All posts by Carmen Gomaro

Carmen Gomaro - leading international news and investigative reporter. Worked at various media outlets in Spain, Argentina and Colombia, including Diario de Cádiz, CNN+, Telemadrid and EFE.

Salvini and Le Pen stage their union in Italy before the European elections

The leader of the Italian far-right League party and current vice president of the Government, Matteo Salvini, and his ideological colleague Marine Le Pen, head of the French National Group, staged this Sunday their union in view of the next European elections during the national convention held by the Italian training.

“You in Italy and we in France are united in the same fight, the fight for freedom, for the homeland, I know how much you value your freedoms,” said the French politician from the box in Pontida, a small town in Lombardy that hosts annually the main meeting of the far right led by Salvini.

The union of both politicians served to stage their determined support for a coalition between right-wing formations ahead of the 2024 European elections, despite the reluctance of the European Popular Party to agree with the most extremist formations.

For this reason, after the event, Matteo Salvini's own League assured that both leaders are considering organizing a “great international event” at the end of the year that brings together all their allies in Europe, whom they consider “alternatives to the left”, and the starting signal for the elections.

“Our destiny is victory in Italy and in the European Union. “We are destined to win,” said the Italian.

The inclusion of Le Pen as the undisputed star of the program demonstrates Salvini's European aspirations, since the stage in which the union was consecrated has brought together La Liga followers since 1990 in their initial independence aspirations and, in recent years, in its national vocation.

In fact, during his message he expressed his desire for Le Pen to become president of France: “If we have to choose between Macron and Marine Le Pen I have no doubt: my whole life with Le Pen.”

And the Frenchwoman returned the glove: “When there is a party like the League and a leader like Salvini you know it is the right choice, in fact the only choice.”

The exchange of adulations occurred at the same time that the Italian Prime Minister, Giorga Meloni, of the Brothers of Italy formation, traveled to the island of Lampedusa with the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in the midst of the migration crisis after the arrival of 10,000 people in just three days.

In a reference to that visit, Le Pen asked to “defend the ports” as Salvini did when he was Minister of the Interior, currently judicially accused of blocking the disembarkation of immigrants saved by the Open Arms ship in the Mediterranean in 2019.

“At that time, all of Europe admired Italy and we, as allies, were proud of Salvini and the Lega,” he added.

The electoral campaign for the European elections has a special meaning for the Italian Government since each of the three right-wing parties that make up its coalition belong to a different group from the conservative forces in the European Parliament.

However, the reissue of that pact causes havoc among the most moderate wing of the Italian Executive, represented by Antonio Tajani, Foreign Minister and former president of the European Parliament, who does not want to ally with Le Pen, alleging that the popular ones do not share the same values.

“I here today and Giorgia in Lampedusa are the synthesis of the same objective and common destiny. They will not be able to divide us, we have different cultures and sense of militancy, but the united center-right wins,” Salvini contrasted.

Javier Fernández: "Neither the PSOE nor Spain ever break"

He is one of the Andalusian socialist leaders with the most projection once Susana Díaz's stage is over and the one with the most territorial power in the autonomous community after the municipal elections in May.. Framed in the sector related to Sánchez that today controls Andalusian socialism, he is general secretary of the PSOE of Seville, one of the groups that has historically exercised the most influence at the federal level, as well as mayor of La Rinconada and president of the Provincial Council.

