All posts by Carmen Gomaro

Carmen Gomaro - leading international news and investigative reporter. Worked at various media outlets in Spain, Argentina and Colombia, including Diario de Cádiz, CNN+, Telemadrid and EFE.

They uncover a manager who charged nights, weekends and holidays without signing in: this is how the Anti-Fraud Office of the Board works

Different bonuses appeared on his payroll over the years for continuously working on duty at night, weekends and holidays, despite the fact that there was no record in the official records that he had worked tirelessly all those days. He worked for years -and until just a few weeks ago- as Administrative Economic Director of the Osuna Health Area (Seville), with a position at the Hospital Comarcal de la Merced, but it turns out that his position as labor personnel in the Andalusian Health Service (SAS ) was an administrative assistant and had accessed it irregularly, inflating his score in a process in which he was the only candidate and which was resolved in his favor even before the call deadlines expired. He also signed as head of group or head of personnel between 1990 and 2006 without having formal powers to do so, a situation consented to and endorsed by his superiors.

In a resolution signed this July, the director of the Andalusian Anti-Fraud Office (OAAF), Ricardo Puyol, informed the Ministry of Health of all these irregularities after an investigation in which all parties have been given a voice and have studied their claims.

The OAAF is the body created during the previous legislature, at the request of Ciudadanos and the then vice president, Juan Marín, after he failed in the first attempt made by his party while he was still president of the Board, Susana Díaz.

Finally, the Andalusian Office against Fraud and Corruption, also called the Andalusian Anti-Fraud Office, was created by Law 2/2021, of June 18, and is a public law entity, attached to the Parliament of Andalusia, which acts with full autonomy and independence and its purposes are to prevent and eradicate fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest or any other illegal activity that harms the public interests of Andalusia.

Ricardo Puyol Sánchez (Granada, 1974) was appointed to head it, with twenty years of practice in the judiciary, four of which he served in Marbella, in the hard years of corruption linked to the GIL.

Since its launch, the OAAF has registered a total of 188 complaints, of which 76 were submitted anonymously.. The number of files has been increasing as the office was consolidated and it became known among the citizens.

There are another 46 complaints that have not been admitted due to a lack of “solid grounds” or because the facts described did not conform to the powers of the OAAF. Twenty of the complainants (11%) have claimed protection after denouncing irregularities.


The investigations into the irregularities at the Osuna Hospital began as a result of a complaint by the CGT union delegate at the health center, Francisco Espada, who had spent years reporting all these violations to the management without anyone paying attention to him and suffering retaliation for it. For example, the hospital management ordered that he be expelled from the premises that the complainant had in the building to carry out his union representation duties.. .

But a sentence issued on November 9 by the Contentious Administrative Court number 6 of Seville annulled that eviction considering that there had been a violation of article 18.2 of the Spanish Constitution and condemned the autonomous administration to pay the costs.

The trade unionist also denounced, and this has been proven in the investigation carried out by the OAAF, that in 2016, from the Economic Directorate of the Osuna Health Area, maintenance and conservation works were contracted for the Hospital de la Merced, incurring in a fraudulent division of the contracts and the duplication (the same benefits were contracted twice) of the contracted services, always for the benefit of the same company.

The Anti-Fraud Office has notified the Andalusian Health Service of the conclusions of its investigation, urging it to notify it of the steps it is going to take in a possible sanctioning, disciplinary, reinstatement, ex officio review or any other process that restores the legality and repair the damage caused.

Irregular party financing

Another investigation by the OAAF forced the Diputación de Huelva in 2022 to end the “irregular financing” of political parties with funds from the canon that residents pay for the water service to the company Giahsa, dependent on the Commonwealth of Services of the Province of Huelva.

In total, PSOE, PP, IU or Podemos distributed up to 2.4 million euros in 11 years. EL MUNDO denounced this abusive practice in 2015, but the Board has not acted against it until there has been a resolution from the OAAF after the complaint by the former deputy of Ciudadanos Julio Ruiz and Unidos por Punta Umbría.

OAAF Balance

Of the total of 188 complaints received, 88 (47%) refer to local entities, 68 (36%) to the Board, 8 (4%) to universities and 24 (13%) to other bodies.

41% of open investigations have to do with personnel or human resources matters; 14% refers to licenses and 12% to contracts.

Some twenty complainants have requested protection measures from the OAAF as a result of notifying them of the irregularities detected.

