All posts by Carmen Gomaro

Carmen Gomaro - leading international news and investigative reporter. Worked at various media outlets in Spain, Argentina and Colombia, including Diario de Cádiz, CNN+, Telemadrid and EFE.

Sumar's sudoku to attract Junts: national recognition, federal, confederal state, asymmetrical character…

The imminent arrival of the month of August appears as the great ally for the “discretion” and “prudence” demanded by several of the actors involved in the negotiations for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, focused above all on the votes of the seven deputies of Together for Catalonia. A dialogue that is presumed “difficult” and “complex”, as recognized by the leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz. However, the acting second vice president of the Government is convinced that they will be able to once again form a coalition Executive headed by the PSOE.

As he explained in an interview published yesterday in La Voz de Galicia, Díaz assumes that both the self-determination referendum and the amnesty will be addressed in the talks with Carles Puigdemont's party, since “in a democracy you have to be able to talk about everything”. Of course, the founder of the new left-wing platform pointed out that “the limits are the constitutional framework, the current legality and the democratic framework”. A framework that, according to Lander Martínez, a deputy elected by Vizcaya and one of Díaz's closest collaborators during Sumar's first steps, offers “many tools for decentralization, national recognition, jurisdiction and the construction of a federal or confederal State, even with asymmetrical character”, according to what he declared to Radio Euskadi.

Aware that the post-convergents face the negotiation displaying their votes at the price of gold, the also Minister of Labor pointed out that “no one can be more interested than the Catalans in that this goes well”. “The worst thing that could have happened to Catalonia and Spain is a government with Santiago Abascal as vice president,” he said in relation to a hypothetical alliance of the PP and Vox in La Moncloa if they had achieved a greater number of deputies.

electoral repetition

The danger of “an authoritarian mandate” was also raised yesterday by Ada Colau. The leader of the commons [Sumar's Catalan reference] warned Junts that an electoral repetition, in the event of a blockade, “would be playing with fire” and recalled that in Catalonia “there was a massive anti-fascist vote”. The former mayoress of Barcelona considers that there is an opportunity “to move forward in de-judicializing the political conflict and in other issues that have been pending for a long time, such as financing, the use of Catalan or the transfer of Cercanías”.

Colau considers that the independence formation led by Laura Borràs and Jordi Turull should distinguish between the investiture and the subsequent mandate when demanding its maximum program. “You cannot ask for things that cannot be done in two weeks, but you can lay the foundations to try to do it during the legislature,” he advised from the Rac1 microphones.

Given the proximity of the first litmus test, the composition of the Table of the Congress of Deputies, voices continue to arrive that try to appease the theoretical red lines in the negotiations. If a week ago it was the general coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, who guaranteed the support of his six parliamentarians for the re-election of Sánchez as president of the Government, yesterday it was the new Minister of Education of the Generalitat, the republican Anna Simó, who warned that a bipartisan Executive of the PP and Vox “would be devastating for education in Catalonia”. For this reason, in an interview in the newspaper VilaWeb, the leader of Esquerra maintained that “in no case can this government be formed due to inaction by the Catalan parties.” A responsibility that also includes the PSC, whose first secretary, Salvador Illa, has shown his rejection of a repeat election.

Doñana reappears a week after 23-J and the clash between the Junta and the central government is revived

It was the great absentee during the general election campaign, but just a week later, the controversy over the irrigation law next to the national park promoted in the Andalusian Parliament by the PP and Vox has been reactivated again. The warnings of the Andalusian president, Juanma Moreno, about the consequences of the drought in the community and his intention to go to the European Commission for help have awakened in the central government the spirit of battle with the regional executive of the PP.

The acting Minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, dispatched this Friday against Moreno, whom she criticized for making “a fuss” instead of taking decisive measures against drought and climate change. And, incidentally, he questioned him about Doñana.

Moreno has spent weeks, months rather, warning about the terrible impact that the most serious drought in the recent history of Andalusia will have on the economy of the region. This same Thursday, in Parliament, he warned of the loss of jobs that can occur in the agricultural sector at the return of summer if this autumn, like those of recent years, it continues without rain. In this line, it has made the requirement of the central government for hydraulic works a mantra that it repeats daily.