Will there be an amnesty law to satisfy Catalan separatism in the investiture negotiations? To begin with, it is worth not forgetting that we are now in Feijóo's time, although he acts more as an opposition than as a candidate for the investiture. He is disrespecting the Spanish people, his own party and the mandate of the Crown. That is, when he is not dedicated to promoting a kind of transfuguism in the search for support. And transfuguism is corruption. Okay. And, if an amnesty law is negotiated, what will be your position? The Socialist Party is exploring all possibilities to generate a government within the framework of the Constitution. We have talked about dialogue, we have talked about coexistence and we have talked about stability within the constitutional framework. But there are many leaders within the PSOE who are showing their concern about the possibility of an amnesty law and even about the possibility of negotiating an amnesty law. redefinition of a new asymmetric state of autonomies. Let's see, they are two different debates. The Andalusian PSOE has always said that in Andalusia we do not want to be more than anyone, but neither do we want to be less than anyone. That is to say, for us there are red lines when addressing issues that have to do with territorial equality and the rights and obligations established by the Constitution of all Spaniards, wherever they live.. That is the line that the general secretary of the PSOE of Andalusia has marked and we cannot, should not, and do not want to move from there.. Regarding the amnesty law, within the constitutional framework we can talk about everything. Are there no red lines with the amnesty, then? Our red lines are dialogue and coexistence. A president has the right and the obligation to try to achieve a climate of coexistence, a scenario of harmony among all Spaniards.. This is not about Puigdemont, but about seeking a global agreement of coexistence with a large part of Catalonia that must be encouraged to feel integrated.. What cannot be is that, when the PSOE speaks with the nationalist parties, then we destroy Spain, but, if it is the right that needs its support, then it refers to them as “patriotic peripheral nationalisms”. Not all criticism comes from the PP. There are some socialist leaders, some barons in office, who have positioned themselves against. Is there a risk of rupture in the Socialist Party? This is a very democratic party, the most democratic there is. Well, this week we have witnessed the expulsion of Nicolás Redondo Terreros. Look, this party has been subjected to some internal primary battles, with 200,000 militants throughout Spain. And during these processes we have split into two and three chunks but the match has never been broken.. Nicolás Redondo left the party before they kicked him out, because he had been in ideological political positions for some time that were the opposite of the positions of the Socialist Party.. Military in the PSOE demands two things: that one identifies ideologically with the majority of its postulates and also a minimum discipline and a minimum respect for the leaders whose turn it is at all times to direct the interests of an organization that has 144 years of existence. history.Felipe González remembers that Nicolás Redondo 'father' had staged a general strike and that it did not occur to him to take away his PSOE card. Was that a more plural PSOE? Times have changed for everyone. The Socialist Party of 144 years ago is not the Socialist Party of 30 years ago and it is not the Socialist Party of today. We have been evolving with the times. And the socialist leaders of the 80s also had to make very tough decisions for this country: industrial reconversion, entry into NATO. The change of opinion of those leaders about NATO raised a part of the organization that had a more pacifist profile. But there was a strong internal debate and the PSOE did not break. The PSOE is like Spain: it never breaks. We analyze, discuss and listen to our elders but we do not always agree with what they say. In any case, can expulsion be understood as a warning to sailors? Let's see, it is not the same. In the case of Nicolás Redondo, it rains in the wet. If you have participated in Isabel Díaz Ayuso rallies! The Socialist Party does not carry out internal purges. Now, when you are part of an organization, even if it is Cáritas or the school's AMPA, there are statutes to assume.. And we can also expect a minimum commitment to the ideology of that organization. The PP of Juanma Moreno seems willing to give warmth to the sociological heritage of Felipismo. Moreno Bonilla acts much more as president of the PP than as president of Andalusia.. In these five years he has put more effort into confrontation than into finding solutions to the community's major problems.. Juanma Moreno is a right-wing president and proposes right-wing policies. Nobody from the Socialist Party can identify with Moreno Bonilla's policies. And hearing him say that he was moved by a González rally in La Malagueta is the height of posturing. Well, it seems that it is working for him. Have you analyzed the Juanma Moreno phenomenon well? Look, we do the analysis by looking at ourselves. The PSOE, in the last general elections in Andalusia, with 1,450,000 votes, has shown that it has much more than electoral soil. There are a lot of people out there waiting for us and, when we are able to send a message of hope, those citizens look for the Socialist Party ballot, because they know that it is the party that best represents them.. Many citizens have been angry with the PSOE for a long time and Juanma Moreno has obviously known how to take advantage of that situation.. But people are beginning to realize that they have done nothing to improve their lives, because there are no employment plans, because the roads are a mess and because neither primary care nor health waiting lists are better today than five years ago. years. Managing is not taking the Next Generation funds and removing the logo of the Government and the EU to put that of the Board. The Andalusian PSOE has gone through a desert journey, and has also scored some own goals. But he has begun to rebuild his space and his project. Is Pedro Sánchez making it difficult for the Sanchistas? I say this because many socialist mayors believe that they have lost votes because of the national debate and not because of their management. Everything clearly affects, in one way or another. But he who has lost the elections in his town and looks for those responsible outside, that is a bad loser.. There are many towns in the province of Seville, such as Alcalá or Dos Hermanas, where we have grown up. Politics is increasingly complex and it is difficult to explain some issues. But Pedro Sánchez and the policies of his government are today the main asset of the Socialist Party. But it gives the impression that voting for the PSOE is giving a blank check to Pedro Sánchez, because his commitments during the duration of the electoral campaign. And I refer again to the territorial debate and the amnesty. Governing is very complicated and doing so with such a fragmented Parliament is even more complicated.. But sometimes you have to choose between a bad solution and an even worse one.. Does anyone think that Zapatero wanted to lower the salaries of civil servants by 5%? No. But we had to choose between that or letting Spain be intervened.. The question that must be asked is: Is Catalonia better today than 5 years ago? The independence movement is at its lowest levels in the history of Catalonia. But it has more capacity to influence decision-making. We will see about that. The Popular Party also had the opportunity to try to solve the territorial problem and did not do so.. The right continues to think that power belongs to it, like the anthem, the Constitution or the King. And that when the socialists govern it is a kind of anomaly. You represent the most powerful federation of the PSOE and, however, it gives the impression that the voice of the Andalusian PSOE has less strength today than ever, perhaps because of its alignment with the official speech of the party. The Andalusian PSOE has always been on the official line. The PSOE of Andalusia has always played as the backbone of the PSOE of Spain. The most loyal general secretary, most aligned with the federal theses and who has most consolidated the PSOE projects in Spain has been Manolo Chaves. And no one has questioned then the alignment that existed between the PSOE of Andalusia and the PSOE of Spain. People have the right to disagree, but also to agree. And we are convinced that the best thing that can happen to Spain is that there is a progressive government. That is also having your own voice. Is Juan Espadas' leadership in question? Not at all. He is the general secretary because he won democratic and legitimate primaries. And I think it has been gaining solvency and solidity.. The eight provincial secretaries have closed ranks around their leadership and around their speech on the equality of the territories. That flag is ours and we will never let it go because we believe in it. Why is Seville so far behind in essential infrastructure? Look, the SE-40 project, which is what Greater Seville has to articulate, had it the PP kept in a drawer for seven years. We are going to put pressure on the Government of Spain from the Socialist Party so that the deadlines are met. In the period 2028-2030 it should be complete. Investment in the Metro has also been unlocked, which would not have been possible without the Government of Spain. And we urgently need to develop new areas of logistical opportunity and a public housing plan that provides solutions for our young people. The Provincial Council of Seville has a budget of 535 million euros and we have to be able to change realities. Málaga has become a very powerful brand in attracting investments and projects. Is there something to learn from your model? Málaga and Seville have complementary projects because one has potentialities and singularities that the other does not have. I think that the Seville brand is very consolidated in the tourism field. The challenge is to project Seville's business brand. It must be shown that Seville is the best place to invest.

