All posts by Carmen Gomaro

Carmen Gomaro - leading international news and investigative reporter. Worked at various media outlets in Spain, Argentina and Colombia, including Diario de Cádiz, CNN+, Telemadrid and EFE.

Pere Aragonès rebels again before the Justice and marks a profile in linguistic matters before a possible change of Government after the celebration of the general elections next Sunday that will lead the PP to La Moncloa.

The president of the Generalitat has accused this Thursday the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TJSJC) of “overreaching its functions” after on Tuesday it granted 25% of Spanish to three other families despite the approval of the new laws and decrees of the Generalitat to maintain immersion.

“We will not modify our language policy”, the ERC leader then warned, to reiterate the position already expressed this week by the Minister of Education, Anna Simó, after the TSJC branded as “unconstitutional” the law approved between the PSC and the independence movement last year to block the execution of the sentence that forced all schools in Catalonia to teach another core subject in Spanish. Legislation that is currently being studied by the Constitutional Court to analyze its legality.

New law against Spanish

Faced with the possibility that the socialist law ends up being declared unconstitutional, the Government has promoted a new decree this week that consolidates Catalan as the only vehicular language in the educational system of Catalonia and includes the possibility of sanctioning teachers and principals who refuse to strictly apply immersion.

The Generalitat trusts that this decree will be definitively approved by April given the possibility that the law that now keeps the monolingual education system alive will be declared unconstitutional in the coming months. The strategy would then be to cling to this new decree to continue cornering Spanish in the schools of the region.

“The PP will address it”

This Thursday the head of the popular list for Barcelona, Nacho Martín Blanco has defended that the application of 25% of Spanish “is a matter of political will”. “If the Feijóo Government will address it,” he added, after the current socialist government of Pedro Sánchez avoided demanding the application of the historic linguistic sentence that dynamited the immersion.

The SPP police union reminds Marlaska that "the dismissals cannot be left to free will"

Adolfo Medina (León, 1964) and Daniel López (Madrid, 1979), president and vice president of the Professional Police Union (SPP), speak with EL MUNDO about the management of Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska and the current situation of the Security Corps. Like the Vilanova i la Geltrú Police Station”. Specifically, Medina points out that since the pandemic the rotating shift work system has caused all the human resources that the Police have not to be well optimized: “We need a thorough review of the working day and a large part of the regulations that regulate it. We continue with laws in force from the last century, even pre-constitutional”.

In relation to the scandals that have plagued Marlaska in the last legislature, the vice president of the SPP mentions that the Minister of the Interior “has not had it easy” with the President of the Government, who considers the Police as a “superfluous expense”.. López goes on to explain that the Interior Minister's compliance with not closing the Higher Police Headquarters of Catalonia must be recognized, in addition to the police replacement rate, which, without reaching 100%, has been implemented considerably: “As in all legislatures, some decisions have been correct and others less”.

Without deviating, the union leader explains that Marlaska has ignored the collective's demands because “no progress has been made in achieving a decent retirement for national police officers, like the rest of the regional or local police forces that operate in Spain”.. And he continues: “It is disappointing that he did not want to open the negotiating table for equalization”. According to López, the minister has not recognized the police as a risky profession either: “When decisions are made, it is almost impossible to satisfy all parties.”

In relation to the revelations of EL MUNDO of the exchange of messages in which Marlaska requested the placement of two friendly police officers to Francisco Martínez, former number two of the Interior during the mandate of Mariano Rajoy, the SPP expresses its opinion. It will not object to candidates who meet the requirements for the position, however it will not support those who constitute a misuse of power: “We are fighting for transparency in the publication of all the positions in the catalog of National Police jobs, and that these carry a series of requirements to qualify for them.”

On the other hand, Medina points out that the illegal dismissal of Civil Guard colonel Diego Pérez de los Cobos, signed by Marlaska, has not had a direct impact on the police institution since there are substantial differences between the National Police and the Civil Guard.. What they do clarify is that these dismissals “must be well-founded and cannot be left to free will, since we are in a rule of law.”

