All posts by Carmen Gomaro

Carmen Gomaro - leading international news and investigative reporter. Worked at various media outlets in Spain, Argentina and Colombia, including Diario de Cádiz, CNN+, Telemadrid and EFE.

Feijóo starts campaign in Valencia with a red line: "We will only govern if we win"

The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, started the campaign in the Valencian Community this Thursday with an ambiguous phrase about possible post-electoral alliances after the call for the polls on May 28 in the event of a change of majorities.. “We care about winning in Valencia, yes, without a doubt. But we are not going to govern losing, we are only going to govern by winning”, he struck in what can be interpreted as a criticism of Ximo Puig's PSPV-PSOE and his alliances with Compromís and Podemos, to which the polls give options to reissue the Botànic, but without the socialists winning the elections over the popular.

The argument, expressed like this, so Galician, does not necessarily exclude an agreement with Vox to assault the Generalitat as long as the PP is the list with the most votes, but it introduces an element of uncertainty about what the popular barons will do if they come in second place after the PSOE , but they join the party of Santiago Abascal in other territories where the socialists continue to appear in the polls as the first force, such as Aragón, Castilla-La Mancha or Extremadura. Will the PP refuse to form a government if it does not win in these territories? Everything indicates that it is part of the discourse to appear before the electorate, marking distances with Vox and appealing to its voters at the same time to promote changes in territorial institutions..

Feijóo arrived in Valencia in the morning in a marathon day ending in Badajoz. In the capital of the Turia and the autonomy the popular ones have high expectations. They interpret it as a key square in the distribution of territorial power. the bet is strong. In this line, the popular leader demanded a punishment to the PSOE in the city of Valencia for its parliamentary alliances with Bildu and for the fact that the Basque formation has placed on its lists the ETA member who wanted to attack the former mayor of the city Rita Barberá, now deceased. The conservative leader, who starred in a political act to kick off the electoral campaign in the morning together with the candidates for the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, and for the City Council, María José Catalá, censured the agreements of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, with the formation pro-independence party and the fact that former members of ETA have joined municipal candidacies in the Basque Country.

“I am convinced that today all the citizens of Valencia and the Valencian Community have the definitive reason to honor the mayoress of democratic Valencia who was the object of an assassination attempt by one (sic) who is on the Bildu lists.. That is why I ask that you not vote for the PSOE of Valencia”, he pointed out in his speech.

Sara Majarenas was one of the members of the Levante command, dismantled in 2005 after a persecution through the streets of Valencia and to which the intention of attacking the mayoress was attributed. The ETA member was arrested along with her then partner, Mikel Orbegozo, and was sentenced to 13 years in prison. He was released from prison in 2018, after being granted permission to live with his youngest daughter, who was stabbed by her father, another ex-convict whom Majarenas had met in prison and from whom he suffered episodes of abuse.. In the elections on May 28, Majarenas is running for number 10 on the list of Astigarraga (Guipúzcoa).

The presence of ETA members on the Bildu lists has already become one of the axes of the popular discourse in the campaign. Catalá also launched in his speech an appeal to whether the voters want “our city to depend on the terrorists”, although the alliances of the PSOE with Bildu are quite far from the regional and local debate.

The popular ones start the Valencian campaign convinced that they have options to recover regional and local power. “We want to win the Valencian Community because it is one of the most important in Spain,” said Feijóo. “We can offer more economic growth, more taxes and better public services. We want to win because Mazón and I are committed to doing many things together,” he added..

“We are the only party that comes out to win and govern. The others go out to tie,” said Catalá. “The end of sanchismo begins in the Valencian Community. We are going to offer new glories to Spain because Spain is also going to offer new glories to us, who already deserve it,” Mazón insisted..

There were criticisms of the left-wing Council of the Botanic in matters of educational policy or health. And a harsh attack by Feijóo himself on the granting of public aid to the companies of the brother of the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, a matter on which the PP is focusing many of its batteries to wear him down electorally.

