All posts by Carmen Gomaro

Carmen Gomaro - leading international news and investigative reporter. Worked at various media outlets in Spain, Argentina and Colombia, including Diario de Cádiz, CNN+, Telemadrid and EFE.

US aid to Ukraine crashes into Trump's border wall

The Republican Party of the United States is going to give Vladimir Putin his biggest strategic victory since he came to power just 24 years ago. This political formation has decided to block the delivery of more aid to Ukraine if in exchange the Government of Joe Biden does not implement a series of measures to control illegal immigration that include, among other sections, the construction of 322 kilometers of the wall on the border with Mexico that Donald Trump promised to build in 2015.

So US aid to Ukraine is over, at least until 2024. “History will judge them harshly,” White House spokeswoman Karina Saint-Pierre said yesterday Thursday in her daily press conference.. On Wednesday, President Joe Biden sent an unusual message from the White House in which he declared himself “stunned” at the legislative logjam over the $61.4 billion (€56.9 billion) of military support for Ukraine.. “Congressional Republicans want to give Putin the biggest gift he could imagine and abandon our leadership in the world, not just in Ukraine, but beyond,” the president said.

Biden was very clear about the repercussions that letting Kiev fall would have not only for Ukraine, but for the world. “If Putin conquers Ukraine, he won't stop there. He has made it clear that he will continue. And if Putin attacks a NATO ally, we will see something we don't want: American soldiers fighting Russian soldiers,” he said.. The president declared himself willing to negotiate a tightening of border security in exchange for aid to kyiv being unblocked.

Six hours later, Senate Republicans, who until now had been almost unanimously in favor of delivering the aid, blocked it from being voted on in that chamber.. That could force the White House to enter into negotiations, something that Biden, who knows very well how the American political system works, wants to avoid at all costs.

If the president begins to negotiate with the leader of the Republican minority of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, he will have achieved a political victory of the first order, given that institutionally his position is far below that of Biden, who is head of State and Government. From there, McConnell could dedicate himself to humiliating Biden and obtaining all kinds of concessions that would allow him to regain popularity among his caucus and maintain office after next year's elections.. That is the strategy he used, with irrefutable success, against an inexperienced Barack Obama, whom he defeated in every line on several occasions.

But the situation in the Senate is only half of the crisis. The other half is in the House of Representatives. Senate Republicans, with their blocking minority, demand changes in immigration policy, especially the right to asylum, which for Democrats are unaffordable. Those in the House of Representatives, where they have a majority, demand the full approval of the law known as HR2 (HR. stands for the House of Representatives), which introduces very harsh measures into the immigration system, including the aforementioned construction of the wall.

The problem is that HR2 only has the support of Republicans. And they do not have a majority in the Senate. Therefore, it is impossible to approve it. The strategy of the president of the House of Representatives, the Trumpist Mike Johnson, is, therefore, to impose conditions on immigration so harsh that aid to Ukraine is impossible to approve.

It is Trump's triumph without Trump. And, obviously, Putin's. And one more disaster in US foreign policy under Biden, after the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and the failure to foresee the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on October 7 that triggered the current war in Gaza. A war that captures the attention of the US. Yesterday, not a single one of the country's binational newspapers – New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and USA Today – had a single reference to Ukraine on the homepage of their websites.

Meanwhile, in what appears to be a bad omen for kyiv, the American media has begun to report stories about how the Ukrainians have not been able to use the weapons that the United States gave them, their strategic mistakes and their obstinacy in pursue erroneous or unattainable goals. It is the same type of news that appears whenever the US wants to disassociate itself from a war, be it Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan.. History repeats itself, to the satisfaction of Vladimir Putin.

Díaz wants to grant unemployment only with a "responsible declaration" from the affected person and then have the Treasury verify

The Ministry of Labor wants to modify the system by which it is currently reviewed whether an unemployed person has the right to receive an unemployment benefit, once his benefit has been exhausted, depending on his income and family responsibilities, so that now the unemployed person will make a ” responsible declaration” in which he will report the income that he and his family have received in the last month. The following year, the Tax Agency will review in their personal income tax return whether what was declared was true and the unemployed person was entitled to the subsidy and, if not, they will have to return everything collected.

