All posts by Carmen Gomaro

Carmen Gomaro - leading international news and investigative reporter. Worked at various media outlets in Spain, Argentina and Colombia, including Diario de Cádiz, CNN+, Telemadrid and EFE.

The European Union calls for opening humanitarian corridors in Gaza

The foreign ministers of the European Union have reaffirmed their condemnation and repudiation of the “barbaric and inhuman act” perpetrated over the weekend by Hamas, have endorsed Israel's right to defend itself and have distanced themselves from the organization they consider terrorist. and who has power in the Gaza Strip. At the same time, they have also condemned “all attacks on civilians”, have asked for “respect for humanitarian law” and that there be no “blockade of water, food or electricity for the civilian population in Gaza”. Likewise, the high representative for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, has demanded that Israel allow “humanitarian corridors to facilitate the exit of those fleeing the bombs to Egypt”, since “collective punishments are unfair and go against the interests of all.” “.

The high representative urgently summoned those responsible for Foreign Affairs yesterday to assess what happened, listen to the position of each of the 27 and “start thinking about the day after,” as he explained from Oman, where a meeting with several of the Gulf countries. Some of the European ministers were in person, but most have joined by video conference.

The Europeans have had to talk among themselves because neither the Israeli Eli Cohen nor the Palestinian Riad Malki have accepted the invitation to explain first-hand what is happening. And, according to the summary offered by the high representative, there are several broad or “overwhelming consensuses”. The first, the denunciation of the barbarism committed by Hamas murderers against unarmed civilians, families and children. The second, the right to defend itself against Israel. And the third, “with only two or three” discrepancies, said Borrell, that aid to Palestine should be maintained and not cut..

On Monday, the neighborhood commissioner, Viktor Orban's man in Brussels, announced the immediate suspension of all development aid to Palestine while an in-depth evaluation of every euro spent is made, to ensure that nothing ends up in the hands of terrorists.. Hours later, and when half the planet had interpreted that humanitarian aid was also being cut off at a critical moment, the European Commission had to deny the commissioner, ensuring that the humanitarian items would not be touched, nor would there be a “suspension of payments” while it is audited.. And this Tuesday they went even further, throwing the Hungarian Varhelyi to the horses by saying in public that what he said was his own initiative, without consulting anyone, least of all with President Von der Leyen..

Borrell has insisted a lot on this issue from Oman. European diplomats throughout the Middle East have warned Brussels that its position, and even its security, would be greatly compromised if such an abrupt cut were made and that it would make no sense to ensure that not one euro has gone to Hamas and then penalize two millions of civilians at once, who need that money to survive.

“Hamas is a terrorist organization and they behave like one, but the Palestinian Authority is something else.”. They are our partners, we work with them. “Not all Palestinians are terrorists, so collective punishment will be unjust, not at all productive, against the interests of everyone and peace,” said the Spanish leader.. “An overwhelming majority, with two or three exceptions, believes that cooperation with the Palestinian Authority should continue, financing should continue and payments should not be interrupted… If we discover that we have financed Hamas, someone will have to take responsibility.” policies. I don't think it happened, but let's check it. The extraordinary nature of the situation means that a more in-depth examination may be necessary, but the majority insists that it cannot be an excuse to freeze cooperation.. This barbaric act that has left so many victims, so many dead, has provoked the reaction of the Israeli Defense forces, which will cause human suffering. The victims are increasing in Gaza, the humanitarian situation is critical, so we have to give more support, not less,” he concluded.

Spain's natural resources: 9,400 euros per inhabitant, but 15% less than in 1995

The value of Spain's natural resources per inhabitant has fallen by 15% between 1995 and 2018, according to data collected in the monograph Economy and environment in Spain: analysis of the flow of materials and natural capital, published by the BBVA Foundation and the ivy. In any case, the per capita value of these resources is 34% higher than the average of the 27. Furthermore, the absolute has remained practically stable in this period – it has fallen by 0.4% -, while the GDP has grown by around 60%.

This means that Spanish citizens are among the richest in the EU in terms of their natural resources, with an endowment of 9,436 euros per person. This natural capital is made up of forest resources (timber and non-timber), cropland, pasture land, protected areas, and energy resources and metallic minerals.. Thus, the eighth position that Spain occupies despite this 15% drop – in 1995 it was 11,153 euros – is explained, in part, by the increase in population: the cake is the same, but it must be distributed among more people.

The study estimates the stock of natural capital by valuing natural resources based on the income they generate or market prices.. That is, other intangibles are left out, such as the contribution of forests as a natural habitat, but a complete image is formed that, in this same case, does take into account the production of cork or esparto grass.. In any case, Eva Benages, economist at Ivie and co-author of the report, recalls that with these results we must take into account that capital is a little underestimated” because “it is impossible” to have information to value all environmental assets.

“There has not been a very significant loss of added natural capital during these years,” Benages contextualizes.. It is more of a “stagnation” that, yes, the document warns that “could put at risk the sustainability of economic growth and the well-being of future generations” if it continues at the rate of population increase.

“Taking into account that in these years the GDP has grown by more than 60% and that the natural stock has only fallen by 0.4%, I would say that this is not an alarming message at the moment,” Benages reassures.. The economic growth experienced since 1995 has been intense, but it has not led to a significant loss in natural capital, only an almost marginal reduction. “We could say that it has been maintained, so it is not bad news,” continues the expert, but “it can be a problem” if these rates of loss of natural capital and population growth are maintained or expanded.

The idea is to get ahead of this and begin to take into account the depreciation of natural capital in the same way that the calculation of GDP takes into account the depreciation of physical capital: “Many times what is not measured is not taken into account. “. “Natural capital is basic for the well-being of the population or citizens, but it is also part of the productive base that a country has,” Benages recalls.

