All posts by Carmen Gomaro

Carmen Gomaro - leading international news and investigative reporter. Worked at various media outlets in Spain, Argentina and Colombia, including Diario de Cádiz, CNN+, Telemadrid and EFE.

Jano: a white dwarf star with two faces

The astronomer Rafael Bachiller reveals to us in this series the most spectacular phenomena of the Cosmos. Pulsating research topics, astronomical adventures and scientific news about the Universe analyzed in depth.

An exceptional white dwarf star has been discovered that presents two faces: the brighter hemisphere is dominated by hydrogen and the other by helium.

stellar corpses

White dwarfs are the corpses that result when small stars, similar in type to our Sun, die.. Indeed, when a solar-type star exhausts its nuclear energy, it collapses under the effect of its own gravity, but the mass is not enough to form a black hole, thus forming a highly compact object, the size of the Earth, but containing a mass comparable to that of the Sun. Of course, our own Sun will also inexorably become a white dwarf; but for this it takes a long time: about 5,000 million years.

The gravity on the surface of these white dwarfs is 100,000 times greater than on the Earth's surface and this causes a segregation in the chemical composition: the heavier atoms (such as iron) sink inwards, while the lighter ones ( such as those of hydrogen and helium) remain in the superficial region.

Normally, hydrogen forms a shallower shell than helium.. But, sometimes, there are convection phenomena that alter this disposition. For example, shortly after the catastrophic collapse that, in the middle of a great glow, gives rise to the white dwarf with a temperature of about 100,000 degrees, the star begins to cool down and the convection in the helium layer causes it to mix with that of hydrogen. Eventually, the helium remains on the surface for a long time as the star continues to get colder and colder.

15 minutes

These ideas have been corroborated by the discovery of a few white dwarf stars with different percentages of helium on their surfaces, possibly because they are in intermediate stages between the transition from hydrogen to helium mode.. But now a new star has just been discovered which is surprising because it seems like a very extreme case.

Ilaria Caiazzo, a young Italian astronomer working at Caltech, California, was part of a group of researchers who, using the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) telescope at the Mount Palomar Observatory near San Diego, California, were looking for peculiar variable white dwarf stars. During this search, the star ZTF J2033 appeared, which is located about 1,300 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus and rotates dizzyingly every 15 minutes.

The most surprising properties of the white dwarf became apparent in follow-up observations that Caiazzo made using several more powerful ground-based and space telescopes than the ZTF: As the star rotated, its brightness varied along with its chemical composition.. When the brighter hemisphere faces the Earth, only hydrogen is detected and when, after half a turn, the other (darker) hemisphere offers us, only helium is detected.

The researchers found no indication of a companion star or the existence of pulsations that could explain such peculiar behavior.. Therefore, they concluded, the variations must be rooted in the stellar surface.. It is as if the star had two different faces: one bright with hydrogen and the other darker with an abundance of helium.. That is why they have nicknamed her Janus, after the Roman divinity that has two faces (the same god that gives its name to the month January).

Jano white dwarf recreation NASA/ESA/CSA/JWST/Williams et al. Magnetism

To try to explain the peculiar structure of this star, the authors of the study turn to magnetic fields. And it is known that white dwarfs, being so compact and rapidly rotating, can have very intense magnetic fields, much more intense than those that prevail, for example, in the dark spots on the surface of the Sun.

Suppose there are notable differences in magnetic field strength in the two Jano hemispheres.. In one zone (bright hemisphere), the field could be strong enough to prevent convective movements, leaving helium submerged in the depths, while a weaker field in another zone (dark hemisphere) could freely allow convection. causing the hydrogen to sink under the rising mass of helium.

The stellar surface is now at a temperature of about 35,000 degrees, in full cooling transition, between the hydrogen phase and the helium phase.. As the surface temperature continues to drop, it is expected that convection will eventually win out over magnetic effects and that the star will complete its evolution completely covered in helium.

These hypotheses are perfectly reasonable because they fit well with the properties of other white dwarfs that have been found with irregular areas on their surface.. But none as extreme as Jano was known, capable of changing its appearance and its spectrum in just a quarter of an hour.