“The defeat is Puig's and it is fair, because it cannot be that the Valencian Community is in all the newspapers at the national level because there is a family that has used public resources without publicity and competition for its benefit”.

The act coincided with the celebration this morning of the extraordinary Council of Ministers convened by Sánchez to approve a package of measures to alleviate the effects of the drought in the countryside. For this reason, criticism of the central executive's agricultural policy and alternative promises occupied several minutes of Feijóo's speech. The popular leader assured that, if he reaches Moncloa, his first measure will be to offer a national water pact and convene the Conference of Autonomous Presidents. His proposal, he said, involves promoting purification and supply, with investments of 40,000 million euros. “Producers are not tricked by giving them aid on the day the posters are put up,” he said..

There was not even a reference to the Tajo-Segura transfer, whose flow has been modified by the Ministry of Ecological Transition against the criteria of the Valencian Community, Murcia and Andalusia. The matter generates contradictions to the popular in Castilla-La Mancha.

In the key of the Valencian agenda, there were references to regional financing, which Feijóo promised to reform. He also assured that, if he governs, he will unblock the northern expansion of the port of Valencia, now frozen by the opposition of Compromís and Unidas Podemos to the project.

Javier Zarzalejos, PP MEP: "The EU has generated many antibodies against Russian disinformation"

Francisco Javier Zarzalejos (Bilbao, 1960) is the vice-president of the so-called Special Commission on foreign interference in all the democratic processes of the European Union, including disinformation, and the reinforcement of integrity, transparency and responsibility in the European Parliament. His work, therefore, has multiplied not only because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine but also because of how the relevance of artificial intelligence has also emerged in recent times.. Thus, he attends 20 minutes from Strasbourg to address a major issue in the present and in the future of the Union.

To situate people a bit, how does the EU define disinformation? It is a strategy that consists of the dissemination of information or content that is deliberately false for a disruptive objective, which can be political, cultural or social.. It is not a falsehood that is launched, but rather a thought strategy, based on false or manipulated elements to give rise to a certain reaction in favor of whoever carries out that strategy.

Is misinformation also war? Yes, in fact the idea of hybrid warfare has already been established, in which the actions of the parties in military terms are complemented by a very powerful disinformation strategy that accompanies and is present throughout the war strategy.. We saw it in the case of Ukraine: its invasion by Russia was preceded by the definition of the country as a “Nazi state” and at this moment Putin's disinformation plan consists of saying that the problem is not Ukraine, but the West. and NATO. This today is a central element.

In wars there has always been propaganda Yes, but in terms of disinformation what is really new is the power and the enormous power that technological vehicles have for it.

In this scenario, what role does the EU play? The EU is a target of disinformation and its destabilization is one of Russia's essential goals at the moment, and we have seen it. Not only because of Moscow's strategies in all the problematic scenarios of the Union (Brexit, referendum in Scotland, procés), but also because of a permanent Russian strategy trying to undermine citizens' confidence in democracy, presenting the West as a decadent society. Therefore, there are several levels of misinformation: conditioning an electoral process, a political event, etc.. Wherever Moscow has seen that there is a fire in Europe, Putin has appeared with the gasoline can.

What do you think has been the EU's greatest progress so far in the fight against disinformation? The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been the final milestone that has given the Union an awareness that disinformation must be taken seriously. And I think it has had good effects; I think that Europe is quite immune to Putin's disinformation and that is why what Putin generates produces very little effect or even the opposite effect.. If Finland and Sweden had been successful they would not have approached NATO, for example. And then it has become clear that we are not only talking about disinformation through a group of hackers or bots that spread hoaxes, but that it is protected by an influence that Russia has achieved through the recruitment of personalities, financing of organizations, foundations or even in some cases of political parties. It's the so-called Gazprom lobby. But I believe that we have generated many antibodies against all of this.

