All posts by Carmen Gomaro

Carmen Gomaro - leading international news and investigative reporter. Worked at various media outlets in Spain, Argentina and Colombia, including Diario de Cádiz, CNN+, Telemadrid and EFE.

Marlaska consummates his plan to remove powers from the Civil Guard in border management

The Ministry of the Interior has consummated its plans to subtract functions from the Civil Guard as EL MUNDO announced. The internal order to which this newspaper had access spoke of cutting the powers of the Armed Institute in terms of borders and yesterday, Tuesday, this internal document was no longer a draft and was already in the form of an order. It was published in the Official State Gazette (BOE).

In this way, there is a tour of what until two weeks ago was a declaration of intent that kept the leadership of the Corps enervated.. Fernando Grande-Marlaska incorporates the National Police into the National Coordination Center (NCC), until now reserved exclusively for the Civil Guard, so that it also coordinates surveillance at external borders and the management of statistics to subsequently provide the data to The EU.

From the Benemérita they reiterate that this way of proceeding contravenes Royal Decree 734/2020 which, they insist, contemplates that only the Armed Institute is empowered to intervene in the surveillance of external borders.

Article 4.6 of that royal decree -which the Interior obviates in its order- indicates, they recall, that the National Coordination Center will be directed by a member of the Civil Guard. They insist on accusing the minister of “deliberately and little by little weakening the Corps.”

The NCC is in charge of coordinating surveillance at external borders and managing statistics to subsequently provide the data to the EU.

It depends on Eurosur, a European institution for the control of maritime and land borders.. The document outlines the way in which the National Police -through the National Center for Immigration and Borders-, “will integrate and manage” the NCC.

It does not include, however, the Royal Decree which, as the Civil Guard insists, grants these powers exclusively to the Benemérita and which governs the custody, control and management of border data. “NCC-PN (National Police)” appears in section E of the new order, thus consolidating the points that the ministerial order included when it was internal.

«It is another attempt by the minister to weaken the Body; something you've been doing since you came into office. It is a new interference in our work”, they settle from the Civil Guard.

Article 4.6 clearly indicates that the National Coordination Center will be directed by a member of the Armed Institute: «The Border and Maritime Police command, with an organic level of General Sub-directorate, in charge of a lieutenant general of the Civil Guard in a situation of service active, is responsible (…) to deal with irregular immigration and those entrusted by the order to the Civil Guard for the control of other irregular flows, having among its functions that of fiscal protection of the State».

And it adds: «The Coastal and Maritime Police Headquarters, in charge of a general officer of the Civil Guard in a situation of active service, in charge, at a national level and in the field of competence of the Civil Guard, of the direction and coordination of the operational activities of the European Border and Coast Guard led by the Civil Guard and the Spanish National Coordination Center (NCC).

Despite this, the ministerial order of Grande-Marlaska states that the Police enter the NCC. «The National Coordination Center -Eurosur framework- for the National Police (NCC – PN)».

After the appearance of the order in the BOE, the concern is such that the groups have also mobilized. «In recent years and more in the last legislature, the Civil Guard has been in decline in practically all of Spain. The neglect of the security of the Spaniards in our area of competence, which is more than 85% of the territory, is irresponsible or an established plan for the gradual dismantling of an institution that is only at the service of the sovereignty of the people, the law and the Constitution”, denounces Agustín Leal, communication secretary of the Jucil group.

For its part, the Unified Association of the Civil Guard (AUGC) has already announced legal actions. «The Government continues with its policy of harassment and demolition. Due to these losses of competition, we will undertake legal proceedings to stop Minister Grande-Marlaska.

The Ministry of the Interior denied that the powers of the Civil Guard were relegated. “The powers of the Security Forces and Corps are established in article 12 of the Organic Law of Security Forces and Corps (LOCFS) and in RD 734/2020, of August 4, which develops the organic structure of the Ministry of the Interior, which have not undergone any modification. Therefore, there has been no reduction of powers in the functions of the Civil Guard.

“All the functions attributed to the General Commissariat for Immigration and Borders of the National Police in the Order by which the organic structure and the functions of the central and territorial services of the General Directorate of the Police are developed correspond to those attributed by the LOFCS to the National Police”, ends.