Twenty people are evicted from two rural houses due to a large forest fire in Valencia de Alcántara

About twenty people who were staying in two rural houses have been evicted in the last hours due to the forest fire that started yesterday afternoon in Valencia de Alcántara (Cáceres), which currently remains at level 1 of dangerousness and that presents an uncertain evolution, as reported by the Junta de Extremadura. The extinction works point to a favorable progression but as long as the current weather conditions are maintained.

Specifically, on Monday afternoon, 14 people were evicted from the rural house called 'Virgen de la Cabeza', to which eight others from 'La Macera' have joined this morning. Last night there were several reactivations of the fire due to changes in the wind produced while the troops had difficulties accessing the area, which is why it has remained active in an area called La Aceña de la Borrega, within the municipal area. from Valencia de Alcantara.

At the moment, a total of 150 troops are working in the area, deployed in 12 ground units, five air units, ten aerial means, one heavy machinery, four natural environment agents and four INFOEX Plan technicians.. Likewise, media from the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO), the Cáceres Provincial Council and the Red Cross collaborate.

The authorities maintain level 1 of danger due to its proximity to isolated houses, although it is far from important population centers. The fire started at 4:30 p.m. in an area of meadows and scrub, heading for another of ridges and scrub that made extinguishing tasks difficult.

The 'Sumar left' points to Housing for the future Government with Sánchez

The purple sector of Sumar is not hidden. His intention to achieve competences in Housing matters in a future government formation is clear. And it is that despite a notable loss of power in the different autonomous communities, parties that made up Unidas Podemos form two of the three governments that the PSOE presides over or will preside over: Asturias, with the socialist Adrián Barbón, and Navarra, also with the socialist María chivite. In fact, the only council that Izquierda Unida occupies in the Asturian government is that of Territorial Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and Citizen Rights, led by Ovidio Zapico. In the Navarrese executive, Contigo-Zurekin will not only have the powers in Housing, Equality, Migration Policies and Youth, as announced yesterday, but will also adopt a rank of vice presidency.

After the formation led by Yolanda Díaz signed Alejandra Jacinto, a regional deputy for Podemos Madrid, as Housing spokesperson last June, a very similar position was adopted with respect to the one held by Unidas Podemos on this issue.. The most significant proposals that Sumar launched in his electoral program for 23-J were direct intervention in the real estate market to establish reference prices in stressed areas, giving public housing land a greater role with the help of Sareb or the creation of a tax for empty houses. All these measures had already been launched previously by Podemos in the face of 28-M in its program.

It should be noted that before being part of the political scene, Jacinto was a member of the Platform for People Affected by Mortgage. Just like Ada Colau. An association focused on the protection of those people who have been affected by a “very high” bank mortgage, as they state on their website.


Last April, Díaz declared that the Housing Law “converts, for the first time, housing into law”. The approval of her formation, despite not controlling the competent ministry at the legislative level, hinted that the acting second vice president wants to have significant control over Housing, a function that she could delegate to the Podemos sector of the coalition. In this sense, Jacinto herself, in an interview with EL MUNDO in May, declared that “the Housing Law would not have been possible without United We Can in Moncloa.”

Although the claims collide with the reality that concerns a future formation of Government. Currently, and also in office, the portfolio that has this competence belongs to Raquel Sánchez, from the PSOE. Likewise, the socialist force controls the Secretary of State for Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. Although if Sánchez wants to reissue his mandate, the distribution of portfolios could be more varied than in the last legislature. As Díaz already said after the general elections, the acting president of the Government will have to let “each political formation do its job”, something that “Sumar is already doing”. In other words, petitions independent of the line that they draw from Ferraz, which can range, for example, from the use of Catalan and Basque in Parliament to the de-judicialization to resemble their results to an amnesty for the fugitive president Carles Puigdemont.

Countdown in Murcia: Why is the electoral repetition closer every day?

The Region of Murcia has started the countdown to invest the popular candidate and winner of the elections, Fernando López Miras, as president or call elections. The blockade that prevents the formation of a government will end on September 7, either with an agreement between the Popular Party and Vox or with a call to the polls. Neither of the two parties like this scenario, but no one gives in their position. Not even the national turn of the Santiago Abascal party offering Núñez Feijóo its unconditional support has untied the knot that prevents the formation of a Government.

The leader of the formation in Murcia, José Ángel Antelo, was quick to clarify.. «The decisions that are made at the national level do not have an impact on the Region of Murcia, since they are different scenarios. We have obtained a representation of almost 18% of Murcians and we will fight so that their interests are taken into account, “he said in a statement hours after Abascal reached out to the PP.

This attitude of the national leader has been described as an “exercise of responsibility” by López Miras. «It shows a sense of State. And I think that that same responsibility, that sense of State, Vox of the Region of Murcia would also have to apply, unblocking the situation, “warned the acting president.