Do misinformation and artificial intelligence necessarily go hand in hand? It doesn't have to. AI is an element that will promote and promote disinformation, but it is an issue that has many nuances and it is important not to mix concepts. You can recreate a surgical operation that serves and helps doctors or you can create an artificial reality but indistinguishable from reality. If we combine the possibilities that AI has in terms of natural language, the famous ChatGPT, plus the ability of AI to create images, situations or scenarios, we see that it is a truly brutal weapon of disinformation and there we can have a very serious problem.

Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton once told a senior Google official that the internet “can't be the Wild West”, is it? It is the Wild West, but the Wild West was not only the lack of law, but also the colonization of new spaces, the incorporation of new people to the productive activity or is it the railway. The Internet is not a lawless environment, it will be increasingly regulated, but it must be regulated effectively, and I believe that large companies will increasingly be held accountable for the proliferation of content that is illegal, destabilizing. Here the large entities are hardly going to be able to maintain the idea that they are neutral platforms, without editorial control; that is no longer true. We are moving towards what we call regulated self-regulation.

The Internet is not a lawless environment, it will be increasingly regulated but it has to be regulated effectively

Has enough been done already? The digital markets law and the digital services law have allowed significant progress, but they are transversal regulations that must also have sectoral development. A lot of progress has been made and the big companies know that they already have very specific obligations and duties and that there are limits and sanctions.. The EU has shown that its pulse does not tremble. Progress has been made without the need to stifle business or technological innovation. The dilemma cannot be either innovation or regulation.

Of what remains for the EU to do in this regard, what is the most important? There is beginning to be a lot of legislation in some areas such as the protection of children and youth, we are legislating on AI and data or on the prevention of terrorist content. Basically we are talking about the need to purify illegal content. I think there is a lot of legislation in some areas but it does not have a legal density, rather it expresses appeals for cooperation and great declarations about protection, but we need legislation that is much more focused on procedures, obligations of companies and rights of citizens, and that this legislation does not restrict. The EU is doing this well: fewer declarations and more rules to clean up the web.

Von der Leyen supports a special court for Russian war crimes in kyiv

The President of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyen, ratified this Tuesday from her Kiev her support for the creation of a special court to judge Russia's war crimes in Ukraine, a role that, she added, will correspond to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.

“We work daily to collect evidence and record all the crimes,” he said, after meeting in the Ukrainian capital with the country's president, Volodimir Zelensky, to insist that the objective is “to do justice” and “to make sure that the criminals of war” will not escape this.

The president of the EC referred there to the creation of what she called an International Center for the persecution of the war of aggression against Ukraine, integrated into a joint investigation team.

Von der Leyen thus picked up the claim expressed last week by Zelenski himself during his visit to the ICC headquarters in The Hague and his allusion to the recognition of the war of aggression launched by Russia to avoid other future wars of aggression..

During her visit to Kiev, the president of the community executive advanced that the EC is working on a new package of sanctions that will include new mechanisms to guarantee that Russia and its allies do not manage to circumvent those already in force.

“The focus of this package is to put an end to the evasion of these sanctions,” said Von der Leyen, referring to the eleventh European sanctions package proposed last Friday by the Commission..

Among the novelties of this new package, the president highlighted the inclusion of “advanced technology products and aircraft components”, which cannot enter Russia even if their final destination is in other countries.. “They will no longer end up in the hands of the Kremlin,” he said about the effects of the measure.

Von der Leyen explained that the Commission has recently identified “a very unusual increase in EU trade flows with certain third countries”. “These goods end up in Russia,” said the president of the EC.

“If we see that products going from the EU to third countries end up in Russia we will be able to propose to member states to sanction the export of these products,” announced Von der Leyen, who stressed that this new instrument will be used with “caution.”

The new package also provides for sanctions against “Russian and third-country shell entities that intentionally evade our sanctions,” the EU executive chairwoman explained.