The future measures that the union will take are not yet fully written. Both leaders stress the importance of waiting for what the voters decide in the general elections and for the future appointments of the Ministry of the Interior, the Secretary of State for Security and the General Directorate of the Police: “We will sit down to talk with whoever is necessary, to negotiate for the general interest of all the police commanders we represent”. The president and vice president assume the responsibility and work proactively to seek all the necessary improvements in the institution with a clear goal, “the benefit of each and every one of the citizens.”

Spanish school holidays are the second longest in Europe, lasting two and a half months

Spanish children enjoy a summer break of ten weeks, two and a half months, which means that we have the second longest vacation in Europe and are similar to those of North African countries.

On the northern shore of the Mediterranean, Greece has one week more than Spain, while Italy one less and France two less. The United Kingdom and Germany do choose to shorten them to six weeks and distribute others throughout the course.

This is reflected in a world map prepared by the Smartick data visualization team, in which the different durations of the summer holidays can be seen by colour.

In America, there are several countries that have holidays similar in duration to Spain (Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and the US) but none have more.

The summer school holidays in Spain, according to the study, have remained similar in duration over the last decades “despite the scientific evidence that, during these holidays, learning losses occur that accentuate the possibilities of suffering school failure”.

In Europe, many countries have vacations for more than two months, which do not coincide with the families' permits, therefore, parents go to town halls, schools and companies that offer camps and different educational experiences.

Regarding how the summer school break affects children depending on whether or not they do some intellectual activity, the research warns that the differences in school performance “are cumulative between those who do and do not do it and they get bigger every year.”

In this sense, he points out that governments such as Andalusia, decided, for example, to reinforce the students they wanted with programs made especially to recover knowledge in Mathematics and Language in the month of July.

Although the study points out that there is not always a clear correlation between temperature and the length of school vacations, it is given as an explanation for the fact that vacations in the Middle East are the longest on the planet, with 13 weeks in Iran and Afghanistan and 12 in Arabia or Iraq.. In China and India, which provide much of the world's school population right now, vacations are reduced to six weeks.

Smartick offers the possibility of doing daily Mathematics exercises in personalized 15-minute sessions thanks to Artificial Intelligence, with the aim that children arrive at school in September “in good mental shape and with consolidated habits, even if they have been able to rest”.

According to a study by Johns Hopkins University, carried out by sociologists Kart Alexandre and Doris Entwisle, “more than half of the curricular gap of primary school students is due to the practice or not of knowledge in summer.”

“Ten weeks, like the holidays we have in Spain, is enough time for children to rest, but, at the same time, they have time every day to practice Mathematics and Reading, which are the two key skills in primary education and which will prevent them from failing at school,” explains the co-founder of Smartick, Javier Arroyo.

Rotten food and cockroaches in a butcher shop in Granada

The Environmental Unit of the Local Police of Granada in collaboration with the veterinary services of the City Council have proceeded to the immediate precautionary cessation of a butcher shop in the lower Albaicín due to “serious hygienic and sanitary deficiencies”, upon finding food in a state of putrefaction, a large accumulation of dirt and cockroaches.

During the intervention, 80 kilos of food have been intervened in the establishment for its destruction, according to the Local Police in its official Twitter account.

When inspecting the premises, the agents have found up to 23 deficiencies, including a large accumulation of dirt, the presence of flies and cockroaches, food in a state of putrefaction, refrigerators that do not cool food at 20 degrees, the absence of cleaning products and hot water. For all these reasons, the precautionary closure of this butcher shop has been carried out.

This is how Ale Galán protects his skin in each competition

However, in the case of athletes who practice sports outdoors, the probability of suffering injuries caused by exposure to the sun is multiplied due to the long hours of exposure involved in their training sessions and matches.

For this reason, athletes like Ale Galán, a professional paddle tennis player and one of the great stars of national sports, requires a sunscreen that suits their needs: easy to apply (and reapply), highly protective and resistant.

Galán is a demanding athlete in everything he does and involves taking care of his health. For this reason, the man from Madrid relies on Anthelios UVMune 400 from La Roche Posay. A photoprotector behind which there are more than 10 years of research, which incorporates a sunscreen (Mexoryl400) that protects against all types of solar radiation, including the most harmful and DNA-damaging UV rays. In addition, it has a broad spectrum Sun Protection Factor (SPF) factor 50+, which makes Ale Galán's skin effectively protected.