Crops and forests

In terms of resources, Spain is a country of farmland and pastures, which are also the most important element in the natural capital of Malta and Ireland.. In the Spanish case, its contribution is 59.40%, distributed equally between irrigated and dry land.. However, this does not mean that they occupy the same land, since the former are much more profitable in terms of surface area.. Although the drought of recent years does not enter into this calculation, which only lasts until 2018, its impact could be noted in future reports.. “If part of the irrigated lands become dry lands due to problems with water resources, that valuation will go down,” Benages illustrates.

The figure, in any case, represents more than double the second most important resource, forestry (23.29%).. Protected areas, for their part, total 16.47%, which means multiplying their weight by four from 3.9% in 1995.

Meanwhile, energy resources account for only 0.84%, since they measure coal, natural gas and oil.. The first stopped being extracted in Spain and the other two fuels are very scarce in the country. The reserves of metallic minerals, located mainly in Andalusia, do not have much weight either.. Despite everything, Benages believes that the calculation would change if other energy resources such as the sun or wind were valued, in line with the country's installation of renewables, but “it is difficult to make an economic valuation” of their contribution.

Benages points out that, despite this separation by resources, we must have the complete picture to contextualize natural capital.. “In the end, the weight that each asset has depends not only on the importance of that asset, but also on the importance of the others,” he illustrates.

Podemos and IU reproach Yolanda Díaz for her approach to the Greens: "We need ideological clarity"

Eight months before the European elections, another issue emerges that generates tensions within Sumar's political space. Who are your priority allies and your reference in Europe? The question, when Unidas Podemos led, was the parliamentary group The Left-GUE (La Izquierda), however, the push of the Catalan ecosocialists and Más Madrid within the coalition now places Sumar between two waters: that of the Greens and that of The Left.

This repositioning of Sumar on the European board and the approach that Yolanda Díaz is carrying out towards the Greens has unleashed the first public reprimands from Podemos and IU, which within the framework of a conference organized by The Left-GUE in Congress have claimed the need for a combative and recognizable left.

Without mentioning Díaz at any time, the general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, has sent him several highly charged critical messages. “We are very clear that our political reference in Europe is The Left,” he stated.. To then finish by warning that “ideological clarity” is needed to “stop the right.”

“We have to be able to build a political space that clearly looks to the left and that is what Podemos can contribute.. “We have many defects and we will make many mistakes, but we are a political force that does not put itself in profile,” he said.

The criticism of Díaz with this matter culminates a path previously taken by Pablo Iglesias from his online platform in which he attacked Sumar for his approach to the Greens and against those allies in particular for their political positions, especially in Germany, where he forms part of the coalition government. And the second vice president of the Government participated in the conclave that the European Greens recently held in Madrid. Not in vain, Sumar's spokesperson, Ernest Urtasun, is one of its main figures in the European Parliament, where he serves as vice president of the group.

Belarra has warned that the right-wing parties are “very clear” about their project and has called for the creation of “strong alliances” because the parties of The Left-GUE suffer “very similar attacks.”

At the end of the meeting in which Belarra participated, Podemos deputy Javier Sánchez Serna complemented his leader by emphasizing that Podemos is taking care of these alliances on the Left “in the face of the advance of the extreme right and also in the face of a two-party system that , with the help of the Greens, for example, has ensured that we have as commissioner against climate change a former employee of Shell, one of the biggest polluters in the world.

On the other hand, IU has also left important messages during the intervention of its Secretary of Organization, Ismael González, who wanted to join Belarra to demand a left “that fights the ideological and cultural battle” and that “does not get scared.” for example, when defending the people of Palestine.

“We need to take care of the organizations that make up the European left,” claimed the number three of IU, who added that it is important for The Left-GUE to work for the electoral event, where it is still not clear how Sumar will work.

In his speech, he left a warning about the relevance of the organizations at a time when IU is still angry about how the distribution of power has been resolved within the Sumar coalition in Congress, in which they have been left without a spokesperson. attached, and in which he has been urging to “democratize” decision-making.

“Although some sometimes have good electoral machinery and some better organizations, it is not always enough to endure what lies ahead.. That is why we need more organization, more care for each other and more contact with the people we claim to represent in the institutions,” he stressed.

Likewise, he has said that he is not only here “so that some can be MEPs”, but to combat the neoliberal “project of hostility” that is sweeping Europe.

Spain begins the evacuation of the first Spaniards from Israel

Spain has joined the governments of other countries that are carrying out an evacuation of their citizens, who are unable to leave Israel on their own due to the attack committed by Hamas on October 7.. As reported by Minister Margarita Robles, 15 minutes before four in the afternoon, a first Airbus A330 left for Tel Aviv to pick up the first group of Spaniards.. The plane arrived in Tel Aviv minutes after eight in the afternoon and boarded 270 people, all of Spanish nationality..

The Embassy has reported that there are around 500 Spaniards who were passing through Israel and have asked for help to leave the country.. It is important to emphasize that the Government is currently going to evacuate those people who are in Israel for tourism or business reasons; the evacuation of residents in the country is not contemplated.

The Operations Command has worked all morning to finalize the preparations for this new operation, and at the Torrejón Air Base an Airbus A330 was ready with all the essential personnel on alert, waiting to take off as soon as they were given the order.. The staff includes a doctor and a nurse in case any of the evacuees need help. Removing the staff on board, there are 272 seats available on the plane to accommodate Spanish citizens.

At an ideal time, a direct flight between Madrid and Tel Aviv takes just over four hours, so if everything goes well the first plane will land in Israel minutes after eight in the afternoon.

Once on the ground, civilians board directly after checking their identities for security and the plane returns to the country of origin, so the first Army and Space Army aircraft will be in Madrid at dawn..

In the case of the second plane, although it was initially expected to travel tonight, it will finally not fly until early Wednesday morning on the recommendation of the Embassy..

