All posts by Carmen Gomaro

Carmen Gomaro - leading international news and investigative reporter. Worked at various media outlets in Spain, Argentina and Colombia, including Diario de Cádiz, CNN+, Telemadrid and EFE.

The key dates in Extremadura clash with the campaign for Moncloa

The manifest disagreement between the Popular Party and Vox to reach an agreement that allows the investiture as president of the PP candidate, María Guardiola, opens an unprecedented scenario in Extremadura that also overlaps with the general elections.

What are the deadlines that are now expected in Extremadura?

The president of the Assembly of Extremadura, the socialist Blanca Martín, has a period of 15 days from this Tuesday, June 20, to propose a candidate for the Presidency of the Junta de Extremadura, after consulting the parliamentary groups. Therefore, it counts until July 5 to propose a candidate to preside over the regional Executive. Despite not having the numbers for it (28 deputies from the PSOE plus 4 from Unidas Podemos do not reach an absolute majority by one), Guillermo Fernández Vara announced a few days ago that his intention was to stand for said proclamation. And it gives the impression that the person in charge of the Assembly will allow it and thus take advantage of the media focus already in the electoral campaign of the general elections on July 23.

As established in the Statute of Autonomy of Extremadura, Blanca Martín will propose a candidate for the Presidency of the Board that has “at least a quarter of the members of the Chamber”. María Guardiola could also try it with her 28 deputies and wait for Vox to give her support in one last attempt, which is quite unlikely.. In any case, it has to be decided by the president of the Assembly.

When could the first investiture vote take place in the Assembly?

From those moments, the proposed candidate will present his program to the Plenary Assembly of Extremadura within 15 days following his appointment, and after the corresponding debate, the first investiture vote will take place, something that according to the established calendar , must take place, at the latest, before July 20, three days before the general elections.

In this investiture vote, the candidate must obtain an absolute majority to be proclaimed president of the Junta de Extremadura, and in case this majority is not obtained, a new vote will be taken 48 hours after the first one, in which a majority will be required. simple. So it would be July 21, one day before the general elections.

The procedure may be repeated, with the same or different candidates, “as many times as it deems appropriate” by the president of the Assembly of Extremadura.

When could the new regional elections be held?

If within two months from the first vote none of the candidates has been elected, the president of the Assembly of Extremadura has the power to dissolve the regional chamber and the acting president of the Autonomous Community will proceed to call new elections.. It must also be taken into account that August is usually a non-working day and plenary sessions have never been held in the Extremadura parliament. In any case, the Table of the regional Assembly, which is now dominated by an absolute majority by the PSOE, could declare this month a business day.

If that does not happen, the countdown to the clock for the next elections could start in September and the first dates considered for the possible new elections would be the last week of October and the first of November, according to sources consulted by EL. WORLD. There is a maximum period of 54 days between the dissolution of the chambers and the official call for the new regional elections in Extremadura.

The loneliness of the driver of the Alvia before the 80 corpses

Francisco José Garzón Amo, engineer who on July 24, 2013 was driving the Alvia train that crashed on the outskirts of Santiago leaving 80 dead and 144 injured, has seen how, with a stroke of the pen, he returned to the days after the accident, when all the blame pointed towards him as the only person responsible. After eight months of criminal and civil proceedings, the process began yesterday with the documentation and conclusions process and, surprisingly, the prosecutor in the case decided to withdraw the accusation against the other defendant, the former director of Traffic Safety Adif, Andrés Cortabitarte, and attribute all responsibility to the driver.

In justifying his conclusions, the prosecutor in the case, Mario Piñeiro, pointed out this Wednesday that the telephone call from the controller to the train driver is “the direct cause” of the railway accident.

According to the Prosecutor's Office, the mobile phone call was an “unfortunate” event that caused the driver to neglect his responsibilities and to be completely “abstracted”, losing control of the train, at the entrance of a curve in which he did not slow down.

“That day he made more than careless use of the telephone,” stressed Piñeiro, who considers that this behavior implies “serious imprudence, without the slightest doubt.”

