All posts by Carmen Gomaro

Carmen Gomaro - leading international news and investigative reporter. Worked at various media outlets in Spain, Argentina and Colombia, including Diario de Cádiz, CNN+, Telemadrid and EFE.

Vox plays the campaign in the 'all or nothing' of the Abascal debate against Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz

In the Vox calendar, the electoral debate this Wednesday is marked as the most important event in the final week of the campaign. Santiago Abascal attends the meeting of three convinced that the absence of Alberto Núñez Feijóo will allow him to take control of the right-wing discourse against Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz and, as a consequence, stop the transfer of votes to the Popular Party that both Vox as most demoscopic companies are detecting in recent days.

In Vox, the idea of not attending the RTVE debate between the leaders of the four main parties in the country was never on the table and they recognize that the role that Abascal plays in the meeting can “change” the dynamics of the polls. Feijóo, first in the polls and with a favorable wind, rules out participating to avoid the long-awaited photograph with Abascal that the left is looking for to denounce the embrace between the PP and Vox. In Genoa they believe that the popular president did a great face to face last week and that he should now bet on his own agenda. That he does not gain anything by going to a debate, say sources of the apparatus, in which the rest of the participants will charge directly against the one who has the most options to succeed on Sunday.

But this strategy leaves the space to the right of the PSOE completely clear for Abascal, who will lash out during the debate especially against Pedro Sánchez for embodying one by one all the policies that Vox promises to repeal if he reaches La Moncloa. Abascal will postulate himself as the true “alternative” and will harshly confront the President of the Government to establish himself as a leader who is directly opposed to Sanchismo and without half measures with socialism, in contrast to the agreement that Feijóo proposed to the socialist leader face to face to agree that both let the most voted list govern.

This, they believe in Vox, will serve as a push in the final stretch of the campaign. Asked if the debate comes too late -just three days before election day-, in Bambú they answer that it is the opposite, that it comes at the right time to finish off a campaign with its own profile and distance from all the parties. And they use the newspaper library to justify their argument: in November 2019, the last national campaign, Vox managed to mobilize more than half a million votes after the five-party debate. Of those protagonists -Pedro Sánchez, Pablo Casado, Albert Rivera, Pablo Iglesias and Santiago Abascal- only Sánchez and Abascal remain on the political front line.

debate seven

In fact, and despite the fact that the polls indicate a downward trend, the party leadership is confident that in recent days there has been a change in dynamics precisely as a result of another debate: the one held at seven, also on RTVE, in which Iván Espinosa de los Monteros participated and, as they defend in the ranks of the party, “ate” Cuca Gamarra, general secretary of the PP, especially in economic matters.

So Vox plays with the shock of the debate as the last bullet to turn the polls around, in free fall for the party since the campaign began. Feijóo's passage through El Hormiguero -which humanized his figure- and the face to face -in which he dismantled Sánchez's policies and made the president lose his nerves- deepened the open wound against Vox, to which in recent days the popular leader has added the defense of the useful vote against the question of whether Abascal will achieve representation in notable territories for Vox, such as Castilla y León or Extremadura.

The accounts in Vox are very different: the party defends that in a dozen provinces they are the ones who are a few votes away from snatching seats from the PSOE, so the true useful vote in numerous constituencies, the one that ensures an electoral turnaround for the right, resides on the Vox ballot.

Moncloa hides Podemos: only two interventions after 29 Councils of Ministers in 2023

The press room of La Moncloa grants an important exhibition window. Of media focus. It is attended by the ministers who carry matters of importance or importance to the Cabinet meeting, in order to give a public account of them.. The Executive is formed, as it is known, by a coalition of the PSOE and United We Can. But the distribution in these appearances is clearly favorable to the Socialists: of 29 press conferences held in 2023, only six times there was a representative of Unidas Podemos, and only twice was a minister of Podemos.

This Tuesday, the Ministry of Social Rights has brought to the Council of Ministers a reform of Royal Decree 1051/2013, which complies with the Government's commitment to improve the economic benefits of the dependency system and that what it intends is to reverse the cuts it suffered the system in 2012.

