would worry Cata Coll. Spain, which conceded goals during qualifying, which was surprised by Italy, conspired and closed this final phase. And from there, it always grows.

He did it when, this time from the left lane, Ona Batlle appeared to break the French. His low cross to the penalty spot was sent to the back of Mariona's goal in a fair reward for his brilliance in Spain's engine room . The victory over the French team escaped Salma, who quickly looked for a one-on-one with the French goal being offside.

Tomé refreshed the team, which did not spare a single newton of strength, and tried to speed up his Renard, but the game was already languishing. For France it was impossible to avoid defeat while in Spain Salma was still searching for her goal, in another duel with the goalkeeper who served her Mariona, and looking to the future with Vicky López's second game.

Before she was present, all of them safely crossed the champions' catwalk and Irene Paredes, with the bracelet that contains a stony leadership, raised a premiere trophy to the sky of Seville. Spain is already surrendered at the feet of these women, who shattered its glass ceiling and have no rival to stop them.

Irene Paredes, captain of the Spanish team: "Jenni has suffered and suffers a lot"

It is one of the three vertices that form the triangle of the Spanish team. Alexia Putellas and Jenni Hermoso are the other two. Before closing a perfect week, Irene Paredes (Legazpi, 1991) attends ELMUNDO to analyze not only the rival, France, against whom they could obtain their second title with the national team, but also the current situation of the national team after the Rubiales earthquake .

What a week they would close if they beat France, they have gone 13 games without losing. Hopefully, that's what we want. They are among the best in the world, they have been able to win titles for many years and, for whatever reason, they are not doing it, but due to ability it is not. I think they really want to win their first title and it's going to be a great game.. Both teams are doing well.. From his time at PSG he will know them well. Yes, I have played with some and I have had the rest as rivals, so it is a team that I know quite well even though we have not faced them in years. What situation is the team in today? Good, well prepared physically and emotionally. Trusting the team because we know what we are capable of. Also very aware of the difficulty of playing these games because the other day we did very well, but there are many things that were done wrong and sometimes the small details can leave you out.. We are calm, trusting the team a lot, but knowing that it is going to be a very difficult game. Do you think that with Montse Tomé stability has come to the national team? We have been focusing away from football for a long time and little by little we are returning to it , which is what we want and what we are for. Still: Oliva, Alexia's call, the change of headquarters…. The controversy follows them, why? There has been nonsense and not nonsense, but it is true that there are things that we do not have to go into. We want to focus on playing, we come here to perform and the rest is noise that we have to escape from.

Irene Paredes, soccer player for the senior women's team. Angel Navarrete WORLD

Despite the noise, world champions and qualified for the Olympic Games. There are many reasons to smile. That is there and we have been talking for a long time about something that until recently was unthinkable.. Inside the locker room we had a lot of confidence and we knew we could do it, but we didn't end up doing it, especially in important games.. We are achieving it now and we want it to continue. How do they manage to perform with everything that has surrounded them? In the end what we like is to play. When you're on the field you forget everything and that's what makes you enjoy it and the better you do it's like you go into a loop, you get more excited and you want to improve yourself.. We have a very competitive team, we all want to be better every day and that is showing. I think Jenni said that they were an unrepeatable generation, do you agree with her? It could be. I trust that from now on the girls who come will believe that this is just the beginning, but it is true that it is difficult to improve on today's generation. Tell me about the photo of you with Jenni and Alexia in La Cartuja after qualifying for the Olympic Games. We have been together for many years.. From the beginning we have experienced all the change, we have gone through very difficult circumstances inside and being able to have such beautiful moments as winning a World Cup or qualifying for the Games makes us especially excited and it is something very cool to share it with them.