How Podemos and IU consummated the "blow up" of the Andalusian left with the unconstitutional help of Parliament

The purge orchestrated by Podemos and Izquierda Unida against Teresa Rodríguez and eight other deputies of the Andalusian left in the fall of 2020 found unexpected allies of convenience in the rest of the parties in the Autonomous Chamber. Due to circumstances unrelated to the internal war that broke out in the parliamentary group of Adelante Andalucía (where IU and Podemos were then integrated), both the PSOE and Ciudadanos, and also – although to a lesser extent – the PP and Vox. It was convenient for them to tie up the most disruptive deputies in the legislature, which ended up forging into an unnatural alliance that, with the alibi of the fight against transfuguism, curtailed the constitutional rights of the retaliated parliamentarians and of the voters to whom represented, as the Constitutional Court ruled this week.

The Adelante Andalucía deputy José Ignacio García defined this Wednesday the operation as a “blasting of the Andalusian left”, orchestrated by Podemos and Izquierda Unida to get rid of Teresa Rodríguez, with the interested complicity of the rest of the groups in the Chamber .

That operation not only served to take away the rights of nine deputies (two more also subsequently left the group of origin voluntarily) but has left a trail of alleged unconstitutionality in the express reform of Parliament that was carried out later to give power almost absolute to the leadership of the parties in the control of the parliamentary groups.

From the “friendly” breakup to the purge

The leadership of Podemos, still in the hands of Pablo Iglesias, was urged to take control of the organization in Andalusia in 2020 after the departure of Teresa Rodríguez, who had been its leader and electoral reference until then.. Although the breakup was initially presented in a “friendly” manner, internal tensions soon came to light, given that the main source of financing for political parties comes from the aid received by parliamentary groups.. Teresa Rodríguez continued to control the Parliament's subsidy, which had to be distributed proportionally with the deputies of Izquierda Unida (6), then also integrated into the Adelante Andalucía group.. In total, the group had 2 million euros per year for hiring personnel and financing operating expenses.

In parallel, the unrest grew due to the belligerent attitude of Teresa Rodríguez's deputies against the coalition pact that Unidas Podemos had signed with Pedro Sánchez's PSOE.. It was therefore imperative for IU and Podemos to also intervene in the content of the messages.. The war for money and control of social networks became public that summer and broke out when the parliamentary group's deputy spokesperson, Inmaculada Nieto (IU), temporarily took over the reins during Teresa Rodríguez's maternity leave.. Nieto launched the expulsion maneuver, raising the following argument in a letter addressed to the Parliament Board: If Teresa Rodríguez had left Podemos without leaving her record as a deputy, she had to be treated as a turncoat, which is why she was expelled from the group. parliamentary. Hers and that of eight more deputies who were also no longer in Podemos.

The Parliament Bureau completed the expulsion despite the many doubts that the operation raised (throughout the process, with more than one vote, the PP ended up abstaining and others voted out of obedience to the leadership of their party and made it known) and despite the fact that the lawyers issued several reports warning of the possible violation of constitutional rights, in addition to its difficult fit in the Regulations of Parliament.

The party that showed the most interest in the expulsion, apart from IU, was the PSOE, which saw in Teresa Rodríguez a threat to the image of the coalition government that had just been born, since the Cádiz deputy had always reneged on the pacts with the socialists. “We are not going to be the crutch of the PSOE's old age,” the leader of Adelante had repeated ad nauseam.. The Andalusian PSOE knew that if the main party to its left continued to be led by the leader of the Anticapitalists, it would never find in it the ally it needed to regain power from the Junta of Andalusia.

It was then that work on a new version of the National Anti-Transfugal Pact was accelerated, redefining the profile of the turncoat so that the case of Teresa Rodríguez would fit that definition like a glove.

Ciudadanos contributed to this reinforcement of the control measures of the party apparatuses given that their debacle was beginning to be a reality and a rout of elected officials such as the one that subsequently occurred was feared.. We had to cut back on the discs and establish containment measures.

Dissident or transfugee

The document written by the parties signing the Antitransfuguism Pact practically equated the dissident with the transfugee. And this model of control of the party apparatus over the activity and means of the parliamentary groups was transferred to the Regulations of Parliament in an express reform that would serve to give legality to what had already been applied in a very summary manner to the deputies. of Teresa Rodríguez, stripping them of their rights as parliamentarians and condemning them to the category of “non-attached deputies” in the autonomous Chamber.

Curiously, the Popular Party has subsequently welcomed into its organization and placed dozens of Citizens' officials in institutional positions without the Anti-Transfuguism Pact that it helped to reinforce having represented any type of restriction.. In fact, Marta Bosquet, who presided over the Andalusian Parliament and, therefore, the Board that carried out the expulsion of the Adelante Andalucía deputies for turncoats, is today president of the Andalusian Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research and Training, appointed by the Government of Juanma Moreno.

The Constitutional Court has admitted the appeal for protection presented by the nine deputies of Adelante Andalucía and considers that the expulsion violated their rights as elected representatives of the citizens, in addition to contravening the Rules of the Chamber. Among other issues, the TC recalls that there is jurisprudence that makes it clear that political parties are different entities from parliamentary groups and, therefore, the expulsion of a party is not enough for a forced separation of the parliamentary group to occur.. An identification that the reform of the regulations enshrined and, therefore, could be considered equally unconstitutional.

