The Ministry of the Interior has consummated its plans to subtract functions from the Civil Guard as EL MUNDO announced. The internal order to which this newspaper had access spoke of cutting the powers of the Armed Institute in terms of borders and yesterday, Tuesday, this internal document was no longer a draft and was already in the form of an order. It was published in the Official State Gazette (BOE).
In this way, there is a tour of what until two weeks ago was a declaration of intent that kept the leadership of the Corps enervated.. Fernando Grande-Marlaska incorporates the National Police into the National Coordination Center (NCC), until now reserved exclusively for the Civil Guard, so that it also coordinates surveillance at external borders and the management of statistics to subsequently provide the data to The EU.
From the Benemérita they reiterate that this way of proceeding contravenes Royal Decree 734/2020 which, they insist, contemplates that only the Armed Institute is empowered to intervene in the surveillance of external borders.
Article 4.6 of that royal decree -which the Interior obviates in its order- indicates, they recall, that the National Coordination Center will be directed by a member of the Civil Guard. They insist on accusing the minister of “deliberately and little by little weakening the Corps.”
The NCC is in charge of coordinating surveillance at external borders and managing statistics to subsequently provide the data to the EU.
It depends on Eurosur, a European institution for the control of maritime and land borders.. The document outlines the way in which the National Police -through the National Center for Immigration and Borders-, “will integrate and manage” the NCC.
It does not include, however, the Royal Decree which, as the Civil Guard insists, grants these powers exclusively to the Benemérita and which governs the custody, control and management of border data. “NCC-PN (National Police)” appears in section E of the new order, thus consolidating the points that the ministerial order included when it was internal.
«It is another attempt by the minister to weaken the Body; something you've been doing since you came into office. It is a new interference in our work”, they settle from the Civil Guard.
Article 4.6 clearly indicates that the National Coordination Center will be directed by a member of the Armed Institute: «The Border and Maritime Police command, with an organic level of General Sub-directorate, in charge of a lieutenant general of the Civil Guard in a situation of service active, is responsible (…) to deal with irregular immigration and those entrusted by the order to the Civil Guard for the control of other irregular flows, having among its functions that of fiscal protection of the State».
And it adds: «The Coastal and Maritime Police Headquarters, in charge of a general officer of the Civil Guard in a situation of active service, in charge, at a national level and in the field of competence of the Civil Guard, of the direction and coordination of the operational activities of the European Border and Coast Guard led by the Civil Guard and the Spanish National Coordination Center (NCC).
Despite this, the ministerial order of Grande-Marlaska states that the Police enter the NCC. «The National Coordination Center -Eurosur framework- for the National Police (NCC – PN)».
After the appearance of the order in the BOE, the concern is such that the groups have also mobilized. «In recent years and more in the last legislature, the Civil Guard has been in decline in practically all of Spain. The neglect of the security of the Spaniards in our area of competence, which is more than 85% of the territory, is irresponsible or an established plan for the gradual dismantling of an institution that is only at the service of the sovereignty of the people, the law and the Constitution”, denounces Agustín Leal, communication secretary of the Jucil group.
For its part, the Unified Association of the Civil Guard (AUGC) has already announced legal actions. «The Government continues with its policy of harassment and demolition. Due to these losses of competition, we will undertake legal proceedings to stop Minister Grande-Marlaska.
The Ministry of the Interior denied that the powers of the Civil Guard were relegated. “The powers of the Security Forces and Corps are established in article 12 of the Organic Law of Security Forces and Corps (LOCFS) and in RD 734/2020, of August 4, which develops the organic structure of the Ministry of the Interior, which have not undergone any modification. Therefore, there has been no reduction of powers in the functions of the Civil Guard.
“All the functions attributed to the General Commissariat for Immigration and Borders of the National Police in the Order by which the organic structure and the functions of the central and territorial services of the General Directorate of the Police are developed correspond to those attributed by the LOFCS to the National Police”, ends.