For Ribera, who has been the spearhead in the environmental battle of the Pedro Sánchez executive with Andalusia, the notices from the president of the Board are nothing more than “regrets” and he asked for “more action”, specifically, investments in “resilience and adaptation». «In water, soil, nature, coastline, well-insulated buildings and green cities. Doñana?», pointed out the acting minister.

“The problems of the Andalusians – and water and Doñana are some of the most important – are not solved with fuss, but with effective management,” the minister wrote in a thread on Twitter to respond to the message launched by Moreno in which he reported of his request to meet the president of the European Commission, Úrsula von der Leyen, to address the water problem.

Barely a week has passed since 23-J and the bloodiest open battle between the Junta and the central government, that of Doñana, threatens to escalate because, in addition, the Andalusian PP insists that they are not going to take a step back in the parliamentary process of the controversial law that will regularize between 700 and 800 hectares of irrigated land in the Condado de Huelva region, at the gates of the national park.

The unconstitutionality appeal against the law is taken for granted in the San Telmo Palace, but the intention, say the sources consulted, is firm: the rule promoted by the PP and Vox will see the light of day around the turn of the summer.

What's more, according to sources from the popular parliamentary group, the idea is to start in September directly with the last remaining paperwork, the presentation and the opinion and, from there, to the plenary session to be definitively approved.

With the electoral cycle over (except for surprise), with two elections in two months, in the PP they believe that the time has come to give the last push to a law that “is in our program” and that it comes, they insist, to repair ” a historical injustice” in the towns of the County.

If it is not already in force, it is, these sources admitted, because they did not want to make its approval coincide with the electoral processes, an argument that clashes with what happened with the regional elections of 2022, when Parliament processed the law just before the appointment with the polls. But it is true that in recent months it could be said that the legislative process has slowed down, if not frozen.

In the popular group they are reluctant to set specific dates, but they point to the second plenary session in September. So there would be time to solve the pending fringes. It will begin, these sources insisted, in “the first week of September, as soon as possible.”

Strawberry crops under plastic in the surroundings of the Doñana park, in the Condado de Huelva region, GOGO LOBATO

In fact, they added, if it has not approved before the summer break, it has been because it has not given time and, before those who see a slowdown, they assure that even with the summer involved, the law will be approved “in five months” and the last five urgently processed laws have taken between eight and ten months.

In the PP they consider it impossible at this point that a dialogue channel can be opened with the PSOE to agree on the law: the progress of the procedures and the socialist refusal even to present amendments close almost all the doors.

And in Juanma Moreno's party they reiterate that they are not going to give in to pressure: “there will be no change in any way, we are convinced that we are doing what we have to do,” they affirm.

In the Andalusian PP they expected that the 23-J would radically change the scenario with a victory that the government would give to Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Assuming that this is impossible, the situation returns to that of open confrontation.

In this sense, the executive is preparing to return to the battlefield with the central government, even though it is in office.

The Minister of the Presidency, Antonio Sanz, was in charge of responding this Friday and demanded that Pedro Sánchez's executive stop “attacking and mistreating” Andalusia and join Moreno's request to the European Union on the need to allocate funds for the construction of hydraulic works to combat the drought.

A man arrested for the violent death of his 29-year-old partner in Barcelona

Mossos d'Esquadra agents have arrested a 34-year-old man allegedly related to the violent death of his 29-year-old partner, in the Nou Barris district of Barcelona last night.

The events took place around half past one when the Mossos received a notice to go to an address where they found the lifeless body of the woman and the suspect, who they arrested.. Upon arrival at the scene, the Emergency Medical System (SEM) has been activated, which certified his death.

To know more
Spain. Arrested in Lorca the man who set fire to the house of his ex-partner with their children inside

Arrested in Lorca the man who set fire to the house of his ex-partner with their children inside

Madrid. A man arrested after trying to strangle his wife with the shower in front of his youngest son

A man arrested after trying to strangle his wife with the shower in front of his youngest son

The woman's body had several injuries, some fatal, and her death could only be certified by the health personnel who arrived by ambulance at the home of the Turó de la Peira neighborhood notified at dawn by the Mossos.

