All posts by Carmen Gomaro

Carmen Gomaro - leading international news and investigative reporter. Worked at various media outlets in Spain, Argentina and Colombia, including Diario de Cádiz, CNN+, Telemadrid and EFE.

Syriza trusts former banker Stefanos Kasselakis to lead the party and revive the Greek left

The Greek left-wing party Syriza went to the polls this Sunday to elect a new leader after the resignation of former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who resigned after the disaster in the elections against the New Democracy of Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Syriza's bases went to vote for the second consecutive Sunday after none of the candidates exceeded 50% of the votes in the first round. With a clear response of 56.69%% of votes, Stefanos Kasselakis, 35, becomes the new leader of the party. Kasselakis has prevailed over the former Minister of Labor and favorite candidate in the polls, Efi Ajtsioglu, who obtained 43.31% of the vote. Affiliates went en masse to the polls, with 70% participation of the total of 180,000 members, with a participation similar to the first round. “Greece needs Syriza unity. We will all move forward together,” Kasselakis said after voting in the party elections.

Kasselakis's victory is a splash of cold water for the most left wing of the party, which viewed with skepticism the rapid rise and popularity that Kasselakis has obtained among the bases, especially among the youngest.. Kasselakis has been criticized for not having a clear program and populist gestures on social networks. “It's as if Netflix had come in, taken over the party and now turned it into a series,” said left-wing writer Dimitris Psarras.. “People have no idea what his policies are about or if he has any programs,” he added.. Kasselakis is a liberal-leaning former banker who until two months ago lived in the United States and was practically unknown among Syriza affiliates.. “Those who vote for him do not consider it a problem not to know him,” said Kathimerini columnist Nikos Konstandaras.. “They vote for him precisely because they don't know him,” he writes, after warning that he perceives his support as a demand for change within the formation, which has been experiencing an internal crisis for some time.. There is a division in the formation between those who suggest a more leftward turn and those who prefer a more modest approach of opening towards the center-left. Kasselakis' victory could lead to the abandonment of part of the members, who criticize that the new leader is not a deputy and could harm the Syriza leadership.. The left wing of the party also does not look favorably on his previous work at the US bank Goldman Sachs, responsible for helping Greece manipulate its public accounts in the early 2000s, which caused the country's economic collapse.. The young leader defends himself by saying that thanks to his work experience he has “understood the arrogance” of economic circles. Kasselakis' electoral promises are also unusual among the Syriza leadership: he has unearthed issues forgotten on the Greek left in recent years, such as the separation between Church and State or the end of compulsory military service. Kasselakis is also openly gay and has presented her husband, an American nurse, in public from the first moment.

“Today the word belongs to the tens of thousands of Syriza members,” declared Tsipras during election day.. “Tomorrow we will have the president that the Greeks elect”. The former prime minister remains very influential in the party and in recent weeks there has been much speculation about which candidate he would prefer in charge. After his resignation, the Greek media claimed that he supported Efi Ajtsioglu, former Minister of Labor during his mandate. Ajtsioglu was the favorite in the polls, although she came second in the first round of voting with 36% of the votes, compared to Kasselakis' 44.9%. However, there has also been speculation that the new leader could have the approval of Tsipras and already had the support of his brother, deputy Yorgos.

The microbiota, a possible marker of the risk of relapse in colon cancer

In cancer treatment, avoiding patient relapses is essential to improve the prognosis of the disease.. In colon cancer, various adjuvant treatments have been approved that seek to prevent the reappearance of tumor cells; Some prognostic factors help identify which cases are at highest risk.

However, there are still no tools that are sufficiently precise to identify in the best possible way which patients will need chemotherapy after surgery and those who will not.. It is not a trivial question if we take into account the toxicities associated with oncological treatments and the way in which they affect people's quality of life.

A study that has been presented at the congress of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), which is being held these days in Barcelona, points to the possibility of using the microbiota as a new prognostic factor that helps to be even more precise in the selection of patients with the highest risk of colon cancer relapse.