The 'saints', the downfall of footballers in the robberies of their homes: "Many times, thieves know where to look"

“Saint” refers to a person “perfect and free from all guilt” or of “special virtue or example”. However, for the Robbery Section of the National Police it is practically the opposite of what the Spanish Language Dictionary defines.. “A saint is a facilitator. “He is the individual who provides information to criminals when perpetrating a robbery,” the head of this section of the Specialized and Violent Crime Unit (UDEV) of the General Police Station explains to ELMUNDO.

These saints, in the case of footballers, are people around them “who do not have to be very close”, who know not only the habits of the player and his family, but also the entrances and security systems of the house in question. the ones they reside. And, many times, the exact location of the personal property that is of interest to the criminals who carry out the assault on the home.

“There are quite a few robberies in luxury residences where thieves know exactly where they have to look and what tools they have to use,” the Robbery Section reveals.. This not only limits the time of the crime and makes it easier for the criminals to escape but, sometimes, it causes the victims' complaints to be delayed by the time it takes them to realize what has happened to them “due to very clean access.” or the resident taking a long time to return home.

Athletes, and especially soccer players, are a very attractive group for criminals because they accumulate numerous valuable objects and also cash in their homes.. Furthermore, “residences are always located in exclusive places where it is assumed that there are things of value,” says the head of the Robbery section.


The Italian footballer, Marco Verratti, today at the Saudi club Al-Arabi decided, together with his wife, to rent Ronaldo Nazario's mansion in Ibiza in the summer of 2022. A gang of criminals attacked the house without any signs of force. The criminals took a loot of more than 3 million euros. Among the movable property were several jewels and watches, one of which had a value of 400,000 euros, and 12,000 euros in cash.. The National Police managed to arrest several of the criminals and recover part of the stolen loot.

For example, the former footballer and current president of Real Valladolid, Ronaldo Nazario, has a house in one of the best areas of the island of Ibiza, Cala Jondal, a place where numerous recreational yachts of people with great purchasing power anchor.. This was the property in which the footballer Marco Verratti, then with Paris Saint Germain, suffered a robbery in the summer of 2022 in which numerous valuable objects and cash were stolen.

Another window that these organized groups also use are social networks.. Many times they take advantage of the photos that the footballers themselves post in these virtual public spaces to obtain information or the house they are going to raid or the objects they are interested in stealing.. “They don't even need such an in-depth examination if they are very active on social networks, collecting that information already helps them,” they comment from Robos.

Verratti in training with PSG. A.C.. POUJOULAT AFP

However, despite the juicy loot they can obtain, the great security measures that footballers have in their homes represent a great obstacle for criminals.. That is why the figure of the saint is so important for the assailants when it comes to facilitating their work.

In Spain, around 85,000 home burglaries occur annually, although in 2019 this type of crime amounted to more than 98,000, according to the Crime Balance of the Ministry of the Interior.. So far in 2023, home invasions have dropped 1.6 points compared to the same period in 2022.

RAMOS Drop-down

He is one of the last footballers who has suffered a robbery in his home. It was on September 20 at his farm in Bollullos de la Mitación (Seville). The player was playing a Champions League match at the Pizjuán against Lens and Pilar Rubio, his wife, was recording in the Canary Islands. The criminals took more than 350,000 euros in jewelry, watches, clothing and other luxury items. In 2012, they also tried to rob the footballer's home in the Madrid neighborhood of Conde Orgaz, but his presence and that of his brother thwarted the robbery.

Normally, criminals choose times when the house has the fewest occupants possible, but, as happened recently in the home of Sevilla footballer Sergio Ramos and presenter Pilar Rubio, where their children and two caregivers were present, “There are groups that get into the property and don't care,” explains the head of the section.

However, Ramos and his brother and agent, René, have already thwarted another previous robbery attempt that some thieves attempted in the player's house when he lived in Madrid, so “the most profitable thing is that there are no residents because it makes the commission easier.” apostille from the National Police. Something that, at least in the case of footballers, is not difficult to know since their match schedule is public and notorious.

Another who suffered a robbery with him at home was Aubameyang when he was a member of Barcelona.. The player was beaten at his home in Castelldefels to make him reveal the code to his safe. However, it is rarer that criminals resort to violence when perpetrating these crimes.

BENZEMA Deployable

The French footballer's house has been robbed twice. The first in February 2019 when he played a Copa del Rey Classic against Barcelona at the Bernabéu. The second, most recent, was in January 2022 and he also played a home game against Elche. The thieves' loot consisted of jewelry, watches, bracelets and diamonds.. One of the criminals in the second robbery was arrested while fleeing by car towards France.

Falcao, Benzema, Zidane, Isco, Morata, Rodrygo, Joaquín, William Carvalho, Castillejo, Piqué…. The list of footballers who have had their homes robbed is endless.. 2019 was a terrible year to such an extent that, after a wave of crimes in the homes of several members of the Real Madrid squad, Lucas Vázquez's wife even posted on social media: “One after another. When will you be able to live peacefully in your own home? When can I go to work in peace?”

Although it is difficult to prove it, the Robbery Section of the National Police is in a position to ensure that the vast majority were crimes committed thanks to information from a saint. Never has a religious mention had such a negative connotation for a union of athletes.

WiZink surrenders to Doncic and Campazzo honors him with a spectacular final comeback against the Mavericks

The surroundings of WiZink were a hive of Doncicmania, an invasion of the visiting team's shirts, a blue tide with the 77 on the back. Five years had passed since Luka Doncic's last time at the Palace and the distance had only increased the mutual feeling of longing.. Real Madrid's pride in seeing that blonde boy who came to their youth academy at the age of 12 dominate the NBA. The Slovenian's love was shown not only through tweets and winks: he, with the support of his president Mark Cuban, was the one who made the Mavericks' visit to Madrid possible.