As is known, after a fight with IU and Podemos, Teresa Rodríguez managed to keep the Adelante Andalucía brand and ran again in the 2022 elections under those acronyms, obtaining two deputies.. After a few months, she left her record and returned to her teaching position at a secondary school in Cádiz.

They ask for the resignation of Inmaculada Nieto

Those who today represent Adelante Andalucía in the Andalusian Parliament are José Ignacio García and Maribel Mora, who this Wednesday asked Parliament for reparation for the deputies whose rights were “unfairly, undemocratically and illegally” curtailed. “They sought the civil death of Teresa Rodríguez and they did not even care that this meant the dismissal of 20 workers from the parliamentary group.”

José Ignacio García expressly requested the resignation of the IU deputy Inmaculada Nieto (today spokesperson for Por Andalucía), whom he considers the executor of the internal purge. “The spokesperson for Por Andalucía, Inmaculada Nieto, is politically disqualified and should resign because she was responsible for blowing up the Andalusian left,” he stated.

Teresa Rodríguez herself returned to Parliament to announce her intention to denounce the members of the Parliament Board who approved the expulsion against the criteria of Parliament's lawyers for prevarication.

In August, the State collected one euro more for each tank of gasoline than before the summer

August, the most expensive month of the last year at Spanish gas stations, has left extra income for the public coffers. Consumers once again paid at gas stations throughout the country the figures that were observed in the worst moments of the energy crisis last year, when the Government's discount of 20 cents on fuel still alleviated the impact of the lack of control in the markets.. After months of a price truce that in January led the Executive to end the general reduction at the pump, gasoline and diesel resumed their rise at the beginning of summer until leading to a record August, a month in which the State reached to collect almost one euro more in taxes for each tank of gasoline than before the summer season.

The reason for this greater collection is not that the Government has increased taxes on fuel, but rather it is explained by the nature of the tax burden borne by hydrocarbons in Spain.. The final price of diesel and gasoline includes the payment of the Special Hydrocarbon Tax and VAT. The latter is what explains the highest collection from the Treasury for each liter of fuel that Spaniards have refueled this summer.

The VAT borne by hydrocarbons, of 21%, taxes the value of the raw material, therefore, when the fuel market experiences an escalation like the one that occurred in the last summer season, the impact of this tax on the pockets of consumers also increases and, consequently, the contribution of said tax to the public coffers grows.

Filling an average tank of 50 liters of gasoline has gone from costing 79.65 euros in May to 85.05 euros in August. Thus, the VAT component in the final cost went from 13.85 euros in May to 14.75 euros in August, which is almost one euro more per refueling, according to data from the EU Oil Bulletin and international quotes compiled. by the Spanish Association of Petroleum Products Operators (AOP).

For its part, refueling the same 50 liters of diesel in May had an average cost of 71.35 euros, while last August it was 79.4 euros. If the VAT component is taken into account, it went from 12.4 euros to 13.75 euros, which implies an increase of 1.35 euros.

Faced with the variation in VAT, the Hydrocarbon Tax item remains the same in both cases, since it taxes consumption and not the value of the raw material. In fact, between the months of January and July, the Treasury collection for this tax it was 7,346 million, 1.4% less than in the same period of 2022. The latest collection report from the Tax Agency, corresponding to last July, still does not incorporate the effect of the strong rebound in crude oil prices in August.

The forecast in international markets is that crude oil will continue its upward rally until the end of the year. There are several reasons that explain this trajectory, mainly the production cuts announced by OPEC (a decision that market sources attribute to Saudi Arabia).. Different market agents consulted by this means agree that if OPEC maintains the current supply cuts until the end of the year, in a context in which fuel demand from Asia remains at current levels, the prices of a barrel of Brent They could surpass $100 before 2024, up from around $91 today.

According to a recent report by Bank of America (BOFA), part of the current situation is explained by the European veto on Russian fuel. “With OPEC in the driver's seat and Asian energy demand recovering, Indian refiners have benefited from sanctions on Russia and Iran by accessing lower-cost crude supplies and exporting expensive products to Europe,” the official said. Global Materials and Raw Materials and Derivatives of BOFA, Francisco Blanch.

On the future, Blanch says: “Now that Saudi Arabia and Russia are implementing joint production cuts in a context of growing demand, the key question for oil prices is when the economic and political interests of the two largest will again misalign.” oil exporters.

Not only Spain is suffering from the rise in fuel prices. In France, for example, some marketing company has declared a limit of 1.99 euros per liter. Market sources do not rule out that interventionist measures will occur again in Spain, either by the marketing companies themselves or by the State.. Government sources indicate to this medium that there has not been a decision made on the application of new reductions by decree on fuel and insist that it is a “political decision.”.

The battle of the Catalan PP with Feijóo intensifies after admitting that there were contacts with Junts

The controversy over the PP's willingness to sit at the table with Junts to address the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, which began just a week after the 23-J elections, returns like a boomerang less than two weeks after the candidate popular is submitted to the scrutiny of Congress and threatens the internal coexistence of a divided party in Catalonia.

The leader of the conservatives in Barcelona City Council, Daniel Sirera, yesterday became the first leader to openly acknowledge having been involved in any of those contacts.. Although the president of the PP in the region, Alejandro Fernández, opposes dialogue with JxCat, Sirera polled at least three members of Carles Puigdemont's party (two Barcelona councilors and a former deputy) about their demands in relation to the constitution of the Lower House Board, which occurred a month ago, and an investiture whose session is scheduled for next September 26 and 27.

