It was in May 2017. The deputy of the Canary Islands Coalition, Ana Oramas, attended the vote on the partial amendments to the General State Budgets despite the death of her father. When it became known that the parliamentarian had taken that blow, familiar, huge, it was up in the air whether or not she would be in the vote, given the circumstance that there was no option to request the telematic vote.
The need to count her presence in the Lower House evidenced the fragility of the government's parliamentary majority, feeding headlines and analysis, baptizing Oramas as the one hundred and seventy-six deputy, a status she shared with another parliamentarian, also from the archipelago, Pedro Quevedo, of New Canaries. The year after the chapter starring the deputy, it was Quevedo himself who came to the rescue of Mariano Rajoy's Budgets. Once again the nationalists of the Islands asserting the figure of deputy 176, now Coalition, now NC. Again, a few years later, Canarian nationalism exploring formulas that allow them to maintain their presence in the Cortes and, with fingers crossed, also praying that the majorities that determine the polls will renew their status as one hundred and seventy-six deputies.
It is the dream most pursued by the NC, and especially by those who, in the Canary Islands Coalition, return to the autonomous government after four years debuting in the opposition, consequently needing a good position in the next negotiations of the General State Budget. ; by hook, flowing properly with those who sit in the ministries (being the Coalition-PP pact in the Islands, the desirable scenario for the next regional Executive is for Feijóo to enter Moncloa), or by crook, having the deputy's pan 176 for the mango with the indifference of those who occupy the blue seats in Congress. they don't have it easy. The one hundred and seventy-six lottery is a train that does not usually pass twice, but the Coalition continues to believe in its lucky stars and does not want to miss it, hence from the very moment that Sánchez precipitated the call for elections, they have gotten down to business. the work to put together a puzzle that has been taking shape —adding acronyms that reinforce an alliance led by CC— without one piece, that of Nueva Canarias, finishing fitting.
It tried. The head negotiators of CC and NC sought a way to compete, leading a broad platform that has once again highlighted that the desired reunification of Canarian nationalism (Nueva Canarias was founded and split from CC in 2005) will have to wait, who knows if for another time, by other leaderships or both. It is not being possible. Far from getting closer to the reunion of the two formations that call themselves Canarian obedience, on this occasion they are further away than when in the previous general elections -in 2019- they reached an agreement that materialized in a part-time seat, which they occupied the same Quevedo (NC) and María Fernández (CC), both from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
What does the platform promoted by the Coalición translate into? As was the case in a good part of the country, on May 28 a notice to navigators materialized in the Islands. The appearance on the scene of Vox, entering the Canary Islands Parliament and some major corporations with force, announced what should be interpreted as a sign of what can happen at the end of July. Vox did not campaign in the archipelago. Weeks after election night, in the Islands few or no one put a face, name or surname to their candidates. All in all, in the regional Chamber they have gone from zero to four without ruffling, from anonymity, solely driven by the shock wave of the primaries that the PP and Vox needed and were interested in, primaries that Pedro Sánchez, making a mistake that is difficult to understand ( especially in the eyes of their regional leaders or municipal candidates) gave away to the right and to the right of the right.
With this background, and knowing the inevitable weakness of facing a general election with the left-right axis removing the center-periphery pulse from the scene, the Coalition and NC know that only by adding from one side to the other can they survive the script, the narrative and the campaign story that this electoral call brings under his arm. They want to present themselves at street level as a third way, a third option that makes a place for them in the film that socialists and popular people are going to shoot (they are already shooting), with Sumar and Vox accompanying the piano.
What better than to revive the figure of the one hundred and seventy-six deputy who gave them so much joy —with the consequent repercussions in the Islands— to propose himself as an alternative to electoral bipartisanship. The Coalition has managed to get United for Gran Canaria, Agrupación Herreña Independiente (AHI) and, above all, Agrupación Socialista Gomera, a notable contribution courtesy of those who have established themselves as the master key of the autonomous governments in their different versions, on board the ship. Casimiro Curbelo. It has been possible with everyone, except with Nueva Canarias, a group led with an iron hand by Román Rodríguez, acting vice president who was left without a seat at the polls in May.
It was possible in 2019, but they have not managed to go hand in hand, CC and NC, years later. There have been three obstacles that both formations have encountered on the way. On the one hand, the disagreement over who should head the list to the Congress in Gran Canaria. On the other, the lack of agreement on the direction of the NC vote in the imminent investiture of Fernando Clavijo (CC). And, thirdly, the disagreement about the need —raised by the Coalition— to vote, in the case of having more than one parliamentarian, in the same sense the investiture of Sánchez or Feijóo. And, one more. There are no three without four. To the three more or less recognized reasons we must add the manifest and enduring enmity between Román Rodríguez and Fernando Clavijo, water and oil, a confrontation that could only be explained with minimal precision by referring to the polarity of the liquids. In the discount minutes, already under the acronym CC, they try to find an independent, valid and with an electoral pull —so they have announced— to achieve a consensus plan. They want to be They dream of being the disputed vote of the one hundred and seventy-six deputy again.