To know more
Basketball. The NBA falls in love with the new Bernabéu: “We will tell Florentino Pérez to organize an official match here”

The NBA falls in love with the new Bernabéu: “We will tell Florentino Pérez to organize an official match here”

«I don't know what to say, it's a special day. Thank you all very much,” Doncic said in the middle of the court.. He always expressed himself more on the court than with words, but his glassy eyes showed the emotion of the moment.. In those moments before the game, he himself already knew that the party was not going to be complete. A strain in his left calf – as evidenced by a cumbersome bandage – was going to prevent him from playing normally.. “No more than five minutes,” the Mavericks assured. Any other night I wouldn't have tried it. «I have insisted to play. “I can't let people not see me tonight,” he admitted on television.

Florentino Pérez, recovered from covid, presented him with the club's gold and diamond insignia. At the end of the first quarter, Felipe Reyes entertained him with a replica of the Euroleague, unforgettable that Final Four in Belgrade in which Doncic was MVP. No wonder, few ambassadors like Luka will ever have Madrid. In the morning he had promised that, if one day he returned to Europe, it would be “100%” to Real Madrid.. And at night, half lame, the starter, he left a few minutes of magic with three-pointers, dancing and smiling with his friend Sergio Llull, who welcomed him with three in a row. Later he also formed a pair with Rudy Fernández, leaving nothing to chance, his two teachers in front, snapshots forever with the crème de la crème in the front row: Bodiroga, Antonio Martín, Jorge Garbajosa, Toni Kross, Courtois…

Doncic, with Florentino Pérez. JAVIER SORIANO AFP

It was the ninth time that Real Madrid faced an NBA team, 35 years after that introductory visit by Larry Bird's Celtics. Seven years ago, the last time, the Thunder were defeated in overtime, like the Raptors in 2007, dazzled by the first magic tricks of a certain Llull, the same one who years later would dare to reject their offer. Obviously, beyond the show, the competitiveness was not going to be extreme. The whites travel to Istanbul today, where on Thursday they will face Efes in the second day of the Euroleague. Jason Kidd's men, with Kyrie Irving dressed in street clothes on the bench, come straight from Abu Dhabi, where they already played two exhibition duels. Their preseason is still in its infancy and they did not go out of their way to avoid the final avalanche of their rival.

The first half, which dawned with a three-point contest, was even. But in the rotations the Texas team became strong, going into the break ahead, with 18 points from Tim Hardaway while Doncic was already watching, sitting next to Jason Kidd, with his sweatshirt on and non-stop joking with his former teammates. .

In Madrid Tavares returned and his exciting youth players Ndiaye, Diagne and Hugo González once again had minutes. But those who took it personally were Llull and, above all, Poirier (19 points). Even so, the NBA rhythm did not let him get into the battle until the end. Before the end of the third quarter, the Mavericks were already close to 100 points. Campazzo's last rush, with the visitors' substitutes, led to an exciting ending and a trademark comeback: Madrid did not miss the mark of another victory against an NBA team (127-123).

The sad retirement of Eden Hazard, Zidane's dream and Madrid's rage: "He didn't deserve this"

The only year that the Lavoisier public school managed to win the national high school football championship was the year in which Eden Hazard taught there. He was a teenager who played in the lower categories of Lille and was “very hard-working and very humble”, as his teachers told EL MUNDO in 2019.. “He never boasted about how good he was,” summarized teacher Vanesa Bavay.. Two decades after passing through that building in Lille, that 14-year-old boy has announced his retirement from football. He does it at 32 years old and only four seasons after signing for Real Madrid. He made the decision with his ankles shattered and his head at peace after accepting that his body would never be the same after that entry by his compatriot Meunier in a Real Madrid-PSG game.. “You must listen to yourself and say enough at the right moment,” wrote the Belgian in his farewell.. No sooner said than done.

“He didn't deserve this”. In Valdebebas they have great affection for Hazard. The misfortune made him spend more time in the infirmary and on the bench than on the pitch, but the members of the coaching staff who have passed through Madrid in recent years and the workers from the different departments of the club who have coincided with him during this stage speak wonders of the person the Belgian was. “He never stopped trying and always had a positive attitude.”. He tried a thousand treatments, different exercises…. But nothing,” they remember from the Madrid sports city.

Hazard landed in the capital of Spain in June 2019 after the insistence of Zinedine Zidane, who already alerted the Madrid board of his talent when he was in Lille.. Cristiano Ronaldo had been sold in 2018 and the Belgian was the most logical option to replace him. He was 28 years old and had just been chosen as the second best player at the World Cup in Russia, two years in a row in the FIFA XI, MVP of the Europa League, 8th in the Ballon d'Or…. The 50,000 people who gathered at the Bernabéu for his presentation summed up his arrival: he was the chosen one. The '7' on his back, 100 million euros for Chelsea and the future of Madrid's left wing assured.

“He never played without pain again”

But things went wrong from the beginning.. Hazard arrived out of shape for his first preseason and noticed it. He had never been a footballer who worked hard on his physique in the summer, rather he “improved by playing games”, as people around him say, he suffered muscle problems during the tour and when he was beginning to get in shape, Meunier appeared. He accumulated a goal and four assists when on November 26, his compatriot made a tackle that hit his ankle and changed his career.. Problems in the foot, fibula, various operations, nails…. “He never played without pain again,” they explain in Valdebebas.

In four seasons, Hazard played 76 games for Madrid and scored seven goals. He did not play a single Clásico against Barcelona, nor the Champions League final in Paris, nor the Spanish Super Cup, European Super Cup or Copa del Rey finals.. In all of them he was absent due to injury or his level was not adequate to leave the bench.. A circumstance that conditioned his future.

“I was able to make my dream come true”

This summer, the footballer notified Madrid's technical management of his intention to retire. He still had a contract with the white team, where he was the highest paid in the squad, but his body was no longer responding and he was considered a hindrance.. Vinicius' explosion mitigated Madrid's internal rage a little, but within the club there has always been an important “rage” about what could have been and was not.