Sirera's confession – who limited contacts to informal talks at various public events – came a few hours after Fernández expressed for the umpteenth time his rejection of any type of negotiation with the post-convergents and stated that he is not willing to bow down despite being questioned by the national leadership. In a conference given on Thursday, with which he sought to establish a profile, he declared himself “a free man without guardianship” and warned against possible “hesitation or ambiguity” regarding the independence movement.

For the third time since the elections, Fernández challenges any possibility of entering into negotiations with Junts. Already at the end of July, after the deputy secretary of regional coordination of the PP, Pedro Rollán, only closed the doors to speak with Bildu, the Catalan leader replied that “with a fugitive from Justice (for Puigdemont) there is nothing to negotiate » and that «if Pedro Sánchez does it it is because he lacks scruples and limits».

A little over two weeks ago, the president of the popular Catalans once again called attention to the national leadership after a new verbal approach to JxCat and questioned whether there was anything to talk about with a party that he defined as his rival and ” whose essential thesis is that Spain is a dictatorship led by a fascist King.


Fernández's new pulse comes just after Feijóo's recent words in which he acknowledged that members of his party “have listened to some of Junts' approaches.”. In Genoa, yesterday they denied any contact with the independence movement. “No one has spoken with Junts formally,” stressed sources from the PP leadership to, among other “rumors”, rule out that the deputy secretary general of the party, Esteban González Pons, met with the general secretary of JxCat, Jordi Turull. , mid-August. The post-convergents, for their part, did not want to make any comment on this assumption..

The popular ones assert that there has been no “interlocutor” with the Puigdemont formation before the constitution of the Table and that, after that step, the only person in charge of the conversations was Cuca Gamarra. The PP tries, in this way, to dispel any insinuation of this type regarding the relevance of the next two weeks, first with the “great act” on the 24th that the conservatives are preparing in Madrid against a possible amnesty for those accused of the process and, 48 hours later, with the investiture session to which Feijóo will undergo, condemned to failure.

The PP's war in Catalonia, however, will continue in the coming months, at least until a congress is held that does not yet have a date.. With his demonstrations, Fernández shows his willingness to continue leading the party despite the obstacle posed by the opposition of Feijóo and his team, who have the mayor of Castelldefels, Manu Reyes, as their main stiletto, given that MEP Dolors Montserrat shows preferences to remain in Brussels.

Sponsored by the old families of the Catalan conservatives, such as the brothers Jorge and Alberto Fernández Díaz, Reyes, who currently holds the position of provincial leader in Barcelona, has among his credentials the great citizen support that he has managed to attract in his town by winning the last four elections. Last June, he recovered the baton of Castelldefels after two mandates in which the multiparty pacts between socialists, commoners and independence left the popular ones in the opposition. On the other hand, he does not enjoy the same support among the Catalan PP militancy, mostly in favor of Fernández's continuity.

The 'old' Madrid knocks down the new Barça and will seek its sixth Super Cup in a row

The Endesa Super Cup is white ground, as if the post-vacation syndrome did not take the same toll as the rest. He has 11 career victories in the tournament (he has not lost since 2017), five titles in a row, the last four against Barça in the final. The same rival defeated yesterday in Murcia, this time in the semifinals, a small revenge for the last League. The recovered Campazzo-Tavares connection and, above all, the thunderous second half of Dzanan Musa were too much for the first step of the Roger Grimau project. UCAM Murcia or Unicaja will be the whites' rival this Sunday for the first title of the course. [80-90: Narration and statistics]

The new Barça post Jasikevicius against Chus Mateo's continued Madrid, more lows than highs, with only the return of Campazzo as a novelty. And those mechanisms were noticed that do not need refreshment. “The fact of knowing each other has given us an advantage,” the honest white coach said.. Among the four new faces of the Blaugrana, nine points, especially the expected Willy Hernangómez out of touch: he missed his six shots. When Musa raised the bar, no one could keep up with him.

The first classic of the season was just a simulation. More hits than hits, more bench movement than rhythm on the court and, above all, more tricks up the sleeve than tactical tricks revealed. From very early on Laprovittola was clear that it was him against the world. He finished with 27 points but, without companions (only Satoransky) in his adventure, Barça began to fade, losing energy and faith, being clearly defeated.

The Argentine was the owner and lord of the dawn, with an impeccable first quarter. When he took his first breath, after nine minutes, he had added (without error) 16 of Barça's 20 points. At the other extreme, Willy's erratic debut, as if he had not yet returned from the World Cup.

Grimau's Barça lacked concentration, a venial sin at this point. Every time he tried to leave on the scoreboard, he received a partial result of pure disconnection. And the losses killed him. To make matters worse, Darío Brizuela, also a debutant, lasted 53 seconds on the court. An unfortunate elbow from Tavares hit his forehead and sent him to the locker room, never to return.

A triple by Joel Parra set a maximum (32-25), which Madrid would not take long to overcome. Since then, another slap, Campazzo at the controls and Deck as executor, a 5-17, back and forth, basketball yes, preseason. Although this Sunday someone is going to inaugurate their official record.

Upon returning from the locker room, offensive hostilities broke out, as if a burden had been removed during the break.. Musa appeared, 10 points almost in a rush (22 was going to be signed in the second half), and Barça tried to respond as best they could to maintain equality. But Madrid continued to press, one more step in defense and, in addition, the reunion of a couple that was already up to mischief. Campazzo-Tavares, the pick and roll, to make Barça suffer, to devour a very unfocused Willy and to stretch the advantage (58-67).