“We already know that the microbiota plays a fundamental role in the incidence of colon cancer, but until now we were unaware of its role as a prognostic factor. For this reason, our research has focused on knowing whether some bacteria in the microbiota increase the risk of relapse in certain patients with localized colon cancer,” explains Daniel Martínez, medical oncologist at the Central University Hospital of Asturias (HUCA) and the lead author. of the investigation that was presented today, Friday, in the plenary session of Congress.

To know more
Cancer. Why is lung cancer screening not implemented in Spain?

Why is lung cancer screening not implemented in Spain?

Health. Why immunotherapy fails in some cases

Why immunotherapy fails in some cases

Tumor cell proteomics

To answer this question, we have turned to proteomics, which is the area of Biology that studies the set of proteins expressed by a genome and which in recent years has been demonstrating its usefulness in the analysis of many diseases such as cancer.

“The study of proteins offers us complementary information to what we can obtain from genomic and transcriptomic studies, and can help us understand how a cell is functioning at a given time,” adds Martínez.

Thus, the proteins of tumor samples from 158 colorectal cancer patients in stages II and III that were preserved at the La Paz University Hospital in Madrid were studied.. “Performing the proteomic analysis was very complex, since there is a lot of data: in a first screen, 19 microbiota proteins and 2,698 human proteins were found.. After applying quality criteria, 13 microbiota proteins and 1,940 human proteins were obtained.. Finally, the Kaplan-Meier analysis determined that three microbiota proteins are related to disease-free survival,” details the oncologist.

Novel relationship with prognosis

Specifically, it was found that the greater presence of two of these proteins represented an increase in the risk of recurrence, while the lesser presence of the third represented a decrease.. The combination of the three proteins may serve as a biomarker of relapse risk.

These proteins help us identify three genera of bacteria that in previous studies had already been linked to an increase in the incidence of colon cancer, such as Fusobacterium nucleatum.. But now, for the first time, we see that they also play a role in the prognosis of relapses,” explains Martínez.

These data, in his opinion, are “quite promising.”. The next step is to validate the data that has been achieved in another independent cohort of patients.

On the other hand, a complete analysis of the proteome of tumor cells is being carried out, which he hopes will help to better understand colorectal cancer.. “If we can confirm these results that we have now obtained, it will help us a lot to properly select patients, but it would also be necessary to make an investment to be able to perform these types of proteomic tests in clinical practice, something that could not be done today” .

A microbiota 'panel'

The three specific proteins of the microbiome identified as a prognostic factor could be very useful in that sense.. Just as there are now genetic panels that look for specific mutations related to cancer, in the future, tests could be designed that look for these three proteins.

“In the end we would get a tool that would allow us not only to identify those people who do not need adjuvant treatment, because they do not have a risk of relapse, but also to know who truly needs it and who currently, perhaps with current prognostic factors, we do not know how to identify” , concludes this expert.

The PP overflows the streets against the "cacicada" of the amnesty: "No Spaniards voted for a change of regime"

All the concentrated heat of the San Miguel summer was falling heavily on Madrid when Alberto Núñez Feijóo took the stage in Plaza Felipe II to the rhythm of Bruce Springsteen to take a mass bath 48 hours after his failed investiture. The Rising was playing at full volume: “Come on, let's get up”. With the emotional kick of seeing before him an overflowing flood of supporters, two former presidents and 11 government barons, the president of the PP has intoned his particular “enough is enough!” against the possible erasure of the crimes of the process: “Freedom, equality and dignity” against the “unspeakable cacicada” of the amnesty.

All expectations of the PP for its act of self-affirmation as guarantor of equality have been exceeded. 40,000 people, according to the Government Delegation, and more than 60,000, according to the PP, have packed the capital's Plaza de Felipe II (where 10,000 attendees were expected, in principle) and, above all, its adjacent streets, where You couldn't hear the speeches, but rather a looped chant: “Puigdemont to prison.”

At the rally, Feijóo gave a harangue speech against the hypothetical investiture pact of Pedro Sánchez with Junts per Catalunya in exchange for giving in to their demands for maximum. “In a Spain of free and equal citizens, the vote of one cannot be given more value compared to the vote of another.”. Law and Justice must be equal for everyone, starting with politicians, because if politicians are not equal before the law it is an unspeakable cacicada in a Legal State,” Feijóo stressed in the main passage of his speech.. “There is no room for first-class and second-class citizens,” he added.