This appears in the draft Royal Decree-Law on Simplification and Improvement of the Assistance Level of Unemployment Protection, a 41-page draft prepared by the ministry headed by Yolanda Díaz to which EL MUNDO has had access, which is included in article 275.4. that “for the purposes of determining whether the requirements of lack of income or family responsibilities are met, in the application for initial registration, resumption and extensions of the subsidy, the interested party will sign a responsible declaration in which they must record all the income and income obtained during the previous calendar month both by him and, where applicable, by the rest of the members of his family unit. Said declaration will later be contrasted with the data contained in your tax returns.”

In this way, the responsibility of analyzing their income and that of their family will fall on the unemployed, while the Administration will accept this declaration as good and will only verify it afterwards.. If after a year the Treasury confirms that there has been concealment of income (voluntary or involuntary) – in the registration or in any of the renewals – this will entail the return of the amount unduly received and the corresponding sanctions, although these will be more lax than in the initial norm.

The Ministry of Labor includes many other changes in the unemployment protection system, in addition to those already published regarding the duration of the subsidies and the increase in their amount, a position completely opposite to that proposed by the Ministry of Economy and that It has cost the Government the first controversy after the investiture.

It includes, for example, the increase in the number of groups that will be covered by the subsidy.. It will not only be extended to those under 45 years of age without family responsibilities (as long as they have exhausted the benefit and it has lasted at least 360 days) and to all temporary agricultural workers, but those workers who have not made six contributions will also be entitled. months, according to the draft standard.

“The coverage of the level of assistance is expanded in some age groups previously excluded, by allowing access to those under 45 years of age without family responsibilities as long as they have exhausted a contributory benefit of 360 days, to those who can prove contributions periods of less than six months even if lack family responsibilities and temporary agricultural workers,” they point out..

Those who do not reach six months of contributions will have to have at least three jobs. Those who have contributed for three months will be entitled to a three-month subsidy; Those who have contributed four months will receive the subsidy for four months; Those of five, five, and those who have contributed for six months will receive the subsidy for half a year unless they prove family responsibilities, in which case they will be able to receive it for up to 21 months (one year and 9 months).. If when accessing the subsidy they did not have family responsibilities but they arrive in the first year since it was approved, it may be recognized a posteriori. “In all cases the subsidy will be recognized for quarterly periods, extendable until the maximum duration is exhausted,” they point out.

To date, the unemployed who were collecting both the contributory unemployment benefit (to which they were entitled for the period of contributions) and the subsidy (for cases in which there was no right or the benefit had already been exhausted) could not leave. abroad occasionally unless it was for less than 15 days. Labor, however, wants to extend this period up to one month.

Cross-border workers

Another novelty that the Ministry of Labor intends to approve is to provide coverage for cross-border employees who reside in Morocco and have worked in Ceuta and Melilla, who would be entitled to benefits if the decree goes ahead.

“Workers residing in the Kingdom of Morocco who have carried out their last employment relationship in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, covered by work authorization for cross-border workers, may access unemployment protection at a contributory level without the need to prove residence in Spain, provided that they meet all the requirements established in the applicable legislation and in the conditions established by regulation”, includes the third additional provision of the standard.

The Ministry explains that this would comply with the Comprehensive Socioeconomic Development Plans of the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, which included the commitment to implement regulatory modifications during the year 2023 that would provide protection to this group of workers.. The specific conditions under which they can access this protection will be regulated in a regulation.

Unemployment statistics will not be cleaned

Unlike what happens in most European countries, in Spain it is mandatory to be listed as unemployed on the lists of the State Public Employment Service (Sepe) to be able to collect the unemployment benefit or subsidy, even if at a time punctually the unemployed person is not willing or does not want to work.

Some experts consulted by this medium have pointed out on occasion that it would be convenient to clean up the statistics and have only those who are really looking for a job count as unemployed.. However, the Ministry of Labor rules it out, since it also considers that it would be a deceitful way to lower unemployment..

“The right to receive unemployment benefits will be suspended by the managing entity (…) during the periods in which the beneficiaries are not registered as job seekers in the competent public employment service,” they state in their articles..

The new owner of Clarel promises to keep the 3,300 employees on staff: "They are our most important asset"

It has just closed an operation that it has been studying for four years and that gives it entry to the Spanish retail market. Omar González, president of the Colombian business group Trinity, says, in conversation with EL MUNDO, that he is “very excited” about the purchase of Clarel perfumeries from Grupo Dia and outlines his plans for the thousand stores that will be his once he receives the approval. good from the competition authorities. And it does so without wasting the opportunity to send “the most reassuring message” to its 3,300 workers: “They are our most important asset.”