“An Inconsequential Call”

In this way, the focus is once again on an incorrect circulation speed, since the prosecutor does maintain against the driver the same accusation with which the trial began, that he was driving at 199 km/h in a section close to the dangerous curve of To Grandeira, when he answered a call to the corporate mobile, which does not have a hands-free system, made by the controller, speaking for 100 seconds. By responding, he broke “the minimum rules of attention and professionals that are required of him” and, when he finally reacted, he managed to reduce the speed to 179.38 km/h, but it was insufficient to prevent the train from derailing.. According to the prosecutor, “he omitted the slightest attention from his professional duties by remaining attentive to the content of an inconsequential call for the management of the train and the services provided to travelers and dangerously extensive.”

This harsh setback came to Garzón Amo in the first session in which he was present after his statement on October 6 and surrounded by dozens of fellow train drivers, who gathered at the gates of the City of Culture of Galicia to give him their support in a process in which “we believe that in the end he is one more victim” and “he needs to be covered”. In the words of the spokesman for the machinists union (Semaf), Diego Martín, “they feel identified” with him and “we are not going to stop accompanying him in this final stage.”

The former Director of Traffic Safety at Adif, Andrés Cortabitarte. X.Rey EFE

The victims, who bring the accusation both individually and through two associations, do maintain the accusation against Cortabitarte, but, without the weight of the Prosecutor's Office, the driver finds himself in a more complicated situation than when the responsibilities were shared.

Both are being tried for 80 crimes of homicide and 145 of injuries due to serious professional negligence and one of damages for which the parties request four years in prison and disqualification for both while their defenses request their free acquittal and the prosecutor and the attorney for the The State only asks for the conviction of the driver. Faced with the prosecutor's decision to focus on Garzón Amo, the victims' platform believes that Cortabitarte has more responsibility and increases the disqualification requested from four to six years.

The prosecutor, Mario Piñeiro, thus adopts the thesis already supported by the State Attorney's Office, which only accuses the driver. In his new conclusions, he sees that Cortabitarte “in his capacity as security director did not infringe the duty he held” and acted “in accordance with the procedures included in the management system” of Adif, approved by the national authority and with a methodology ” based on European regulations.

The prosecutor's decision “unworthy” of the victims. Its president, Jesús Domínguez, maintains that “there has been nothing in the oral trial to justify it, quite the contrary”, since all the independent experts and Christopher Carr, former head of security for the European Railway Agency, “made it clear that It was necessary to carry out a risk analysis and that, if it had been done, this danger would have been avoided». He understands that the “only explanation” for this change in position is “political” and attributes it to the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, without forgetting former minister José Blanco, whom they accuse of inaugurating the Ourense-Santiago line “in a hurry ».

Jacob Hanna: "We will not implant synthetic embryos in human wombs"

He confesses that it is not his way of working, but the commotion caused by the publicity of the synthetic human embryo models from the “competition” laboratory, forces him to contextualize this progress. Jacob Hanna develops his work at the Weizmann Institute of Sciences, in Rehovot (Israel) and the team he leads is the protagonist of one of the latest milestones in science: synthetic human embryos created from stem cells.

Until now, his work had not managed to capture so many spotlights, he explained to EL MUNDO in a video call, “because first we had to publish the results in a scientific journal”. But, he takes responsibility for his discoveries and sees the need to clarify the intentions of his research.

Faced with the controversy unleashed by the advances made by Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz in The Guardian, the Palestinian scientist stresses that “to speak to the media, you always have to have complete data and studies so that journalists can seek assessments. We are dealing with a very sensitive issue.”