A demarraje for which Barça no longer had any gas left. It's been eight years since they won the Super Cup. Madrid, this Sunday, could lift the sixth consecutive. All with Edy Tavares, the most decisive (13 points, 11 rebounds, four blocks…), the giant whom the white club has not yet been able to renew.

Kuss sentences the Vuelta and Poels frustrates Evenepoel in Guadarrama

Wout Poels, Sepp Kuss and Juan Ayuso. Those were the men of the day. Three races coexisted in one: the one concerning the stage victory, the one referring to the final general classification and the one involving the Spanish trio, immediately after the Jumbo race.

Being the first Spaniard in the most important race in Spain is not a trivial matter for the fans and the sporting interest of the event itself among us.. On the other hand, it is also convenient for the Vuelta, for advertising, commercial and economic reasons, in short, for the Spaniards to stand out as much as possible.. In this edition its role has been secondary, but not at all devoid of interest.. Since Evenepoel's collapse, the race became a matter of blocks: the Jumbo and the Spanish. The Jumbo, to the top. The Spanish, to the fight.

Poels, then, won the stage and Kuss is one day away from officially winning the Vuelta, although he already won it on Thursday in Cruz de Linares. The team had decided that their man would be the American. The yellows were in an unopposed position to choose the order of the pieces. It seems only fair that Kuss was the first. He helped Vingegaard win the Tour, and Roglic win the Giro. Now they have helped him win the Vuelta. It is already worthwhile, on the other hand, that someone who has run the three major rounds signs up for one of them. His colleagues have done him a favor, but not a gift. Kuss has not exactly been a troupe in the race.


A stage, the penultimate and mountainous one, unclassifiable. Very hard? Not so much? Only third-class ports, yes, but 10. And countless studs, which could be classified as fourth-class. And 208 kilometers, the longest stage of the Vuelta. And, furthermore, at the end of the third week.

Skirmishes from the beginning: attacks, counterattacks, advances, retreats; the platoon seeking to build itself, destroy itself, reconstruct itself, form, deform, crowd together, stretch…. And, on the first climb, the Portazgo, the massive escape of the day is quickly forged: 31 men of different but recognized pedigree: Rui Costa, Carthy, Kämna, Martínez, Bardet, Thomas, García Cortina, Poels, Soler, Pelayo, Van Eervelt, etc.. And, attention, Evenepoel again, this time with three comrades from Soudal: Cattaneo, Verbaeke and Knox.

The tactics were clear and aimed at Remco's victory. And that's what seemed to happen from the climb to Robledondo, the sixth climb of the day.. Evenepoel's three squires, ahead to facilitate the Belgian's final assault. When, after many kilometers, Knox gave way, Evenepoel did not jump. Nor when, in the following kilometers and the remaining ports, Verbaeke burst. Why was it taking Remco so long to fly alone?

The KAS precedent

The one who scored was Poels, 35 years old. He was joined by Van Eetvelt, Soler and Pelayo Sánchez. Then, with some delay (hmmm!), Evenepoel. Again, on the final slope, about 400 meters, the Poels gale began to intensify again.. Evenepoel did not react immediately. When he did it, desperate, unleashed, he only missed the stage by a few centimeters. The bouquet of illustrious people arrived in one minute, with the Spaniards together and those from Jumbo holding hands. The Jumbo, an unusual feat, has won the three major rounds this season and, in addition, the Vuelta with a triplet. Here there was only the precedent of the KAS, in 1966, with Francisco Gabica, Eusebio Vélez and Carlos Echeverría. Of course, all Spanish.

There is one stage left. But journalists have written and said: “Race seen for sentence.” No man no. Sentenced!

Hugo Duro and Javi Guerra humiliate Atlético

Valencia clings to irreverence as a way of life. You have nothing to lose. There is no cost in rebelling against a destiny that will strike if it has to. Baraja injected courage into a locker room where hunger has set in thanks to a group of young people who dream, respect the shield and play to give goosebumps. Javi Guerra, Pepelu, Fran Pérez and even Sergi Canós have come to wake up Mestalla from a lethargy of boredom and to raise, with football and a rout from another time, a greyish, almost black future. Atlético understood that by taking a break it is difficult to beat a team that will suffer to stay in the First Division, but it will never give up. Since 2014 they had not left the Avenida de Sweden defeated and this time they took a painful defeat. [Narrative and statistics (3-0)]

Simeone does not stop the disconnections that vulgarize the red and whites. “It's the worst game since I arrived at the club,” he admitted. At Mestalla they didn't understand anything until they went through the locker room. The Valencians uncorked the open-ended match and, before the Atlético players got used to the Mestalla sun, they found themselves a goal down. Valencia does not wait, it cannot do it, and even less so against a rival light years away who penalizes any mistake.. Stripped of the brilliance of yesteryear, the only way to win is to love it a lot and make few mistakes..

And that happened right under the nose of an Atlético team in which Cholo experienced how to survive Carrasco's departure without resorting to Javi Galán and how not to cry for Koke. Sergi Canós escaped from the wing, outwitted Azpilicueta and put in a cross that, touched by Savic, Hugo Duro pushed with his soul. Four minutes that were enough to test which team was hungrier. And this pubescent Valencia has a lot of that.

Patched defense

Its strength is in the impetus of Javi Guerra and Pepelu, who turned Barrios and Lemar into shadows, in the careers of Fran Pérez against a Riquelme who did not work as a winger, in the challenges that, time and again, Canós posed to the veteran Azpilicueta. In attack, Valencia's plan worked and in defense, patched up with another youth player, Mosquera, they did not suffer. Morata wandered and Griezmann was unable to receive an advantage ball. Lost control of the spinal cord, on the edges it did not advance either. Not a shot on goal in 20 minutes. A rejection by Llorente that licked Mamardashvili's post in the 28th minute. The first corner, in the 40th. By then the scoreboard had gained weight.