The agents have arrested the man as the alleged perpetrator of the death after some initial efforts at the scene.

The investigating court 1 of Barcelona, acting as incident guard, has proceeded this morning to remove the corpse of a deceased woman.

The Barcelona Criminal Investigation Division has taken over the investigation.

There is no history of violence.

Condemn and condolences to the family of the City Council

The Barcelona City Council, which has activated the mourning protocol for these cases, firmly condemns the femicide of a woman, a neighbor of the Nou Barris district, due to sexist violence, it said in a statement issued as soon as the facts became known.

In addition, he has conveyed his “deepest condolences to the family and friends” of the victim, firmly condemning this murder that violates the most essential human rights.

The City Council reiterates its support for all women who find themselves in these situations, committing to continue using, together with the rest of our country's institutions, “all the necessary efforts to advance guarantees regarding the basic right of women to live without no manifestation of this violence”. If confirmed as a sexist crime, it would raise to 31 the deaths of women for this cause so far this year in all of Spain.

This afternoon, the investigating court 2 of Girona, acting as a guard, has agreed to the provisional detention communicated and without bail for the man arrested in relation to the death of his ex-partner last Thursday in Girona.

The case is open for the crimes of murder, robbery with violence and sexual assault without penetration.

The 'Bribón', captained by Juan Carlos I, achieves first position in the Sanxenxo regattas

The 'Bribón', captained by Juan Carlos I, has achieved first position in the regattas that have been held this weekend, in the Pontevedra municipality of Sanxenxo.

Thus, with the ex-monarch at the helm, the boat has arrived at port minutes before 4:15 p.m., after more than three hours of navigation through the Pontevedra estuary.

Although on Saturday the 'Bribón' finished second, this Sunday the wind has blown in his favor and he has won first position.

In this way, minutes after 12:30 p.m. the 'Bribón' has cast off. On the starboard side, he was tied up by the semi-rigid auxiliary boat 'Cristina' until he went around the breakwater.

For her part, the Infanta Elena has sailed, this Sunday, aboard the sailboat 'Alibabá II' which, captained by Miguel Lago, has achieved second position. Third place was taken by the sailboat 'Aida'.

These two days of sailing have been those of the XXIV Carlos I Silgar Hotel Trophy regatta for 6m class boats, which is also the fifth scoring for the V Spanish League Circuit for this type of boat.

Knowledge of Aragonese and Catalan cannot be "assessed" when accessing a position in the public administration of Aragon

Aragonese and Catalan appear as “proper languages” of Aragon in its Statute of Autonomy, although they do not have the rank of co-officials. It is estimated that some 25,000 people know how to speak Aragonese, to which are added another 20,000 who understand and know it but do not express themselves in it. And they declare that some 17,000 people know how to write in Aragonese. Regarding Catalan, there are some 55,000 speakers of this language in Aragon, on the eastern border with Catalonia, and those who understand it would reach as many as 90,000.

The Government of Aragon, chaired by the socialist Javier Lambán, published in 2022 a decree regulating the use of their own languages in the field of public administrations. The objective was “to enable citizens to use the languages of Aragon in the public sphere, in the areas of predominant historical use and to comply with the provisions of current legislation”.

The aforementioned decree, published in the Official Gazette of Aragon, indicated that the public administrations of Aragon “will promote the knowledge of their own languages by all their employees”.

It specified that knowledge of the languages of Aragon “may be assessed in the selection procedures called by the public administrations of Aragon, when the characteristics of the job and the nature of the functions to be carried out so require”.

It added that, for this, the Administration of the Autonomous Community “will arbitrate the appropriate measures for the voluntary training of its workers in the knowledge of the languages and linguistic modalities of Aragon”.

unfavorable report

Now, the Consultative Council of Aragon has issued an unfavorable report that modifies the aforementioned decree. As a consequence, the Aragonese Government will not be able to “assess” the knowledge of the languages and linguistic modalities of Aragon in the selection procedures called by the public administrations, when the characteristics of the job and the functions to be carried out “recommend” it because it is areas of pre-eminent historical use.