The first thing that has been known about his synthetic embryo model has been through a preprint published hours before the Cambridge-Caltech one.. Had you already submitted the work? Yes. This is an advance that we have been communicating in different conferences for about six months. Then the news of the other group's communication broke. Our data supports the progress. Normally we don't talk to the press until we have the endorsement of their review and publication in an official journal. When will your work be ready for it? Currently the preprint is being peer reviewed. And in a while it will see the light in an important publication. At the moment, I cannot give more information due to the confidentiality of these processes. Some consider the announcement of these advances a competition, is that correct? We have previously published papers together in Nature. The only bad thing I see about the announcement made by the Cambridge group is that when you want to communicate this type of progress to the media, you must have a series of data that supports the work, a preprint or similar, so that journalists can consult with other scientists. And this was not done like that, there was nothing to assess and this leads to misinformation and the publication of alarmist news that is not true. We have a great responsibility as scientists before society and the media. While the details of the official publication arrive, what are the advances you have made in the laboratory with human embryo models? We've been researching this for a long time.. First we made a lot of progress with the realization of the mouse models made from stem cells. The challenge was to transfer this to human models. Many wonder what is being pursued with all these advances. Create life? No. We will never implant a synthetic embryo model in a womb. Biologically it is impossible. Nor are we doing it to demonstrate any kind of ability in cell manipulation, but we want to provide answers to the unknowns of this stage and for that we are going to use stem cells from any part of the body, reverse them until they become embryonic. And we can also see the utility in the field of transplants. What answers are they looking for? All the mechanisms of the different organs of the body begin in the embryo. All organs are formed between day 7 and 35, and the rest of the remaining eight months is just the growth of the fetus.. In the initial stage, the embryo is a cell mass that is adopting key changes. Women do not even know that they are pregnant and there is no other way to find out what happens in these first days. What are these prototypes going to be useful for? Once we validate them, we will be able to know and respond to the pathologies that originate in this stage, for example. And even testing drugs, because regulatory authorities, such as the FDA, prevent clinical trials in pregnant women.. These embryo models will teach us a lot about the most important stages of cell development.. In the scientific community, as well as in society, there is a demand for a new regulation on this type of approach. Do you think it is necessary? No, the truth is that a year ago new lines were already marked out on this type of essay. The International Society for Stem Cell Research has already modified the requirements that are currently necessary. I understand the reluctance, but all our tests comply with current regulations.

The racist insults to Nnaji and the complaint by Jasikevicius: "This does not go with Madrid's values"

The Endesa League final was marred before the start of the third -and ultimately final-, third game. Upon the arrival of the Barça bus at the WiZink Center, a long time before the duel, the embarrassment. A handful of fans, identified with Real Madrid shirts and scarves, hurled serious insults at the Barça players. Among them, “black, son of a bitch” addressed to James Nnaji or “stinking rat” to Niko Mirotic.

To know more
CBA. Jasikevicius' seamless Barça reconquers the League

Jasikevicius' seamless Barça reconquers the League

In the press room, after the culé victory to achieve their 20th League, the first words of Sarunas Jasikevicius after achieving his second ACB as culé coach went directly to the horrible episode. “I want to talk about what happened about James Nnaji here. it's a pitiful thing. It just can't be. A lot was heard talking about Vinicius. And this has to stop now. This does not go with what you say here about the values of Real Madrid, we have to be very angry. This cannot be, we are going to fight against this. It's more important than the title”, declared Saras, with a gesture of real concern: “It doesn't matter if it's a player from Madrid, Barcelona or another team”.

Inside WiZink, a very heated atmosphere from the beginning, total pressure on some referees who had been questioned since the two games at the Palau, the usual insults to Niko Mirotic were also heard again. The power forward, MVP and protagonist of the final for his controversial goodbye to Barça, also spoke about these episodes and confessed that it was the reason why he did not bring his children to the Madrid venue.

The Ombudsman investigates the Generalitat for forcing teachers to declare what language they use in their private life

The Ombudsman will investigate the Generalitat for the survey in which teachers in Catalonia were asked about their linguistic uses in the private sphere. With the survey -revealed by EL MUNDO last February- it was intended to find out if the teachers of the Frederic Mompou Institute, based in the Barcelona town of Sant Vicenç dels Horts, used Catalan in situations unrelated to their educational work, that is, in conversations with your family or friends, when shopping or using your mobile phone.

After receiving a complaint from the Free Teachers Association, which ensures neutrality in teaching, Ángel Gabilondo has decided to “request information from the Department of Education of the Generalitat in order to proceed with a more in-depth study on the matter.”

The complainant entity stressed before the Ombudsman that the survey “clearly transcends the educational and pedagogical field and enters fully into the private and personal sphere” and maintained that, in its opinion, “it violates the fundamental rights to privacy and freedom, at the same time that it constitutes harassment and direct pressure on professionals by their immediate hierarchical superiors». “If we add to this the level of ideologization of the linguistic issue in Catalonia, it is also a direct interference in the political rights and freedoms of the workers surveyed,” he concluded.