With these words, the new owner of Clarel rules out layoffs in the company and seeks to calm a repressed staff after five years of rumors about its change of hands.. In 2018, Grupo Dia hung the 'for sale' sign in its beauty chain for the first time. Since then, it has accumulated red numbers. Omar González is perfectly aware of the financial situation of the company he has just bought. “Clarel's results in previous years posed a challenging situation, but in the last two years they have done some very interesting exercises, with significant improvements in efficiency,” he says.

He presides over a group that he describes as “young”, created 18 years ago.. They are majority shareholders of the oldest steel company in Colombia, Acerías Paz del Río, its flagship. Now it lands “with enthusiasm” in Spain, through Clarel, which they have bought for 42.2 million euros. After a failed operation with C2 Private Capital, which had offered up to 60 million, Grupo Dia hands over its network of a thousand perfume stores to Trinity. “With the information available so far and in agreement with our financial advisors, this figure reflects the economic value of the company,” says González.

“We come to build on what has already been built, to know and learn, with the greatest humility possible, from the idiosyncrasies of the client,” he says.. In this “first phase”, it seeks to “understand the business from a human point of view”. “What does the client want, what needs does he have, what are his aspirations…”, he summarizes. To do this, he advances, they will use “all the data analytics tools” that they have at their disposal.. And secondly, it will delve into the operational functioning, the distribution centers and the approach to suppliers and financial entities.

With the acquisition of Clarel, Grupo Trinity reaches 14,000 employees. “This is the most important asset we can exhibit,” he insists.. He responds with a forceful “definitely, yes” when asked directly if he has the capacity to maintain the staff of the perfumeries, which stands at around 3,300 workers.. “The most important medal we carry on our chest are those 14,000 souls and we are very excited to know that each person who works with us has a decent job and we can generate greater social value for the communities in which we are present,” says the chairman of Trinity.

He is no stranger to the complex macroeconomic context that our country is going through, but he clarifies that “uncertainty is global, it is not an exclusively Spanish problem.”. “Business continues to be done despite the difficult situation, which is still the result of the effects of the pandemic,” he emphasizes, insisting that “inflation is a global phenomenon” that, according to his forecasts, “can slow down and allow us to compete the best possible way to satisfy the customer.

Omar González aspires to serve as ambassador for other Latin American businessmen who want to invest in our country. “With this operation we position ourselves as the first Colombian investor in Spain and this fills us with satisfaction and responsibility,” he concludes.

Real Madrid's fantastic week in Athens: the 'brates' also dominate Panathinaikos

Real Madrid's Greek week, an apparent trap along the way, turned out to be another coup of authority for this amazing team at the dawn of the season defending the European crown. He won in Piraeus on Tuesday and won at OAKA last night, again with those brates (Hezonja and Musa) who are pure talent as the spearhead of the Euroleague leader, a train launching that not even Ergin Ataman managed to stop. [78-90: Narration and statistics]

37 points for Hezonja and 37 for Musa. The Croatian is unstoppable against Panathinaikos, nine triples in two nights for the Bosnian. An increasingly involved couple, Madrid increasingly theirs, ready to mark an era. They have plenty of quality for it and the contagion with the penultimate dances of Llull, Rudy and company can be fundamental for their careers.

Panathinaikos was its umpteenth victim. Ataman tried to propose to Madrid a battle of high pace, contacts and intensity, to push to the limit a team that has been spreading terror and that only Fenerbahce has managed to stop, last week. But the white success appeased the local ardor, the efforts of Mitoglou and the first brushstrokes of Nunn. When Hezonja first appeared in what was his home (and he is still very loved, he even asked for forgiveness) everything changed, such is his influence, the moment of a superlative player. After two triples from Llull, Chus Mateo's men were nine up.

One could conclude that they had lowered their hand to OAKA, but nothing could be further from the truth. In that first crisis, an even more aggressive Panathinaikos emerged, taking advantage of Tavares's absence to strike a tremendous run of 17-2, with Lessort beating Poirier, and a completely unleashed Kendrick Nunn, showing the dimension of a guy who was important in the NBA and seeks, like so many, a European redemption. Only a last effort by Hezonja and a basket at the buzzer by Campazzo maintained the white lead at halftime.

And, as always, those small details are key. A squeeze in time. Upon returning, the PAO tried to continue pushing, but in the face of talent, nothing can be done. Two triples from Musa anticipated the storm. In the hottest moment, Madrid left the greens without scoring for six minutes, a run of 1-22 to kill the night, to remain at the top of a Euroleague that they overwhelmingly dominate.