At the end of last season, Hazard made the decision to hang up his boots, Madrid's economy thanked him for making room for Bellingham and an agreement was announced to end their relationship.. Today, two months later, he announced his retirement. He did not consider other options, such as returning to Belgium or playing in exotic leagues such as Arabia or the MLS.. His only alternative was to enjoy life with his family again.. “I was able to make my dream come true, I played and had fun on many fields around the world. Now is the time to enjoy my loved ones and have new experiences. See you soon off the field, my friends,” he wrote.

The NBA falls in love with the new Bernabéu: "We will tell Florentino Pérez to organize an official match here"

“I was at the new Bernabéu today, it's incredible. They gave me a demonstration, with the machines that lift the grass. “It is a good idea to organize an official match there in the future, we will tell President Florentino Pérez about it.”. On their visit to Madrid, Luka Doncic's Mavericks have been accompanied by Mark Tatum, vice commissioner of the best basketball league in the world. Adam Silver's right-hand man shared a round table with a small group of journalists at the Four Seasons Hotel in the capital, among whom was EL MUNDO, and spoke about the possibilities of expansion of an NBA that does not stop looking at the world.

“We are a league based in the US, but global,” Tatum explained.. Although he ruled out the expansion of more franchises in the league – “expansion is not on the table right now” – he did talk about the new markets, the importance they have for the NBA and the possibility of more official games being held. compete in Europe, beyond London and Paris.

“We have a great opportunity to continue growing. The calendar is very condensed and the trips are long. Those matches are very intense, like All Star. We could do more and we will continue to evaluate it. But there has to be a balance,” said Tatum, who had previously described his “incredible” visit to the Bernabéu again: “I have seen the system with which they raise and lower the grass, it is truly a world-class stadium when it is finished.” all. “We would like to play there if the circumstances arise and I'm sure those conversations will take place with Real Madrid.”

Spain, “key” to growth

Tatum celebrated being back in Madrid. “The last time was in 2016 and Doncic was at Real Madrid. I remember that game, it was resolved in an exciting overtime,” he recalled the duel against the Thunder, before talking about the Spanish influence in the development of world basketball.. “The history of the NBA in Spain is long. The first team game here was 35 years ago (Larry Bird's Celtics). The culture and history of basketball here is incredible. We have seen the Spanish team, until recently the number one in the ranking. And Spain has been a key place for the growth of basketball, the Dream Team was born here, at the Barcelona Games,” he explained.

The NBA Deputy Commissioner valued the European influence in his competition. “The last three MVPs came from Europe, the number one in the last draft (Victor Wembanyama), Germany is the recent world champion…”, Tatum listed, highlighting the “players who inspired us” and who are at the base of all the others, the pioneers, “Pau Gasol, Tony Parker, Dirk Nowitzky.”

The influence goes both ways. That is why this year the NBA will inaugurate the In-Season Tournament, a Copa del Rey ACB style tournament that will culminate with a Final Four in December in Las Vegas. “We are educating fans in the US, explaining to them what it will be like. We believe it is an opportunity for the teams to win one more title, because the season is very long,” explained the Vietnam-born manager. “25% of our players were born outside the United States and have played in systems with many competitions per year. They helped talk to the rest of their teammates and explain the benefits to them,” he concluded.

Antonio Martín: "My brother Fernando received me in Madrid with a host, it was his way of protecting me"

There is very little material on Antonio Martín. Royalty of Spanish basketball, by race and by blood, his exposure has been strikingly scarce outside of his work on the court and in the offices. Because? “I wasn't running away from her, but popularity didn't seem transcendental to me.”. Being known beyond my role as a player did not interest me.. The other day, while moving, I found the typical folder that my mother made with press clippings from when she played and, looking at my statements, the conclusion is that I was better off keeping quiet,” laughs the current president of the ACB League in his office. from Madrid.

What were you saying? The nonsense of any person of that age. It's very difficult when you read what you said when you were young not to feel ashamed.. There was only one thing that I liked. Which one? In an interview, when I was 21 years old, they asked me what my goal was for when I grew up and my answer was: “Normality.”. It's something that has obsessed me all my life and the only thing that didn't make me blush about that folder.

Normality was never a real option for the Martíns, but they did not stop pursuing it. Antonio (Madrid, 1966) was international 62 times, bronze and member of the ideal quintet in Eurobasket 91 and winner of 14 major titles with Real Madrid, but he retired at the age of 29 tired of that life. Antonio was also Fernando's little brother, the eternal legend who took refuge, whenever he could, in the mountains to feel normal for a night and escape from a fame so enormous that it is difficult to explain to those who did not experience it.. “We were raised like this. My father relativized our success a lot. He was happy, but at home what we did was not magnified. On the street it was another story. Fernando had it more difficult, because he was much bigger, but he still tried and, seen from now, it was a great merit that he never lost his mind.. When we talk about him it seems that he was very old, but he died when he was 27 years old.. He did everything too well. He negotiated the emotional turmoil in which he lived excellently.. And I have always tried to do the same,” Martín reflects.

Other vintage interviews
Jose Manuel Calderon. “I would be a two-time NBA all-star if I had been more selfish”

“I would be a two-time NBA all-star if I had been more selfish”

Juan Corbalan.. “I told Sabonis and I would have said it to Petrovic: 'The ball, for me'”

“I told Sabonis and I would have said it to Petrovic: 'The ball, for me'”