Sasha Sokol wins the lawsuit for moral damages against the producer Luis de Llano, who must compensate her and apologize

The Mexican singer Sasha Sokol has reported this Wednesday that the producer Luis de Llano, whom she had accused of abuse, was convicted of non-pecuniary damage by means of a sentence handed down by a court of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City.

In addition, he has said that De Llano must offer a public apology to Sasha, “refrain from speaking again about what happened and pay compensation”, money, which the singer said, will be donated to an organization that supports victims of violence and sexual abuse .

“Today Luis de Llano was sentenced for moral damages for violating my dignity, physical integrity, privacy and honor, by means of a sentence handed down by a court of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City,” the singer has written through a series of messages on Twitter.

“With the evidence and witnesses, it was proven that the relationship started by him, when I was 14 years old, was illegal and asymmetrical due to the difference in age and the hierarchical role he exercised,” he added.

A history of sexual abuse

The relationship between Sasha and De Llano was in the gaze of the Mexican public for years, but the issue gained strength again after De Llano stated during a digital interview, in February 2022, that he had a relationship with Sokol when she was 17 years old. which, according to what he said, lasted six months.

After these statements, on March 8, Sasha denied De Llano and assured that the time their relationship lasted was almost four years, beginning when she was 14 years old and he was 39, and she was a member of the Timbiriche group and he was her representative.

Almost a month later, on April 6, 2022, the singer explained the situation of sexual abuse that she experienced in her childhood at the hands of who was her representative at the time and told De Llano that they would see each other in court.

The sentence, explained the singer, considers that what Luis de Llano declared in the media “constitutes an act of re-victimization and consequently condemns him, among other things, to a public apology, to refrain from speaking again about what happened and pay compensation”.

The 52-year-old singer has recognized “the responsible action and with a gender perspective of the Tribunal. I trust that your performance will be an example for other authorities; many cases of children and adolescents have not been tried and their rights continue to be violated”.

He has also pointed out that “all victims deserve to be treated with respect” and that “all abusers must be ruthlessly prosecuted. Only then, Mexico will cease to be one of the countries with the most cases of child abuse. I hope my voice and my story serve to make it so.”

The US will monitor families detained at the border with an electronic shackle

Families caught irregularly crossing the southern border of the United States will be monitored with an electronic shackle and subject to a curfew while authorities review their cases.

The government will take this measure in order to ensure that families who appear for credible fear interviews, which determine if they have a case to present asylum, the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service has indicated this Wednesday.. (ICE) in a statement.

Families who receive a negative response after submitting to a credible fear interview will be deported within 30 days, according to the statement.

This new US government program only applies to families who come from countries to which there are deportation flights and who reside in Newark, Washington, Baltimore and Chicago, as reported by the LA newspaper.. Times.

The United States is “committed to imposing greater consequences on those who cross the irregular way (the border) in a humane and safe way,” said Corey A.. Price, a high-ranking ICE official.

The government of President Joe Biden is preparing these days for the lifting of Title 42, a health regulation that allows the expulsion of migrants at the border.

Starting Thursday, more restrictions will go into effect for irregular border crossers, including possible deportation and a ban on entry into the US. for five years.

Peru approves request to Spain for the extradition of accused of fraud with Bad Bunny tickets

The Government of Peru has approved this Wednesday the request to extradite from Spain the Peruvian Pamela Cabanillas, denounced for fraud in the fraudulent sale of tickets to the Bad Bunny and Daddy Yankee concerts last year in Lima.

In a government statement, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Daniel Maurate, indicated that the Executive decided to “accept the request for active extradition” of Cabanillas so that she can be extradited from Spain and processed in Peru.

Last week, the Supreme Court completed the requirements to “obtain delivery” of the defendant, who is being investigated for alleged identity theft, aggravated fraud and document forgery.

Upon arrival in Peru, the 19-year-old defendant must serve nine months in pretrial detention.

Cabanillas has been identified as the leader of a gang, called “Los QR de la estafa”, because he copied the data from a digital platform for buying concert tickets in order to obtain nearly half a million soles (133,000 dollars) from the fans who were waiting to attend the presentation of their artists.