However, it is just as important to use a good sunscreen, as is the case with Anthelios UVMune 400, as it is to use it correctly.. Applying it every day of the year is key to proper skin protection since lightning is present in any season.

Another very common mistake is not applying the correct amount of sunscreen.. It is very important to ensure a quantity of product of 2mg/cm2, as well as to apply it all over the face, without forgetting the eyelids, ears or neck, areas that are often overlooked.

Also, although Anthelios UVMune 400 is a product that is resistant to water and sweat, the sunscreen does not always remain on our skin.. And even more so if you practice a sport, as is the case with Galán, which involves sweating and drying with a towel continuously.. Therefore, a reapplication every 2 hours is essential.

Another of the tips that the paddle player gives us is to avoid direct exposure to the sun and use physical barriers such as a cap or breathable and light clothing. In addition to, whenever possible, avoiding the hours of maximum solar radiation, when the rays are more harmful and dangerous.

Galán is an example giving everything on the track, without challenging the sun and being aware of the importance of protecting oneself. That's why you put yourself in the best hands, taking care of your skin with La Roche Posay, the most recommended brand by dermatologists in the world.

Made by ue studio

This text has been developed by ue studio, creative firm of branded content and editorial unit content marketing, for LA ROCHE POSAY

Ten healthcare challenges for the next four years

After the holding of general elections, a new opportunity presents itself to review the challenges that lie ahead for our National Health System and how to address them. From the General Council of Physicians and in collaboration with scientific societies and the IMAS Foundation, we recently carried out a complete diagnosis of the public health system and measures to improve it.

I want to start with the structural problems, such as the separation between public health and healthcare, which has led to a predominantly curative rather than preventive approach.. This paradigm must change and for this it is necessary to reorient the system towards health promotion and disease prevention through the implementation of structures that integrate public health and health care.

Another structural aspect is the health education of the population. Undoubtedly, working in this direction will be essential for proper use of health services.. We must raise awareness throughout society about the health system and respect for health professionals, as well as promote the therapeutic alliance between doctors and patients, and the participation of patient associations and scientific-medical entities in the reorientation of public health.

Another challenge that has a direct impact on the structure and approach of the SNS is the increase in the population of elderly people and patients with complex chronic diseases, as well as unwanted loneliness.. To solve this immense challenge, we must develop comprehensive care that incorporates the necessary social and professional resources to provide quality care, including multidisciplinary teams, prevention of frailty, and palliative care..

In this sense, we cannot forget that greater integration between primary and specialized care, as well as the creation of care networks that guarantee continuity of care, represent a giant step forward in this regard.. But we must also face in the coming years the expansion of the portfolio of services of the public health system, especially in mental health and oral health, to close the existing gaps compared to other developed countries.

The crisis generated by the pandemic has highlighted the need for an effective governance structure in the health system that provides it with transparent, participatory governance based on scientific evidence.. In this sense, steps have been taken such as the creation of the State Public Health Agency, but it still needs to be put into operation to, among other actions, order and assess the results of the health system and establish a shared information system.

And if we talk about major changes, we cannot ignore the patients. It is essential to incorporate patients in the government structures and in the decision-making process of the health system, guaranteeing their active participation and promoting shared decision-making.. But if patients are 50% of the SNS, the other 50% is made up of health professionals, authentic bastions of the SNS. Therefore, involving the medical profession in the planning and management of the health system and improving the doctor's experience in the National Health System through their participation in the management of the system, promoting their autonomy and responsibility is, simply, a large part of the solution.. But this implication will not be total without improvements in the working and motivational conditions of doctors that allow increasing the quality and efficiency of the system.

The organization and management of health systems are another key to take into account. This will make it possible to establish quality standards, make the results public and encourage the participation of scientific-professional entities in health policy.

All these changes and movements must go in rhythm because the transformation of our system cannot be done in sections and patches or it will fail.. It is necessary to have a holistic vision, and this implies developing assistance models adapted to the needs of citizens. Along these lines, it would be positive to organize care based on groups of patients with similar needs, develop multidisciplinary teams, measure results and costs by subgroup of patients, and strengthen community care.