As published this Sunday by Heraldo de Aragón, the aspects that raised the most doubts about the decree refer to how the areas of preferential use of the languages of Aragon are determined and whether it is “advisable” that the officials who provide services in them know them.

In both cases, the criteria of the Advisory Council is imposed by accepting the Aragonese Executive that they park, at least for the moment, to advance in the regulatory part with less controversy.

The greatest controversy referred to the effect that the application of the decree could have on the personnel selection tests in the areas of preferential use of Aragonese and Catalan.. In this regard, the opinion states that, although it is only “advised” that officials know the languages of Aragon, it is “contrary to Law.”

He argues that the zones must be established by law and also the “legal regime of the rights of use of the inhabitants of those territories”. It also indicates that the decree does not include “the way to prove the training of personnel in the knowledge of their own languages and linguistic modalities.”

The Advisory Council recalls that the General Directorate of Legal Services affirmed that the precept does not specify the objective criteria by which a call or a qualifying court can decide “that it is not enough to have an official degree and that a candidate must prove otherwise their knowledge of their own languages.

It adds that this could “endanger the principles of equality, merit and capacity in access to public service”, for which reason said article of the decree has been deleted.

Melanotan, an illegal drug to tan more than Barbie Malibu, which triumphs on 'TikTok'

Imagine for a moment a drug that tans, increases sexual potency and reduces appetite. An unimportant detail when we talk about TikTok, the lawless city where anything goes.

Melanotan is sweeping social networks and this is all you need to know about the new trend that they have called Barbie Malibu.

What is melanotan?

Melanotan is a cousin of the hormone that stimulates melanocytes, those cells that produce melanin and make us tan.. The most common pharmaceutical form is subcutaneous injection, but since we are generally not very fond of needles, other formats such as pills, creams, and especially nasal sprays are popular on TikTok..

Just like in good movies, we are already in the second part and after Melanotan-I came Melanotan-II, which also works as a sexual stimulant.

What are the risks of using Melanotan?

The melanocyte is a sensitive cell that reacts very quickly when we stress it (either through sunlight, ultraviolet radiation booths or this drug).. And if we overstimulate it, the risk of it becoming a cancer cell increases.

Health authorities warn of other possible side effects such as darkening of the skin, increase in moles and freckles, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, flushing of the face and even spontaneous erections.. The thing is already appealing to us less.

For this and other reasons, it is currently not authorized and doing what they propose to us on TikTok directly is not legal.. The Melanotan that you can buy online can be anything but Melanotan.

Safe tan exists and it's called DHA.

For those who, for aesthetic reasons, are still part of the “morenito team”, we have good news. For years we have had safe and highly successful options to achieve a tanned skin tone without having to play roulette. And I say very successful because when these products began to become popular in pharmacies years ago, when applying them one ran the risk of ending up looking like Naranjito but fortunately R&D has done its job and now the color they offer is truly natural.

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) is a type of sugar that can be synthesized from different sources but mainly comes from sugar cane.. Its mechanism of action, the Maillard reaction, is very popular and we are used to seeing it every day, for example, when making toast.

The Maillard reaction is a chemical process that takes place when, to put it simply, proteins and carbohydrates meet and “get married.”. If this happens, as a consequence of true love, the typical toasting that we see in bread is produced thanks to compounds called “melanoidins”.


1. This reaction only takes place in the epidermis and does not stimulate the production of melanin, which is the natural pigment that develops when we are exposed to the sun.. It is as if the top layer of the skin was “painted”.

2. The tan caused by DHA does not provide protection from the sun and it is still essential to use sunscreens.

What should I do to not end up like a Dalmatian?

Before applying it, it is essential to exfoliate at least 24 hours before and hydrate the skin well so that the surface is uniform..