From the department directed by Ione Belarra, Minister and General Secretary of Podemos, they contacted the Secretary of State for Communication through the usual procedure -which is the one who determines the appearances- to request their presence in the press room. However, again three PSOE ministers will appear before the media this Tuesday: Isabel Rodríguez, who is the spokesperson for the Executive and always has a fixed chair, Pilar Alegría and Diana Morant. These last two, ministers who in recent days have shared an act with Pedro Sánchez.

Of the 29 Councils of Ministers held in 2023, in 23 of them the subsequent press conference was led entirely by socialist ministers. Only on six occasions was there a representative of Unidas Podemos: four appearances by Yolanda Díaz (January 10; February 14; April 11; July 11), and only one by Ione Belarra (January 17) and Irene Montero (February 28).

In the departments of Podemos they made the decision to record videos on social networks to try to gain prominence, even if it was by satellite to the Council of Ministers. They did so with the approval in the second round, definitively by the Government, of the Family Law -which has been stranded due to the electoral call-; with the approval of the State Strategy for the Rights of Children and Adolescents; care permits; or aid to those affected by thalidomide.

From the beginning, the bet in the presidential complex was for Sumar, urging Podemos to integrate into the space of Yolanda Díaz. Sánchez considers that the relationship with his current second vice president will be better now that she is the leader than until now when Podemos was the reference party. Hence, in recent days the socialist candidate has recovered the idea that he will do a tandem with Díaz and the purples have long since been amortized.

Feijóo puts the right on alert: "If the vote is not concentrated, there is a risk that it will not join"

Despite the fact that on Saturday he invoked the possibility of an “Andalusian” majority of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo now warns that if there is no concentration of the vote, the right is in danger of not adding the majority. And if the right does not add up, Pedro Sánchez will not let him govern, even if he wins, says Feijóo.

“That is why we need to unite the vote, and the only ballot that guarantees a change in Spain is that of the PP, there is no other,” he insisted.. “My main problem at the moment is not the PSOE, it is that in the provinces where we are playing 3-1 we can really get three seats for the PP and one for the PSOE,” he stressed.

In other words, “concentrate the vote of all those who do not want Sánchez to continue on a PP ballot. That is a useful vote, that is change”, has finished off the argument.

For Feijóo, anything reaching 150 seats is “extraordinary”, and he does not resign himself to achieving even more.

On the other hand, Feijóo has recognized his “inaccuracy” about the revaluation of pensions: “There were years in which they were not updated according to the CPI and others in which they were updated above the CPI”.

“That's all: there was a party that froze pensions, the PSOE, and another that always revalued them, the Popular Party,” he added.. If he says “something that is not correct is not the result of a lie but of inaccuracy”

At this point, he added that he does not want “the lie” to be installed in Spanish politics and believes that when politicians make mistakes they must rectify. Which, in his opinion, Pedro Sánchez does not do. Not even José Félix Tezanos, has added. In fact, it has announced that it will audit the CIS.

After that, he has promised the revaluation according to the CPI “and guarantee the sustainability of pensions”, which is currently threatened by “many tensions” in the medium term. And the only solution, he said, is for the economy to grow and the number of Social Security contributors to increase.

Vara does not abandon politics and will be appointed regional senator in Madrid

Guillermo Fernández Vara is not leaving politics. If there is a total collapse of Pedro Sánchez, some voices within the PSOE place him as the new Javier Fernández, that is, in the person of consensus in the ranks of the party to temporarily lead the organization until an extraordinary congress is called. The intention is that, from his experience and being a person who does not arouse misgivings in any of the sectors of the PSOE, he tries to sew up the wounds that, if they occur, would arrive between sanchismo and post-sanchismo.

The first step towards this has already been taken. The next legislature will be in Madrid. The Socialist Parliamentary Group has confirmed this Tuesday that it will propose the current secretary general of the Extremadura PSOE and former president of the Board for 12 years as a senator by autonomous designation in plenary session to be held this Thursday in the Assembly of Extremadura.