In three days, between Hezonja and Musa – wonderfully accompanied last night by the power of Tavares and Deck – they have scored 74 points to silence Athens.

The 'cursed' final that united apartheid South Africa: six heroes have already died

In 1995, the International Rugby Football Board, now World Rugby, decided to allow South Africa to rejoin the World Championship after not participating in the New Zealand 1987 and England 1991 editions after being sanctioned for its apartheid policy.. Nelson Mandela's victory in the 1994 elections and the construction of a young and fragile democracy needed a symbol. And for this symbol, Mandela, chose rugby.

“It was a way to neutralize threats from the extreme right,” says John Carlin, a British journalist who was then working as a correspondent in the South African country.. Carlin is the author of the book The Human Factor, which analyzes Mandela's ability to unite the South African people, which crystallized when the Sprinboks team qualified for the final of the 1995 Rugby World Cup, in which they would have as their rival the fearsome new zealand. A party that holds a curse.

The death of Hannes Strydom, South African second line, was recently known after a car accident. He was 58 years old.. It was not the first incident he had with his vehicle.. Strydom had already had to spend several days in the ICU after an attempted kidnapping while driving his car through the streets of Pretoria. The former player faced several assailants.

Strydom's death was not that of any athlete. His was the seventh death of the participants in that mythical final.. All of them have disappeared before reaching the age of 60.

Cancers claimed South African team coach Kitsch Christie (58 years old) in 1998, and flanker Ruben Kruger (40 years old) in 2010.. Jonah Lomu, the only New Zealander affected by this curse, also died at the age of 40.. Kidney disease ended his existence in 2015.

Later, in 2017, another of the best players from that 1995 World Cup, scrum-half Joost van der Westhuizen (46 years old), died from a neurodegenerative disease.. Two years later, heart attacks claimed James Small and Chester Williams (50 and 49 years old, respectively).

Strydom is the last of this tragic list that, although coincidental, already raises the eyebrows of many in the African country. “It never occurred to me that it was a case of bad luck.”. It is true that it is curious because they are young and were physically well in their day,” answers Carlin, very empirical.

There are many speculations, most of them unfounded, that try to explain what happened to these athletes.. 30% of that Springbok team has died. It is true that there is an ongoing investigation that affects the premature death of 400 former players of this sport and that has to do with brain injuries caused by blows to the head, but due to the variety of causes in this case, I would not enter this section. It is not an explanation, but it is a rumor that speaks of possible doping of the players, a matter fueled by the testimony of a great protagonist.

François Pienaar, the Springboks captain, admitted in an interview a few years after that final that he consumed supplements that helped performance. “I started taking pills because everyone was doing it,” he explained about some stimulants he took in 1992.. “They helped get through the hard 80 minutes if you had physical problems,” the captain confessed.


To add more mystery to that final, it is worth remembering Suzie, a waitress who appeared in the All Blacks kitchen staff the day several of the New Zealand players suffered food poisoning.. Years later, Nelson Mandela's bodyguard assigned to the New Zealand team claimed that the team had been poisoned.. However, the All Blacks coach blamed it on spoiled milk.. «These guys were in extraordinary condition and that happened two nights before the final. If the spoiled food had been consumed a day before the game, it could have affected them,” says Carlin.. The journalist also assures that there was talk of a patriotic initiative or a conspiracy but that it could never be verified.

The fact is that South Africa ended up taking the title. “They won because they wanted it more strongly, because of the great responsibility they felt toward their nation and toward Mandela,” says Carlin.. The game ended 15-12, without a single try, and with two players Stransky and Mehrtens scoring all the points for their respective teams. Many remember Small grabbing Lomu's neck in every throw. “When he knocked him down on the first play they saw that Lomu was not Superman,” reveals Jon Carlin.

The real Superman of that story was prisoner number 46664. The one who wanted to make rugby the glue of a country. Thus, that final, that victory, achieves what Nelson Mandela was looking for since the beginning of the championship. «It absolutely achieves its political purpose. There was tremendous euphoria, whites and blacks throughout the country celebrating equally,” says Carlin. What was a blessing for more than 40 million people was a curse for seven protagonists of that match.

Cinciarini leaves Casademont Zaragoza and returns to Italy with his family: "He is suffering"

Point guard Andrea Cinciarini has decided to leave Casademont Zaragoza, where he arrived last September, to return to Italy, unable to bear being away from his wife and two small children, a seven-year-old boy and a barely twelve-month-old girl.