Caiazzo's article on the. entitled A rotating white dwarf shows different compositions on its opposite faces has been published just a few days ago in the prestigious journal Nature.

Rafael Bachiller is director of the National Astronomical Observatory (National Geographic Institute) and academic of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain.

The increase in ticks in Spain: symptoms and how to avoid their bites

The high summer temperatures have brought with them ticks, an arthropod capable of transmitting more than 50 different diseases with its bite..

These are parasites that reside in a large number of wild and domestic animals, feed on the blood of their hosts and are much more dangerous for humans than is believed, since, according to Fernando de la Calle, a specialist in the Unit of Imported Pathology and International Health of the La Paz Hospital, “the number of people who come to the hospital for this cause is increasing.”

In Spain, with six species of ticks registered by the European Center for Disease Control, the most important diseases for human health are mainly bacterial, such as Lyme disease, button fever, anaplasmosis or tularemia, and parasitic, like babesiosis.

To the list must be added viral diseases, such as encephalitis and hemorrhagic fever caused by the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, which has a mortality rate of 30% without treatment.

Doctor De la Calle has warned that “in recent years” an increase in consultations for tick bites has been detected.. “Now we are in a strong period, after atypical years due to the pandemic and with the recovery of mobility,” explained the specialist.

Specifically, he explained that mainly people go to the consultation for “complications of local infection by bites”. Fundamentally, he has detailed, these are cases of rickettsiosis, Lyme disease and, to a lesser extent, babesiosis and anaplasmosis.


In this sense, the epidemiologist misses “awareness” in the face of “alarm signs” that point to a possible tick bite. All this, he emphasized, seeking “the balance between being informed without being alarmed.”

“You don't have to go crazy, but you do have to be attentive to the symptoms and complications and, if serious, go to specialized units,” he argued.

As a general rule, the parasite takes between 24 and 48 hours to start feeding on the blood, so until then, the risk of transmitting the infection is lower, hence the importance of removing it as soon as possible.

To do this, it is recommended to use tweezers or remove them with your fingers with thin gloves, trying to avoid crushing them or using natural remedies such as oil or alcohol.. The result is, many times, the permanence of part of the oral apparatus in the skin and the formation of a permanent granuloma.. For this reason, the extraction must be slow and meticulous, holding the tick from the head and gently pulling it upwards.

“People tend to remove the tick and little else,” explains the expert, who asks to remain “vigilant, without obsession” for 10 or 14 days when faced with symptoms such as fever or the appearance of a skin rash. Also, in the event of atypical signs on the skin such as a black scab that does not heal or complications such as bleeding gums or bruises.

In this sense, he has highlighted the importance of providing the doctor with as much information as possible so that he can help him relate the symptoms to a tick bite.. This is the case of Rosana Toribio, who was diagnosed with Lyme disease after being labeled “crazy” at first “for going to the ER for a mosquito bite.”

The young woman from Madrid began to feel unwell a few days after taking a route in Tenerife through a ravine “that was super dry”. “When I returned to Madrid I began to feel bad. After three or four days I had a fever, a general malaise, I felt terrible. I had a mosquito bite at first and I didn't give it any importance,” he said.

However, Rosana, a pharmacist by training, decided to go to a hospital, alarmed by the characteristics of the red halo that appeared around the bite.. “At first they labeled me crazy when I went to the ER for a mosquito bite when it surely had nothing to do with the discomfort I felt,” she commented with a laugh.

Fortunately, she reported, the nurse called a doctor who, as soon as she observed the characteristics of the bite, suspected its possible relationship with Lyme disease, a bacterial infection that if not treated immediately can cause multiple health problems. .

Without adequate treatment, Lyme disease becomes chronic, seriously affecting the development of a normal life through acute neurological, cardiac and/or articular manifestations.. In this sense, Rosana is fortunate that this physician related her case to a tick bite.

“After time the sting disappears, the halo disappears, and you no longer relate anything to that route in Tenerife and that sting, which could have taken place several months ago,” he warns.

Crimean-congo fever

In Spain, in addition to Lyme disease, one of the most frequent diseases caused by tick bites is boutonnouse fever, which begins with sudden fever, photophobia, joint pain, myalgia and malaise and can evolve into severe forms and lead to hepatitis, meningoencephalitis or renal failure.