Murcia is, after the agreement in Navarra, the only community that has not formed a government and the first in the history of autonomy that may be forced to call its citizens to the polls due to the impossibility of reaching agreements. The parties have not met since July 4, when the PP expressed its intention to govern alone, agreeing to 88 measures, ceding the vice-presidency of the Regional Assembly and appointing former president Alberto Garre, now in Vox, as regional senator. They were relying on their 43% of votes and the 21 deputies (47% of the Assembly), only two of the majority.

Vox's response, after the agreement in the Valencian Community, was to claim the vice presidency and two ministries between Agriculture, Education, Family or Economy. Given the refusal to this “blackmail”, two failed votes and a month-long blockade watered by mutual accusations.

Who benefits or harms a return to the polls is unknown because the scenario is changing. According to the barometer of the Center for Public Opinion Studies in Murcia (CECOMP) published before the general elections on July 23, the PP would have obtained one more seat in the regional elections, which would have further strengthened its position of strength.. In fact, on 28M the Vox result was 1.6 points away from its expectations and in the general elections it fell in percentage of vote in all towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants and it was not the most voted in any. The Murcian PP, in the midst of a wave of change, was able to grow in the autonomous communities, capture 22.8% of the undecided vote and win the elections on 23J throughout the region.

Mobilization of the left?

The electoral repetition could weaken Vox in favor of the PP, but it is not without risks. The two electoral calls warn of various realities. The first is the enthusiastic mobilization of the right, which may be discouraged by the brake on change that Núñez Feijóo intended to promote, as well as by the weariness of third elections in less than six months.. They would have to be held 54 days after their call, which leads to the end of October. They could coincide with a possible investiture by Pedro Sánchez or with a new call for general elections.

But there is another piece of information collected by the regional post-election survey of the Murcian study center: the abstention hit the left and was primed with the PSOE, but among those who decided not to vote, up to 6.7% would have voted for the Socialists for barely a month after. And that wave could creep. In addition, Sumar appears on the stage, which could activate and unite the vote to the left of the PSOE and at least complicate the design of majorities, today turned to the right as in the last 30 years.

There is one last factor that leads one to think that electoral repetition is not the best option for any party, that they would be dragged back into a campaign, this time lasting one week, and to double spending that was close to one million euros in May, a maximum of 255,000 euros per game. A bite into the coffers of the formations that have been in a permanent campaign since last April.

Spanish banks lose 3,100 million in value on the stock market after Meloni's surprise tax on the sector in Italy

The latest earthquake that has hit the European banking sector has its epicenter in Italy. The government of the far-right Giorgia Meloni has unexpectedly approved a new tax that will tax the extraordinary profits of the country's entities with 40%. The news has taken the banks themselves, the markets and investors by surprise and out of the game, which on Tuesday have applied a harsh corrective to the European financial sector in the face of doubts about the effects that the tax may have and fear of that other countries join Italy and Spain in the creation of a similar figure.

The Italian entities have been the most punished with collapses that reached 8.67% in cases such as that of Intesa Sanpaolo or 5.9% of Unicredit, but the Spanish have not escaped the punishment either. The six large banks present in the Ibex 35 have accumulated losses of 3,160 million euros in their joint capitalization, with Santander (-2.7%) and Unicaja (-2.45%) leading the declines.

Banco Sabadell has also dropped 2.16% in this session (132 million euros of valuation); BBVA, 1.9% (799 million euros of valuation); Bankinter, 1.87% (103 million euros of valuation) and CaixaBank, 1.5% (451 million euros). The strong weight that the financial sector accumulates in the Ibex 35 is behind the decrease of 0.68% that the index has initialed at the end of the session (9,294 points).

The tax created by the Italian Executive will tax the extraordinary profits recorded by the country's banks with 40%, the collection of which will be used to help the mortgaged and reduce the tax burden of citizens. “The Council of Ministers approved a social equity rule that is a tax on extra bank profits in 2023,” the Vice President of the Government of Italy and Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Matteo Salvini, announced at a press conference..

In his presentation, Salvini has defended the introduction of the extraordinary tax on banks because the rise in interest rates as a result of the tightening of the monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) has led to an increase in the cost of money for families and companies , “but there hasn't been an equally rapid, assiduous and significant rise in the number of consumers who have deposits in checking accounts.”

Without wanting to go into assessing the potential collection of the tax, the Italian minister has said that “it is enough to look at the first half of 2023 of the banks” to understand that we are not talking about a handful of millions, but a few billion. Subsequently, in a message posted on his account on the X social network, formerly known as Twitter, Salvini wrote that the new tax intends to “use part of the millions of bank profits to help families and companies affected by the rise in types” and that it is “a common sense rule approved by the Council of Ministers to support those who are in difficulties”.