Alexia, Irene and Jenni after Spain's qualification for the Olympic Games. Jose Breton AP

Her performance is incredible and even more so that of Jenni, who has experienced this whole whirlwind the most. How does she manage it? She has suffered and suffers a lot. What happens is that she has made a very big armor for herself and has surrounded herself with people who It has helped him manage everything very well. In the end what she likes is to play soccer, where she doesn't remember anything, she escapes, she shows her magic and that's what frees her, but it's amazing how she performs with her whole situation. When she retires, What will you tell your son with more pride, the star he achieved or the fact that he led the change in women's football, #SeAcabó? I don't think he remembers anything, but I will remind him that he was a key player in the World Cup. He was with the team and brought us a lot of happiness. I will also explain to him what needs to be explained to him, but I trust that there are many situations that sound like a movie, that by the time he is older, things will have changed.. At the moment it seems normal to him and he watches a lot more girls' football than boys' football, so I hope he grows up in a different reality. About everything that happened in the past, do you regret anything or would you have done it differently? No, I think things happen always for something and you have to accept them and move forward. She is 32 years old and speaks with the poise of a veteran. I think I have always been quite sensible and thorough. I think a lot about everything I do and I think it's the best. Origins Tell me about your football origins in Legazpi? I come back often because I have family, friends and I like it. Many times it is a refuge where I feel safe and calm.. They are my beginnings, it is where I started and I remember it with great affection, although football was difficult. I played since I can remember and until I was 14 I couldn't play on a team because there were no girls.. So, I always played in the street. That has changed and I like to return to the town and see how there are more girls' teams and it is increasingly encouraged.. Furthermore, I have a campus in the summer and I am especially excited to contribute that grain of sand. At those ages, who did I dream of being? I was very much a Real Sociedad fan and I saw the kids, but I didn't dream of being anyone because I knew I wasn't a posibility. So, when there is no possibility, you don't dream of being anything like that, or playing football, or being a professional or anything.. These are doors that have been opened to me later.. And hence the importance of making us visible, that it is normalized and that all those girls see that you can be a professional soccer player and win a World Cup or play in the Olympic Games.. The more girls there are playing, the more the level will increase. The better those who arrive and play with the national team will be and the greater the spectacle will be.

Irene Paredes in one of the Las Rozas training camps. Angel Navarrete WORLD

It is needed in Spain because at Barça they are a roller. You can always improve. Although we are a reference, it is still difficult for girls to have equal opportunities, to be valued equally.. Well, there is work to do, but it is true that what is being done is very good and when you win it is true that you attract more people. With the national team already more than 100 games, who would have told you? When I started it seemed difficult. It has rained a little, but I am happy to have reached that figure and to be able to continue being part of this. How much glass is left to the roof of women's football? Yes, there is still a lot, but we are on the right track and we hope that it will be the start of good things. We focus on playing, on continuing to win, which is engaging and gives us reasons to continue pushing. Did you hear Rafa Nadal's words about salaries between boys and girls? What did you think? I prefer not to go into that conversation. Besides Paris, what are your plans for the summer? I haven't thought about it. Now we only have between our eyebrows to win on Wednesday. Then there will also be a list and the objective will be to be on it and arrive in good condition. What do you like to do outside of football? I really like spending time with Lucía, Mateo and the dog.. Relax a lot in nature, visit things, tranquility. Flash interview

The lawsuit of Real Madrid and Athletic against LaLiga for the agreement with CVC is dismissed: "It is scary that there is a threat from Madrid"

LaLiga announced this Tuesday that the Court of First Instance number 15 of Madrid has dismissed the lawsuit filed by Athletic Club and Real Madrid against LaLiga Impulso and has confirmed that the operation with CVC complies with the current legal and statutory frameworks.

In a statement, LaLiga pointed out that the ruling affirms that its statutes were not violated, nor the applicable regulations regarding the management and administration of the audiovisual and economic rights of sports entities.

According to the employers' association, the judicial resolution validates that the procedures followed for the approval and execution of the operation with the CVC investment fund “met the statutory and legal requirements, including the necessary votes and approvals within the governing bodies of LaLiga.” .

For LaLiga, the ruling concludes that the operation with CVC does not infringe the rights of the clubs participating in it, arguing that the agreements reached “were made in a way that respects the rights and obligations of the clubs, without imposing unfair conditions or that alter significantly their participation and rights within the competition.

It also recognizes the autonomy of LaLiga to manage and administer its commercial and audiovisual rights, as long as they are carried out within the existing legal framework.

The organization points out that this includes the ability to carry out financial and commercial operations that are considered beneficial for the group of its members, always respecting the applicable laws and regulations, as is the case of LaLiga Impulso, definitively approved by the LaLiga Assembly in December. of 2021.