One of the most serious consequences may also be Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCF), with 12 reported cases and four deaths in Spain since 2013.

In September 2016, the first human case was diagnosed in the Community, associated with contact with a tick in the province of Ávila, and a second case in a health professional who treated him.. The case detected in Madrid was the first in Western Europe with an autochthonous character, not imported from another geographical area.

Although more rarely, the tick can also cause paralysis of the host by inoculating a neurotoxin.. It generally affects children under 10 years of age and can cause death from respiratory paralysis.


To avoid these situations, it is advisable that when you go out into the field you wear appropriate clothing, with long sleeves and pants, and wear closed boots and socks. It is also recommended to wear light-colored clothing, which allows you to easily check if any of these arachnids are camouflaged.

On walks through the natural environment, it is recommended to travel through the central area of the paths, avoiding, as far as possible, contact with the vegetation on the sides.. Special care is required in areas with high soil humidity, that is, areas close to watercourses or flooded areas, with the possible presence of livestock.

In addition, it is advisable to avoid sitting on the ground in areas with a lot of vegetation, use authorized repellents and protect pets with a deworming product.. In the event that it is necessary to handle a domestic animal to clean it, it must be done with gloves.

At the end of the day in the countryside, it is also advisable to examine the whole body and wash the clothes used with hot water. It is important to pay special attention to the armpits, groin, hair, navel and around the waist.

They discover an enigmatic stellar object that defies the physics of neutron stars

Radio astronomy has made it possible to detect a new type of stellar object. A mysterious object that astronomers say “challenges our understanding of the physics of neutron stars” (a neutron star is what is left behind when a massive supergiant star runs out of fuel, collapses, and explodes as a supernova).

This new source of radio waves has been named GPM J183910 and is located 15,000 light years from Earth, in the constellation Scutum.. Astronomers still do not know the nature of this intriguing object, but this Wednesday they present in the journal Nature what they have been able to find out so far and their hypotheses.

As explained by this international team in which Spanish scientists from the Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC) participate, “the radio waves emitted by the object, the longest ever detected, suggest that it could be a magnetar or of a white dwarf star.

As detailed in a press release, an ultralong-period magnetar is a rare type of neutron star with extremely strong magnetic fields that can produce strong bursts of energy.. However, they have a second hypothesis: that it is actually a magnetic white dwarf, that is, an advanced stage in the life of a star similar to the Sun.. But none of the current scenarios for those objects, they add, can explain with certainty all the characteristics of this new source of radio waves: it emits radio waves every 21 minutes and, if interpreted as a pulsar, would be the longest-period radiomagnetar. long detected to date, set until recently, magnetars were observed to rotate in periods of a few seconds.

To know more
Physical. They detect a new source of gravitational waves, the most powerful captured so far

They detect a new source of gravitational waves, the most powerful captured so far

Science. A telescope to decipher what dark matter and energy are: “There is something that causes the universe to be accelerating, but we have no idea why”

A telescope to decipher what dark matter and energy are: “There is something that causes the universe to be accelerating, but we have no idea why”

Hidden in plain sight, the object GPM J183910 was discovered thanks to the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope, an astronomical facility located in the outback of Western Australia, in an aboriginal territory called Wajarri Yamaji.

They used the Gran Telescopio Canarias

The research has been led by Curtin University and the International Center for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR).. Spaniards Nanda Rea and Francesco Coti Zelati, from the Institute of Space Sciences, led follow-up observations of this new object using the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC), which is on La Palma and is the world's largest optical telescope.. They also used ESA's XMM-Newton X-ray telescope, and coordinated the physical interpretation of the results.

As reported by the CSIC, “it is the second long-periodic radio object detected and observed, for the first time, at all wavelengths in 2022 by ICE-CSIC researchers. However, the first discovered long-period radio emitter was transient and only shone in the sky for a few months.. Instead, this new source can be located in observation files dating back to 1988.”

“Discovering two systems of this type in such a short time tells us that they are very common in the universe,” says Nanda Rea, second author of the study, professor at ICE-CSIC and member of the Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) and second author of the study. “This rare object could challenge our understanding of neutron stars and magnetars, which are some of the most exotic and extreme objects in the universe,” said study lead author Natasha Hurley-Walker.