The PP is preparing for an opposition "like Aznar in 1993" and predicts that Sánchez "will not last four years"

Feijóo wants to explore his possibilities for the investiture, but he himself knows that today he does not have any. His whole party knows it. That is why the PP is preparing for the only two possible scenarios: repetition of elections or opposition. “Either Sánchez gives in or Junts gives in, and if not, elections”. The president of the popular does not give up leading the investiture process and yesterday he said that he will continue trying to open negotiations, but his team is already preparing, above all, for the scenario of the agreement between the PSOE, Sumar and the nationalist parties and independentistas

Both in the baronies and in Genoa believe that we are facing the “1993 moment” of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. In that year, José María Aznar lost the general elections against Felipe González, despite the fact that many polls, even at the exit, gave him victory. He clearly won the first face-to-face debate with the president, but he was missing in the second, so that his alternative, in the end, died on the edge of the polls.. The PSOE came back in the campaign. Of course, the socialist project would continue to be marked by instability in subsequent years.

There are clear parallels, but also three differences favorable to Feijóo. The first, that he has won. The second, that he has more territorial power than any opposition leader in history. The third, that Sánchez is obliged to agree with at least six formations, some of them openly contrary to the constitutional consensus: Junts, ERC, Bildu, PNV, BNG and Sumar.

«It would be much more difficult for Sánchez to govern, even. We are in a moment of 1993, but with a candidate who has won the elections and with the most intense territorial power that a party in Spain has ever had, “sources from Genoa assure this newspaper.. «We govern in 12 autonomies, plus Ceuta and Melilla, plus the cities of Madrid, Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza…. And we have an absolute majority in the Senate and the key in the Barcelona City Council”, they insist. In addition, they underline, two of the three remaining barons of the PSOE would not agree to sit down to negotiate with Junts if the independence referendum is on the table: Adrián Barbón from Asturias and Emiliano García-Page from Castilla La Mancha.

Greeting in Congress between José María Aznar and Felipe González in 1996. EFE

“We are in a 1993 scenario,” agrees one of the main government barons of the PP. And what does that scenario consist of? “In two or three years of rebuilding Feijóo” from the opposition and, this time, “from Congress” and with his parliamentary team. This baron rejects the repetition of elections: “Sánchez is going to govern losing, he will not miss this”. But he adds: “Frankenstein is going to become the house of monsters and it will not last four years.”. In addition, there will be internal tensions in and adjustments forced by the EU and tolls on the highways; that's going to matter ».

«We have not repealed sanchismo. We have given it a push, but we have not repealed it. Now we will continue to put pressure on Sanchismo from the leadership of the opposition in Congress, with absolute power in the Senate and with 12 autonomies. Feijóo will continue and there will be closing ranks, ”synthesizes another regional president. The analysis is almost identical.

Another parallel with 93 is the activation of the vote of fear. Of the fear of Vox, specifically, which has worked “like the Doberman video” that the PSOE launched against the PP at that time, “but in version 2.0”, another baron intervened.

Faes praises the attempt of the leader of the PP although “it is not comfortable nor does it have guaranteed success

But Feijóo, a leader who came to Madrid under a canopy and thinking of governing as soon as possible, would he last four years in opposition? “It will not be four years of legislature,” add the sources. «For each royal decree, the Government is going to have to sweat ink. Because we have an absolute majority in the Senate and because Bildu and PNV will have to agree among themselves, and then Junts, ERC and the BNG in each and every one of the votes, “they explain in Genoa. “The right adds 171 seats in each decree that there may be”, and the investiture bloc must always exceed that figure. In other words, one of the partners could not be allowed to vote against it.

While governability is elucidated, the question in the PP is another. Would Feijóo really be willing to appear at the investiture even without support? “To say that you do not have support simply because you have spoken with a group seems like a hasty conclusion to me,” he said in statements to the media from Santiago de Compostela.. «UPN and the Canary Islands Coalition are in the best disposition and I will speak next week with the PSOE and with Vox, and from there we will continue working».

On the other hand, Faes, José María Aznar's foundation, assures that Feijóo has done the right thing “assuming a commitment that is probably neither comfortable nor has final success guaranteed”, as is his investiture attempt. Faes considers that the party “is not called to mere resistanceism.” “He can offer the Spanish a proposal that Núñez Feijóo will have the opportunity to detail, with ambition, in the investiture process,” he stresses.