As explained by Italian media, the rule, included by surprise in the omnibus decree approved at the meeting of the Council of Ministers held late on Monday, contemplates the activation of the 40% tax when the interest margin registered in 2023 exceeds a percentage .

The new tax has taken investors and analysts by surprise who, in the absence of knowing more details about its application, assure that it represents “a significant increase in taxation that reduces the generation of capital in the sector and generates regulatory uncertainty”, as they point out. from Bankinter's Analysis Department.

The tax figure follows in the wake of other similar taxes that are already in force, as is the case in Spain. The Government of Pedro Sánchez approved in the last legislature a rate that will tax the extraordinary profits of national banks in the years 2023 and 2024, whose application came into force on January 1. The entities of the country have already carried out the first of the corresponding payments but all of them have presented an appeal with which they intend to annul the lien.

The Vice President of the Government, Nadia Calviño, assured that after the application period, the socialist plans (in the event of forming a new Government) would go through analyzing the continuity of the rate and Juan Bravo, the spokesman, stated in the same vein of the PP, barely a month before the holding of the elections on 23-J.

War Ukraine – Russia, last minute | Russia shoots down two combat drones heading towards Moscow

Russian forces have shot down in the last hours two combat drones that were heading towards Moscow, as announced by the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin.. This is the latest in a series of actions carried out by kyiv to attack Moscow a year and a half after the war in Ukraine began.

The Moscow mayor assures that one of the drones fell south of Moscow after being shot down, and the second in the area of the Minsk highway, capital of Belarus. Both were shot down by the country's air forces, according to Sobianin, who assures that at the moment there is no record of any casualties..

The Russian capital had been largely untouched by the conflict in the war in Ukraine until a series of attacks earlier this year.. In the last week there have been at least three attacks counting this last one.

update narration
F-16s won't see combat in Ukraine until next spring

It is one thing to approve the shipment of a weapons system to Ukraine and quite another for these weapons to reach that country and be used in combat.. The best example is that of the F-16. US President Joe Biden authorized NATO's European partners in May to transfer these devices to kyiv. But, according to Pentagon sources cited by the 'Politico' website, it is unlikely that before the spring of 2024 “there will be F-16s in the colors of Ukraine.”

Read the complete information on Pablo Pardo in EL MUNDO.

Russia shoots down two drones heading towards Moscow

Russian forces have shot down in the last hours two combat drones that were heading towards Moscow, as announced by the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin.. This is the latest in a series of actions carried out by kyiv to attack Moscow a year and a half after the war in Ukraine began.

The Moscow mayor assures that one of the drones fell south of Moscow after being shot down, and the second in the area of the Minsk highway, capital of Belarus. Both were shot down by the country's air forces, according to Sobianin, who assures that at the moment there is no record of any casualties..

The Russian capital had been largely unaffected by the war conflict in Ukraine until a series of attacks earlier this year. In the last week there have been at least three attacks counting this last one.

US repeats feat of nuclear fusion, and with higher yield

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the US shocked the world in December by announcing that it had carried out an experimental nuclear reaction that produced more energy than was used to cause it, a feat in the quest for unlimited clean energy to end the age of fossil fuels.

“We can confirm that the experiment produced a higher yield than December 2022,” a lab spokesman, Paul Rhien, said in an emailed statement on Monday, without disclosing figures.

He added that the lab will provide details at upcoming scientific conferences and in peer-reviewed publications.. The Financial Times was the first to report this new breakthrough.

Nuclear fusion is considered a clean, abundant and safe source of energy that could allow humanity to break its dependence on coal, oil, natural gas and other hydrocarbons that are causing a global climate crisis.

But there is a long way to go before it is viable on an industrial scale, powering homes and businesses.

To know more
graphic report. The milestone of nuclear fusion, explained for those who know nothing about physics

The milestone of nuclear fusion, explained for those who know nothing about physics

Nuclear power plants currently use fission, the splitting of the nucleus of a heavy atom to produce energy.. Nuclear fusion, by contrast, combines two hydrogen atoms to form a heavier helium atom, releasing a large amount of energy in the process.

This occurs inside stars, including the Sun.. On Earth, fusion reactions can be triggered by heating hydrogen to extreme temperatures inside specialized devices.

Like fission, fusion is carbon-free during operation and has other advantages: it poses no risk of nuclear catastrophe and produces far less radioactive waste.