In January 2022, they published a paper in Nature describing an enigmatic transient object that appeared and disappeared intermittently, emitting strong beams of energy three times an hour. Between July and September of that same year, the team scanned the sky using the MWA telescope. Those of the Indian Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and the American Very Large Array (VLA) had records of observations dating back to 1988.. That is, pulses from this object had been recorded for the first time 33 years ago, but no one noticed and they had remained hidden.

Not all pulsars produce radio waves. Some are thought to lie below the so-called 'death line', a critical threshold where a star's magnetic field becomes too weak to accelerate the particles responsible for radio waves.

Now this team of astronomers hopes to discover more periodic radio bursts in the future, which could help to finally understand the nature of these enigmatic objects.

Dr. Carmen Herrero, a great breast cancer researcher, dies at the age of 37

Dr. Carmen Herrero died this Saturday from metastatic gastric cancer at the age of 37, as reported by the Castellón Hospital Consortium, where she worked.

The healthcare company stood out in the field of oncology where it gave itself “body and soul” to its patients, as the center points out.

He studied Medicine and Surgery at the University of Valencia to later specialize in Medical Oncology. Likewise, she completed a master's degree in Molecular Biology in Madrid and an external Rotatory at the Massachusetts Hospital in the breast cancer unit.

The doctor stood out for her research on breast cancer. In 2019, she received the Professor Antonio LLombart Rodríguez Award from the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Valencian Community, which allowed her to enter the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Valencian Community as a corresponding Academician.

“To his extraordinary and brilliant curriculum is added the delicacy and sympathy with which he treated his patients. Goodbye, dear doctor. You will always be in the hearts of those of us who have had the fortune to know you,” his colleagues said goodbye.

HMB, the common bodybuilding supplement that could help prevent Alzheimer's

The secret to protecting memory may lie in a staple of a bodybuilder's diet. Researchers at Rush University Medical Center (United States) have shown that a bodybuilding supplement called beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate, also called HMB, can help protect memory, reduce plaques and ultimately help prevent progression of Alzheimer's disease.

HMB is not a prescription drug or steroid, but an over-the-counter supplement available at sports and fitness stores.. HMB is commonly used by bodybuilders to increase exercise-induced muscle size and strength while enhancing performance. HMB is considered safe even after prolonged use, with no known side effects.

“This may be one of the safest and simplest approaches to stop the progression of the disease and protect the memory of Alzheimer's patients,” explained Kalipada Pahan, one of those responsible for this research, which has been published in the journal Scientific Cell Reports.

Studies in mice with Alzheimer's disease have shown that HMB successfully reduces plaques and increases neuronal growth factors to protect learning and memory.

Previous studies indicate that a family of proteins known as neurotrophic factors is dramatically decreased in the brains of people with Alzheimer's and have been found to help the survival and function of neurons, which are cells that receive and send messages from the body to the brain. and vice versa.

This new study has shown that, after oral consumption, HMB penetrates the brain to increase these beneficial proteins, restore neural connections and improve memory and learning in mice with Alzheimer's-like pathology, such as plaques and tangles.

The results of the study indicate that HMB stimulates a nuclear hormone receptor in the brain called PPARa that regulates fatty acid transport, which is key to the success of HMB as a neuroprotective supplement.

“If the results obtained in mice with HMB are reproduced in Alzheimer's patients, this would open up a promising avenue for the treatment of this devastating neurodegenerative disease,” Pahan detailed.

Rudy Fernández on Ricky: "I feel a little annoyed for not having noticed"

As if it were a sign, José María Calderón appeared at the concentration of the team in Malaga where they had arrived as the second stage in the preparation for the World Cup in Japan, the Philippines and Indonesia. The point guard whose injury led to Ricky Rubio's first start in the national team. The man who took over against the United States and allowed the Masnou player to appear before the world. And Sergio Scariolo, of course, was very sorry.

“What has happened is a very personal matter for Ricky, privately and personally we have to be as close as we can to him,” Scariolo said of a player who is something more to him.. “He's not just a player for me, he's like a nephew, he's a very close person and that's what counts,” insisted the Italian and asked for privacy for the player's process.