But among the barons there is division of opinion. While Juanma Moreno supports him, others admit in private that “since he presents himself to the investiture without votes, he ends up leaving the Hemicycle as Married…”.

Eating a Mediterranean diet during pregnancy reduces anxiety and improves sleep quality

A study shows that pregnant women who follow the Mediterranean diet present a reduction of between 25 and 28% in anxiety levels, while having better well-being and sleep quality.

The study was led by researchers from the Hospital Clínic and the August Pi Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS), with support from the “la Caixa” Foundation.

From previous studies, the benefits in the general population of the Mediterranean diet, which promotes the intake of plant foods rich in antioxidants (fruits, vegetables, extra virgin olive oil and whole grains), are widely known, but this is the first trial that evaluates it and demonstrates it in pregnant women.

Anxiety and stress disorders are becoming more frequent in pregnant women and it is estimated that 1 in 5 future mothers may suffer from them.

The new study is a second part of the IMPACT project, which has already shown that the Mediterranean diet or mindfulness (meditative techniques to relax) during pregnancy reduce the risk of having a low-weight baby by up to a third.

Now the researchers have focused on anxiety and have studied 1,221 high-risk pregnant women, randomly distributed into different groups at 19-23 weeks of gestation.

To know more
Welfare. Is there any diet that helps to get pregnant?

Is there any diet that helps to get pregnant?

Q&A. Pregnancies in women aged 40 to 45 grow, despite the fact that they have a risk between 33-57% of suffering a spontaneous abortion

Pregnancies in women aged 40 to 45 grow, despite the fact that they have a risk between 33-57% of suffering a spontaneous abortion

The first group was monitored by nutritionists, who encouraged the pregnant women to increase their intake of cereals (5 servings a day), vegetables and dairy products (3 servings a day), fresh fruit (2 servings a day), legumes, nuts , fish and white meat (3 servings a week), as well as the use of olive oil for cooking and dressing.

The second group, on the other hand, received usual care during a pregnancy, without special intervention in nutrition.

According to data published in the journal Nutrients, the intervention based on the Mediterranean diet reduced maternal anxiety and stress by between 25 and 28%, in addition to improving the well-being and sleep quality of pregnant women, if compared to the data with the group that received no intervention.

The researchers came to this conclusion after analyzing the stress questionnaires the participants answered and measuring the levels of stress-related metabolites, such as cortisol and cortisone, in urine samples.

The study also concludes that the beneficial effects appear shortly after the start of the intervention to follow the Mediterranean diet.

The project has received funding from the La Caixa Foundation, the Cerebra Foundation for the Brain Injured Child, the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR), the Carlos III Health Institute, the University of Barcelona and the Research Center Biomedical Network on Rare Diseases (CIBERER) Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN) and Mental Health (CIBERSAM).

A giant crab spider was discovered in a protected area of the Ecuadorian Amazon jungle

Researchers from the San Francisco de Quito University (USFQ) and the National Institute of Biodiversity (Inabio) have discovered the giant crab spider, a species not registered in the country until now. It has been located in the Yasuní National Park, a biosphere reserve in the heart of the Ecuadorian Amazon.

This finding represents the first record of the “Sadala” spider genus in Ecuador, of which there was prior knowledge in countries such as Colombia and Brazil, Inabio specified in a report provided to EFE. The species was found by researchers Pedro Peñaherrera and Diego Cisneros, from USFQ and Inabio, in a field investigation in the primary tropical forest preserved by the Tiputini Biodiversity Station, a scientific unit of the academic center located in the heart of the reserve. of the Yasuní

“The discovery of this new species was made in one of the most diverse protected areas not only in Ecuador, but in the world.. Unfortunately, not all species are so lucky, because in our research we have discovered species that are highly threatened by the destruction of their natural habitats,” said Peñaherrera, author of the study..

The new species was baptized with the scientific name 'Sadala rauli', in honor of Raúl Peñaherrera de la Cadena, grandfather of the researcher. “At the moment it is only known from female specimens, which are somewhat similar to the females of two Peruvian Sadala species. The way to differentiate these species is through the morphology of the reproductive system, since they are very similar in their coloration,” added Peñaherrera.