«With my family, I usually talk in…», «with friends I usually interact in…», «when I buy in commercial establishments I do it in…», are some of the questions that were asked. The teachers faced each other, who had to clarify whether they use “only Catalan”, “only Spanish”, “more Catalan than Spanish”, “more Spanish than Catalan” or “both languages equally”. The center was also interested in the language in which the members of its faculty have “configured the mobile phone and the APPs” or “in which language they address the administration (town hall, local police or civil guard, courts…) ».

«The educational centers that prepare these unacceptable surveys are the antennas of the Department of Education and are part of the Catalan promotion plan designed by the Government of the Generalitat to linguistically profile teachers, coerce them and eradicate the use of Spanish in educational centers », considers the president of free teachers, Professor Carlos Silva.

The teacher maintains that he is aware that similar surveys are being distributed in other centers where the so-called driving groups for Linguistic Uses in the Educational Field (ULAE) have been created, a plan by the Generalitat to certify the strict use of immersion in all schools in Catalonia after detecting a presumed decrease in its use in schools.

«I have no doubt that the Generalitat will use its usual victimist discourse and deploy its fake repertoire of false good intentions to avoid the interest of the Ombudsman, but the perception of evidence by the latter is too big an accusing finger to be ignored. “, considers.

Anna Simó, the new Minister of Education, who was sentenced for promoting disconnection laws in Parliament, must clarify to Gabilondo the objective of the survey.

Jasikevicius' seamless Barça reconquers the League

So many times the desire marks the events. Barça, in the middle of a sporting and institutional storm, with its star half-packed already due to the club's own decision, has reconquered two years later, in the most forceful way possible, perhaps the most unlikely League. The third round at the WiZink was an extension of the first two. A seamless team, mentally powerful and detached from egos once again defeated a Real Madrid that seemed satiated with success after the recent conquest of the Euroleague. It will be the ACB of Mirotic's goodbye, but also that of Jasikevicius, the coach who managed to sustain the competitiveness of his players despite everything. [Narration and statistics (82-93]

Champion of the regular league and powerful in the playoffs, Barça rose from another failure in the Final Four, from the threat of a blank year and even from the uncertainties of a future of economic cuts.. Carrying out the plan on the Saras court, he deactivated the European champion with energy, tactical rigor and mental strength. He did not even need to return to the Palau, in his sixth victory in the nine games against Madrid this season, he lifted the Endesa League in enemy territory.

If it was about raising the pressure, Barça knew how to accept those first blows of local energy, with a mixture of temperance and tactical wisdom. That strength was going to be the key. It is as if Jasikevicius's warriors had mechanized each of the situations raised by the rival, a way like any other to undermine their morale. Because the progress of the minutes favored him.

In that first impulse, Madrid failed to open a gap. And soon the nervousness came. Which translated into too many missed free throws and the first visitors' advantages (22-29 after a three-pointer from Kalinic). And in even more environmental pressure on the referees. That first white challenge was resolved by Causeur and, above all, by the pride of Llull, who entered with eight points off his run and everything ready for another heroism, his impetus inexhaustible. With Tavares' first basket, the Whites left with an advantage at halftime.

But soon they would be in tow again, feeling that Jasikevicius had everything under control.. The first minutes of the second part showed a defensive indolence that at that point could be very expensive. Three baskets in a row from Vesely, two triples from Laprovittola… Points and more points from an increasingly self-confident Barça, to which Madrid responded with lashes of self-esteem, now led by El Chacho.

free throws

The equality was unbearable, as it has been throughout the final. Barça had the success from the perimeter on their part and the security of playing with a net and Chus Mateo saved Llull for the moment of truth. The errors from 4.60 were the Malaysian drop to the local desire to stay alive and Vesely and his medium-distance shots tortured Tavares. The Czech was decisive. With the unplugged Musa looking on from the bench, Madrid saw how the finish line was going up like a ramp for Angliru. Eight down with 3:41 to go, after Vesely's umpteenth, only the miracle remained.

Mirotic celebrates one of his baskets at the WiZInk Juanjo Martín EFE

That there was not going to be -a two plus one from MVP Mirotic with 1:38 to go was the finishing touch-, because perhaps he has already exhausted everyone to the top of the Euroleague this Madrid, exhausted and below a Barça that Jasikevicius has endowed with some mechanisms and mental strength that has led him to a well-deserved league title, the 20th in its history, the second in three years for the Lithuanian coach.