The coach had already forgotten his bad mood on Wednesday, especially after Ricky confirmed to him out loud a day later what was happening to him and of course his support and that of the entire Spanish Basketball Federation was unconditional. “In #LaFamilia, people have always come before results. All my love and support for Ricky, and my admiration for his transparency and through it his ability, once again, to lead by example,” he wrote on his social networks.

Ricky's last 72 hours with the national team had been hard for everyone. That farewell to “take care of his mental health” was nothing but the end of a sensation that was settling in the federation since the point guard left for Barcelona on Monday, July 31.. And for which Scariolo himself was forced to call Juan Núñez, before Ricky confirmed what was happening to him.

Something that nobody in the selection noticed. Not even Rudy Fernández, the other R from that marvelous era of La Penya with which Aíto García Reneses made Spain fall in love and a friend of Ricky's who he has said is “very brave”.. “Personally, I feel annoyed for not having realized it in that situation because we have been with him and we have not been able to see him, to be with him when he needed it,” explained the captain of the team and friend of the point guard from El Masnou.

This Monday, Spain had arrived at the Higuerón Training Center in Fuengirola to prepare two matches of height. First, on the 11th against Luka Doncic's Slovenia and then, on the 13th, the great test before the World Cup in Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines, against the United States, one of the favorite teams for the championship along with Spain, current champion.

Selection, by the way, before which Ricky Rubio, MVP of the World Cup in China in 2019, lit his magic for the first time. “We have to give him time to find himself with energy and strength to play basketball again,” Scariolo said, “with a smile,” Rudy completed..

Barça announces the signing of Jabari Parker

The Barça basketball section already has a new reinforcement for Roger Grimau's first project at the helm of the Barça first team. The entity chaired by Joan Laporta has announced this Monday the incorporation of Jabari Parker, a power forward who was number two in the NBA draft in 2014 and who, after a few years in which injuries have greatly affected his performance, lands in the Palau Blaugrana clearly with the mission of picking up the baton from Nikola Mirotic, whose contract was terminated unilaterally by the club.

The signing of this power forward also comes after Barça also announced the termination of the contract of American Cory Higgins, who still had a year left on his contract, as one more measure to cut expenses, given that his, Like Mirotic's, it was one of the highest chips on the squad. Parker, who throughout his career has gone through teams such as the Milwaukee Bucks, the Chicago Bulls, the Washington Wizards, the Atlanta Hawks, the Sacramento Kings or the Boston Celtics, until now his last experience as a player, arrives at Barça eager to rediscover his best level after having chained multiple physical problems.

The injuries, throughout the last years, have been an ordeal for him. In particular, two anterior cruciate ligament tears that left him out of action for a long time, to which shoulder or ankle problems were also added.. So much so that in the last five years he has only been able to play 31 games. His experience at Barça, in addition, will be the first in Europe and, despite the fact that initially the official statement from the club assured that his incorporation was pending passing the pending medical check-ups, the transfer has been considered completely closed from his social networks .

A signing that, in this case, joins those of Joel Parra, Willy Hernangómez and Darío Brizuela to put together a squad that, despite the losses of Sanli, Tobey, Kuric, Higgins and, above all, Mirotic, is shaping up to be terribly competitive to face the next course.

The success of the U20 team returns the illusion to Spanish rugby: "It is a very good start"

The most lackluster season of Spanish rugby concludes with hope. With the fans resigned to not seeing the XV del León in the World Cup in France, with senior teams in transition and whose results -in general- have raised doubts, the men's sub20 conquered the qualifying Trophy with authority and will play in the World Cup in 2024. your category.

He won by knocking down topics. physical inferiority. The Spanish striker almost always outplayed their rivals and the team maintained a high pace in the decisive minutes. lack of confidence. The U20 Lions began by losing (15-0) in the final against Uruguay, but at the break they had already come back (15-24) and in the second half they maintained the lead (32-39).. The ability of the national player. Faced with an absolute team that for a decade has used professionals trained abroad, the vast majority of these young people have grown up in our country. A success of the quarry and many challenges for the future.