He explained that the name “giant crab spider is due to the position they adopt when they stand on the vegetation with their legs extended to the sides and their large size compared to other more common spiders.”. The species of “Sadala” are distributed in Central and South America, from Panama to the central west of Brazil, pointed out the researcher and specified that “Sadala rauli is a spider that comes out at night, when it hunts insects which it actively stalks among the vegetation one to two meters above the ground in the forest”.

“Unlike other spiders, this species does not spin webs to capture its prey,” he explained.. For his part, Professor Diego Cisneros said that the new species was discovered when the two researchers were carrying out a field study within the framework of the Tropical Ecology subject, which USFQ teaches at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station.

“For nearly 30 years this station has been one of the guardians of the most biodiverse tropical forests in the world.. The discovery of the new spider, Sadala rauli, is one of several studies we are carrying out to reveal the immense diversity of these animals in the Ecuadorian Amazon,” Cisneros remarked.

The study suggested the possibility that there may be other areas of that sector of the jungle with the presence of the species “Sadala rauli or other species possibly not described in Ecuador.”

“Therefore, additional collections and studies are required to determine the richness and distribution of spiders, which seems to be underestimated,” said the researcher.. According to Inabio, “the diversity of spiders in the American tropics is enormous, but still largely unknown in Ecuador, where only around 1,000 species of spiders are known, less than 25% of the known diversity of spiders in neighboring countries in the Andes”.

“Spiders are very important animals because of the ecological roles they play in nature. Spider species like the new Sadala rauli feed on insects and other organisms, helping to regulate their populations,” he explained. The article on the spider's discovery “Sadala rauli” has been published in the international scientific journal “Ecology and Evolution”, added Inabio, an entity attached to the Ecuadorian Ministry of the Environment.

Male infertility goes unnoticed: it is only detected in 11% of cases

The male factor contributes to 50% of infertility cases. In one third of the cases of infertility, the reproductive status of the female partner is normal and the alteration falls on the male partner.. This is stated by Leen Antonio, an endocrinologist and andrologist at the Leuven University Hospitals, in Belgium.

The specialist, also a professor at the Department of Chronic Diseases and Metabolism at the University of Louvain, participated in the last annual meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology, held in Copenhagen, in a presentation on the complexities of organized male infertility by Merck.

Asked by this means, Leen Antonio answers about the alterations that lead to infertility among men, including the influence of the decline in sperm quality, as well as possible treatments.

Main causes of infertility

Among the main medical causes, the andrologist lists “hormonal imbalances, genetic conditions, infections, chronic diseases or certain medications. However, in a large proportion of men with suboptimal semen quality, a specific cause may not be identified.. Additionally, obesity and other lifestyle factors (such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption) can contribute to decreased semen quality.”

To know more
graphic report. All the keys on infertility, a growing problem that “does not discriminate”

All the keys on infertility, a growing problem that “does not discriminate”

Health. Accelerating towards 'spermageddon': “The trend was worrying seven years ago and now it is even more so”

Accelerating towards 'spermageddon': “The trend was worrying seven years ago and now it is even more so”

Hence, if a couple is experiencing difficulties conceiving, the expert recommends that both members undergo an evaluation and consultation with a fertility specialist.

“This allows for a full assessment of both male and female factors, increasing the likelihood of identifying and addressing any underlying male infertility issues.. It is crucial to remember that infertility can result from both male and female factors, or a combination of both.. Comprehensive fertility evaluations that consider both partners are important in accurately diagnosing and treating infertility problems.. It is estimated that male infertility is only detected in 11% of cases.”

Andrologists on the team

Why is it that cases of male infertility are not sufficiently diagnosed? The Belgian university professor attributes it, among other things, to the lack of symptoms, “especially if the underlying problem is related to sperm production or function”, but also to the conventionalism by which the causes are first sought in women. “Infertility is often assumed to be a woman's problem, leading the main focus to investigate and treat the female partner”. This may partly explain why the masculine factor is overlooked or not given the same attention in the initial evaluation.

Also, remember that this detection and diagnosis requires specific tests, such as semen analysis, hormonal evaluations, and an examination carried out by an andrologist.. “It's important that fertility clinics also have a male reproductive health specialist on their team,” she says.