“Forecasts overwhelmed”: the PP estimates that there were “more than 60,000” attendees at the event against the amnesty EL MUNDO

After two months of digesting his bitter victory in the general elections, Feijóo today received a real electroshock of self-esteem with the massive support of his people to “defend sovereignty”. “Even if it costs me the Presidency of the Government, I will defend that Spain is a nation of free and equal citizens.”

To know more
Madrid. Ayuso calls to reissue the 'Spirit of Ermua' from Madrid against the amnesty

Ayuso calls to reissue the 'Spirit of Ermua' from Madrid against the amnesty

Opinion. And Ayuso shook the street like no one else in the demonstration against the amnesty: “No way”

And Ayuso shook the street like no one else in the demonstration against the amnesty: “No way”

“What they do has only one name, indignity. And there is only one person responsible, the one who is in La Moncloa after having lost the elections,” Feijóo proclaimed, after invoking the Constitution of 1812: “More than two centuries later, and after 45 years of democracy, we Spaniards see each other forced to defend the same thing as in 1812: our sovereignty, our freedoms and our right to the same opportunities”.

For the candidate for the investiture, “it is false, flatly false, that the independence movement has to be decisive in governability. “It's just another socialist fallacy.”. “What no Spaniards voted for, at least 94%, was a change in the constitutional regime,” he stressed.. “94% of us voted to maintain the Constitution,” he insisted, before once again describing as “aggravated and repeated fraud” the fact that Sánchez did not include the amnesty in his program and has now opened the door.

“It is not socialism when they claim privileges for an elite. That is elitism, never progressivism.. They call amnesty normalization and they call losing winning. What I'm saying is don't call us Spaniards stupid, because we're not, we don't swallow that,” exclaimed Feijóo.

After criticizing “Sánchez's irresponsibility” for demonstrating “an absolute lack of moral integrity and political integrity”, Feijoo wanted to thank Vox, UPN and the Canarian Coalition for their votes for the investiture and for “uniting to defend unity and equality of the Spaniards”. “This is not about blocks or territories. It's not even about legality, it's about principles, whether you have them or not.. Of rights and equality. Nobody can be more than anyone. I will defend the equality of Spaniards even if it costs me the presidency of the Government,” he reiterated.

Finally, Feijóo has contrasted his “principles” with those of Sánchez: “The PP never sells its principles for a mayor's office, for a deputation, for an autonomous community or for the Government of Spain”. “We have not done it and we never will,” he concluded.

Aznar and Rajoy: “It is an amendment to the entire Constitution”

The opening acts for Feijóo included the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida; the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso; and the former presidents José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy.

Aznar has assured that “the Constitution is not a bargaining chip to satisfy coup plotters” and that “no one is going to misappropriate the freedom and equality of all.”. Furthermore, he added that the amnesty would be “an unprecedented attack, because it not only comes from the enemies of the Constitution, but also from a party that has the obligation to defend it and does not do so”, in reference to the PSOE.. “We are never going to accept it!” he exclaimed.

Rajoy, who was president in 2017, when the sedition condemned by the Supreme Court in Catalonia occurred, has pointed out that the amnesty is “an amendment to the entirety of our Constitution and our democracy” and is “morally unacceptable.”

“This is what the leaders of the PSOE said a couple of months ago. And why don't they say it now? The only difference is Puigdemont's votes that Sánchez needs to be sworn in,” he responded to himself.

Then, as in many other moments of the event, the chants of “Puigdemont to prison!” increased.

And Ayuso shook the street like no one else in the demonstration against the amnesty: "No way"

As host, the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, opened fire, greeting all his superiors. From Ayuso to Feijóo passing through Aznar: “Between Puigdemont and Sánchez, always Spain.” The contained enthusiasm that Almeida provoked overflowed at 12:10 when Isabel Díaz Ayuso was introduced. Impressive: “Ayuso, Ayuso, Ayuso!” “The pull that this woman has is formidable,” diagnosed one protester. “In Madrid we are experts in Sánchez's affronts,” she said. Each intervention by the president of the Community was an outcry. “If he allows himself to be humiliated, so be it. We have no way.” And “no way” was the whip of his speech, the phrase, the slogan that the countless and kilometer-long parish ended up chanting at the end of each stanza.. As a response. Pop Concert Tactics. Like the star he is.