Oblak's appearances were not enough and Fran Pérez took advantage of a Pepelu robbery against a sleeping Griezmann to, on the run, find Hugo Duro. Coldly, he got rid of Hermoso and tricked Witsel and Savic, unable to stop the Madrid native from scoring his second goal, his twelfth in the First Division and five of them against Oblak.

Lemar's serious injury

Lemar's serious injury made Cholo look for solutions before the break, which he supported by using two fighters, Molina and Correa, to make Valencia tremble. But it was not the afternoon and it became clear when Griezmann, the pure athletic talent, shot into the air from the front. A header from Morata and a shot from Correa that saved Mamardashvili's hand were the red and white's biggest arguments. They didn't have time to grow even with all the artillery on the grass.

The duel was broken by Javi Guerra. His shot put the finishing touch to the humiliation that Atlético couldn't even make up for. Patched up by the efforts, again with homegrown players, Valencia resisted.

A planetary scandal, between #MeToo and the Dalai Lama: "Rubiales played the villain"

The media hurricane, at a quantitative level, can be evaluated in the 31.3 million results that Google returned yesterday after the exact search for two names: “Luis Rubiales” and “Jenni Hermoso”. If we delve into the qualitative aspect, two covers from last Monday are enough. “After the kiss, the game is finally over for the head of Spanish football,” headlined the British newspaper The Times.. On the other side of the Atlantic, The New York Times published on its front page: “The highest official of soccer in Spain resigns due to his unwanted kiss”. After three weeks, the images still dotted the broadcasts of Sky News, CNN or the French BFMTV. Therefore, it is worth asking the reasons for the disproportionate impact of this scandal. The one that has placed Spanish football at the epicenter of the global scene.

As a first step, it is worth listening to Eric Maigret, professor at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University in Paris.. “Human beings are neither fully rational nor fully emotional, but rather a mixture of emotions and ideas that mutually need each other to constitute a solid narrative.”. The narrative today is the emancipation of women and no emancipation occurs without overflow,” says the prestigious French sociologist, in conversation with this newspaper.

Therefore, should we interpret this scandal as part of the #MeToo movement? Theodore Glasser, professor emeritus of Communication at Stanford University, believes that there are “good reasons”. According to the American researcher, what could have been “inconsequential a few decades ago” is today “a flagrant violation of the moral order.”

“Aggressive and derogatory response”

Glasser, likewise, is forceful when it comes to defining the protagonist of the controversy.. “Rubiales played the role of a villain: oblivious to the changes in the rules and unconscious of the limits of his own public persona,” says this specialist in the responsibilities of the press in a conversation with EL MUNDO..

Having arrived here and narrowing down the analysis a little more, we must ask a question, perhaps disturbing.. How is it possible that Rubiales has triggered an earthquake of greater magnitude than the Dalai Lama, who did not hesitate to kiss a child on the lips last April? Simidele Dosekun, professor at the London School of Economics, addresses some answers. “Unlike the Dalai Lama, Jenni's kiss occurred on the cusp of a global event with extensive news coverage.”. It must also be taken into account that the level of attention and indignation varied greatly due to Rubiales' aggressive and derogatory response to criticism,” analyzes the researcher from the LSE Department of Media.. “And let's not forget that the team had already made public its discontent with its superiors. In short, there were more factors that made it newsworthy from the beginning, including some that we can classify as pure entertainment,” he concludes.

Dalai Lama kissing a child on the mouth WORLD

The magma of the scandal moves between sociology, political science and communication, although it also reaches philosophy. Just where the figure of Martha Nussbaum emerges. “It is no longer necessary to emphasize that, in terms of the protection of women, any sport is behind the rest of society,” begins the 2012 Prince of Asturias Prize for Social Sciences, in conversation with this newspaper.. “For almost 40 years, in the United States there have been clear rules, articulated by the Supreme Court, on sexual harassment in the workplace. Here it would be totally unthinkable that a lawyer in a firm or a doctor in a hospital would behave as Rubiales did. I guess what's new is that football hasn't followed the aforementioned workplace policies. Without a doubt, it is time to address them,” says the professor of Law and Ethics at the University of Chicago.

In his recent book Citadels of Pride. Sexual assault, accountability and reconciliation (Paidós, 2022), Nussbaum reviews the achievements of American sports. “Major League Baseball and the NBA have established clear policies on both sexual harassment and domestic violence and have implemented them well.. The NFL has moved more slowly, although it is making progress, while the NHL is the slowest,” he details about these measures.. “Of course there are areas that continue to resist change, so I hope that football now joins the rest of the world, giving men and women the protections in which I trust,” he concludes.

#MeToo in sports

Following the unavoidable path of cultural studies, Maigret focuses on the emergence of #MeToo in football and the disparities between the former Levante defender and the Tibetan spiritual leader. “It does not surprise me at all that the Rubiales case has exploded now, because #MeToo had not yet had a specific weight in sport. What amazes me is the fact that the Dalai Lama was not actually accused of misconduct, but simply criticized. “Perhaps his image of holiness and his exoticism protected him.”