Antonio and Fernando Martín, in a training session in the early 80s. MARCA Let's go back to the beginning, to your childhood, Fernando didn't look like he was the kind of brother who sometimes lets the little one win so he's happy. No way.. Neither in sports nor in board games. And our two older brothers were the same. Let's say we weren't exactly good losers. Being the little one there was tremendous, they even gave me my ID card. Your height pushed you, but basketball was not the sport of reference in the Martín house when you were children. No, the sport where the four brothers insisted the most [Antonio was the youngest and Fernando, the third], or more our parents insisted, it was swimming. We trained in the pool a lot and from a very young age, but I also did judo and taekwondo. And Fernando played handball very seriously.. But the basketball coach of the school [San José del Parque] was also the coach of the Infantil de Estudiantes. He encouraged us, because we were obviously tall and good athletes, and we entered the Estu quarry when I was 13 or 14 years old.. Me, in the Infant A and Fernando, in the youth. We arrived being very bad, my first year all my classmates seemed to me from another galaxy. There was a certain José Antonio Montero and I had been playing for two days.. I bounced the ball on my foot all the time [laughs]. You learned quickly… They hanged me by force. You are training daily with people much better than you and that helps a lot. Hours and hours working at La Nevera bore fruit. It was a process. You're a kid and you need reinforcements to say: “Hey, man, maybe we can even make it semi-regular in this basketball thing.”. For me, there is a turning point which is when in the summer of 1982 I began to go to training camps with the youth team, with Miguel Nolis, and in 1983 we were European runners-up. That summer you left Estu to go to Madrid, just like Fernando two years before. It is a well-trodden path, but always controversial. Ours was much less traumatic than other cases like that of Alberto [Herreros].. From my current position I can speak little about that, but if I take off my president's jacket, I understand that the nature of both clubs are different and these things, although it may not seem like it to the Estu fan, benefit both. Was that there? When did you start taking basketball as something more than a complement to your studies? I was 17 years old and I had no plans, but arriving at Real Madrid meant a fairly drastic change. I saw those people on television and, suddenly, I was traveling, training and living with them. Assimilating it was already difficult in itself, but I also had a brother playing on that team.. And not just any brother. How did he receive you? With a host [laughs]. Fernando's way of protecting his little brother was the complete opposite of what one might think.. The hardest blow I took in the first training sessions with Madrid was from my brother. But it was really hard, being sore for several days. I told him: “Hey, Fer, if this is the move to play basketball together, tell me clearly, because I don't care and I'll leave it without a problem.”. But then I understood that it was his way of telling the rest of the team: “This is my brother and if you have to hit him, I'll hit him, but you can't even touch him.”

Antonio rebounds above his brother in 1984. MARCA You arrive just when Fernando, Iturriaga, Corbalán or Romay become rock stars in Spain with the fourth place won by the USA in the World Cup in Colombia 82, the runner-up defeating the USSR in Sabonis in the Eurobasket 83 and the Olympic silver in Los Angeles 84. It is the great boom of basketball and, in a country in the midst of change, you become the sport that represents that modernity. It was a sum of circumstances. First, of course, they had very important sporting results and, second, it coincided with a locker room with characters with a lot of personality and very heterogeneous. From a Rafa Rullán to a Juanma Iturriaga or from a Juan Corbalán to a Fernando Martín there is an abyss as ways of being, but they all transcended their condition as basketball players and became public and popular figures.. As it happened at the same time in Barcelona with Epi and company. It also coincided with a moment of weakness in football, with strikes and the disappointment of the 82 World Cup.. In this context, Los Angeles had a brutal pulling power, the country of the short people suddenly wins an Olympic silver medal and that has a brutal social impact. You were part of the Movida. Absolutely. That basketball Real Madrid was no stranger to everything that was happening in the country in general and in the city in particular.. Some fantastic years with a need for a cultural explosion, for a demand for freedom, for a thousand things that for me were a privilege to live at that age and with those characters who were tremendous.. They are tremendous. However, in 1986, already established in the first team, you make an absolutely unexpected decision and go to the United States to play at Pepperdine University. He had had a major injury to his patellar tendon and had been in the team for two years. those that Lolo Sainz, whom I adore and knows it, did not give me many opportunities. Neither to me nor to anyone, really, because at that time they played with five or six players and Lolo, especially. The fact is that there came a time when I began to think about other avenues and it seemed like a good idea to go to a university to study while playing and see what would happen later.. Everything was articulated before Fernando had a contract with Portland to go to the NBA, but in the end we both met in the US the same year. At that time, going to the United States was moving to Mars. Totally. In 1986, the difference between Los Angeles [Pepperdine's campus is in Malibu] and Madrid was much more abysmal than now in every sense.. Today it is very normal to take a flight and go to New York, but I arrived like Paco Martínez Soria with the old leather suitcase. A situation of being with your ears wide open and learning, because it was hard. It was an idyllic place and my friends from Madrid laughed a lot because I told them it was hell and, of course, they saw photos and…. But we must keep in mind that in Madrid I lived a life in which I hardly had to think about anything or worry about anything.. When you are in a club like Real Madrid, they give you everything done, and I got there and I didn't even know where to pick up the books. Luckily, on the fourth or fifth day of being very lost, an assistant coach told me that there was another Spanish woman at the university who could still give me a hand.. She told me she would be in the library and I ran out of the gym to look for her… Did you find her? Yes. Do you know who it was? Marisa Sánchez Vicario, Arantxa's sister. She still laughs today at the look on her face when I greeted her, like: “Save me, please.”. And he did. It was a blessing, because up to that point everything had gone wrong since I landed in Los Angeles.. I arrived at the airport and they forgot to come pick me up, I was there for four hours without knowing what to do, there were no cell phones and I thought the best thing was to go straight home. All this with the English that we knew in the 80s, which is what you studied in school. Then it improved, right? A lot. First, the university experience and, then, Los Angeles, which is a city that takes you a few months to get to know, understand and enjoy, but then it has a thousand great things.