The team's coach, Porfirio Fisac, has indicated that the player “is suffering on a personal level”. “The children and his wife are in Italy and he is feeling uncomfortable with this situation,” he acknowledged.

In an interview on Aragón Radio, he explained that “he has tried to bring his wife, but she has not been able to leave her job there.”. Andrea is delighted with the club, with the coaches and with his teammates in Zaragoza, but he needs his family. “There are much more important things than winning or losing.”

The player himself said goodbye this Thursday in a message addressed to the club, his teammates and fans.. “A special thanks to a very professional and organized club like Casademont Zaragoza, which has always given us its support and we have never lacked anything since the first day I arrived in this beautiful city. And to you, fans of the Red Tide, for the continuous encouragement you give in every game, for that rasmia that characterizes you and for all the love you have for the team and for your city of Zaragoza. “I will follow you, I will encourage you and I will always wish you the best.”

And he thanks his teammates “from the bottom of my heart all these months, I had fun with you and I appreciate all of you: your availability, your character and your qualities, first as people and then as players.”. A sincere thank you also to all the staff who have supported me and helped me a lot in recent months. I will follow you and encourage you. A hug from your 'Grande giocatore di Pallacanestro'”.

Cinciarini, 37, joined Casademont Zaragoza last September as a replacement for Stefan Jovic, who had just signed for Valencia Basket after paying his termination clause.. He arrived from Reggiana, and endorsed for being the best passer in the history of Italian Serie A.

He has participated in 12 Endesa League games, with records of 5.8 points, 1.5 rebounds, 2.8 assists and 5.4 rating credits per game.

Meanwhile, he has participated in seven FIFA Europe Cup matches, with figures of 4.6 points, 3.7 sacks, 4.6 basket passes and 7.9 overall points.

The point guard started in Pésaro and then went through Montegranaro, ASD Pavía, Cantú, Reggiana and Armani Milan, where he remained for six seasons (2015-21).

Later, he returned to Reggiana (2021-23). In his last year there, Cinciarini scored 10.9 points, 3.9 rebounds and 9.8 assists per game in the 29 games played in the domestic competition.

Nadal and retirement: "There is a good chance that it will be my last year"

Rafael Nadal, who announced last week his return to official competition at the ATP 250 in Brisbane (Australia), which takes place in the first week of January, said this Thursday that “it is normal for it to be” his “last year” in active, although it cannot be 100% guaranteed.

“There is a good chance that it will be my last year without a doubt. There are chances that it will only be half a year, that it will be the full year, and there are chances that we won't be able to get to all of that.. “These are things that right now I do not have the capacity to answer and I am only in a position to say that I am competing again,” he stated.

In a video broadcast through his social networks, Nadal assured that he will “enjoy each tournament as if it were” the last, after having spent 2023 inactive, since January 18, and undergoing surgery on his iliopsoas. of the left leg and hip.

“I think it's going to be like this. I don't want to announce it as such, because in the end one doesn't know what can happen, and one always has to give oneself the opportunity and not say something that could later be a slave to what one has said.. I can't be one hundred percent sure.. “If things and my physique allow me to move forward and enjoy what I do, why am I going to set a deadline? I think it doesn't make sense,” he added.

“I fought”

Nadal, 37 years old and winner of 22 Grand Slams, acknowledged that he has thought that it made no sense to compete again, although, just as when he announced that he was going to stop a year ago, he believes that he deserves to end his career on the court, despite “all the doubts in the bad and very bad moments.”

“I have fought and I have maintained my enthusiasm at all times. I think I have had the right people around me, as I have always had throughout my career, family, team, friends. Everyone has helped me decisively to be where I am today, which is with the option of competing again.. Also the desire of the people who want to see me play has had a very important impact in my daily life in some way,” he added.

Virginia Torrecilla: "I would suffer from cancer 20 times longer if my mother could walk again"

The life of Virginia Torrecilla (Cala Millor, Mallorca, 1994) changed forever twice: in May 2020 and in June 2021. First they detected a brain tumor and then he suffered a car accident after which his mother was left in a wheelchair.. “It hurts more about my mother,” he admits in a sincere talk with EL MUNDO. The one who was Spain's best soccer player in the 2019 World Cup was forced to stay away from the grass and go to hospitals, putting her body and mind to the limit.. Now, little by little recovering normality and feeling like a footballer again in Villarreal after leaving Atlético, tears fall when he remembers what he experienced. It's all told in the pages of the book 'No One Regrets Being Brave'.