The author of Sociology of communication and media (Economic Culture Fund, 2005) also establishes parallels with Noël Le Graët, former president of the French Federation (FFF), who resigned last February after being accused of sexual abuse. “They both share the same lack of understanding of women's rights.”. They belong to an antiquated world in which men maintain unquestionable privileges and that is why they are totally surprised by events,” illustrates. “Now, these are just the visible heads, so it would be important to clarify what is happening at more prosaic levels.”

Luis Rubiales' kiss to Jenni Hermoso in the World Cup final. WORLD

Dosekun adds to this thesis, for whom the problem “is not simply reduced to Rubiales or his cronies.”. “#MeToo made heads roll: some people lost their jobs and others were imprisoned. But we must be clear that the culture or the general context did not change.. Punishing a few, although necessary, is only the first step to eradicating sexual harassment, violence and sexism,” says the British professor.

The future after the 'Rubiales case'

Now, beyond Rubiales' resignation and the colossal media exposure of his case, it would be advisable to delve into what the future holds.. To do this, this newspaper has contacted Brand Finance, one of the leading consultancies in sports valuation and strategy.. “The perception that the ethics and governance of the RFEF are poor could damage the brand value of Spanish football. Although the brands of the men's and women's teams remain strong, it is likely that, in light of these issues, sponsors will be more reluctant to sign new agreements,” says Hugo Hensley, director of Sports Services at the firm.

“Spain's victory in the World Cup should be a golden opportunity to grow women's football in your country, but these concerns could derail its progress,” adds the executive from the company's headquarters in London.. In his opinion, the real “impact” of the scandal “will be better judged in the long term.”

Meanwhile, what path should Pedro Rocha, interim president of the Las Rozas Football City, take? Hensley is clear. “In the face of any reputation problem it is important for an organization to react quickly, openly and honestly. Brands that recognize their failures and act quickly can regain the public's trust.” Now it remains to be seen if the Higher Sports Council and the General Assembly of the RFEF take good note of this.

The Global South, with the support of Guterres, raises the voltage ahead of the United Nations General Assembly

The G-77+China Summit, which closed this Saturday in Havana, was a kind of dress rehearsal for what is intended to be a coordinated action by several countries at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly next week.. All, in the presence and in many aspects the support of the organization's secretary general, the Portuguese Antonio Guterres.

“At this moment the voice of the Global South is essential for the necessary profound reforms to be made in the international financial architecture. We have institutions that were created after World War II. “Many of the countries that are here did not exist at that time and did not have a voice,” Guterres said in an interview with Prensa Latina, the official news agency of the Cuban regime.

The Summit led by the Cuban president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, had as its motto Science, technology and innovation at the service of development, something that Guterres, former head of the Portuguese Government, considers extremely important.

“If we look at the digital divide, in northern countries everyone has access to the Internet, while in southern countries there are many people who do not have it.. In the case of vaccines (against Covid), technological innovation was in the Great North and the vaccines were not distributed equally throughout the world. When we look at Artificial Intelligence, investment is concentrated in a small group of countries, especially those in the north, and the very important benefits that can come from science and technology in those areas can dramatically increase inequalities,” added the secretary. General of the UN.

Anti-imperialist rhetoric abounded at the Summit, in a revival of the years of the Non-Aligned Movement, with the paradox of a country with imperial ambitions, China, as a special guest. The representative of Burkina Faso, for example, ended his speech with “Homeland or Death, we will win!”

Even so, the G-77 is a dialogue and cooperation mechanism endorsed by the UN, at the same level as the G-7 or the G-20.. It brings together 134 developing and underdeveloped countries from Latin America, Africa and Asia, although the 'Global South' label, very much in vogue today, is the one that prevails.. And, with the presence of China, it brings together three quarters of the world's population.

On the first day of the Summit, Guterres held a meeting with the leader of the Venezuelan regime, Nicolás Maduro, who asked the Portuguese for support to “denounce the financial persecution, pressures and imposition of unilateral coercive measures against the Bolivarian Republic,” according to Prensa. Latina.

“Enough of persecution against the people of the world who want their independence and build their own models!” emphasized Maduro, who asked the G-77 and China for more strength in their positions: “Much more must be done.”

Maduro made a state visit to China this week and signed with Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, a “strategic partnership” agreement between both countries, which raises the level of bilateral relations.. “China will continue to support Venezuela in its efforts to defend its sovereignty,” highlighted the Chinese head of state.

Telesur, the Pan-American news channel based in Caracas, defined China as “the capital of the BRICS, a place where the new multipolar world is being created.”

In Havana, the rejection of the United States “blockade” on Cuba was unanimous, and united three leaders of large economies in Latin America, the Brazilian Lula da Silva, the Argentine Alberto Fernández and the Colombian Gustavo Petro.

“Until today, Cuba is the victim of an illegal economic blockade,” criticized Lula, who emphasized that his country “is against any coercive measure of a unilateral nature” and rejected that Cuba remains on the “list of States sponsoring terrorism.”. That is why climate finance must be guaranteed to all developing countries according to their needs and priorities,” he added.

Lula recalled the cooperation agreement for the peaceful use of nuclear energy that Argentina and Brazil signed in the 1980s, which involved deactivating a problematic hypothesis in the South Atlantic, as well as space cooperation with China.. Fernández, on Friday, had emphasized Argentina's technological capacity: “I come from a country that puts satellites in space and manufactures nuclear reactors.”

Lula agrees with the tenant of the Casa Rosada: “Southern countries have full conditions to occupy the vanguard of science, technology and innovation”. This is what Guterres also says, and it is what will be heard next week in New York. “I am counting on this group, which has long been a champion of multilateralism, to step forward, use its power and fight to defend a system based on equality,” said the UN secretary general.