During the December experiment, the lab used 192 ultra-powerful lasers aimed at a capsule smaller than a pea containing isotopes of hydrogen.

Produced 3.5 megajoules of energy using 2.05 megajoules through the lasers. But it took 300 megajoules of power from the power grid to activate the lasers.

July breaks the record for air and ocean temperatures

Last July will go down in history as the hottest month on Earth since there are records, and more and more scientific data supports this conclusion.. The analysis of the measurements collected by the European Copernicus climate change service (C3S) also maintains that July 2023 broke the record for both air and ocean temperatures.

His report, published this Tuesday and based on data collected by satellites, ships, planes and meteorological stations around the world, also highlights the large number of heat waves suffered by many regions of the Northern Hemisphere, including southern Europe.. High temperatures have also been the tonic in several South American countries and in Antarctica, despite the fact that it is now winter there.

“These records have dire consequences for both people and the planet, exposed to increasingly frequent and intense extreme events,” warned Samantha Burgess, Deputy Director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), on the occasion of the presentation. of this report that comes just as Spain is facing its third heat wave this summer, which will be the most extreme we have suffered if the weather forecasts come true: after a brief heat lull last weekend, thermometers They will reach 45ºC and the AEMET has issued a special warning for high temperatures.

Regarding the global air (surface) temperature in July 2023, it is confirmed that July was the hottest among any other month, not only among the months of July. Specifically, it was 0.72°C warmer than average for July between 1991 and 2020. Therefore, it supersedes the previous record, registered in July 2019, by a difference of 0.33ºC.. Reading the long-term data also reveals that it was 1.5 ºC hotter than the average for July between 1850-1900, that is, at the beginning of the industrial era.

At the end of last week we learned that on August 1 the average ocean temperature had broken the record by reaching 20.96 ºC (the previous highest record was measured on March 29, 2016 and was very similar, 20.95 ºC). As detailed this Tuesday by the Copernicus report, the average temperature of the ocean has risen continuously since April 2023 until it reached record levels in July, with 0.51 ºC above the average for the period 1991-2020.

But that is the global average, the data in some oceans are particularly high and worrying. Thus, the North Atlantic had a temperature 1.05 ºC higher than the average for July.

Heat waves affected the entire Mediterranean but also the Caribbean and southern Greenland, while El Niño conditions continued to develop over the eastern Pacific.

The oceans regulate the world climate and absorb a large amount of CO2 from the atmosphere and produce a large part of the terrestrial oxygen, which is why they are warming at this rate that worries scientists. A warmer ocean is less able to absorb carbon dioxide, which means more CO2 remains in the atmosphere.

To know more
Drought. How to survive in a Spain with less water: “With the climate that is upon us, it will not be possible to maintain the current irrigated area”

How to survive in a Spain with less water: “With the climate that is upon us, it will not be possible to maintain the current irrigated area”

Drought. Water scarcity in Spain, in graphs: “We spend more than we can afford”

Water scarcity in Spain, in graphs: “We spend more than we can afford”

As Samantha Burgess recalls, “2023 is already the third hottest year to date, with 0.43 ºC above average, and 1.5 degrees above the start of the industrial age. Even if it were temporary, it shows the urgency of ambitious efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which are the main culprits behind these records,” he claims.

The influence of the El Niño phenomenon

Comparing the averages from January to July, the world average for 2023 is the third highest recorded, with a difference of 0.43 °C compared to the period 1991-2020. In 2016, the difference was 0.49 °C and in 2020, 0.48 °C. However, the analysis by the Copernicus scientists notes that the gap between 2023 and 2016 is expected to narrow in the coming months, as the latter part of 2016 was relatively cool, while the remainder of 2023 is expected to be relatively cold. warm as a consequence of the development of the El Niño phenomenon.

The data coming from Antarctica is also worrying, where the extent of the ice sheet was 15% lower than normal at this time of year, with the lowest frozen surface recorded in a month of July since they began to be made. observations. As for the extent of the Arctic ice sheet, it was slightly below the minimum and was highest along the northern Siberian coast.

The report also collects precipitation data. It rained more than average rain across most of northern Europe and a region from the Black Sea and Ukraine to northwestern Russia, while drier-than-average conditions were experienced across the entire Mediterranean basin, with Italy and southeastern Europe having the largest anomalies.

In other parts of the world such as northeastern North America, Afghanistan, Pakistan, northeastern China, northern and eastern Australia, and Chile, July 2023 was wetter than average, while at the other end it rained less. than usual in Mexico, the southwestern United States, central and southeast Asia, southwestern Australia, and parts of southern Brazil and Paraguay.