On the day of the Bad Bunny and Daddy Yankee concerts in Lima, hundreds of people complained that their tickets had been cloned or that the system did not recognize their QR, even though they had purchased the tickets on the designated platform for those events.

The National Police received the complaints about the alleged fraud and located the person responsible for the apparent mafia when Cabanillas had already left Peru for Europe.

Through his social networks, Cabanillas admitted his participation in the massive sale of false concert tickets, but said that he could not return the money because he had spent it all, while showing his walks through Italy and then through Spain.

Finally, Cabanillas was arrested in Madrid on March 1 in compliance with an alert from the Peruvian authorities at Interpol, which began the process of her extradition.

Guterres asks to negotiate for peace: "Instead of bullets, we need diplomatic arsenals"

The UN Secretary General, António Guterres, proclaimed this Tuesday that, “instead of bullets”, it is necessary to resort to “diplomatic arsenals” and negotiation as ways to make peace possible in Ukraine and in other countries where there are wars, opining that “building bridges is the only option”.

“Negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration…. We must try everything to resolve our disagreements peacefully”, Guterres defended after receiving the 16th edition of the Carlos V Award from Felipe VI at the traditional ceremony held at the Monastery of Yuste (Cáceres), coinciding with Europe Day.

The former Portuguese Prime Minister has lamented that “peace is weakened” and that violence “runs rampant in too many corners of the planet”.

In the case of Ukraine, Guterres has condemned the invasion of Russia for violating international law and the United Nations Charter, and has stressed that, for peace to be lasting, “it must be based on respect and protection of the human rights in its entirety.

“Peace should never be underestimated or taken for granted.. We must work for and for her, every day, without rest. In a world tearing itself apart, we must heal divisions, prevent escalations, listen to grievances. Instead of bullets, we need diplomatic arsenals,” he said..

For the head of the UN, “today more than ever, in a fractured world, building bridges is the only option”.

In the presence of the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, and the Defense Minister, Margarita Robles, Guterres did not mention the position of the United States and EU countries to provide weapons to Ukraine.

Nor has he cited the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, on the day in which Moscow commemorates Victory Day with the military parade in Red Square.

To his recipes for how to end the war, the Portuguese politician added: “There will only be lasting peace if we achieve the full participation and leadership of women at the decision-making tables”.

The Carlos V award, granted by the European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation, recognizes the work of people, organizations or initiatives that have contributed to the construction of Europe and the promotion of its values.

Guterres has been in favor of renewing the EU “without giving up its identity” so that it continues to be at the forefront in defending values such as dialogue, respect and human rights.

“Only a united Europe can face the enormous challenges of the present and the future. The world needs a strong Europe, which looks outwards, not a Europe closed in on itself”, has claimed the socialist politician.

He has also advocated “reinventing multilateralism”, for which he has considered “unity and courage” necessary, in addition to “original, comprehensive and lasting solutions”..

A task that he described as “herculean”, but added: “Now is the time to, once again, rise to the occasion”.

“History teaches us that it is in the most difficult moments when the human being stands out,” Guterres completed in a speech entirely in Spanish..

The former Prime Minister of Portugal has referred to the climate emergency and the obligation to seek “peace with nature” when warning that “the war that is being waged against the planet is endangering the very survival of humanity”.

Climate “chaos”, continued Guterres, “inflames conflicts”, for which he has argued that “acting for the planet is acting for peace” and in favor of justice.

In his pacifist plea, the Portuguese politician stressed that “there can be no lasting peace without solidarity or equality”, after denouncing that the current “international financial system is profoundly unfair” due to the ever-widening gap between the northern countries and from the south.

“The poorest countries are suffocated by debt, while the richest have been able to invest in a strong economic recovery. This economic and social division risks producing political fractures. This injustice is a threat to peace”, Guterres has rebuked.