And after the mass bath, the demonstration of who is the guardian of the charisma, he said goodbye with a “Long live Spain!” before introducing José María Aznar: “The Constitution is not a bargaining chip”. Sacred principles as immovable pillars of Spain that had to be defended transversally among all parties became this morning the exclusive heritage of the PP. The speeches continued their course and channel. Nobody like Ayuso shook up the street. During Rajoy's monotonous intervention, new shouts broke out: “Puigdemont, to prison! Puigdemont, to prison!”. At 12:38, MR (almost) finished, or that was the wish: “The amnesty is an amendment to the entirety of our Constitution and our democracy”. And he put on the medal for that (mild) application of article 155 against the 1-O coup before telling Núñez Feijóo: “You are not alone.”

Feijóo's stellar presentation – “the winner of the 23-J elections” in the speaker's voice – sounded, however, like a campaign closing rally: “President! President! President!” Enthusiasm returned after Rajoy's crack. A greater depth, a greater weight, a nod to the 14 autonomies won, to their barons. And a swipe at the PSOE, taking advantage of the presence of Aznar and Rajoy, between eyebrows: “A party that does not respect its elders has no present and no future”. And he highlighted the volume of attendance at a demonstration that they did not want: 40,000 attendees [60,000, according to PP sources]. “They have invented the noise of the progressive majority. They are neither the majority nor are they progressive,” said the candidate appointed by the King to form the Government.. It was like the rehearsal of the investiture speech/debate of the imminent Tuesday in this investiture, won, on the street.

A stream of people went up Goya Street from Colón, an hour before the start, with unmistakable banners: “Feijo, fijo!”. The creator of the slogan, let's agree, did not give up in the attempt. Flags of Spain, PP pennants, flags of Extremadura, Galicia, La Rioja, Andalusia…. A few meters ahead of the Trébol cafeteria, a street vendor hawked his product: “The Spanish flag costs one euro!” “Sánchez sells it cheaper,” one of his own replied.. Or much more expensive, depending on the price of the demolition: amnesty.

During the sound checks, with the backdrop of “For the equality of the Spanish”, the side screens began to broadcast images of Pedro Sánchez changing his mind about the amnesty (and everything else you throw at it) and convulsed the parish who crowded at the front of the Plaza de Felipe II, in front of the stage, like the first groupies. A sea of flags stirred a wave of boos. It was only the beginning.

The buses that docked like barges on Narváez Street continued vomiting troops that fed the demonstration, increasingly condensed between the buildings on the old road of the old bullring in Madrid, where the WiZink stands today.. “The square is already full,” announced the voice testing the sound at 11:14. There would still be room for more faithful until 12, time for the gunshot.. But the chosen site did not allow expansion with its blocks of houses like a cattle herd.. The buses chartered by the autonomous baronies of the Popular Party seemed to have exceeded all the organization's expectations.

On Fernán González Street it was difficult to join the flood that was already bogged down in the heart of Goya.. At its Metro station the convoys no longer stopped, for safety reasons, due to crowding.

Dalí's dolmen threatened like a meteorite that could fall on the stage at any moment and the high average age, at this time, confirmed that youth get stuck in the sheets on Sundays.. And he would join with the hangover pace of Saturday night, staying in the queue of the demonstration that overflowed through Conde de Peñalver and Alcalá.

The screens offered, with depth perspective, an astonishing picture of the massive attendance, as if you were going down to Columbus.. Archive images of Núñez Feijoó opening for himself warmed up the masses with messages of exaltation: “They want us to shut up!”. The cry of encouragement would find an amplified echo throughout the morning in this investiture of the street.

The brutal Red Bull hegemony reopens the debate: is it a threat to F1?