After a year there, you return to Madrid with a more important role. I returned recovered from my knee and, in addition, I got stronger there because the training was demanding. The truth is that I didn't know very well what was coming.. I was thinking of doing the preseason with Madrid and we would see, but the reality is that in the month of November I was with the senior Spanish team.. That year everything went very quickly and I realized as I was playing. When I came back, I didn't have a clear awareness of what my level was, I saw it on the fly. With the national team you catch the era of progressive decline after the great previous generation. Well, it's life. We were what we were. After 84, the first big disappointment was the 86 World Cup in Spain. I wasn't there yet, but it was painful because we expected to continue with the successful stage and it couldn't be. From there everything was complicated, except the blow we hit in '91 [bronze in the European Championship with Antonio in the ideal quintet of the tournament], and Barcelona '92 was the worst moment. You are not going to those Games due to injury, at least you are You saved the blow. In the League final against Joventut, there is a play in which Corny Thompson hits me and breaks my neck and I can't go, but the result doesn't matter, for an athlete there is no privilege like playing in the Olympic Games and if they are also in your country, it is already incomparable. I'm very angry about losing them. In fact, I left Spain. Juan Antonio Samaranch, father, sent me invitations to go to all the Games. They arrived at my house and I watched the inauguration on TV with the idea of going further, but…. I have never told this. I thought it wouldn't affect me, but watching the ceremony hurt me a lot, it hurt me.. I called a friend and told him: “Get plane tickets to leave Spain right now, wherever, I don't want to be here.”. And I spent all the Games in Mexico without seeing anything. I wasn't lucky as an Olympian. You did go to Seoul 88. But something hard also happened to me because that thing arose that Fernando couldn't play for the national team because he had been in the NBA.. The things that sometimes occur to those of us in the offices that we would be better off painting with watercolors. That hurt because participating in the Games with your brother is very special. That injury marks the last years of your career.. The image is terrible, taking you out immobilized on a stretcher, without sensitivity. It was an act of bad luck, without further ado.. The thing is that I was at my best, with great enthusiasm and…. Suddenly the doctors don't tell me if I'm going to play again or not. The neurosurgeons had no certainty and told me that, more than basketball, what I should worry about is recovering completely for life.. The rehabilitation lasted about seven full months, every day from Monday to Saturday. Mentally it was very hard. When sport is not so beautiful… Being a professional athlete has side A and side B, like all lives. The journalist, the industrial engineer…. What happens is that it has only been 10 or 15 years since people began to talk, both in audiovisual pieces and in books, about that B side of sport.. When I played it wasn't like that, that didn't exist, people didn't want to know who was inside the Mickey Mouse suit. And on the street it wasn't much different. There was no talk about how many children were bullied at school nor was data on suicides given.. Now all this is beginning to change and it is very important that we talk about mental health and end the stigma. It is part of the evolution of a society. Things are conquered and this one, in particular, cost a lot.

Antonio, next to his brother's shirt on the bench, in the Madrid-PAOK match played two days after his death. EM A case like that of Ricky Rubio this summer was unthinkable then. The issue of Ricky magnifies him and was unthinkable years ago, but even now the athlete is still expected to be a superhero who does not show weaknesses. Even so, many people have understood Ricky and he also helps others to be understood.. It is very important. Returning to Madrid, you are a direct witness of Petrovic's legendary season and his fights with Fernando and the others. Was it that bad? It wasn't that much, but it was something [laughs]. Drazen is one of the wildest talents I have ever met in my life and he had a way of being, shall we say, special. He was very clear about what he wanted to do and that “very clear” sometimes clashed with the general interests of a team.. That clashed head-on with Fernando, who was another heavyweight with a lot of personality, but he has created too much legend with his fights.. There was some discussion, but they were united by one thing.. Do you know what Petrovic asked me before many games? “What do we have to do to win today?”. He was a player who had to revolve everything around him, but he was a winner. That mattered to him more than anything.. The thing is that, sometimes, that selfishness was harmful. For example, the famous Cup Winners' Cup final that we won against Caserta and he scored 62 points, would have been won more comfortably if he had not scored so much. Your level did not stop rising, but you always had other sensational centers ahead of you. That's right, always I was with very quality players in my position, brutal teammates. We talked about Fernando, but in the last years of my career I had Sabonis and Arlauckas in front of me. In return, that gave a brutal quality of training and made the team compete, because in the end you play how you train.. In that early period of the 80s, many five-on-five training sessions were harder than the games, because Madrid's substitutes would have been starters on almost all the other teams.. The fact is that I don't have the feeling of having had a very high professional development, that's the truth.. I think that my titles and my achievements are normal when I have always been in such talented teams. Do you feel like a supporting actor? No, that is never. In fact, there was a moment in the national team in the early 90s when I had to pull the wagon and I did.. It was Epi who told me when he was starting to get older: “Now it's your turn.”. And it didn't scare me. I have had different roles and I have accepted them all. It is inevitable to talk about Fernando's death, on December 3, 1989. Years go by and that day never stops being remembered.. As a brother, I don't know if it's a way to perpetuate the pain, never being able to turn the page.No. That feeling of “leave me alone, let me grieve for my brother” lasted for the first two years.. From there, I want Fernando to be talked about as much as possible because he deserves it.. It would kill me if Fer was not remembered on every anniversary of his death. It is a joy for me that, 34 years later, he is still remembered, that there are young people who research Fer…. It catches my attention and is a joy.. I don't know, I remember him every day, how can I not like that others do too? It's a day that two or three generations have recorded. Many people have told me this, who know perfectly well where he was and what he was doing when he found out. of the news. It is normal. Fernando was a superhero in that Spain and his death, at the age of 27, was totally against nature.. How can this happen to a giant? What I remember most about those days was the reaction of the basketball world, the rivals and the public on the courts.. Respect and silence. The applause when he left. It was very exciting.