In this way, the baron from Extremadura will not return to his forensic position as announced the day after the regional elections, when in full mourning he declared the elections lost, considering that the agreement between PP and Vox for governability would be much easier of what then happened until the definitive agreement, weeks later and in the midst of a strong controversy, between María Guardiola and the formation of Santiago Abascal. A telephone call from Pedro Sánchez to Vara himself, after the president of the government brought forward the general elections that same Monday, made him back down.. Days later, when Guardiola even bet – after losing the presidency of the Assembly Table – for a probable electoral repetition, Fernández Vara himself presented his candidacy for the investiture of the Board, although the sum with United We Can did not give him for it .

What was clear to him, even before the elections, is that if he did not repeat his political cycle in his autonomous community as president of Extremadura, it would have ended. He was not going to lead the opposition, as he did, not without internal problems, when he was defeated by José Antonio Monago in 2011 and then reversed the situation and won again in 2015.

Vara, who has announced that he will go to live in Badajoz after leaving the official residence of the Presidency in Mérida on Monday, will also have to manage his succession within his party in Extremadura, which is expected to be a complicated replacement after 15 years to the front of it. With several candidates on the exit ramp, he has already stated that he would not like his successor to be chosen by a primary system, which is why he advocates a single consensus candidacy for a regional congress that is expected to take place next fall.. He even launched the following notice last week: “If someone tries to boss it, it is clear.”

The president of the Badajoz Provincial Council, Miguel Ángel Gallardo; the former Minister of Health, José María Vergeles; the president of the Assembly, Blanca Martín; the mayor of Mérida, Antonio Rodríguez Osuna; or Lara Garlito, deputy secretary general of the PSOE of Extremadura, are the main names that are being considered, to this day, for the succession.


On the other hand, and as they had agreed in the investiture pact between PP and Vox for María Guardiola to become president of Extremadura, this Thursday it will also become official that Ángel Pelayo Gordillo, who was the candidate of Abascal's party in Extremadura, and who is a deputy in the Assembly, is the member of Vox who in turn holds the position of senator by autonomous designation, a position that the PP ceded to Vox so that the investiture agreement could be formalized.

Watch thefts reach the Sierra: a 13,000-euro Rolex is snatched from a 70-year-old woman in the Escorial Monastery

Watch thieves have also reached the most touristic areas of the Sierra. A 70-year-old woman was the victim of the theft of a Rolex valued at around 13,000 euros when she was walking last Sunday at noon near the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. A young woman violently snatched her wig while she was walking around noon along the famous Paseo de Carlos III. Then, she ran out and got into a car that was waiting for her a few meters away..

The events occurred around 11:50 a.m. on Sunday, July 16.. The victim was walking towards the Monastery of El Escorial and a woman approached him from behind.. “He overtook me and in a friendly tone he walked towards me asking me if I had clothes for the parish. I replied that I had a lot of clothes and, at that moment, he came even closer and asked if I could give him my phone number,” the victim said.

Next, the thief grabbed the septuagenarian's arm with both hands.. “He began to struggle, I yelled at him to let go of me. He unfastened my watch, took it from me and ran off,” continued the assaulted woman.. The thief fled and went to a car that was parked very close.. He got into the vehicle and they left the place.. The complainant was not able to see the driver of that car.

The woman, who did not suffer any type of injury, denounced the events at the Civil Guard barracks. The Rolex that was taken from him is an Oyster Perpetual model with a pink dial and a white gold crown.. According to the agents, it is valued at about 13,000 euros.

The Civil Guard investigates the assault and tries to identify the thug, a well-dressed woman with an accent from an Eastern European country and who spoke to the complainant in a polite manner until she committed the robbery. He is about 25 years old, 1.60 meters tall and was wearing green pants and a yellow shirt. It also inquires if there are security cameras on the site to be able to locate those involved.