The 74-year-old UN Secretary General has confessed that he feels “excited” to join the list of winners of the Carlos V Award, which includes personalities such as Jacques Delors, winner of the first edition in 1995; Felipe Gonzalez; Mikhail Gorbachev; Helmut Kohl; José Manuel Durão Barroso, or Angela Merkel.

Endowed with 30,000 euros, Guterres has donated half to the UN Agency for Refugees (Acnur), of which he was high commissioner between 2005 and 2015, and the other to scholarships for students who are trained in migration and human rights.

A Russian professor fired for making pro-Putin propaganda at a Portuguese university

The University of Coimbra, the oldest in Portugal, fired the director of the Center for Russian Studies, Vladimir Pliassov, for carrying out propaganda in favor of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the invasion of Ukraine.

The dismissal was confirmed this Wednesday in a note by the University, after “verifying that the teaching activities of the Center for Russian Studies would be exceeding that scope.”

The case came to light through an opinion article by two Ukrainian activists linked to the educational center and published in the Portuguese newspaper Observador, in which they accused the University of Coimbra of being “a space for transmitting Russian imperial propaganda and the culture that created modern Russia”.

The activists denounced that Pliassov “has been (and perhaps will continue to be) the first and main representative of the Russkiy Mir Foundation in Portugal.” This entity was created by Putin in 2007 with the aim of promoting the Russian language and culture in the world.

The professor, according to the accusations, used academic articles with geographical names of Ukraine in accordance with the Russian view and pro-Russian symbols related to the invasion.

“The seriousness of the situation obliges me to do it,” said the rector of the University, Amílcar Falcão, in statements to the Portuguese radio station Radio Renascença about the dismissal. The University of Coimbra insisted that it cut all ties with the Russkiy Mir Foundation after the invasion of Ukraine.

Israel kills three Islamic Jihad leaders in an attack on Gaza that leaves another 10 dead

At least 13 people, most of them members of the Islamic Jihad, died in Gaza and some 20 were injured by the intense bombardments with some 40 planes and drones of the Israeli Air Force this morning on the strip, confirmed the Palestinian Ministry of Health..

The Israeli Army confirmed the attacks against targets of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (YIP) and some of its leaders, “responsible for launching rockets into Israel in the last month”, such as Jalil Baitini, Tareq Az Aldin and Jahed Ahnam, who were killed. , as well as some of their relatives and neighbors, including women and children. According to the latest count of the Ministry of Health, the bombings left 13 “martyrs”, including four children and four women; as well as 20 injured, including three children and seven women, and some in critical condition.

“Killed in a joint Army-General Security Service operation, the YIP commander in northern Gaza, a YIP leader responsible for directing activities in the West Bank from Gaza and the secretary of the YIP military council,” indicated the Army about Baitini, Aldin and Ahnam, respectively. As explained by the Israeli Army, Jahed Ahnam was “one of the most important members of Islamic Jihad”, who had served as commander of the group's operations in southern Gaza and was in charge of coordination with the Islamist Hamas movement..

Tareq Az Aldin was in charge of coordination between members of the YIP in Gaza and in the occupied West Bank and would have planned “multiple attacks against Israeli civilians”; while Jalil Baitini served as commander of the YIP operations in northern Gaza and, according to the Army, was responsible for the attacks launched from the Strip towards Israel during the last month.

Aviation bombings

The bombardments of the Israeli aviation took place on the cities of Gaza, to the north of the strip, and of Rafah and Khan Younis, to the south, against buildings where these high officials of the YIP lived, including a residential tower in the neighborhood of Al Rimal in Gaza, but also on military installations of the group, considered a terrorist by Israel, the US and the European Union.

A military spokesman reported that the operation named Shield and Arrow is the response to the launch of more than 100 rockets last week by Palestinian militias from Gaza towards Israel in revenge for the death after 86 days on hunger strike of the Palestinian prisoner. Jader Adnan, a senior YIP member in the occupied West Bank.