On Saturday he had taken pole with the widest margin of the year (58 hundredths) and yesterday he won, without pushing hard, with more than 19 seconds advantage to secure the constructors' title. Max Verstappen certified in Suzuka the overwhelming superiority of Red Bull in a World Championship where he already has 15 victories in 16 races, exactly the same record with which McLaren closed the 1988 season.. This sixth crown for the Austrian team, the fastest in history, deepens a debate that seems serious concern in the paddock.. Is Red Bull's hegemony a real threat to F1 itself?

As soon as he got off the RB19, with which between May and September he linked a record of 10 consecutive victories, Verstappen admitted the evidence yesterday: “Once we got past the start it was quite easy”. It was another example of the superiority of a car whose race pace has been unapproachable for Ferrari and Mercedes, its traditional competitors, or Aston Martin and McLaren, entertainers in two specific sections of the season..

Furthermore, the astonishing reliability of the car designed by Adrian Newey was reflected in a devastating fact: yesterday's retirement of Sergio Pérez, author of a disastrous race in Suzuka, was Red Bull's first in 2023. So the only vulnerable point of the RB19, to name a few, was felt in a single lap during the qualifying sessions, when they gave up four pole positions to Ferrari and another to Mercedes.. Of course, of those five occasions, only Carlos Sainz knew how to translate it into victory in Singapore. Questioning Verstappen in the long runs was simply a chimera.

“at the top of the game”

“Max is absolutely at the top of the game,” praised Christian Horner yesterday. “Everything has to go together, car, driver, team, in total harmony. And he has an enormous inner hunger, determination and capacity. He knows how to channel everything and does not allow himself to be distracted. “He is a driver from head to toe,” explained the Red Bull main team about the next champion.. And in two weeks, Verstappen will secure his third title at the Qatar GP. He currently has 177 points over Pérez, the biggest lead in history, so he only needs to finish sixth in Saturday's sprint race to equal Ayrton Senna, Nelson Piquet, Niki Lauda, Jackie Stewart and Jack Brabham.

Of course, on his agenda – and that of Red Bull – there is a much more ambitious plan.. Because in the remaining six events, the Austrian team aspires to break that historic 94% victory rate with which McLaren, led by Ron Dennis, Alain Prost and Senna, rounded off 1988.. Right now, it has 623 points and another record is on its horizon: the 765 added by the Silver Arrows in 2016. Without taking into account the bonuses of fast laps and sprint races, they would need help from Pérez, undoubtedly the weak link in their machinery throughout 2023.

The promising start of the Mexican – as capable of winning in Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan as he was of reaching the fifth race with only six points of deficit – ended up being diluted against the #1. With 400 points, Verstappen accumulates more than the entire Mercedes team (305) or the sum of the four Aston Martin and McLaren drivers (393). Toto Wolff, head of the Silver Arrows, illustrated this in a very striking way last July in Budapest. “It's a Formula 2 grid against a Formula 1.”

Of course, beneath that praise from the Austrian there was also a more or less encrypted message hidden.. “This sport is a meritocracy, so as long as they are within the regulations, they have undoubtedly done the best job”. Doubts about the legality of the RB19, which increased in tone after the technical directive approved by the FIA just two weeks ago, have been floating in the air for a long time.. For now, beyond the rumors, nothing clouds Red Bull's success. Neither in the present, nor in the immediate future.

Stefano Domenicali, executive director of F1, has flatly denied that the Great Circus is going to interfere, through limitations in the regulations, in this hegemony.. But a simple review of the history of this sport is enough to clarify that forceful measures were taken in the past.. At the moment, the next revision in the regulations is scheduled for 2026, with important changes in both aerodynamics and engines.. By then, Red Bull will have ended this happy alliance with Honda to fly solo with its Red Bull Powertrains project.

Red Bull closes its sixth title in Suzuka after a difficult race for Sainz and Alonso

The celebrations for Honda's 75th anniversary were carried out to the letter in Suzuka, where Max Verstappen added his thirteenth victory of the year and Red Bull secured the Constructors' World Championship. The sixth in its history, the second in a row, a simple prelude to what awaits with Mad Max, already 177 points ahead in the table. With Singapore's doubts gone, the next champion did and undid as he pleased against McLaren, Ferrari and Mercedes, resigned to sharing the other two places on the podium. Just two decades later, Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri repeated a double success for the Woking team in the Japanese GP, while Carlos Sainz, sixth and Fernando Alonso, eighth, fought without luck.