Sperm 'apocalypse'?

Regarding the trend that seems to be leading us towards a sperm apocalypse, with the gradual worsening of semen quality, Leen Antonio admits that “there is evidence that suggests that the quality and quantity of sperm has decreased in recent decades. Several studies have reported a decrease in sperm count. However, it is important to note that there is an ongoing debate about the extent and causes of this decline.”

Several factors can contribute to the potential decrease in sperm quality, lists the specialist. This includes both lifestyle factors (smoking, excess alcohol, obesity, among others), and environmental factors (endocrine disruptors or chemical substances).

“The impact of declining sperm quality on infertility can vary. Poor sperm quality can reduce the chances of successful fertilization and increase the time until pregnancy is achieved, both in spontaneous pregnancy and in medically assisted reproduction,” he recalls.

Depending on the underlying cause and specific circumstances, there are different treatment options for male infertility.. “However, to date, there are not many medical treatment options for men with impaired semen quality and the number of high-quality clinical trials is limited.. It is important that the choice of fertility treatment is based on the reproductive health parameters of both members of the couple. Not all cases of male infertility can be effectively treated with interventions. The reproductive health of the couple is also important.”

For this reason, he stresses the need to have high-quality clinical trials on male infertility, which improve the understanding of its causes.. Studies that include the investigation of genetic factors, epigenetic influences, environmental exposures, lifestyle factors and their impact on sperm production and function.

“There is an unmet need for medical interventions aimed at improving semen quality. We need to identify subgroups of men who may benefit from hormonal treatments to improve semen quality, and we need more data from good-quality clinical trials with hormonal treatments.”

He also hopes that advances in diagnostic tests (identification of new biomarkers and improved semen analysis techniques) will take place, so that treatment options can be better adapted.

Regarding assisted reproductive technologies, he adds, “improvements in sperm selection methods may lead to higher success rates, reduced risks, and better outcomes for couples undergoing fertility treatments.”

The return to white did not sit well with Barça

Opinions are divided among Barça fans for the new substitute kit. oh well not so new. Some consider that the shirt that Xavi's men wore in their duel against Arsenal, white with only some blue and scarlet details, is little short of a betrayal. Others, on the other hand, welcome the return of a uniform that, for many years, was by no means alien to the entity.. Although, yes, more than 44 years have passed since the last time they wore a similar one in an official match. It was on March 7, 1979, in a first leg of the 1978-79 Cup Winners' Cup quarterfinals, against Ipswich Town, which resulted in a 2-1 defeat.. In its relaunch, curiously against another English team, the Barcelona fans also knelt. In this case, by 5-3 and exhibiting many gaps at the defensive level.

White, however, continued to be very present in the Barça uniforms. The numbers, for many years, until the arrival of the multinational Nike, precisely, were of this color. Surely, the one that stands out the most over blue and scarlet. In the 1992-93 season, however, a bitter controversy broke out with a tone inextricably linked to its great rival, a Real Madrid that, with the new decade, had begun to eat up the ground. Kappa, taking over from Meyba, announced that their revolutionary new kits would have a fine white line crossing the team's usual tones. Although many flew into a rage, curiously, that shirt would end up gaining an important place in the culé imaginary. Above all, after the former Real Madrid president Ramón Mendoza came up with the idea of saying, looking for ridicule, that Barça was a Dream Team, in the style of the US basketball team that won gold at the Barcelona Olympic Games almost without disheveled. The shot, however, would backfire. Unintentionally, he would end up giving that Cruyff team from the early 90s of the last century the name with which he would end up going down in history.. Hristo Stoichkov, highball glass in hand, did not tire of repeating it over and over again in the celebrations of the third consecutive League title for the Catalans.

From the club, in addition, this return to white, with the vintage touch of recovering the shield before the current one, is presented as a tribute to the fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of Johan Cruyff at the Barça club. And it did, curiously after Ajax negotiated precisely its sale to Real Madrid. It is not difficult to find images of the Dutchman dressed in white, although with the nine instead of the 14 on the back. On the US tour, that first number is still owned by Robert Lewandowski, last summer's star signing.. The other, meanwhile, is the one who looks, at least for the moment, the most exciting arrival of the present: Ilkay Gündogan. The Pole scored Xavi's men's first Barça goal this preseason, while Ferran and Raphinha scored the remaining two in a duel in which they were finally beaten 5-3 by a much more driven Arsenal.