If we talk about transformation in the year 2023, we cannot ignore the “digital” concept. Promoting a digital transformation of the SNS that includes, among many other aspects, the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence and the citizen's digital health history, is absolutely basic.. To do this, it is necessary to establish a digital health strategy, promote the automation of processes and foster the digital education of professionals and citizens.

In short, these are the ten great challenges that the medical profession consider crucial when it comes to rebuilding a health system that is in danger. A system that allows sustaining the universal, public and free healthcare model that for more than 40 years has helped build and unite our country. A State pact for health is urgently needed to consolidate and strengthen this pillar of our welfare state, a consensus that perhaps now has a new opportunity to start its journey.

Tomás Cobo Castro is president of the General Council of Physicians of Spain

Spanish researchers identify two new biomarkers to detect anal cancer

People with HIV, especially men who have sex with men, are at increased risk of developing anal cancer.. In these patients, early detection of precancerous lesions is essential to prevent the tumor from developing. However, the techniques that are commonly used for this purpose can be greatly improved..

An international team, led by Spanish researchers, has identified two new biomarkers that could significantly improve this detection of precursor lesions of cancer (called high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions) and, therefore, prevent the development of tumors..

Specifically, these researchers have discovered that in the anal microbiome there are two metabolites produced by bacteria that directly correlate with the aforementioned intraepithelial lesions..

As they were able to verify, the production of succinyl-coA and cobalamin is increased in the microbiome of patients with precancerous lesions.. Therefore, these metabolites may serve as useful biomarkers in clinical practice..

“Our goal is to create a diagnostic kit that allows self-sampling to measure these markers. This would mean a great saving of resources and would increase the accessibility of the diagnosis.. The ultimate goal is to improve our ability to diagnose and, therefore, treat high-grade anal dysplasia more efficiently and effectively”, explains Sergio Serrano, a researcher at the Ramón y Cajal Health Research Institute (IRYCIS), member of the Infectious Diseases service of the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital in Madrid and first signatory of the paper..

Researchers from the CIBER of Infectious Diseases, the CSIC, Hospital La Paz and the Jiménez Díaz Foundation, as well as the Universities of Hohenheim (Germany), Oslo (Norway), Bangor (United Kingdom) and Milan (Italy) have also participated in the research.

To carry out the research, the scientists have studied 213 patients, who were already undergoing follow-up with anoscopies and anal biopsies as they presented an increased risk of anal cancer, a type of cancer that is linked to papillomavirus infection..

“Our previous investigations led us to believe that we could identify a specific group of bacteria that would indicate the presence of lesions,” Serrano said via email.. This was not the case and the team came to think that it would have to end the investigation without significant results.. “However, by looking at the proteins expressed by the bacteria we discovered something fascinating.. We found a powerful statistical signal in certain proteins. In addition, these proteins were linked to two metabolic pathways previously described in bacteria that adapt to cause infections and in tumor cells that invade tissues.. In other words, there was a strong biological basis for our findings.. These proteins guided us to study two metabolites derived from these metabolic pathways: cobalamin or vitamin B12, which only bacteria can produce; and succinyl CoA, a key compound in the reactions that generate energy in cells,” says Serrano, who remembers that moment as a true “eureka” moment..

The research indicates that the combination of biomarkers is superior in diagnostic capacity to conventional anal cytology, since it improves sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values..

In addition to trying to develop a diagnostic kit, the researchers want to replicate the results in other populations, study whether these biochemical pathways represent possible treatment targets, and analyze the levels of these metabolites in other cancers originating from epithelia..

“Because of the parallels with that of the cervix, this will be the first one that we investigate,” says Serrano..

Regarding the mechanisms involved in the relationship between metabolites and precancerous lesions, the researcher clarifies that “due to the design of the study that we have already carried out, we cannot establish the causes that lead to the induction of these biochemical pathways. But given the functions of the proteins associated with the presence of precancerous lesions, we believe that they are involved in the development of these lesions.”.

2023: the roadmap for the hottest year ever recorded by man

Heat waves are (and will be) increasingly frequent, long and intense. And virtually all experts agree that the main cause is climate change, combined with warming caused by the natural El Niño event in the Pacific, and exacerbated by changes in atmospheric circulation in Europe, parched soils and rising sea temperatures.