How did the idea of writing come about? I have always loved writing, although I am a person who does not open up much to people about their feelings.. Since my cancer was detected and I went to Pamplona, I began to write for myself, so that tomorrow I could remember everything that had happened and the feelings I had had.. Then the publisher wrote to me and told me that they wanted to make a book telling my story.. And I didn't hesitate. How do you handle talking about what has happened to you? There are times when I feel sorry, when I cry, and other times when I laugh after seeing everything I have experienced and what I have assumed as a person.. I have not been able to read the book. I am very sorry. I remembered my grandmother, what I have suffered, my mother's accident… Things that I had forgotten and that when I go back hurt because I have not really been aware of everything I have experienced despite having suffered a lot. But when you go back and see your head's ability to forget… Going back is very hard. What things had you forgotten? A lot. It's crazy. But there are memories that talking with people… Like when my mother happened. I had forgotten the moment when I get up in the car after the accident and my mother tells me: 'Virginia, I can't feel my legs.'. My mind erased that completely. I remembered getting up, but my head had erased that. Also tell my partner: “But have I overcome cancer?” The head has an incredible ability to erase things that have hurt a lot. I also didn't remember how my mother had gotten to the hospital in Toledo, I don't know what I talked to my father after that moment… I only remembered being in the hospital. That is what has shocked me the most when writing. What has been the hardest? My mother's accident, without a doubt. (…) And I get excited because when you go through it yourself, well, you go through it, you know how you feel, what you can do and what you can't, but when it happens to the person next to you, who is the who came to take care of me during my illness and unfortunately this happens to him… You have a feeling of guilt. It is true that I was not to blame for the accident because we were hit from behind, but I was the one driving.. It was very difficult for me to assume everything that I had to assume as a person.. My life changed when I was 25 years old and I thought: “How can it be that life is hitting me so hard?”. And without a doubt, and I have always said it, I have gone through cancer and I would go through it 10, 15 and 20 times more if my mother could walk again.. I don't doubt it and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. What was your reaction to the world, destiny or whatever you want to call it? Is there a moment when you say “that's it, I can't take it anymore”? Yes. There have been moments…. (…). At the end of the chemo everything was being very hard, I had lost many kilos, I was no longer eating and I honestly don't know how I lived, and I said “I don't want more chemo”. It's just that if I died I didn't care. I couldn't take it anymore, I had no strength. They are words that you say because you are weak, but when what happened to my mother happens to me, when I see that I am not working in football either, psychologically I fall into a very deep depression, a depression to which I cannot find an end, well of course I thought about it. , who no longer wanted to live. He told me: “Why do I want more suffering in my life?” Even today when something goes wrong I think about it, I don't want to be suffering in life. But then I think about it and after everything we have experienced, my parents are still alive, my brothers are fine… There are weak moments, but what can I say, I always try to move forward. How are you now? Good, getting better every day. I'm fine emotionally and what affects me the most is football. I always demand a lot from myself and sometimes I don't enjoy everything I should enjoy, I put a lot of pressure on myself. I want more as a footballer and that makes me suffer. How can it be that after all I get like this because of football? Well yes. Are you more demanding of yourself now than before? Much more. I want to find the best version of myself and it's like… “Fuck, Vir, you have to give more.” And it is true that I have had an incredible journey all these months, I have very good things that I did not have before and I am happy, but I always want more and that makes me feel less good than I should. How has your body changed and how have you been assimilating those changes? Imagine… In two years I haven't had time to be the Virginia that I have always been. I came to training with 47 kilos when before I weighed 73. It has been a very slow and very hard process because I have suffered a lot, not only on a mental level. On a physical level, it has been very difficult for me to get back to 70 kilos, until almost two months ago. With a lot of effort for months and months, mornings, afternoons, drinking smoothies, eating twice as much… I have never felt so sore when I got out of bed.. What was the worst moment? It's clear to me. There have been many, because I had a radio and chemo process for almost a year and before that I went through the operation, the post-operation… It has been a very hard process and not only for me, but also for my family. I remember my mother when I had surgery, I was going to sleep and I was suffering because I heard my mother crying. There have been many hard