“LaLiga celebrates the ruling that once again ratifies the legitimacy of the clubs' agreement with CVC, which has the support of 44 signatory clubs, and has allowed said clubs to project investments, without counting on public aid, which otherwise would have been been unapproachable and that will accelerate the growth of the clubs in 20 years in terms of investment, infrastructure, internationalization and professionalization, among others,” said the employers' association.

Subsequently, Javier Tebas, taking advantage of the presentation of LaLiga's Prepared project, attacked Florentino Pérez, president of Real Madrid. “It is the confirmation that things are well done. It was legal in the civil sphere and in the criminal sphere,” he declared, and criticized the top leader of the white team: “We do not submit to the threats and coercion of anyone, no matter how great that person is, in this case the president of the Real Madrid, no matter how many influences it has.”

Continuing with Pérez, Tebas assured that “some argument will be invented to say that he has won.”. “If CVC's partner in Spain, Javier de Jaime, is being threatened by the main club in Spain and the world, it is something to be scared of,” he added.

Tebas, on Madrid's signings

Asked about the arrival of Mbappé to Madrid and the interest in Alphonso Davies, Bayern's full-back, the president of LaLiga declared that “they will be able to do it because they have done great economic management since the pandemic. They are in an optimal situation. “A 10 in management for Florentino Pérez and his general director, but a 0 in trying to influence competitions.”

Furthermore, the head of LaLiga insisted that the competition will appear in Sevilla's complaint to the Competition over Real Madrid Television's videos about the referees.. “We are not legitimized in Competition, but we are going to appear, the Real Madrid TV issue they already say, 'this is what we wanted'. It goes against good sporting order. Criticism is fine, but the constant nagging, the superiority…. “Madrid, as a club, cannot be their argument.”

Finally, Tebas revealed that he is going to participate in the documentary that Netflix is preparing about Vinicius, after the controversy over Valencia's rejection of the platform's cameras in the next Valencia-Real Madrid match.

The makeup artist of eternal youth

Almost 14 million people watched live as Tuzi, the new queen of makeup in China, turned a 72-year-old woman into a young Caucasian princess with blonde hair, blue eyes and glittering eyelids, without a single wrinkle on her teenage face.

The incredible transformation broadcast on Douyin, TikTok's Chinese brother, was a success. Fans of the elderly woman, Grandma Tian, a popular rural streamer with 35 million followers, praised the makeup artist for making the lady “regain” her youth.

Several celebrities from the Asian giant have passed through the hands of the twenty-year-old Tuzi. A few days ago, the radical change of image of Tang Jianjun (57 years old), one of the most famous comedians in the country, who became a handsome soap opera heartthrob, was a trend on social networks.

Every morning, hundreds of thousands of Chinese women of all ages follow live makeup tutorials that Tuzi broadcasts from her studio in Yunnan, southwest of the country.. This influencer has become an icon for those who long for eternal youth.

In addition to being a maker of extraordinary makeovers, cosmetic brands raffle Tuzi to promote all types of elixirs, from herbal creams, such as ginseng, goji berries and licorice root, to one of the products stars in traditional Chinese medicine for skin care: ejiao, a kind of gelatinous porridge produced from collagen extracted from boiled donkey skin.

In ancient writings, ejiao appears as a potion to rejuvenate the faces of the women of the imperial court of Beijing.. Today it remains so popular that every year around 4.8 million donkeys are slaughtered for their skins.. The problem is that China does not have as many equines to meet demand, which has led to the emergence of a thriving African donkey trafficking industry.

The first historical references to Chinese women's obsession with beauty treatments appear during the reign of Empress Wu Zetian (624-705 AD).. C.), who applied powdered pearls mixed with egg white to his face every night. Facial massage with a jade roller and the consumption of tremella, a mushroom rich in antioxidants and vitamin D, were also popular in the dynasties.

In today's millennial China, more and more fans of perfect skin are visiting beauty clinics and hiring the services of South Korean dermatologists, with a reputation in the region for being the best in the world.. In a genuinely sexist society, the idea that looking eternally young has a very close link with professional success remains deeply rooted.. Fashion magazines and television shows glorify to the extreme mature women with huge cheeks, shaped noses and perfect complexions.. Appearance continues to open many doors in the richest cities.