Joe Llorente, Quique Villalobos and Antonio Martín. MARK The first game after his death, two days later, is against PAOK and your coach, George Karl, said that at half-time you were losing and you got angry with your teammates: “You are playing like a gang of sons of bitches.”. You won by 21 points. I hadn't slept for two days and I had buried Fernando that morning. I don't think I was too clairvoyant, but I felt a lot of pent-up anger and I let it out.. We lost by 13 at half-time and that day at the Palacio de los Deportes the sadness and pain were felt.. A brutal feeling. The people who were at that game as an audience still tell me that they have never experienced an atmosphere like it.. It was difficult. George, who is a super-emotional, super-human person, was devastated, devastated, and didn't want me to play.. When we got to the locker room before the game I saw that he was not on the board with the starters, even though he always was. I forced him to put me on, but we weren't ourselves and during the break I slammed the table. And something happened. In the second half we would have beaten anyone. It wasn't basketball, it was something else. Lolo Sainz maintains that it took a long time for Madrid's basketball section to fully recover from that blow. At least three years. Maybe more. It was very hard for everyone. I'm not talking about myself anymore, I'm talking about the group. First, that level of frustration and anger that paralyzes you. And then, little by little, try to digest, so that the pain rises from your gut to your heart and from your heart to your head, assimilate things and move forward.. It was a tremendously hard process that, over time, passes although the pain never completely disappears. Step by step, you recover and, in 1995, you lift the European Cup that had eluded Madrid since 1980. The blessed Euroleague. .. The thing is that now they earn as if nothing had happened, but at that time there was no way, it was very complicated. I was lucky to be there with a player like Sabonis, who makes you win, and a coach like Zeljko, who makes you suffer and get angry… but also win. It was a beautiful time because the costumes were also very fun. Sabas was an excellent teammate, a spectacular person, a special guy… and an amazing player. It's just that he played lame and it didn't matter. There were training sessions in which I was almost grateful that he was broken, because if he had not been with us in life, he would have been dominating the NBA. His way of enjoying himself was wonderful because if he could give 20 assists, he was happier than scoring 20 points.. The thing is that we were the Mirlitón band and he had to score 20 if we wanted to win [laughs]. I don't want to offend anyone, but it wasn't the best team that has ever been through Europe, to be honest. Of course not. . It was a pretty neat squad, but limited. We reached the Final Four without being favorites to even advance to the semifinals, but Arlauckas decided to defend. For the first time in his career, he felt like it those two days and he did it very well. From there, everyone gave up. Antúnez was special, Isma Santos did a perfect defensive job… And Sabonis was Sabonis. It was a special year because we all knew that it was the end of a stage, that things were going to happen in the summer, that Chechu (Biriukov) and I were on a tightrope… But we talked and decided. that we were all going to go together as if it were the last chance and, in the end, whatever it had to be. Two years before we had lost to Limoges in the Final Four in Athens after having an incredible tournament, that was the one we should have won, but we took away the one that already seemed like a success having gotten there. You are one of the few who played with Sabonis and Petrovic, the two great references of European basketball at that time. And with Fernando, whom I include in that category. The truth is that in that sense I was very lucky, I always coincided with sensational players. Epi, Jordi Villacampa… The best. In the Zaragoza final, against Olympiacos, you play 17 minutes. That is, you had an important role, but that same summer you decided to retire at only 29 years old.. Why? It's very funny to me that this generates so much curiosity, because for me it was very natural. I didn't decide from one day to the next. In my head, those months were going through many things about everything I had experienced, the good and the bad, personally and professionally.. All. And I decided that I was never going to be fair to basketball because I was no longer going to play how I wanted to play.. I knew I couldn't. The neck injury was serious. I came back and was still the Eurobasket's top rebounder in 1993, but it was never the same as before. Madrid had already told me that Obradovic did not count on me. The conversation lasted 46 seconds.. I was concentrating on the national team in Malaga, they came, told me, I said fine and went back to the room, with Orenga, to take a nap.

How did you handle it after half your life at the club? There are things that perhaps you don't understand at the moment but you do over time.. Maybe I, as a coach or manager, would have made the same decision. A few days ago I met Zeljko and told him: “The coach I speak best about and you are the one who retired me”. The fact is that, although I had quite a few offers, I decided that basketball and I had to shake hands and end up as friends. If I hadn't left him so soon, I would never have returned. The separation lasted 10 years, until you returned as sports director of Real Madrid in 2005. Ten years in which I was very happy and in which time flew by. As a player I was always a very restless person and that sometimes hurt me during my career, because the athlete with too many interests is not always understood, it benefited me to land in real life.. I wasn't wrong retiring so young.. I understand that it is very difficult for people to understand, especially if you can extend your career without problems.. Only my father understood me at first. I remember my mother, with that Andalusian accent of hers and the concern of every mother: “But, son, are you sure you've thought this through?” Don't you regret it? Nothing, zero.. I don't think you should be proud of your career, achievements and that nonsense.. The important thing is much simpler: have you been well? I have been very well, I have learned many things and I am very happy with my life. I make a super positive balance and I don't say that former player's cliché of “basketball has given me everything”. Basketball has given me hugs and it has given me hosts. Both things have helped me, but there is life outside. Why did you decide to return when you already had another happy life away from the hoop? I had been on another planet for 10 years and then Madrid called me and, after so many years, Watching the bulls from the barrier, I thought I had to take the muleta and bullfight myself.. I resisted, they insisted and I took on the challenge. I was there for four years… and I left for another nine. Until they asked you to preside over the ACB in 2018… and you came back again. You are like the scorpion in the fable, you cannot escape your nature. I promise you that I said no twice, but the third time I couldn't refuse anymore. This is my sixth season and, despite the fact that we are experiencing very complicated times with the pandemic, it is one of the best stages of my life. It's funny how unaware you are of how lucky you are with some decisions, because that's what it is: luck. When you are young you insist on finding out if a decision is right or wrong, you weigh negative and positive things before choosing and that is perverse. It's stupid, because when you make a decision you have no idea what is going to happen. No idea. The only thing you have to take into account is what the body asks of you, because whether it turns out right or wrong is a tombola. Not sure if you want to play? So, don't play. Do you feel like playing? Go ahead without thinking too much about it, because no one has any idea if it is going to turn out well or badly. This is how I have lived and I would do it again.