The tan is maintained for about a week until the skin is renewed and the dead tan cells are shed.. Applying these products is a really simple procedure, but if you don't follow some basic art rules you can end up with “hives”.. When in doubt, your pharmacy will be able to advise you on all the steps you must follow.

In any case, if you don't trust your skills, there are beauty centers where they also offer this professional self-tanning service with sugar cane.. In a few minutes and for a price of around €40 you can get out of there with your “brown turned up” comfortably and safely.

Mercromina, cotton, bandages or serum… everything that the home medicine cabinet should have (and not)

If practically all homes have one thing in common, it is that they have a small first aid kit.. Sometimes it is a box, sometimes a small bag and in other homes it is simply a drawer where band-aids, adhesive tape and pills are kept for when something hurts.

A space in the house that we don't pay too much attention to until we burn ourselves out making food, the knife slips away, or our little toe hits the edge of the bed.

What are the essential products in the medicine cabinet?

There are a number of items that should be in absolutely every medicine cabinet:

-Protective material. Everything you need to be able to heal small wounds: saline solution to clean the area, gauze pads and an antiseptic such as povidone or chlorhexidine to prevent infection. An ointment for small burns would also be interesting.

-Material for bandages. We are not going to make large bandages, but enough to protect that wound. We will need tape, adhesive bandages such as plasters, scissors and some elastic bandage that, when the time comes, we might need to cover and put pressure on a larger wound while we arrive at an emergency center.

-Thermometer. Essential to know if we have a fever or not.

-Anti-inflammatory cream. Small injuries are the daily occurrence of accidents at home, but fortunately most are resolved with rest and an anti-inflammatory cream.

-Instant cold pack for small blows.

-Analgesics and antipyretics. The classics are paracetamol and ibuprofen, two medications that should not be missing to use on a timely basis.

optional drugs

Depending on the pathologies of each person in the home, there are a series of medications that we should add to that medicine cabinet.

In case of diagnosed severe allergies, pre-filled adrenaline pens can save our lives when the time comes.

And in the case of people with epilepsy we also have special medication for seizures that do not subside after a few minutes.

If someone with insulin-treated diabetes lives at home, our doctor will have also alerted us that we must have a medication on hand that could raise glucose levels if something goes wrong.

The ones we should eliminate from the medicine cabinet

There are medicine cabinets that were set up when we nurses boiled the needles, and the problem is that they are still intact. It can be used for some things, but what is clear is that we should never use it to heal wounds.. The fibers are easily released, they end up stuck to the bed of the wound and that will only hinder its healing.

-Mercromin. It was a widely used antiseptic in the 80s, but over the years it has been shown that its potency is low and that it is inactivated if there is blood. Today we have much more effective antiseptics.

-Hydrogen peroxide. It is true that when it comes into contact with a wound it kills all the bacteria it finds.. but it also destroys healthy cells and that makes healing difficult. Therefore it is not the best antiseptic that we can use at home.

-Usual medications. The medicine cabinet is not the place to store the medicines that people who live at home take daily.

What if I go on a trip?

In this case, we must adapt the first-aid kit depending on the destination of the trip.. Elements such as oral rehydration salts will be useful in cases of diarrhea. We should also include an antihistamine cream to relieve insect bites and if we are going to take long walks, a barrier cream with zinc oxide for skin rashes can be useful.

Where do I keep the first aid kit?

In an accessible place and known to all the people living at home. It should be in a cool, dry place, out of direct light and where there are no large variations in temperature and humidity, so the kitchen and bathroom are not the best places to store it.. Ideally, it should be in an airtight box and easy to carry from one place to another.

Be careful with the expiration dates

Expiration is something that we tend to associate exclusively with medicines, but the rest of the products in the medicine cabinet also have an expiration date, and applying an antiseptic to a wound that has exceeded its useful life date is as inadvisable as taking a pill that also have overcome it.