Last week the Civil Guard and the National Police arrested in Madrid a gang dedicated to the violent robbery of watches that used the key of the mataleón for their blows, a very different method from that used by this woman who tried to gain the trust of the victim before the assault. The detainees assaulted businessmen who left their jobs or homes, stealing their watches and cash. The Police searches were carried out in the Madrid towns of Parla and Ciempozuelos.

The harsh conditions were reducing the Andalusian fleet that fishes in Morocco

The Asian seaweed, the rise in fuel prices, the decline in species due to climate change and, now also, the closure of Moroccan fishing grounds have placed the Andalusian fishing fleet in a critical situation. The sum of adverse circumstances prevents many boats from going out to fish and supporting the families that live in the sector.

However, the aid authorized by the Government after the end of the agreement with Morocco, published in the BOE this Monday, barely reaches four vessels, which has led the Andalusian Government to point out an alleged comparative grievance.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has enabled aid, co-financed between the European Commission and the Government, for the ships and crew members affected by the end of the protocol, through the “temporary stop” line of the European Maritime Fund and the Fisheries (FEMP), with the aim of expediting the receipt of funds.

But not all the vessels that have fished in Moroccan waters in recent years have access to these subsidies, since many of them have already exhausted their right to receive funds from the European Union during the biological stops made.

The FEMP establishes that no vessel may receive co-financed aid for a period of more than 6 months within the framework of the plan's validity.. And most of the Andalusian ships have already exhausted them due to the temporary stops in the Gulf of Cádiz, which take place in December and January, as stated in the Management Plan for the Seine in the Gulf of Cádiz and approved every year in the sectoral conference, which brings together the Ministry and the autonomous communities.

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Carmen Crespo, lamented this Monday the “uncertainty and defenselessness” experienced by fishermen in the Gulf of Cádiz. “We have had up to 47 boats working in these waters in the past”, since it is one of the “traditional” fishing grounds for the Andalusian fleet.

Crespo recalls that the EU negotiation with Morocco could be delayed indefinitely, pending a ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union that clarifies whether the agreements signed in the past affect (in part) waters over which Morocco would not have jurisdiction, since they would depend on the Sahara.

The counselor insisted that many of the affected vessels already exhausted their rights in February. “Yes, they can receive this aid, on the contrary, the affected fishermen from Galicia and the Canary Islands, which means, according to the counselor, “putting our fishermen at a clear disadvantage.”

Crespo also demanded that the Government of Spain press both the European Union and Morocco, so that they work on a new fishing agreement so that, when the Court of Justice of the EU pronounces, the negotiation is already advanced.

The Government, for its part, recalls that Spain obtained 92 of the 128 licenses to fish in Moroccan waters, but only 21 boats (11 from Andalusia and 10 from the Canary Islands) requested a license in 2021 and 2022 or in 2023. In addition, only 11 fished for at least 20 days in the 2021 to 2023 triennium and meet the requirement set by the European Commission of not having received more than 180 days of aid for temporary stoppage in the FEMP period (2014 to 2023).. Therefore, the boats that can make use of this aid due to the end of the fishing protocol are only 7 from the Canary Islands and 4 from Andalusia.

The Government is studying, however, other State aid to compensate more vessels affected by the end of the protocol, including 6 from Andalusia, which have fished for more than 20 days between 2021 and 2023, but have already received the aid cap per stop, charged to European funds, of 180 days.

According to the representatives of the sector, the lack of fish in the fishing ground and the high price of fuel, among other circumstances, have meant that the fishing agreement between the EU and Morocco has not been profitable in this last cycle for the fishing boats in the Cadiz towns. from Barbate and Conil de la Frontera. Hence, the number of vessels that fish in Moroccan waters has been declining in recent years, as the Ministry has verified.

«In 2019, 3,700,000 euros of Moroccan fish were sold at the Barbate market. In 2022 the figure dropped to 240,000 and in 2023 only 20,000 euros have been sold”, explains Inés Foncubierta, manager of the organization that brings together fishing boats from the Cadiz town of Barbate, in statements to EFE.