The Prosecutor's Office sees "incompatible" that Barça is an accusation in the 'Negreira case' after paying seven million to the former head of arbitration

The Prosecutor's Office opposes FC Barcelona being an accusation in the 'Negreira case' at the same time as being investigated. The Public Prosecutor's Office has submitted a brief to the Barcelona judge investigating the case, to which EL MUNDO has had access, in which it maintains that in his case it is “incompatible” to pursue the accusation at the same time that he has the status of investigated for buying the historic number two of the arbitration group for almost two decades.

“It seems evident that the status of being investigated and the procedural consequences that derive from it and that only apply to it are incompatible with the simultaneous position of accuser,” reasons the Prosecutor's Office, which joins the opposition of the former vice president of the Committee Referee Technician (CTA), José María Enríquez Negreira, who, as this newspaper revealed, also rejected Barça's request. In his case, arguing that the Barça club was carrying out an “exercise in cynicism”.

The club chaired by Joan Laporta, who paid Negreira more than seven million euros in 20 years for trying to achieve favorable results, as argued by the Public Ministry, asked to be accused in the process. He defended that the entity had been a victim of the Negreira family, since the son of the former arbitration leader had charged with false invoices through a former senior club official, Josep Contreras, who kept a commission of up to 50%. of the contracts.

Investigations under secret

From this moment on, the last word belongs to the instructor of the biggest scandal in Spanish sports in recent decades, who keeps the investigations secret after proving that Negreira took out huge amounts of cash..

The Civil Guard suspects that the former arbitration number two distributed money among senior Barça officials and that he could do the same with referees who refereed Barça. For this reason, the judge has decided to charge Javier Enríquez, son of José María Enríquez Negreira, whom the Prosecutor's Office kept as a witness, and has also pointed out the possible existence of a new crime of money laundering that is added to that of sports corruption.

Bilbao hosts the festival of knowledge: "Saying that we must save the Earth contains great arrogance"

Most of the citizens do not know them but thanks to their work, our life improves year after year. Of course, those who are in Bilbao these days will be able to see their faces throughout the city. The space usually reserved for artists or politicians during an electoral campaign is now occupied by the 18 winners of the XV BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards, who yesterday received their awards after several days of events and tributes that have turned the Basque capital into a knowledge festival.

And it is that if to the work of the winners we add that of the prestigious international researchers that make up the Juries of the eight categories of these awards born in 2008, we have a global representation of the value of science and culture when facing the great challenges of humanity.

With a pandemic and a war in Europe that, moreover, has once again unleashed the risk of a nuclear confrontation and has unleashed a serious energy crisis, many citizens feel that we are living in an era of uncertainty and even have an apocalyptic vision of the future of our species. A vision that with “his enlightened optimism” was once again challenged by Steven Pinker, awarded with Peter Singer in the Humanities category. The Harvard cognitive psychologist recalled during his speech one of his best-known arguments: the main indicators of well-being have improved on a global scale over the last centuries despite the fact that, he maintains, our image of the world is distorted by news about “the worst things that happen every day.

The reduction of violence, extreme poverty and infant mortality and, on the other hand, the increase in life expectancy, literacy and the number of countries with democratic governments are some of the examples that he mentioned to demonstrate that “the ideal of progress is not a matter of optimism or idealism”, but an empirical fact that can be demonstrated.

To know more
leaders. The father of chips that revolutionized Silicon Valley: “Trying to stop the advance of artificial intelligence is total stupidity”

The father of chips that revolutionized Silicon Valley: “Trying to stop the advance of artificial intelligence is total stupidity”

leaders. Steven Pinker: “Young people have grown up with the idea that their planet is scorched and that humanity will disappear before they are parents”

Steven Pinker: “Young people have grown up with the idea that their planet is scorched and that humanity will disappear before they are parents”

In this sense, Eloísa del Pino, president of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), highlighted how the work of the winners has contributed to solving “problems such as the fight against disease, the conservation of biodiversity, the adequate distribution of wealth or the stability of democracy”.