“Follow a common game system, everyone go for the same thing, the first ten minutes are to look for a gap in the rival and attack it”. This is how Ignacio Piñeiro summarizes some of the keys to these victories. The third row (1.98 and 103 kilos), a youth player from Rugby Club Valencia, had already made his debut with the senior team. “I have sacrificed many matches with my club, exams and above all vacations, I haven't had a summer vacation for three years”. He will only rest a few days. On August 11, he joined the 'promises' team of Oyonnax, recently promoted to the French first division.

The U20 team in the Trophy final against Uruguay World Rugby

The conjunction that Piñeiro praises took time. About three months of work, between concentrations and preparatory games, have matured the team. Juan Carlos Pérez forged it, laid the foundations of the game and won the European. Later, Raúl Pérez Aspirina has greased and developed it to win the World Cup qualification. The latter is responsible for High Performance of the Spanish Federation. Although we knew that we could be close, we believed that next year we could have results”, he assures. “It's a very good start to bet on this project.”

With the inspiration of his native Argentina and the financing of the International Federation, Aspirina works to launch several academies distributed throughout Spain that can guide the elite to the boys and girls who already stand out in the clubs. They train them in individual skills, collective concepts, physical preparation, nutrition and medical care.. “Everything focused on the player, assisting him, monitoring and testing him, accompanying his growth, that is going to make more and more competitive players appear,” he explains.. Of the young values, “courage, passion for the game and the desire to improve” stand out.

Marc Ventura coordinates the sports area of the UE Santboiana, the dean club of Spanish rugby. An institution that defines as “family” but that has more than 500 athletes. “The player today has many more skills, more individual technique, much more decision-making, because the coaches are also being trained, the big difference is the individual work”. Emphasizes both physical preparation and the difficulty of raising awareness about it. “Rugby is very demanding, it is important so that there are no injuries. As a school we are trying to show that there is an individual job and it has to be done.”

The U20 team in the Trophy final against Uruguay World Rugby

But rugby suffers a flight of players in the move to the senior category. A function that, he points out, could be carried out by the regional federations but which, he assumes, depends on another factor: money.

The few who glimpse the elite try to make the most of that stage in which others abandon. Adding field, video and gym, Ignacio Piñeiro -20 years old- has dedicated to rugby “about six or seven hours a day” in his clubs in France. “You learn a lot, they specialize, they create players; in Spain we are more articulate to create teams to win titles.”

In the professional clubs of France -and to a lesser extent in the United Kingdom-, especially in their 'promising' teams, no less than fifty players born in our country are enrolled. They develop in a much more professional environment but they also find obstacles to attend the calls of the Spanish teams.

“The best thing would be for the players who are trained in the clubs and who are in the academies to stay in Spain”. Raúl Pérez Aspirina sets talent retention as his ultimate goal. “That Spain can attend to those boys and girls who appear with a great profile at 14 years of age, who want to stay because they know that they are cared for and we can carry out their evolution.”

Seven of the 28 players called up for the U20 team were already abroad. Someone else, like Captain Álvaro García, is now starting his adventure. This season Ignacio Piñeiro will receive a house shared with another partner, studies, maintenance and a salary per month in Oyonnax. To this is added, recalls Marc Ventura, sports coordinator of the Santboiana, a competition that is a hotbed of future professionals. Something out of the reach of any Spanish club. “If we cannot offer a contract in the first team, because the ones we have are few, we must offer an environment where he is very comfortable and make the club love him,” concludes Ventura, who insists on the option of, at least, giving scholarships.

The U20 team in the Trophy final against Uruguay World Rugby

He appreciates positive steps and calls for others that should have been started earlier.. “You have to work more with the clubs and the autonomic ones to get more volume of level players. The academies have their function, but much more must be covered”. He believes that the arrival at the U20 World Cup means an opportunity. “Make it a point to close ranks and start working together, make players stay and give importance to the Spanish player,” says Marc Ventura. A reform approved a few weeks ago has increased the number of formation players that each Division of Honor team has to present in official matches. A wider door for a quarry that generates illusion.

“Since 2001, the generations are rising exponentially, it's a reality”, stresses the player Ignacio Piñeiro. He aspires to dedicate himself professionally to rugby. “Hopefully, it is very difficult, very few arrive, you have to have a plan b, not to say that plan a is the studies”. He is studying Logistics and Transport online, and three times a year he travels to Valencia to take the exam.