In fact, none of the boats that had even paid the license for this last quarter has come to fish in Moroccan waters in recent weeks. “If before, diesel cost 3,000 euros to go to fish in Morocco, now it is 50% more expensive and the price of fish is the same,” adds Foncubierta. Added to the rise in costs is the scarcity of fish due to the overpopulation of tuna, which are tough competition for fishing boats, since measures were taken to recover them in the area.

In addition, “the Moroccan fleet has been growing”, explains Nicolás Fernández, secretary of the Federation of Fishermen's Associations of Cádiz and manager of the Organization of Artisanal Fisheries Producers of Conil, who also points out that the Moroccan fleet is not obliged to do the two months of biological shutdown that European ships do have to respect.

The Court acquits the ETA member accused of murdering the former president of the PP of Aragón Giménez Abad

The court of the National Court that has judged the murder of the president of the PP of Aragon Manuel Giménez Abad has agreed on Tuesday the release of the accused ETA member Miren Itxaso Zaldua, who has been in provisional prison since May 2020.

The court explains that it adopts the decision “in view of what was agreed in relation to said defendant”, which means that the First Section magistrates consider that there is insufficient evidence to convict Sahatsa.

In its final report submitted to the court on Monday, the Prosecutor's Office stated that it had “no doubt” that the two defendants were responsible for the murder of the popular leader.

The prosecutor in the case claimed for herself and Asier Carrera Sarobe, Ata, 30 years in prison for terrorist murder. After serving a sentence in France, the now released prisoner was in prison only for this cause. This same Tuesday he will be released.

The Chamber has not made any decision regarding the other accused and his situation does not allow deducing what the sentence will be for him. Ata is in prison serving firm sentences, so, unlike the ETA member, the court does not need to order his release if he has opted for acquittal.

In view of the development of the trial, the evidence of Ata's alleged participation in the murder presented by the Prosecutor's Office was more solid than those referred to his partner in a terrorist band. Mainly because of the recognition of eyewitnesses, among them the son of the assassin, who accompanied him to soccer when in May 2001 he was shot in the back.

There were also recognitions against Sahatsa, questioned by the defense, as well as a handwritten note that according to the Public Ministry directly linked her to the attack.

The sentence that the Chamber notifies in the coming days will not be final, since both defenses and accusations – the family and Dignity and Justice also intervened – may appeal to the Supreme Court.

That of Giménez Abad was one of the almost 400 unsolved ETA attacks. If Ata is not finally convicted either, it is very likely that he will never leave that list.

Processed foods: the scientific explanation of why we get hooked on them

The worse we eat, the more desire to continue. If you eat a hamburger, you associate it with fries and a soda.. If he goes out for a snack with some bravas or some tapas 'the body asks for' a beer. and so everything. A vicious circle of which our brain becomes a prey. And it is useless to list over and over again the virtues of a healthy diet, if the origin is in the complex mechanisms of neurobiology.

For this reason, scientists look for the keys in neurons. What mechanisms are those that promote some habits or others? An investigation published in PNAS is one of the last that tries to offer an answer. Its author, Michiru Hirasawa, from the Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada), specializes in understanding the fundamental mechanisms underlying the regulation of body weight by the brain..

The abundance of tasty and high-fat diets in modern societies has contributed to the epidemic increase in obesity, according to the publication. This is believed to be due in part to HFD-induced inflammation in the hypothalamus, a brain region critical in energy balance..

To know more
Health. Why chronic stress pushes us to eat more and worse and becomes a vicious circle

Why chronic stress pushes us to eat more and worse and becomes a vicious circle

However, it is not clear how inflammation, typically associated with the disease, can cause excessive weight gain.. Here, “we show that an inflammatory molecule prostaglandin E2 is induced in the hypothalamus by high-fat diets and directly activates a group of appetite-promoting neurons,” Hirasawa summarizes in the paper.. The work has analyzed this scheme in an animal model.

“Blocking this activation protects mice from obesity and fatty liver. This identifies a direct link between hypothalamic inflammation and weight gain, which may serve as a potential therapeutic target for obesity and metabolic syndrome.”.