“Knowledge is the best instrument we have to understand the world and ourselves, and to take advantage of the present and future opportunities of our society”, summarized, for his part, the president of the BBVA Foundation and the BBVA Group, Carlos Torres Vila, host of a gala attended by a thousand guests, including the Lehendakari, Íñigo Urkullu or the mayor of Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto.

Knowledge that frequently has applications that improve people's lives but that on many occasions, as Anne L'Huillier, awarded in Basic Sciences together with Paul Corkum and Ferenc Krausz, pointed out, has its seed in pure curiosity and in the eagerness to know from scientists.

As recognized by the professor of atomic physics at the University of Lund (Sweden), awarded for making it possible to observe the movement of subatomic particles in the shortest time scale captured by humans, her research “in the science of attoseconds [the time it takes light to travel through an atom] has been, and still is, driven by curiosity, by the desire to learn new things and push the frontiers of knowledge.”

The scientist predicted that with this new physics of attoseconds (called attophysics) the same thing that happened with lasers could happen, which “were not invented to solve a problem”, but have meant a revolution for many fields.

Figuring out how proteins fold was a central issue in biology for decades and a puzzle that, after decades of research, has not only been solved, but also thanks to the combination of this branch of science with artificial intelligence ( AI), the three winners in Biology and Biomedicine -David Baker, from the University of Washington, and Demis Hassabis and John Jumper, from the company DeepMind- are applying it to the development of new drugs and medical treatments, in addition to envisioning different uses in other areas such as the environment. The AI tools developed by both teams, called RoseTTAFold and AlphaFold respectively, are capable of determining the shape of proteins with great reliability in just a few minutes.

'A different world'

The world we live in today is very different.. We are now living longer, which is why new conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease, are important. We are heating up and polluting the planet, so we need to find cleaner ways to generate energy and break down plastics and toxic compounds.. We could wait for the evolution of new proteins, but that would take many millions of years, and we don't have that much time,” said Baker, whose work is precisely making it possible to design new proteins.

The Italian engineer from the University of California at Berkeley, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, awarded in the category of Information and Communication Technologies, also addressed in his speech artificial intelligence and the potential risks of these disruptive technologies that from his point of view view, they must not cross moral limits: “When it comes to conceiving ideas and bringing them to life, we must take ethics into account and make sure that our creations do not harm humans or the environment,” said the engineer who revolutionized the chip design by automating the process. «I am convinced that, to be solid, scientific and technical training cannot forget the humanities; many mistakes made in the development of technological systems could have been avoided if we had stopped to think about the scope of their consequences,” said Sangiovanni-Vincentelli.

Ethics must also always be present in our relationship with animals, as Peter Singer has been defending for half a century. The philosopher recalled how his book Animal Liberation, a pioneering work in the ethical consideration of animals, was received in 1975 “with hostility and even mockery”.. “Pain is pain, regardless of which species is experiencing it, and there is no justification for ignoring or downplaying it because it is not the one being suffered by a member of our species,” he argued.

Because the progress of a society is not only measured in terms of the well-being achieved by its citizens, but also in the way animals are treated, and in this sense, Singer applauded measures such as prohibiting the overcrowding of chickens in cages wire.

This respect for animals is also translated into the boom in research on animal behavior and conservation.. This year the prize in Conservation Biology and Ecology went to Susan Alberts, Jeanne Altmann and Marlene Zuk for helping to identify the most effective actions to conserve a wide range of animals including primates, birds and insects.. “We have tried to push the boundaries of knowledge about how non-human primates, and by extension ourselves, function in the complex social and physical landscapes in which we live.. We hope that such knowledge has contributed to the conservation of these species,” said Susan Alberts.

Aurresku in tribute to the FBBVA winners

Research of the past is often a mirror to the present and future of humans and other species, as the work of the laureates in the climate change category shows.. Ellen Thomas, from Yale University, and James Zachos, from the University of California at Santa Cruz, found evidence of a natural climate change that took place 56 million years ago due to large volcanic eruptions and that is serving to study the current climate change caused by burning fossil fuels. “It is arrogant to say that we must save the Earth…My hope is that we really learn from the study of microscopic fossils in the deep ocean to learn not how to save the Earth, which we cannot do, but how to save ourselves.” themselves,” said paleoclimatologist Thomas.