“What is happening can be explained in two words: climate change,” says Isabel Moreno, a meteorologist for the RTVE program Aquí la Tierra. “Heat waves are surely the weather phenomenon that can be most easily attributed to climate change.. And that without forgetting the episode of extreme heat that caused Córdoba to reach 38.8 degrees at the end of April, up to a hundred times more likely due to the effect of climate change, according to a report by the World Weather Attribution (WWA).

To know more
Energy. Bank of America warns: heat waves threaten Europe's gas reserves for this winter

Bank of America warns: heat waves threaten Europe's gas reserves for this winter

Europe. 'Hell' arrives in Italy: up to 47 degrees in the worst heat wave to date

'Hell' arrives in Italy: up to 47 degrees in the worst heat wave to date

“Behind extreme heat there may always be an element of natural climate variability,” warns German climatologist Friederike Otto, WWA co-founder.. “But the longer, more intense and more frequent heat waves that we are seeing in Europe are mainly caused by human-induced climate change.”

From the observatory at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change in London, Otto no longer considers it necessary to wait for a new attribution study on this summer's heat waves to take action: “The role of climate change in what is happening is already sufficiently proven.”

“We are experiencing unprecedented heat for humans,” adds Otto. “And as long as we keep burning fossil fuels, temperatures are going to keep rising.. But we are not facing the collapse of the climate, we still have time to act and reach the goal of zero emissions.”

“The possibility of sequential and longer heat waves like the one we are seeing is increasing,” says Clement Albergel, climate applications scientist at the European Space Agency (ESA).. “The link to human-induced climate change is very clear.. Although this year there is an element that is adding fuel to the fire: the El Niño weather pattern that is taking shape in the tropical Pacific.”

The impacts of El Niño reach the entire planet. The year 2016, the hottest ever recorded, was precisely the penultimate year in which the natural warming effect of the Eastern Pacific was experienced.. “Every time El Niño occurs, global temperatures rise,” warns Albergel. “2023 may ultimately be the hottest year on record.”

A person cycles past a fountain in Rome. MASSIMO PERCOSSI EFE

June 2023 already was, and on July 3 the record for the hottest day in recent history was broken (17.18 degrees). The successive heat waves have caused temperatures above 44 degrees in Spain and around 47 degrees in Italy (the European maximum continues to be in Sicily with 48.8 degrees in 2021).. In Greece, temperatures above 43 degrees forced the temporary closure of the Acropolis and caused a chain of forest fires.

The dangers to health still persist, and the meteorologist Isabel Moreno emphasizes the difference in criteria between Health and AEMET in the face of heat waves, defined as “an episode of at least three consecutive days, in which at least 10% of the stations register maximums among the 5% of the highest temperatures of their series between 1970-2000”.

The last two heat waves experienced this summer have had their origin “by the rise of a mass of very warm, dry and stable air originating in North Africa”, according to the AEMET, which also warns how “this type of spells of extreme heat that has become more frequent in recent decades as the jet stream that dominates the western hemisphere has become unstable”.

The increased frequency of heat waves in Europe may in fact be related to fluctuations in the jet stream that flies over the Eurasian region, according to the results of a study sponsored by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact and published in Nature.

Based on statistical data from the last 42 years, it has been proven that heat waves in the European continent increased between three and four times faster than in the rest of the northern mid-latitudes, such as the United States or Canada.. The researchers have verified how the “double jet states” – when the current divides into two branches – last longer and cause the upward trend of heat waves in 30% of the continent.

Another factor that comes together this year is the prolonged drought, which may be feeding back on the situation. Moist soils serve to absorb extreme heat, but when they dry, evapotranspiration decreases: less water evaporates from plants or directly from the soil, and that energy goes on to heat the air.

The slowdown in ocean circulation and the increase in sea temperatures may also be contributing to the situation. The British Met warned at the beginning of the summer that the temperatures to the east of the North Atlantic between April and May were the highest recorded in those months in a series that began in 1850, with temperatures up to four or five degrees above average (the first heat wave in June reached the United Kingdom, which has, however, been “protected” from the last two by the “double jet”).