From the point of view of neurobiology, an attempt is made to respond to the obesogenic adaptive pattern (PAO) where the functioning of the nervous system would be organized early by increasing intake as the main stress regulator.. In a work from the University of Chile, he proposes the pattern as an understanding model based on the lack of early integration between the various systems that regulate the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis..

“It would be an early maladaptive response that preferentially links reward systems to modulation of the HPA axis in the absence of sufficient social regulation and that could explain early childhood obesity”. That is to say, associating a diet rich in fats, normally varied in ultra-processed foods, with a positive response to stress situations from childhood.

What is the impact of obesity in the world?

The data on obesity worldwide are alarming. The World Atlas of Obesity 2023, published by the World Obesity Federation, already predicts that the global economic impact will reach 4.32 billion dollars a year in 2035 if measures are not put in place.. This represents almost 3% of world GDP, figures similar to the impact of Covid-19 in 2020.

The majority of the world's population (51%, or more than four billion people) will be living with overweight or obesity by 2035 if current trends prevail: one in four (nearly two billion) will develop obesity. And the diseases that go hand in hand: type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke, cancer, depression, etc..

By 2035 the impact on the child population could be doubled compared to 2020. Rates are projected to grow more among girls than boys. In addition, the World Atlas of Obesity 2023 shows that the increase is faster among the child population compared to the adult population. Which means that they will live longer with associated diseases and the pathological risk will rise.

The objective pursued by Hirasawa's team is to combat obesity by determining the cellular-molecular mechanisms that underlie the central control of energy balance (food intake and energy expenditure), which will translate into new therapeutic targets for the obesity and eating disorders.

What is sought in the brain to curb obesity?

It is not the first study that looks for answers in the brain. Food intake is regulated by complex mechanisms involving circuits in the hypothalamus and rhombencephalon.. This has already been pointed out in several papers..

Given the relationship of obesity with other pathologies, an investigation published in Molecular Psychiatry from the Xidian University Neurological and Molecular Imaging Engineering Research Center and the Neuroimaging Laboratory of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in Bethesda conducted a review on the neural changes that occur in obese people. Accumulating evidence from neuroimaging studies suggests that “obesity negatively affects brain function and structure, especially within the fronto-mesolimbic circuitry,” the authors conclude..

In this work it is pointed out that “obese people show abnormal neural responses to food cues, taste and smell, resting-state activity and functional connectivity, and cognitive tasks that include decision making, inhibitory control, learning/memory, and attention. Furthermore, obesity is associated with altered cortical morphometry, reduced gray-white matter volume, and poor white matter integrity.”.

What is known about how eating patterns are regulated?

Evidence showing that reward systems are also important in regulating eating behavior. In this context, the amygdala is considered a key extra-hypothalamic area that regulates feeding behavior in humans and rodents.. A review in Behavioral Brain Research focuses on the regulation of food intake by the amygdala and the mechanisms of insulin resistance in this area of the brain..

The authors from the University of Medicine of Campinas expose these complicated mechanisms (also in murine models) that a diet rich in fat and saturated fatty acids induce, such as inflammation, ER (endoplasmic reticulum) stress and the activation of serine kinases such as PKC (protein kinase C theta), JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) and IKK (inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa). The data suggest that PKC and ER stress are the main mechanisms of insulin resistance in the amygdala of obese rats and play an important role in the regulation of feeding behavior.

Buñuel's forgotten lizard, the new great dinosaur discovered in Teruel

It has been christened Oblitosaurus bunnueli in honor of Calanda film director Luis Buñuel. It is a new dinosaur found in Teruel, and not just any dinosaur. An investigation carried out by researchers from the Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis Foundation has resulted in the description of a new genus and a new species of ornithopod dinosaur, the oblitosaurus (forgotten lizard).. The details of the research have been published this Tuesday in the latest issue of the scientific journal Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Ornithopod dinosaurs had three-toed feet, similar to those of birds, and were one of the most successful groups of herbivores of their time.. They had a horny beak, a short neck, and lacked armor.. The Oblitosaurus found in Teruel is the largest ornithopod from the Jurassic in Europe, since its length could reach seven meters, and it inhabited the coastal ecosystems of the eastern peninsula during the Late Jurassic, approximately 150 to 145 million years ago.