In the younger urban generations, in addition to spending a fortune on creams, the usual thing is that, before entering university, they undergo surgery to have a blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery to enlarge the eyes, as well as lengthen the nasal bridge and reduce the size of the nostrils. They look for faces that look like the filtered selfies they upload to social media.

Nicolás Maduro advances his plan for 'fake' elections in Venezuela

Chavismo is advancing with firm steps in the imposition of fake presidential elections tailored to Nicolás Maduro, who is rejected by 80% of the country, according to different surveys and polls.. After several weeks of meetings, the Chavista parliamentary body hosted the signing of the agreement reached by the National Dialogue Table, made up of parties and economic and religious sectors close to the Bolivarian revolution..

Despite the overwhelming presence of 152 “actors” in the signing of the document, which will be sent to the National Electoral Council (CNE) with 27 different electoral calendars, those who lead all the polls were missing: the opposition leader María Corina Machado and the Democratic Unitary Platform. “It is an arrangement between equals, between members of the same group, which leaves aside the essence of the Barbados Agreement (between the government and the opposition under the auspices of the United States),” counterattacked opposition member Juan Pablo Guanipa..

Chavismo maintains the illegal and unconstitutional disqualification of the opposition leader, whom it intends to replace with an archipelago of collaborationist or docile candidates. Already in 2018, in custom-made presidential elections that were not recognized by democratic countries, the “son of Chávez” won his re-election thanks to the judicial takeover of the opposition parties.

“Here is today the economic, social, cultural, political and religious life of the country. Here are 97% of the political parties duly registered with the CNE,” said Jorge Rodríguez, president of the Chavista National Assembly.. In reality, these are unknown parties, without militancy or intervened by the Supreme Court, with little support at the polls.. Among all the candidates present, including the official one, they barely add up to 22% of the vote expectations, very far from the opposition candidate.

“This new little table, an agglomeration of political figures to choose an election date, is just a facade to maintain forms and tell it with propaganda to the people and the international community. There is no element of opposition in this negotiation, they are people who play on the same side with similar interests. “Why so many turns to choose the date? They are groping and calculating when they are going to do it. There will be elections as long as they control the terrain so that they are similar to those of 2018 or in which there is no competitiveness,” Ana Milagros Parra, political scientist and renowned podcaster, explained to EL MUNDO.

Despite the obvious anger that Maduro shows in his interventions, Machado has maintained his electoral tours, adding one mass bath after another. The revolutionary boss appears so uncomfortable that a group of lawyers has gone to the Supreme Court to order the opposition leader to stop calling herself a candidate and not to tour the country again, to avoid events as epic as the one caused last week in Maturín, east of the country, with emboldened citizens carrying the leader of Vente Venezuela to overcome the siege of the Chavista agents.

The harassment goes beyond the leader herself and her collaborators, although three of her regional electoral coordinators remain imprisoned after their illegal detention. Bolivarian agents have closed the Ecos del Páramo 100.3 FM radio station in the last few hours, as announced by the National Union of Press Workers (SNTP). There are already eight radio stations closed so far this year, which join the 130 closed in different parts of the country since 2022. The police repeated their usual modus operandi and took computers, microphones and transmitters.

Once the television channels and traditional newspapers were bought by magnates close to the government or kneeling to the Bolivarian power, the radio stations constitute one of the main sources of information, especially in the interior of the country.. Independent media, also permanently harassed, fight an unequal battle to inform Venezuelans.

Despite the aggressive communication hegemony, the latest survey, conducted by DatinCorp, confirms the overwhelming advantage that Machado maintains. If the elections were held today in Venezuela, the opposition leader would collect 55% of the support, compared to Maduro's meager 14%.. In a polarized scenario between both candidates, the liberal leader would reach 65% of the votes, with Maduro barely 15%..

If Chavismo maintains the disqualification of Machado, it would not serve to defeat the opposition either, since a unitary candidate would prevail with 53% of the support. And that is precisely the “advice” that the majority (70%) of those surveyed give to María Corina: if she is permanently disqualified, support a candidate from the democratic unity.

In his best electoral performance, and with an evident advantage imposed by force, Hugo Chávez defeated the opponent Manuel Rosales, today governor of Zulia, in 2006, with a lead of 26%.