Israel also responded with shelling to those shots, but restricted to military targets and causing only one death; but the exchange of fire ceased within 24 hours thanks to an Egyptian-brokered truce. YIP sources confirmed that militants from the group were in the two buildings bombed with missiles launched by Israeli drones, which also caused damage to numerous infrastructures in the enclave..

The Al Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the YIP in Gaza, lamented in a statement the death of the three leaders “who were assassinated as a result of a cowardly Zionist crime at dawn today.”. “We mourn our martyred leaders, along with their wives and several of their children.. We affirm that the blood of the martyrs will increase our strength, we will not abandon our positions and the resistance will continue,” they added..

The Islamist movement Hamas, which rules de facto in the strip, also mourned the death of these “distinguished resistance leaders who were brothers in blood and arms in the Islamic Jihad Movement, who were assassinated by the treacherous Zionist forces.”. “Our people and their courageous resistance know how to strike down the enemy and respond to their heinous crime in a way that heals the hearts of believers and brings our people closer to liberation from this criminal occupier,” they added..

A controversial goal from Juventus with time expired stops Sevilla

In the last breath, Sevilla became deadly. It seemed that that sip of the Europa League that Old Trafford drained and had given him enough strength to defeat Juventus and have one foot in the final. That advantage was lost in the last play of a game that dominated 90 minutes and the six added. But the German referee stretched out a tad more, just enough for Chiesa to take a corner, Pogba combed it and the center-back Gatti ended up heading it towards the goal. Luck, this time, was elusive to the sevillistas. [Narration and statistics]

Football did not do justice to the Mendilibar team. The lambskin with which Sevilla jumped to Juventus Stadium did not last very long. The contention that the Basque wanted against a rival with pediguí who had not yet given up in his stadium vanished as soon as they noticed that he could dance with the Italians. After a cross shot from Kostic that was more intimidating than dangerous, Ocampos read the game. He forced a header from a Rakitic cross and had a second chance. The mobility of the Argentine was going to complicate the aged Turin defense a lot, as much as Ángel Di María did when his team had the ball, which was very little.

Juve wanted to run and the sevillistas accepted the challenge. from you to you. If an Argentine like Fideo found Vlahovic to force Bono to show off with a double save and then Kostic to give the Serbian the opportunity, another led the hosts of Sevilla to return the blows that they managed to link until they knocked out the allegri's men. Acuña tried with a long shot and then it was En-Nesyri who combed a cross that Ocampos did not know how to take advantage of. When the roles changed came the goal. He launched one against Oliver, searching the wing for the Argentine who saw the voracious Moroccan in the heart of the area. They had just given Juventus their own medicine. And they could double the dose. The Italians disappeared, they sank in their area and tried to survive without knowing how to contain the Sevilla winger or avoid the striker's stride, which could fatten the score.

The script that made them shine seemed like it could change with Ocampos's injury, but the team did not feel any orphanhood. The spark was kept by Acuña with long shots, En-Nesyri with a left-footed shot that brushed the post and Rakitic with a remote-controlled missile from outside the area that Szczesny managed to deflect. The Bianconera stands were embarrassed at half-time due to the poor image against the first responding rival.

Five changes in 60 minutes

Allegri had no choice but to turn his eleven around after the break. At the mercy of the Andalusians I could not continue. To sharpen the ends, he used Chiesa, whom Di Maria found between Gudejl and Badé, and Irling, who gave Bono a job, first to, with a spout in the area included, assist a Vlahovic who did not have his night either yesterday and he left the field frustrated with half an hour of the game to go.

Allegri had no patience with his men because nothing worked. Bonucci's injury was the only conditional change but in 1970 he had exhausted them all. A symptom that in this rocky and threatening Seville of Mendilibar he could not find where to get his hands on it. The key is that he did not give up in his attempt to open the tie. Sevilla scrambled to maintain their advantage, but they needed to hold on for just one more minute, the one that the German Siebert pulled out of his hat.