The regions of the PP, banks and electric companies reactivate their fiscal war with the Government after the electoral result

The electoral victory of the Popular Party that the polls predicted drew a context in which banks, electricity companies and the regions governed by the PP itself were going to reconsider their respective positions in the fiscal war they had with the Executive of Pedro Sánchez. The candidate Alberto Nuñez Feijóo had been a bit ambiguous with the future of taxes on banks and energy companies, but from the popular formation it was pointed out that they would try to reach some kind of understanding with both groups of companies. And what seemed completely certain is that the tax on Great Fortunes would be eliminated, which would entail the end of homogenization and the attack on regional fiscal powers that, in the party's opinion, this figure entails.

But the result of the general elections on July 23 has blown up this approach, and all the affected parties are already reactivating their confrontation with the possible Executive led by Pedro Sánchez.

In the communities governed by the PP they maintain the same position: that applying a tax at the national level on the Great Fortunes that invalidates the bonuses in the figure of Patrimony is unconstitutional. That invades the tax powers that the Constitution grants to the autonomies, and for this reason both the Community of Madrid and Andalusia have already appealed the figure before the Constitutional Court. “We are going to continue with the battle, without a doubt,” confirm regional sources from the Popular Party, with which the fight with María Jesús Montero, if she remains as Minister of Finance, is assured.

On the part of the electric companies, and also the oil companies because the Executive's fiscal hardening also falls on these companies, Cepsa exemplified last week what is the position of the affected companies. “It is a poorly designed extraordinary tax that has had a significant impact on our results and on cash generation,” said Maarten Wetselaar, CEO of the company, during the presentation of results.. What's more, Cepsa pointed directly to the Government for its bad semi-annual data. Repsol, Iberdrola, and Endesa already denounced the figure in February, and that process is ongoing.

And as far as the banking figure is concerned, sources from one of the four big consultancies (the so-called Big Four, Deloitte, PwC, EY and KPMG) state that “it might seem more logical, now that the rise in interest rates continue, that the tax be maintained if what the PSOE really wants is to carry out policies to help the most vulnerable». What were previously extraordinary benefits, he adds, could become the new normal. In this sense, the expert understands that “if the Government is intelligent, it will reconfigure the text” of the norm so that it cannot be rejected by the courts due to a defect in its wording, as seems to be the case at the moment.

All national entities have already appealed this rate before the Justice and the sector trusts that its resources will go ahead. The entities, for now, have resigned themselves to paying the tax but they estimate that, in a couple of years, they will recover that money with interest. The CEO of Banco Santander, Héctor Grisi, stressed last week that it is “a discriminatory tax” and demanded from the next Executive “clear rules” in terms of taxation.

Something more extensive was the head of CaixaBank, Gonzalo Gortázar, who openly complained that banks pay more money in taxes than other companies, 40% over 25% of Companies. Why do we penalize financial institutions? Why do they have to pay so much money? “He asked himself during the presentation of the bank's semi-annual accounts, in which his profit shot up 36%. The counselor of the entity believes that this tax “harms the country”, and asked to focus the debate first on whether the tax itself makes sense before beginning to discuss whether it should become permanent.

The bank triggers its profit in Spain to 5,300 million euros

The vertiginous escalation of interest rates in the Eurozone has been the manna that the banks had been carrying for a whole decade and that has finally arrived. Thanks to this, the large Spanish entities have shot up their margins to levels not seen since before the Lehman Brothers explosion and this has allowed them to earn almost 50% more during the first six months of the year.. Specifically, the joint profit of Banco Santander, BBVA, CaixaBank, Sabadell, Bankinter and Unicaja reached 5,300 million euros from January to June, although out of the total profits of the six entities it represents less than half, taking into account other markets like Mexico or Brazil.

Beyond the rates, the leading swords of the sector have insisted in each appearance this week on the strength that the country's economy is showing, with a fall in the demand for credit (as is logical given higher financing costs), but without a notable or worrying rise in delinquency. In fact, in some cases, such as Banco Santander or CaixaBank, which brings defaults to a minimum of 15 years, even falling in the semester.

If these results did not include the tax paid by the sector in the first quarter, for a total of 1,120 million euros, the joint profit of the six listed entities would have been about 6,400 million, 80% more than the result of 2022.