moments, but the worst have been the last two months of chemo. Horrible. I didn't eat anymore, I didn't get out of bed, the chemo was very damaging to me, psychologically seeing myself in the hospital for so many days, feeling ugly, with a dry and pasty mouth that tasted like iron… They were the worst months of my life. . From crying so much, so much, that my mother didn't even leave the room because she saw that I was very bad. How has it been for your family? Very complicated. It has changed our lives, not only because of my illness, but also because of having my mother in a wheelchair.. My father went to live in Toledo for 7 months because my mother was in the paraplegic hospital there, my sister was left alone with a newborn child, my brother was left alone at home working…. It has been difficult for them to experience everything from outside, from Mallorca, they went when they had a free day. Today we are much better. We lived in a country house with stairs, we didn't have an elevator, we also had to change the shower, the doors…. My mother has also suffered a lot, but we have overcome it as a family and here I highlight my father. He is the one who pulls with everything, I am sure he is the one who has suffered the most and now he pulls on my mother. He has a lot of merit at 70 years old. Has all this changed your relationship with your mother? I think we have always had family love, but as a result of what we have experienced we have become much closer. We have opened up about things we had never talked about before.. And I tease my mother a lot even though she is in a wheelchair. It has taught us to suffer but also to value what we have. At what point does football reappear after the illness? When I got sick, football took a backseat, logically, but as I recovered, and my family was already in a stable state, my dream was to play again.. For me and my parents. I know they want to see me enjoy. I lost all hope after leaving Atlético de Madrid, after not playing, after seeing that I didn't matter as a player, and that's why I came to Villarreal. Did you miss any more opportunities at Atlético? I think they were very good to me and I will always have them with me, but it is true that I believe, although I understand it, that I deserved more minutes to not see myself like this, with my head bowed and without feeling like a participant in many things. What was it like on the first day when you returned to play?It was amazing. She was skinny, with shaved hair…. I didn't know how to coordinate or hit the ball. How could it be! It was nice to see how he was improving.. Then I made my debut in the Super Cup and I will never forget it when the Barça players supported me after the final. At what point do you feel like a person and a footballer again? If I'm honest, I think this summer. I left Atlético hurt by many things and felt that it was not me. I suffered a lot, I had no enthusiasm for anything, I wanted to leave football… Now I am better for coming to a new club and being a part of something. Look, in the summer, when I hadn't trained for a week, I went to the gym and ran into a man. He saw me training and told me “how well you train, but you walk around with your head down because you don't believe the person you are.” And I realized that it was true, that I didn't want them to look at me, I didn't feel safe, I didn't feel like a person or an athlete. And then when I signed for Villarreal I started to feel better, good and loved again. Speaking of football, world champions. Who was going to tell us! Do you have a little more football rage there? No, no… Not really. I am very happy for the selection. The only thing that bothered me was the people who in the end couldn't go to the tournament, who stood up and said “no” after everything they had experienced.. And the World Cup is also their merit even though they have not played in it.. I have a grudge about that. I am happy that women's football continues. Very proud. How have you experienced the demands of the last few months? I have been outside of everything, but I have always been with them. I am aware of many things because we have lived through very critical moments. For me, Jorge (Vilda) was always very good to me, when I got sick he was one of the first to come to see me and he has behaved very well.. Obviously I wasn't in the Euro Cup and I'm not aware of what happened, but in the last year I'm on top of my teammates. Unfortunately all this had to happen to realize what we asked for.. They have opened doors for those who come from behind so that they know that they do not have to go through what we have gone through. What atmosphere did you notice in the Federation? I think what they have asked for are changes in the Federation with respect to who was there before. Everything that has to do with the person who was there before, we don't want. It is something fundamental for women's football. And I think they have said it: “We want to dedicate ourselves only to football.” Did the kiss surprise you? Yes, it surprised me. It doesn't have to happen in any way, much less live. I was very disappointed with women who did not defend Jenni with images. It seems absurd to me. What if it happened to your daughter? And for the men who have defended him: What if it happened to your partner? If there had not been a kiss, nothing would have changed? Of course. Unfortunately. But thanks to that people have realized that things were not going well.