“Obviously we could have played better, but I think we have competed against a great opponent.. We can do better, we have made unforced errors, but it was only the first friendly of the preseason”, said Gündogan who is clear that the machine still needs to be greased. “I have to adapt to my teammates and they to me,” he added.. Xavi, meanwhile, regretted that Arsenal used too much. “His intensity has surprised me a lot, it has not been normal for a preparation match. There have been a lot of tactical fouls and it seemed more like a Champions League game than a friendly”, said the Barcelona coach. «The main reason for the defeat has been the difference in intensity and physical tone. For them it was the fifth game and it has been noticed. We have been timid in defense, but we have accumulated minutes and, despite the fact that the rival was more shot, we have finished well, “said the Barça coach.

A centenary with Spain doubly Beautiful: "We know each other without speaking"

4,053 days have passed since Jenni Hermoso put on the Spanish team shirt for the first time. It was June 21, 2012. He made his debut in a match against Turkey in which the national team won 4-0. The Madrid player took the field in the 69th minute, wearing the number 11 on her shirt. In that match he already demonstrated his talent, contributing to the play of the last goal by placing a cross that one of the players from the rival team scored on his own goal.

Well, yesterday Hermoso managed to reach 100 games. She is the second Spanish player who has played the most matches, only behind Alexia Putellas, but that is not only what she achieved in the 5-0 defeat of Zambia. She made a double that keeps her as the team's top scorer, and that has helped her round off another figure, the 50 goals with the national team. Therefore, it is not surprising that she won the award for the best player of the match. But he not only scores goals, he also gives them. The former Atlético de Madrid player assisted Tere Abelleira in the first goal. “Giving the last pass to create chances and for my teammates to score is one of the things I enjoy the most,” she said after the game.

His first goal with the selection

With the national team he scored his first goal in a friendly against Russia in January 2013, in the previous Euro Cup, where he would have a leading role scoring against England and Norway. Very different was his career in the 2015 World Cup. It was the first time he had participated in the competition and his presence was limited to 84 minutes against Costa Rica.

With the arrival of Jorge Vilda to the bench, that same year, Jenni recovered stripes in the team. In the 2017 Euro Cup he played three of the four games, staying out against Austria, and in the 2019 World Cup he played everything, scoring three goals (two against South Africa and one against the United States).. However, his best scoring figure was achieved in February 2021, when the team faced Kazakhstan and achieved a 0-13 victory; five of the goals bore the Madrid stamp.

He could have surpassed fifty much earlier if he had not missed the Eurocup last year due to injury. Fortunately, Jenni was able to rejoin the team, and she did so just at the moment when the controversy surrounding Vilda broke out.. The player did not belong to the group of 15 rebels, and tried to stay out of the conflict, but the reality is that she was out of the call on several occasions, until February of this year, when she officially returned.

Key piece in the team

Without a doubt, he is a fundamental pillar in the team.. It has already been verified, and not only in front of the goal but because of the good combination he makes with players like Aitana or Alexia, with whom he shared a dressing room at Barcelona before going to Pachuca, in Mexico.

In fact, Hermoso herself recognized it after the victory against Zambia: “The connection I have with Alexia, Aitana or Mariona goes back many years. In the end you know yourself without speaking. Football is played with the feet and we know very well what we want at all times. I am lucky that, although I am no longer at Barcelona, that remains.”

Vingegaard, Pogacar and reverse symbiosis

Tadej Pogacar and Jonas Vingegaard don't get along either well or badly. They are treated with a respectful asepsis. But three consecutive Tours in a two-way game have already established a type of relationship between them called, with capital letters, RIVALRY. It would be equivalent in cyclocross, which Mathieu van der Poel and Wout van Aert have maintained since youth.

Rivalries… The sport has often thrived on its allure. Its protagonists have needed each other and contributed to raising their modalities to the highest levels of popularity and passion. Perhaps Leo Messi would not have been so Messi without Cristiano Ronaldo; and perhaps Cristiano would not have been so Cristiano without Messi.