In world terms, listed banks obtained a net result of close to 12,400 million euros, 20% more if compared to the first six months of 2022, when the first rate increase had not yet occurred, of the nine that the ECB has carried out since just one month later, since it began the race against inflation in July of last year.


The two largest banks in this country are the ones that have picked up speed at the start of the year. The entity chaired by Ana Botín achieved a profit in Spain of 1,132 million euros, which represents 74% more and was the clear driver of the group's result. It must be taken into account that globally its profit grew by 7% due to the fall of the Brazilian market mainly. It amounted to 5,241 million euros.

The rise in the price of money in the Eurozone was behind the fact that the interest margin (which is the difference between what a bank pays for its deposits and what it charges for borrowed money) in Spain shot up 57%, up to 3,161 million euros compared to 2,000 million in the first part of 2022. It also added 362,000 customers in the last six months in our country.

The profit of BBVA in Spain, the second market for the entity behind Mexico, increased by almost 54% until June, with 1,231 million euros. Globally, the bank led by Onur Genç earned 3,878 million, 31% more, and in which the Mexican economy represented slightly more than half. The interest margin in our country was almost 45% higher despite a slight drop in commissions.

CaixaBank, which controls a quarter of the national loan market, registers the highest profit of all entities. It reached 1,891 million euros, with a rise of 42%. The total profit of the group, which means including its Portuguese subsidiary BPI to a large extent, increased somewhat less, 36%, to earn 2,137 million.

The remaining 1,000 million profits are shared between Sabadell, Bankinter and Unicaja. Of these, only Unicaja has seen its profit fall in the semester, 13% specifically, and the entity attributes it to the payment of the tax to the sector that it paid in full before March, of 63.8 million.

stress test

Yesterday the EBA (European Banking Authority) published the so-called stress tests for the sector in which Spanish banks emerged unscathed once again. In a scenario of maximum stress in the economy, Sabadell and Unicaja are the ones that would destroy the most capital, close to 400 basis points, and even so their levels of first quality capital would fall to 8.8% and 9.7%, respectively.

The one that comes out best in the photo, once again, is Bankinter, for whom the worst crisis scenario would still allow it to continue covering the cost of capital, which historically has been set at over 10%.. Next to the orange entity are Santander and Kutxabank as the next banks that would best respond to a stress scenario.

The economy slows down and is already facing the slowdown that it will suffer in the second half of the year

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) registered moderated in the second quarter of the year, in which it grew by 0.4% compared to 0.5% in the first quarter. In interannual data, the figure remains at 1.8%, far from the 4.2% that was reached in the first three months of the year and represents the most moderate figure since the pandemic.

But in addition to this comparison, the data of 0.4% contrasts with the growth of up to 0.6% that economists used. In other words: the experts expected a certain rebound and what the National Statistics Institute (INE) says is that there was a slowdown.

The National Accounts data is known the day after the good employment figures that the Active Population Survey (EPA) showed yesterday, and according to which Spain has exceeded the level of 21 million workers for the first time. Precisely this made economists think that the growth figure could be higher. The key to this disparity between growth and the labor market, in any case, probably lies in the hours actually worked, which do not advance at the same rate as employment, and also in the fact that a large part of the employment created is centered in the service sector, with much lower productivity.

And what the INE data suggests is that Spain is already facing the economic moderation that, according to all the forecasts of national and international organizations, the economy as a whole will suffer in the second half of the year. Right now, it seems complicated to reach, for example, the 2.5% growth predicted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for Spain.

The foreign sector suffers

Going into the details of the INE figures, what can be seen is that a good part of the moderation is explained by the bad data on exports. Until now, the foreign sector had pulled GDP very strongly, but in the second quarter of the year the figure is even negative and plummeted 4.1% compared to the first three months. The explanation for this situation lies in the complex moment and even the economic contraction that some of Spain's European partners are suffering, and this would fit with the bad job creation data in the industry

On the other hand, the consumption of families has been reactivated after two months in negative figures. It grows by 1.6%, a figure that surprises on the rise and that limits to a certain extent the bad figures for exports