Different bonuses appeared on his payroll over the years for continuously working on duty at night, weekends and holidays, despite the fact that there was no record in the official records that he had worked tirelessly all those days. He worked for years -and until just a few weeks ago- as Administrative Economic Director of the Osuna Health Area (Seville), with a position at the Hospital Comarcal de la Merced, but it turns out that his position as labor personnel in the Andalusian Health Service (SAS ) was an administrative assistant and had accessed it irregularly, inflating his score in a process in which he was the only candidate and which was resolved in his favor even before the call deadlines expired. He also signed as head of group or head of personnel between 1990 and 2006 without having formal powers to do so, a situation consented to and endorsed by his superiors.
In a resolution signed this July, the director of the Andalusian Anti-Fraud Office (OAAF), Ricardo Puyol, informed the Ministry of Health of all these irregularities after an investigation in which all parties have been given a voice and have studied their claims.
The OAAF is the body created during the previous legislature, at the request of Ciudadanos and the then vice president, Juan Marín, after he failed in the first attempt made by his party while he was still president of the Board, Susana Díaz.
Finally, the Andalusian Office against Fraud and Corruption, also called the Andalusian Anti-Fraud Office, was created by Law 2/2021, of June 18, and is a public law entity, attached to the Parliament of Andalusia, which acts with full autonomy and independence and its purposes are to prevent and eradicate fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest or any other illegal activity that harms the public interests of Andalusia.
Ricardo Puyol Sánchez (Granada, 1974) was appointed to head it, with twenty years of practice in the judiciary, four of which he served in Marbella, in the hard years of corruption linked to the GIL.
Since its launch, the OAAF has registered a total of 188 complaints, of which 76 were submitted anonymously.. The number of files has been increasing as the office was consolidated and it became known among the citizens.
There are another 46 complaints that have not been admitted due to a lack of “solid grounds” or because the facts described did not conform to the powers of the OAAF. Twenty of the complainants (11%) have claimed protection after denouncing irregularities.
The investigations into the irregularities at the Osuna Hospital began as a result of a complaint by the CGT union delegate at the health center, Francisco Espada, who had spent years reporting all these violations to the management without anyone paying attention to him and suffering retaliation for it. For example, the hospital management ordered that he be expelled from the premises that the complainant had in the building to carry out his union representation duties.. .
But a sentence issued on November 9 by the Contentious Administrative Court number 6 of Seville annulled that eviction considering that there had been a violation of article 18.2 of the Spanish Constitution and condemned the autonomous administration to pay the costs.
The trade unionist also denounced, and this has been proven in the investigation carried out by the OAAF, that in 2016, from the Economic Directorate of the Osuna Health Area, maintenance and conservation works were contracted for the Hospital de la Merced, incurring in a fraudulent division of the contracts and the duplication (the same benefits were contracted twice) of the contracted services, always for the benefit of the same company.
The Anti-Fraud Office has notified the Andalusian Health Service of the conclusions of its investigation, urging it to notify it of the steps it is going to take in a possible sanctioning, disciplinary, reinstatement, ex officio review or any other process that restores the legality and repair the damage caused.
Irregular party financing
Another investigation by the OAAF forced the Diputación de Huelva in 2022 to end the “irregular financing” of political parties with funds from the canon that residents pay for the water service to the company Giahsa, dependent on the Commonwealth of Services of the Province of Huelva.
In total, PSOE, PP, IU or Podemos distributed up to 2.4 million euros in 11 years. EL MUNDO denounced this abusive practice in 2015, but the Board has not acted against it until there has been a resolution from the OAAF after the complaint by the former deputy of Ciudadanos Julio Ruiz and Unidos por Punta Umbría.
Of the total of 188 complaints received, 88 (47%) refer to local entities, 68 (36%) to the Board, 8 (4%) to universities and 24 (13%) to other bodies.
41% of open investigations have to do with personnel or human resources matters; 14% refers to licenses and 12% to contracts.
Some twenty complainants have requested protection measures from the OAAF as a result of notifying them of the irregularities detected.
It is one thing to approve the shipment of a weapons system to Ukraine and quite another for these weapons to reach that country and be used in combat.. The best example is that of the F-16. US President Joe Biden authorized NATO's European partners in May to transfer these devices to kyiv. But, according to Pentagon sources cited by the 'Politico' website, it is unlikely that before the spring of 2024 “there will be F-16s in the colors of Ukraine.”
Read the complete information on Pablo Pardo in EL MUNDO.