A kind of inverse symbiosis that also goes for Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna, at the top of Formula 1 between 1988 and 1993. They measured their engines first as ill-matched partners at McLaren and then, separately, one at Ferrari and the other at Williams.

On two wheels, riders of a roaring metallic mare, Dani Pedrosa and Jorge Lorenzo staged a personal antipathy since 2003 with both in 125 cc They didn't even look at each other, even if it was out of the corner of their eyes. They didn't even greet each other, even if it was out of commitment. In 2005, already in 250 cc, they reached the zenith of mutual hostility. “I was dominating the category and he came to take my place” (Pedrosa). “I was motivated by rivalry, and people liked it.” (Lawrence).

ethics and aesthetics

Cycling rivalry -we return to it- brings us back to Jacques Anquetil and Raymond Poulidor climbing, shoulder to shoulder, the Puy de Dôme in the 1964 Tour. It rescues Fausto Coppi and Gino Bartali from the immediate pre-war and post-war periods. Two men symbolizing two Italys. One secular and leftist and another Catholic and traditional.

The three fights between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier, of a ferocity that bespoke mutual animosity, pitted two disparate powers in the ring. To a handsome, provocative, eccentric, tongue-in-cheek genius (a black guy from Kentucky converted to Islam?), and a rude native of racist South Carolina with no rebellious streaks. In Ali's sharp words, an “Uncle Tom”.

Neither could Carl Lewis, elegant, exhibitionist, from a wealthy middle-class cradle, and Ben Johnson, rough, stuttering, withdrawn, an emigrant from Jamaica to Canada, be seen in painting either.. A matter of aesthetics and, given Johnson's bad habits, of ethics, although Lewis was never free from all suspicion.

Between the late 1970s and the first half of the 1980s, the middle-distance racing rivalry between the aristocratic and aloof Sebastian Coe and the plebeian and grim Steve Ovett was something like the reproduction of the class struggle in stadiums.. A very British and literary social dialectic.

ruling party and dissidence

The rivalry in the 1990s between the suave Haile Gebrselassie and Paul Tergat was instead a national as well as a personal feud.. They embodied the bloodless but intense fight between Ethiopia and Kenya for universal dominance in the long-distance events.

That was high politics from Africa to the world. But, in the 1980s and 1990s, Anatoli Karpov, a Russian of the immobilist old guard, and Garry Kasparov, an Azerbaijani supporter of perestroika and glasnost, waged an ideological war between the ruling party on a chessboard. and dissent. Kasparov contributed his own to checkmate the USSR.

Perhaps no rivalry as deep-rooted and long as the one starring, at the height of excellence, by Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. Also perhaps none so fraternal and respectful of the most exquisite rules of the most exemplary face of the sport. Novak Djokovic, younger than both, was a third in agreement; an equal guest at the most gentlemanly tennis party within the most fierce competition.

In collective sports, the rivalry, in the NBA, between the Celtics and the Lakers led basketball, at the beginning of the 1980s, to a global dimension that had not been surpassed; to an unknown expectation not only in the United States, where, until then, the competition was broadcast on a delayed basis.

The scene was commercially perfect. The East Coast (Boston) vs. the West (Los Angeles). And two men personifying in each team the best of basketball. Larry Bird, white and soberly accurate, in the Celtics. Magic Johnson, black and endowed with the gift of fantasy, in the Lakers. The formula forever opened the NBA to the world.

Hugo González, the great hope of Spanish swimming, returns to a final two years later

That disaster will remain in the history books: last year, in the last World Cup, Spain was not in any final, where swimmers from Trinidad and Tobago, Singapore, Chile, Bosnia, Egypt or Israel were.. It hasn't happened since 1998. This time it won't happen. This Thursday Hugo González will compete in the final of the 200-meter styles of the Fukuoka World Cup (2:03 p.m., Teledeporte) and he will also do so with options to win a medal. hope returns.

The team is still missing, with no more representatives in the finals, but at least its only star is back. González, the young man who claimed the void of Mireia Belmonte with three medals in the 2021 European Championships, was gray at the Tokyo Olympics and failed in the last World Cup, but not this time. This Wednesday, in the semifinals, he won his batch and was among the applicants with the fourth best time. One of his rivals, the Frenchman Leon Marchand, seems untouchable, especially after breaking Michael Phelps's world record in the 400-meter medley, but the rest are close..