The cannibal pardoned by Putin who returns home for Christmas

Who. Denis Gorin, 44, was sentenced in 2018 to 22 years in prison for savagely stabbing a man to death and eating his flesh. He is considered the author of at least three more homicides. And with recidivism in cannibalism.

That. He has been pardoned by Vladimir Putin to fight in Ukraine.

As. He has followed the same process as hundreds of prisoners, some of whom have re-offended upon returning from the front.

His name is Denis Gorin and he is a serial killer convicted in four different cases. They call him the Sakhalin cannibal. Putin just pardoned him in exchange for his participation in the war with Ukraine. It is the umpteenth case of a criminal on the street in exchange for fighting on the front. But now people are more scared than outraged.

In his hometown of Aniva, in the Russian Far East, everyone who knows how to read understands the danger and cruelty that the subject embodies.. His way of acting includes eating the flesh of his victims. He was first sentenced in 2003 for murder and desecration of the body. In 2010, he was released on parole for “impeccable behavior”. That same year he stabbed to death the brother of the man with whom he shared a cell in a preventive detention center.. After the murder, simply to “remember the past,” he decided to “cut [the victim's] meat, washed it, put it in the refrigerator and then ate it,” according to the prosecution's complaint.

In 2011 and 2012, Gorin killed again. Both times it was together with his brother Evgeny: both ended the lives of two more people. One of them was a man who was stabbed 29 times outside a store.. In 2018, the court sentenced him to 22 years in prison in a special regime prison: the kind of prisons from which it is almost impossible to escape.

Now, according to the publication, Gorin is being treated after being injured. He is close to home, in a hospital in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. His neighbor was the one who informed journalists about Gorin's whereabouts. At the end of October, a former prisoner published on the social network 'Odnoklassniki' a photograph of himself in a camouflage uniform and the Z symbol on his sleeve, notes the publication 'Sibir.Realii', which is identified as a foreign agent in Russia. “I don't think he will be free for long. All the relatives of his victims remember him,” said the neighbor.

The activity on Gorin's page in Odnoklassniki coincides with the dates specified in the verdict. After December 2012, no posts with photographs appeared on his page. Now he poses boasting of his warrior ardor. The murderer is a hero.

Denis Gorin is far from the first case: all prisoners sent to Ukraine receive Putin's forgiveness. In November, according to media estimates, the Russian president had already pardoned at least 17 people previously convicted of murder. All of them participated in the war in Ukraine and returned from the front to enjoy freedom. Some have already committed new crimes.

Last month it became known that the Russian president pardoned in April this year Vladislav Kanyus, the murderer of the Kemerovo student Vera Pejteleva, who died after being beaten for hours. The relatives of the dead protest, but without success: “This is a circus, but instead of laughing here we cry,” Oksana Pejteleva, the girl's mother, explained to EL MUNDO a few weeks ago.. Days later it was learned that Nikolai Ogolobyak, 33, sentenced in 2010 to 20 years in prison for ritual murders of teenagers, received a pardon in exchange for his participation in the Ukrainian war.. Another 'cannibal' for Putin's trenches in Ukraine.

Zelensky will be in Buenos Aires for Milei's inauguration

The Ukrainian president, Volodimir Zelenski, will be in Buenos Aires this Sunday for the inauguration of Javier Milei as president of Argentina, the main local media coincidentally stated this Thursday.

Citing sources from the new government and Ukrainian diplomacy, the Argentine media indicated that the European president will arrive in the early hours of this Sunday.

Zelenski and Milei spoke three days after the overwhelming victory of the ultraliberal over Peronism, and the Argentine president-elect took the opportunity to invite the Ukrainian to Buenos Aires. That Zelensky finally accepted the invitation was a surprise even for Milei's entourage.

Zelensky's trip, the first to Latin America since the war with Russia broke out in February 2022, marks a radical change in Argentina's position in the conflict. While the government of Alberto Fernández, who visited Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin days before the invasion, showed a certain equidistance at the start of the war, Milei takes a strong position on the Ukrainian side.

Zelensky, who repeatedly complained about the ambiguous position of many Latin American countries, was already clear after his first contact with Milei.

“I just spoke with the elected president of Argentina, Javier Milei, to thank him for his clear position, without counterweights between good and evil.. Simply clear support for Ukraine. That is noticed and appreciated by Ukrainians,” Zelensky wrote on the social network X after the conversation with his South American counterpart.

Zelenski and Milei already talked about organizing a summit between Ukraine and Latin America, something that at the Mercosur level was impossible, despite the proposal of the president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, who will also be in Buenos Aires on Sunday.

Other heads of state or government to attend Milei's inauguration will be the Paraguayan Santiago Peña, the Ecuadorian Daniel Noboa, the Hungarian Viktor Orban, as well as the King of Spain, Felipe VI. Israel will send its Foreign Minister, Eli Cohen, and the United Kingdom will send one of its vice-chancellors, David Rutley.

The US delegation will be led by the Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm. The president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, will finally not travel to Buenos Aires, like the Brazilian Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who did not accept Milei's invitation. Who will be there is former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, leading a delegation of 34 people.