Verstappen was able to win with the difference he would have liked, although he crossed the checkered flag with 19 seconds ahead of Norris. Without losing sight of the bonus of the fastest lap (1:34.183), he only missed the honor of the grand chelem after giving up the lead during two of his stops in the pits.. Today he has 400 points and manages the greatest distance from second in the history of F1. His overwhelming supremacy is even more accentuated in contrast with Sergio Pérez, protagonist of a disastrous career.. Despite the Mexican, Red Bull must toast in a big way for this sixth crown, one for Lotus and two for McLaren and Mercedes.

At 16, still untouchable, Ferrari remains, although a lot of work will have to be done in Maranello to, at least, consider another title.. Because just seven days after the victory in Marina Bay, Fred Vasseur's engineers made a mistake again with Sainz. Alonso, for his part, complained about the same thing at Aston Martin. However, the truth is that after riding for too long in the slipstream of Esteban Ocon, he only left Alpine behind thanks to the undercut posed by his wall. With too much temperature in the rear tires and little top speed on the straights, Fernando could do little else.

Sunday had started on the right foot for the two-time world champion. While the top eight on the grid opted for the medium compound, while Alonso preferred the soft ones. And that choice produced immediate returns.. At the start, Sainz blocked Pérez, who in turn would send Lewis Hamilton to the grass. The Asturian emerged victorious from the altercations, who even had the luxury of overtaking Pérez to gain four positions and place sixth.. Behind, the collision between Valtteri Bottas and Alex Albon led to a brief safety car period.

Internal tension in Mercedes

Before the first corner, Verstappen had had to defend himself from a very aggressive Piastri, although after the slowdown, his RB19 imposed an unapproachable pace for the McLarens.. Sainz, in the slipstream of Leclerc, contained Alonso and the Mercedes, while Pérez, forced to change the front wing, had fallen into the pit and was being investigated for violating the pit exit procedure.. There was no reason to get bored and even George Russell wanted to challenge Hamilton in the chicane. On lap 16, Toto Wolff was startled when his drivers were involved in another mess at Spoon, with the seven-time champion's illegal defense.

On lap 12, Alonso completed his first pit-stop (2.9 seconds) to ride the hard. From that moment on, the power of the undercut would be evident, with which even Piastri recovered a good bite against the leader.. Even Fernando himself had gained the position over Leclerc, because Ferrari left the Monegasque on the track too much time.. However, the Aston Martin's lack of performance would soon become apparent to Sainz, in Spoon, and Hamilton, who had the pleasure of a spectacular overtake inside the legendary 130R.. Two minutes before Lance Stroll retired, disappointment thundered over the radio: “You have thrown me to the lions for stopping so soon.”. Incredible”.

Pérez's calamitous Sunday was going to be crowned with another touch against Kevin Magnussen, which brought two consequences: a period of virtual safety car and endless repairs in the Mexican garage. At the halfway point of the race, five cars had said enough. Or so it seemed, because a quarter of an hour later Pérez returned to the asphalt with 26 laps lost.. Fortunately, common sense finally prevailed and Christian Horner retired his car..

Ahead, Verstappen minimized risks and chose not to get angry. Meanwhile, on the McLaren wall they tried to calm their boys, because Norris was desperate in front of Piastri: “He's ruining my race”. When the rookie agreed to the team orders, Lando had almost 20 seconds on Russell, whom he viewed as a potential threat for the podium.. At Ferrari, on the other hand, the minutes passed without a clear idea. Perhaps a more aggressive strategy would have been better than that blurry letting go.

On lap 37, after the second stop and rejoining seventh, seven seconds behind Hamilton, Sainz made a comment that almost sounded sarcasm: “I guess they undercut us.”. Unlike last Sunday in Singapore, Mercedes lacked steam during the final stint. Leclerc got rid of Russell to be fourth, just over six seconds off the podium, and Carlos did the same with Hamilton to finish sixth.