So close that this year he has already beaten some in the NCAA. In March, after the Finals of the US university league, a splendid performance by González in the World Cup was already predicted, but as so many times there was suspense about his presence. Already a graduate in Computer Engineering from the University of Berkeley, he was asking for help to continue training there -alongside Marchand himself, for example- and the negotiations with the Spanish Federation (RFEN) were not easy, as always. On the table, once again, the possibility of his early retirement, at 24 years of age. But finally there was no drama.

“The medals are going to be fought”

With the help of the Team Spain Elite program and a flashy sponsorship -Iberia-, González continued with his preparation in the United States and the RFEN agreed to summon him for this World Cup despite not meeting their criteria. “Exceptionally” was selected and the swimmer responded this Wednesday with his pass to the final of the 200 medley meters

“The work has come out, this is a sport that is marked over time and sometimes you don't see all the work behind it, neither mine nor that of my teammates,” said the Spaniard after the semifinals, when he also dared with a prediction: “The podium? The silver and bronze are going to be fought. It will be a very fast race.”. As usual, González's strategy will consist of staying among the first in the butterfly, taking the lead in the backstroke, his specialty, and then holding out in the breaststroke and crawl.. In addition to Marchand, in these last sets the opponents to follow will be the British Tom Deam and Duncan Scott, current Olympic champion and runner-up in the 200-meter freestyle, and a specialist in styles such as the Japanese Daiya Sato, who competes at home.

González's objective was to be in the final -which also qualifies him directly for the 2024 Paris Games- and it has already been achieved, but now he wants more. A medal of his would be the first Spanish in a World Cup since 2017, when Mireia Belmonte hung three in one go. Hope returns.

Spain thrash Zambia and get their ticket to the round of 16

nine minutes. That was the time it took for Spain to take the lead in their second World Cup match against Zambia.

Tere Abelleira scored an authentic goal from the edge of the area after a magnificent combination from the entire team. The goal was a sample of the concentration and mastery with which Jorge Vilda's girls took to the field.

As happened in the match against Costa Rica, after a few minutes Spain scored again. The second goal had the signature of Jenni Hermoso. The attacker took advantage of a cross to the far post from Alexia Putellas and managed to beat Sakala. It was somewhat very special, since the player was playing her 100th game in the national team's jersey.

Spain wanted the third since they knew that the more goals they scored, the easier it was to finish the group stage as first. Especially considering that Japan had won their second game against Costa Rica 2-0. Even so, in the first half there was no more luck, and that in minute 37 Hermoso scored again but the goal did not go up to the scoreboard because it was in an illegal position.

The Spanish team returned from the break especially animated. They wanted to enjoy and thrash. And said and done. In 1968 came the third goal that left Zambia even more without options, if they ever had them. Eva Navarro put the ball to Alba Redondo and the Levante striker scored to practically seal the game.

But Vilda's girls seem to have gotten used to scoring two by two, and two minutes later Jenni Hermoso put the fourth on the scoreboard, after the ball hit the post and the soccer player picked up the rebound and scored her personal double. It took him a long time to celebrate, since the play had to be reviewed by VAR, since the referee had initially annulled the goal, but it finally went up on the scoreboard.

And I wouldn't be the last to be checked. Almost at the end of the match, Alba Redondo scored the fifth, which gave Spain the lead in the group. Despite the great result, the team concluded the match with bad news. Athenea del Castillo felt discomfort, and despite the fact that from the bench they warned her not to force herself because there was little left for the end. The player ended up lying on the ground and having to be attended by the assists,


For its part, Zambia did not create too much danger. From time to time he tried to surprise Misa with plays against, but both the defense and the goalkeeper herself were very attentive to cut off the danger. In the previous one they saw themselves with the possibility of surprising and getting their first three points in this World Cup. And although in the second half they came out more focused and more willing to attack, the reality was that Spain practically locked them in their field.

The worst news for the Africans, apart from the fact that they are eliminated from the competition, was Susan Banda's injury in the 29th minute. The pivot tried to continue but it was impossible and he had to retire. Without a doubt, the loss was quite sensitive since it was one of the main dangers of the Zambian team.