The phenomenon of heat islands has also worsened this summer, with lows of 25 degrees at night in some of our cities. The lack of vegetation, pollution, the layer of asphalt, glazed surfaces, human crowds or refrigeration systems are some of the factors that contribute to temperatures in the city being higher (one to three degrees) than in rural areas. They know it well in Phoenix, the Arizona city that this summer has broken its own record with 19 consecutive days above 43 degrees.

Spain feasts against Costa Rica in their World Cup debut

Spain had a real feast against Costa Rica in their World Cup debut. Not even the downpour of water that fell in the first minutes made Jorge Vilda's girls reduce the intensity. The team came out wanting to show that it is one of the great teams to beat in this tournament and that is that, for the moment, it is the team with the highest scorer.

From the first minute he began to create danger and besiege Daniela Solera's goal, seeking to get ahead on the scoreboard. The Costa Ricans closed in behind and only tried to withstand the Spanish attack.

Not even ten minutes had passed when the Spanish team had already had two chances to get ahead on the scoreboard by Aitana Bonmatí and Esther González. The team was very comfortable dominating the ball.

After 20 minutes came the long-awaited first goal. Spain took the lead on the scoreboard with a goal from Valeria del Campo on her own, but one was not enough, and after two minutes came the second. In a good play by Athenea who gave the ball to Aitana, the midfielder was unforgiving and scored a great goal from inside the area.

Perhaps a reaction was expected from Costa Rica, which was unable to get out of its field and generate a minimum of danger. The Spanish siege was impressive. And so, based on continuing to maintain the pressure, the third goal arrived, which confirmed the win. The ball touched the post and Esther, who was very attentive, picked up the rebound and managed to pierce the rival goal.

Solera, the tico lock

The advantage on the scoreboard before the break could have been greater. With ten minutes remaining in the first half, Olga Carmona was fouled inside the area and the referee awarded a penalty. The responsibility fell on Jenni Hermoso, who from 11 meters sought to increase the distance on the scoreboard, without success.. Solera read his intentions and managed to stop the launch.

At the start of the second half, neither team made any changes.. Spain did not need it, but Costa Rica had to change things if they wanted to have the opportunity to get back into the game. Despite the great result, the team wanted more and did not hesitate to shoot at goal every time they had the chance. Luckily for the Costa Ricans they had Solera under the sticks. The goalkeeper was, without a doubt, the great savior of her team.

Alexia's entrance

About the 60th minute the fans were especially heard. You might think that the atmosphere was due to what was happening on the pitch, but the reality is that the spectators were cheering for the double Ballon d'Or winner, Alexia Putellas, who had come out to warm up. When entering the field, the public of the Sky Stadium has applauded her.

The minutes passed and Spain had already settled, it did not need more, and Costa Rica did not generate any danger. He was supposed to be the easiest opponent in the group, but it was surprising that they didn't try to fight a bit more. Vilda's team ends the day as first in the group, in the absence of Zambia and Japan playing this Saturday.

UD Las Palmas terminates the contract of Joel Domínguez, the player convicted of mistreatment

Finally, UD Las Palmas has terminated the contract of the 18-year-old player, Joel Domínguez. However, it was not because of his conviction for gender violence but because of indiscipline. The insular team has reported in a statement that “Joel Domínguez does not continue in the yellow entity and has informed the player of the termination of his contract for disciplinary reasons.”

The club, despite his sentence and the fact that it still had two pending cases, decided, at first, to defend the player and even announced that it would start the preseason with the first team that, this year, had achieved promotion to LaLiga EA Sports.

However, the entity ended up not finally summoning him to the stage that the team carries out in Marbella and neither summoning him with the subsidiary nor with the third team. Now, player and club separate their paths. Apparently, neither the coach Francisco Javier García Pimienta nor the sports management had the footballer.

In March of this year, the player had been arrested for beating his partner. After admitting the facts, Domínguez would be sentenced for a crime of gender violence by the Court of Violence against Women No. 1 of Las Palmas to 40 days of community work, one year away and two more without a weapons permit..

The footballer himself would admit the facts, but UD Las Palmas would not exercise any disciplinary measure against him. The club simply argued that the attack had occurred in the “field of his private life”, and in its statement it did not include a single mention or message of support for the victim.