In 2024 Spain will join a U20 World Cup with only 12 teams with the great powers: France, Ireland, New Zealand,… “It is a source of pride, a huge leap, the best thing that can happen to us, a great competition for our players grow”, says Raúl Pérez Aspirina.

Even if the team was relegated, the person in charge of High Performance of the Federation puts the focus on the promotion of players and players who in a few years will feed the senior teams. Before, as an intermediate step, they should be filmed in the emerging teams, of young people. “Preparation” and “competition” are the two mantras that Raúl Pérez repeats. “It is the way, the results will be the consequence”.

With an overtaking in extremis, Aleix Espargaró takes his second victory in Moto GP

Aleix Espargaró knew how to wait for his moment. Although, perhaps, he could have passed before a Pecco Bagnaia who led practically the entire race, the Aprilia rider knew how to save his ace up his sleeve just for when the current world championship leader could no longer reply.

In the penultimate sector, a few meters from the checkered flag, with increasingly pressing rain, Aleix took advantage of the speed he had been displaying throughout the weekend at Silverstone to open up the throttle, take the lead and score thus the second MotoGP victory of his career.

This British Grand Prix, which is added to the Argentine Grand Prix won last year, has undoubtedly suited him wonderfully.. And the truth is that Bagnaia can't regret his second place much either, since it allowed him to widen the gap a little more with his most direct pursuers in the table: Jorge Martín, who remains second, was sixth, and Marco Bezzecchi, for now, still third in the running, he crashed after engaging in a very intense duel with Pecco for many laps.

«It has been crazy, from the first round. Even starting from 12th place, I felt good on the bike, it was one of those days where you feel invincible. The bike turned well and had very good braking stability. The truth is that my plan was to overtake Pecco and try to get away, but, with the rain, I thought it was better to keep the place, let him open the track and have something else at the end to try to overtake him.. The last few laps have been very dramatic, many riders were following us and the bike began to slip. In the end, it was unbelievable”, said Aleix Espargaró himself as soon as he finished the race. His last move was completely masterful. For this reason, it is not surprising that many drivers, including Pecco Bagnaia himself, congratulated him effusively on his victory.

“It's been complicated, yes.. I tried to get in front and take the reins of the race, but we chose the soft front tire and it was easy to lose the bike in front. With the rain, I didn't know where the limit would be, but, as the weekend has gone, so complicated, finishing second pleases me,” said the world championship leader.

To tell the truth, Bagnaia signed a great performance almost until the end. He took the lead for the first time at the end of the first lap and, after a one-on-one with Bezzecchi, he won first place that he would not let go almost until his last breath.. The side-by-side fight between the two Italians, truncated in the end by the fall of Bezzecchi, was one of the many incentives that had a MotoGP Silverstone Grand Prix in which, in fact, the overtaking did not stop happening in the head positions.

Brad Binder and Maverick Viñales, at times, also came to roll as seconds. The most constant, despite everything, would be an Aleix Espargaró who would end up achieving a more than fair prize for his good work with the piloting. Above all, when, in the final moments of the race, the rain began to become more intense. So much so that a change of motorcycle was even allowed, something that, however, only a handful of riders would resort to. Among them, a Fabio Quartararo who saw how the fairing of his mount had been completely destroyed after a spectacular brush with Luca Marini.

The Marquezes

Álex Márquez, winner of the sprint race on Saturday, for his part, was betrayed by the mechanics of his motorcycle on this occasion. The one from Cervera had no choice but to abandon after detecting some problems with the change. And much worse luck befell his older brother, Marc, who once again hit his bones on the asphalt.

Enea Bastianini and Joan Mir, for their part, could not finish the race either. As for the rest of the Spanish riders in contention, in addition to sixth place that allows Jorge Martín to remain second in the World Championship, Raúl Fernández was finally tenth; Augusto Fernández, eleventh; Pol Espargaró, who was finally able to finish the race on Sunday despite the precautions expressed this weekend, the weekend of his return to the circuits, finished twelfth and Iker Lecuona, for his part, closed the standings with his seventeenth place.