The fossils of Oblitosaurus bunnueli found (femur, tibia, fibula, calcaneus, talus, metatarsus, phalanges of the foot and hand, and a tooth) come from paleontological excavations carried out by the Dinópolis Foundation at the Barrihonda-El Humero site. , located in Upper Jurassic sediments of the municipality of Riodeva.

From this same site come the fossils of the largest sauropod dinosaur defined in Europe to date, Turiasaurus riodevensis, and fossils of Dacentrurus armatus, among other vertebrates and invertebrates.

Its size was exceptionally large for an ornithopod from this geological time period.. In fact, its dimensions resemble other more modern ornithopods from the Lower Cretaceous, about 125 million years ago.

a new species

Sergio Sánchez Fenollosa, first author of the study, has indicated that “the presence of unique characteristics present in the fossil bones studied, different from those of other similar dinosaurs, has allowed us to define this new genus and this new species of ornithopod dinosaur”.

These particularities, along with others, including its large size, “are what make Oblitosaurus bunnueli a very important dinosaur for understanding and reconstructing the evolutionary history of this lineage”, all this in a context in which the fossils of this type of dinosaur they are especially rare in the European Jurassic. “Likewise, our study has allowed us to reveal the identity of a possible producer of the large ornithopod footprints found in the Upper Jurassic of the entire Iberian Peninsula,” adds the researcher.


For his part, Francisco Javier Verdú, co-author of the publication, explained that the Oblitosaurus bunnueli has allowed them to “understand better what the diversity of this group of dinosaurs was like during the Jurassic. In addition, the analysis of the evolutionary relationships of Oblitosaurus with other ornithopods has made it possible to redefine what hookworms are and to have more evidence to resolve the relationship between the species of the genus Camptosaurus, whose fossils have been discovered in North America and Europe.”

According to Alberto Cobos, managing director of the Dinópolis Foundation and co-author of the work, “in some way it can be said that, due to the large dimensions of the sauropod and stegosaur fossils from this same site, those assigned to ornithopods had gone somewhat unnoticed.”. That is why we have called the genre of the new dinosaur, Oblitosaurus, forgotten lizard and, through one of its best-known films, Los Olvidados, we have related it to one of the most famous directors in the history of cinema, Luis Buñuel from Teruel; hence the name of the new species O. bunnueli».

For Cobos, this finding “is the best way to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Teruel-Dinópolis Paleontological Complex Foundation and to pay tribute to Luis Buñuel in the framework of the 40th anniversary of his death.”

An excellent summer for the Perseids: a guide to enjoying the meteor shower

This is an excellent year to observe the Perseids because, during the maximum, the Moon will be in the new moon phase and it will not be an impediment.. The best time to observe them is at dawn from Saturday 12 to Sunday 13 August, but from the end of July we can already begin to see some. We just need a place protected from artificial light, a cloudless sky and a little patience.

How to observe them

This month of August will be very favorable for the observation of the Perseids since its maximum occurs very close to the new moon (which will take place on the 16th).. Therefore, contrary to what happened last year, this time the moonlight will not be an impediment to see shooting stars.

The radiant of the Perseids OAN (IGN)

The number of perseids observable per hour is highly variable.. In a very dark place and with the radiant high above the horizon, it can exceed a hundred. However, the number of meteors observed per hour can vary very rapidly as the density of rock fragments varies in the area of space traversed by the Earth, for this reason concrete predictions about a specific number of meteors depending on the day and time are difficult to obtain. perform and are usually affected by high uncertainty.