And if the force of nature is great, so is the force of music, as assured by the maestro Thomas Adès, awarded in the category of Music and Opera: «As a young man I discovered that the force of music was as great as nature, the greatest of all powers. I discovered that composing was necessary for my physical survival and could also give me access to that power.. And I learned that although times change, the problems are the same.

Torsten Persson (Stockholm University), Timothy Besley (London School of Economics), and Guido Tabellini (Bocconi University), winners of the Prize in Economics, Finance and Business Management for transforming the field, have investigated how to address problems in society. of political economy: “The data clearly show the existence of groups of strong and weak states, both in the history of today's developed countries and in broad cross-sections of today's countries,” said Persson, who assured that “the strongest states they are also richer and less violent than the weaker ones.”

Felipe González and Alfonso Guerra coincide in an act in Madrid to evoke "that PSOE"

Felipe González has confirmed at the last minute his attendance this Tuesday at the presentation of the book by his former minister Virgilio Zapatero in which he evokes Aquel PSOE. The dreams of a generation, and reviews his years of government. Alfonso Guerra, vice president in the executives at the beginning of democracy, has served as master of ceremonies, although both former leaders have avoided greeting each other at least publicly.

In his speech, the former all-powerful number two of La Moncloa did not want to assess the debacle of his party in the municipal and regional elections on May 28: “Perhaps some may think that after going through an electoral process so recently With the result that we know, it would be almost obligatory to say a few words on this subject, but not. Not because we are already on the verge of other legislative elections that will determine which government Spain will have.”

Guerra, however, has implicitly criticized Pedro Sánchez's pacts with Bildu during this legislature. And also that his government delegate in Madrid, Francisco Martínez, said last week that he has done more for Spain in these years than “all the jingoists with their wristbands”, alluding to the PP and Vox. “We have learned these days through the competent authority, as it should be, that those who saved millions of lives during the pandemic were not the toilets, but those who had taken off their ski mask shortly before,” he ironized.

To which he added: “Has Valle-Inclan and his court of miracles returned? No problem, don't despair, our Mélenchon dressed by Christian Dior [implicitly alluding to Yolanda Díaz] who reserved for us the discovery of a Trotskyist will save us at the UN. What other surprises await us? Will we have a small parliamentary group under Putin?”

“If we look we see that everything remains the same. The two great parties turn to their extremes to seek support, thus fattening the parties that are against the model of society that the Constitution describes”, Guerra also lamented in a new cryptic reference to the space located to the left of the PSOE and to Vox , whom he has reproached for being “cheering on the bullfighters” in reference to the vice president that they have appointed for the Valencian Community in their coalition government with the PP, Vicente Barrera.

Other former ministers from the González era were present at the event, such as José Luis Corcuera, Carlos Solchaga and José Barrionuevo, who, when asked if his party needs other leaders, stated that “some things are undoubtedly failing” without going into more details. The only current party official who has attended the presentation at the Francisco Giner de los Ríos Foundation has been Juan Lobato, general secretary in Madrid.

Sumar withdraws its head of the list to the Senate for Álava, tried for gender violence

Sumar has withdrawn the head of the list, Aitor Abecia, from his candidacy for the Senate for Álava, upon learning that today he has been tried in Vitoria for a crime of gender violence.

Sources from the Sumar electoral committee in Euskadi have confirmed to EFE that Abecia has already resigned and that now the Álava list will “run” for the Senate, which already included the candidate for mayor of Amurrio on May 28, Leticia Jiménez , from Podemos; and Ester Palacio, from Ezker Anitza-IU.

Abecia, who was listed as “independent”, was Sumar's “star signing” for the Senate in Euskadi, since until this very Saturday he was the mayor of Zambrana representing a neighborhood list of the town that decided not to run again after showing mayor for 16 years.

Abecia's candidacy in Sumar had been publicly known today – the deadline for submitting lists closed at midnight yesterday Monday – so he has been a candidate for less than a day.

The former mayor of Zambrana, who belongs to the independent political platform AIZ, was denounced in 2020 by his ex-partner for an alleged physical assault that would have occurred due to a conflict between the two over the custody of a daughter they have in common.. Abecia had the profile of an independent, denounced irregularities in the plot of the 'Miguel case', which affected the PNV.