The highest activity of the Perseids (measured in number of meteors per hour) will be reached at dawn from Saturday 12 to Sunday 13 August. The best times to see the most and brightest meteors are from dusk to 3 or 4 in the morning.. It is when the edge of the waning Moon has not yet risen and when the constellation of Perseus is already high on the horizon.

Although the radiant of this shower of stars is in the constellation of Perseus, it is not necessary to know the constellations, nor is it essential to look towards Perseus, to see the Perseids. Shooting stars can appear anywhere on the celestial vault, although they all seem to come from that point called the radiant.

Perseids can be seen from July 23 to August 22, approximately, but keep in mind that the full moon takes place on August 1, so the last days of July and the first days of August will not be especially favorable for your observation. But, as the days progress, the activity of the Perseids will grow and the Moon will be on its way to the waning quarter that will take place on the 8th. From this moment, and until the 22nd, the best conditions will be given to observe a greater number of meteors.

From where

The number of observable meteors per hour looking towards the zenith may exceed one hundred, under optimal conditions, that is, observing on the nights of maximum activity, with the constellation of Perseus high above the horizon, without a moon, without clouds and without Light pollution. In other not so ideal conditions, the location of the observer is what determines, to a large extent, the number of meteors observed: it is always preferable to monitor the area that is clearest of clouds and the one that is free of light pollution.

The fact is that, with each passing day, it is more and more difficult to find very dark places and almost all peninsular observers will be located in areas with appreciable light pollution.. It is therefore convenient to get as far away from the cities as possible because their lights pollute the sky up to hundreds of kilometers away.. Therefore, from a reasonably dark place on the Peninsula, we should not expect to see more than a couple of dozen meteors per hour.

What are shooting stars

First of all: shooting stars are not stars. They are particles or small fragments lost by comets. Indeed, as comets describe their orbits around the Sun, they spew into space a trail of gases, dust, and debris (rocky materials) that remains in an orbit very similar to that of the parent comet.

Each periodic comet, throughout its repeated orbits around the Sun, thus forms a ring in which innumerable fragments are found.. When the Earth, in its orbital motion, encounters one of these rings, some of the rocky fragments (meteoroids) are caught by its gravitational field and fall at high speed through the atmosphere forming a meteor shower.. Friction with atmospheric gases calcines and vaporizes meteors that appear bright for a fraction of a second, forming what we popularly call shooting stars.

The Perseids occur when the Earth reaches the trail left by the Swift-Tuttle Sky&Telescope/RB

The height at which a meteor becomes bright depends on the speed of penetration into the atmosphere, but it is usually around 100 kilometers. However, the high brightness and the great transverse speed of some meteors cause a spectacular effect, causing the illusion in the observer that they are very close.. Meteoroids with a mass of less than a kilogram are completely calcined in the atmosphere, but the largest and most dense (rocky or metallic consistency) form meteorites: calcined remains that fall to the ground.

also interesting

This meteor shower is created when, as every year around this time, the Earth, on its path of translation around the Sun, crosses an area populated by rock fragments thrown by the periodic comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle when visiting this region every 133 years.

The Perseids were particularly active in 1992, the year Comet Swift-Tuttle passed close to the Sun.. The next approach of the comet to the Sun (perihelion) will be in the year 2126.

The Perseids are visible from the entire northern hemisphere in high summer. The speeds of these meteors can exceed 50 kilometers per second (180,000 kilometers per hour).. Their high activity, together with favorable weather conditions for viewing during the boreal summer, make the Perseids the most easily observable and the most popular meteor shower.

In order of importance of their activity, on average, the Perseids constitute the third meteor shower that occurs in the year. Both the Quadrantids (visible in January) and the Geminids (in December) tend to generate more meteors per hour.. Although they show a more irregular behavior, the Leonids (in mid-November) are usually as spectacular as the Perseids.

Due to the proximity of the maximum of this meteor shower to August 10, the feast day of the Spanish martyr who was burned on a grill in Rome in the year 258, the Perseids are also called 'Tears of Saint Lawrence'.

Rafael Bachiller is director of the National Astronomical Observatory (National Geographic Institute) and academic of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain.