All posts by Cruz Ramiro

Cruz Ramiro- local news journalist and editor-in-chief. Worked in various media such as: EL Mundo, La Vanguardia, El País.

A four-year-old boy was run over and while he was being taken to the hospital, a family member was injured in an accident

The Emergency Services have treated and transported two injured people, one of them from a collision and the other from a traffic accident, in the Ciudad Jardín neighborhood, in Cartagena, as reported by the Emergency Coordination Center..

The 1-1-2 received a call at 2:15 p.m. that alerted them to the event.. According to reports, a 4-year-old child had been run over on the way out of school and while traveling in a relative's car to the hospital for examination of the minor, they suffered an accident and as a result of this, a 46-year-old woman also suffered an accident. she was hurt.

Local Police of Cartagena and health workers from the 061 Emergencies and Emergencies Management have gone to the scene, after treating them on site they have been transferred to the Santa Lucía hospital, Cartagena..

Fight against stigma: the second Positive Pride arrives in Madrid to break HIV myths

Can you get HIV and have safe sex without a condom? What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? Fight against the stigma and discrimination that people with the human immunodeficiency virus still suffer, but also against ignorance. That is the spirit that gives life to the second call for Positive Pride that will take place in Madrid and will end with a demonstration in Castellana on the morning of October 21. The capital is once again the nerve center of this mobilization that seeks to raise awareness in society that people with HIV deserve the same respect and opportunities as any other.

The president of the State HIV and AIDS Coordinator (CESIDA), Reyes Velayos, still remembers with enthusiasm the 2,000 people who paraded in last year's Pride Positivo, the first edition of the call.. “Our intention is to draw attention to the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV that still exists, 43 years after the initial diagnosis,” in their own terms. It is estimated that in Spain there are still about 150,000 people who carry the virus. While 25% of new infections at the state level occur in the Community of Madrid, the main objective of UNAIDS is to eradicate it by 2030.

From the Coordinator that brings together 77 entities from all over the country, they consider that “the time has come for the silence to end”. This is said by a Velayos who does not overlook the great progress achieved thanks to this particular Pride: many people have said that they suffer from AIDS in their immediate environment after having been surrounded by so many people around them.. Making HIV visible is the best way to end stigma, in short.

Less stigma in the big city

The Positive Pride of this 2023 not only includes the call for mobilization that will take place next Saturday, but within the program there are many other activities linked to culture, sports and training. Madrid will thus become the capital of the fight against discrimination against HIV-positive people.. “It is true that escaping the stigma in big cities is somewhat easier than in small ones,” Velayos repeats..

Given that HIV is something transversal that can affect any type of person, CESIDA focuses its help on the most vulnerable, such as women, trans people, the LGTBI community and the migrant population.. In this sense, in the big city the stigma is not as “social” as it could be in a small municipality.. “Really, after more than four decades of epidemic, we have witnessed health and clinical success, but also a social failure due to the stigma that still persists,” says Velayos herself..

When HIV was a death sentence

The person who has been able to overcome the fear of openly saying that he suffers from AIDS is Dominique Cubellf, who has been carrying the diagnosis behind him for 36 years.. This 57-year-old Catalan remembers how when she was 21, the fateful news was confirmed to her: “I was trying to get off drugs when they did a routine test at the hospital.”. The news was given to me by my family doctor, without me even knowing that I had been tested.. At that time, being told you had HIV meant the same as being told you were going to die,” he says..

At that time, the information was not the same as it is now.. The shock that affected Cubellf did not prevent him from telling his mother and father.. The latter, shortly after, mentioned it to the owner of the bar he was going to, so without me knowing it, I think that many people in my neighborhood knew my situation.. It was not until 1996 when she decided to go to an association that brought together different people who suffered from HIV, and from there she moved to women's groups.. “Even so, I didn't say it openly either,” he points out..

With almost 60 years and a great personal work done, now he is not afraid to say that he is an HIV-positive person. “What you can't be is silent all your life. Some time ago, a friend with HIV was going to come with me for an interview and in the end she didn't because her son told her that if she did, her colleagues would discriminate against her at work,” Cubellf exemplifies.. For her, the stigma took shape in those phone calls in which she was denied the job she had just found in her neighborhood because they had already found out that she had the virus..

References with HIV appear

He also found stigma in the painful comments he has had to endure from different health professionals, curiously enough.. “I was going to have an analysis done and, even in that situation, they told me that I was sure that I had not contracted HIV through drugs, that I looked very good and that I was very pretty,” she illustrates.. More examples: when you go to the dentist, on many occasions, they leave it for last, just as you saw a red circle at the top of your medical record to indicate that you had HIV.

Jesús Carballo is one of the few references that exist at the moment within the group. He is Mister Canarias and was second finalist in Mister Gay Spain. “They told me this 14 years ago, when I was 18, and they told me just like that: take advantage of your time because you don't know what you might have left,” he recalls.. Luckily, this fashion designer enjoys the treatment, already widely expanded in Spain, which allows HIV to be undetectable.. That is, you cannot infect it, which translates into the possibility of having sexual relations without a condom, for example..

The support he has missed, he says, has been more emotional: “If I wanted to talk about it with someone, I couldn't find that person.”. “I want people to see that they are not alone, which is why a lot of my content on social media revolves around this fact.”. Carballo has become one of the best-known faces of the Vihsibles campaign, carried out by Mister Gay España, which has now teamed up with CESIDA. “We still see how some people do not know how to differentiate between HIV and AIDS, when the latter, really, is the last phase of the disease,” concludes the canary..

Early retirement for people with HIV?

Cubellf, for his part, sees how young people are also not aware of what they can expose themselves to with an active sexual life without protection.. “I have raised a boy as if he were my son and he tells me that he knows the people he sleeps with, that I shouldn't worry because they have a good body and a good face, when their physical appearance has nothing to do with the illness,” it states.

Likewise, it claims that the bodies of people with HIV have endured all types of experimentation with medications.. “Studies say that we age 10 years earlier due to all the drugs we have taken in our lives, so they should advance our retirement a decade. I know of people who have thought about stopping taking the medication and getting worse so they could stop working, because they couldn't take it anymore,” concludes this Catalan..

Albares agreed with Díaz on the statement against Israel due to the underlying tune on Palestine

The tendency towards division between the PSOE and Unidas Podemos has been so accentuated in the previous legislature that it is difficult not to see a new crisis every time disagreements occur.. With the outbreak of violence that has occurred in the Middle East, following the Hamas terrorist attack and Israel's harsh military response on Gaza, the partners have once again expressed themselves in a disparate manner.. The socialists with Sumar and Yolanda Díaz herself with Podemos. But these discrepancies are very far from other episodes of internal tension. In this matter they are all united by their historic defense of the Palestinian cause. It is true that “there are nuances,” they acknowledge, although they have nothing to do with the differences maintained over the shipment of weapons to Ukraine or over the recognition of the Moroccan identity of the Sahara, the two international political issues on which they have clashed the most..

The proof is that the partners have coordinated to respond to the devastating statement from the Israeli embassy, in which they condemned the statements of “some members” of the Government and assured that they have chosen “to align themselves with ISIS-type terrorism.”. Although they did not mention them, they were referring to some demonstrations by the head of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, in which she asked Pedro Sánchez to take Benjamin Netanyahu to the International Criminal Court to try him for war crimes, after the indiscriminate bombing of the Strip. from Gaza. Belarra insists on talking about Israeli “genocide”.

The reply note to Israel's accusations from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was agreed between the two blocks of the Government, as confirmed by both parties. José Manuel Albares called Yolanda Díaz to agree on a response, in which the coalition Executive put a stop to what was considered interference by another country in Spanish politics. The versions of the content of the conversation are more or less enthusiastic, depending on the interlocutor.. The socialist party maintains that it had the courtesy to speak with its partners about the Government's reaction. That of Sumar, who was “working” on the text. But the final balance is the same: “It was agreed”. They accept that the harshness of the Israeli text made it easy.

The statement resulting from that conversation, made public later, claimed that the embassy note contained “falsehoods” and warned Israel that it did not accept “unfounded insinuations” about the members of its Government.. Both Moncloa and Foreign Affairs knew that they could not let this interference pass because if a foreign government was allowed such a broadside, the ban would be opened against Spain.. But, unlike what happens in other issues, there are no reproaches against Sumar and Podemos, beyond the fact of leaving the “perimeter” of their powers.. “All ministers feel very comfortable with the joint position,” indicate government sources..

The reason, the two partners admit, is that there is an ideological coincidence in the defense of the Palestinian cause, which is, furthermore, a historical position of the left.. “We are both in favor of Palestine,” they point out from the socialist wing; The difference is that “they overlook the savagery of the Hamas attack against Israel”. There is fundamental harmony and it is an issue on which we are “quite close”, Sumar also maintains, although they assume the existence of “nuances” in the recognition of the Palestinian State. Specifically on whether or not the Government “should wait for the EU to do so first”. According to sources from Díaz's platform, it is a debate that also divides the PSOE.

For now the Government hides itself in the fact that it is “in office”. But this weekend at a rally in Mérida Sánchez already proposed that the solution to the conflict between Israel and Hamas involves recognizing Palestine as a State, before Sumar demanded it as one of the elements that must appear in the new Government agreement.. In fact, Palestine has an embassy in Madrid and Albares meets with its representative.

Permanent contact with Díaz

The affinity on this issue does not obviate the discomfort of the socialist bloc with the harshness of the statements of Podemos and Belarra. There are also dissonances between Sumar and the purple formation although it is more “in form than in substance”. The way it is evident is that Albares did not speak with the Minister of Social Rights directly and went to Díaz to agree on the response statement to Israel.. He has had constant contact with the second vice president these days. And this Tuesday, the head of Spanish diplomacy once again repeated that the only “authorized” voices in foreign policy are his own and that of the President of the Government..

The Executive considers the diplomatic incident with Israel settled after, in addition to the response note, the Foreign Minister spoke personally with the Israeli ambassador, Rodica Radian-Gordon, and conveyed his “deep displeasure” for her statement that Spain considered an “unfriendly gesture”. While waiting for what the conflict in the Middle East brings, the intention is to turn the page.

The former criminal chief of the State Attorney's Office debuts in the private sector as a defender of Iberdrola

The person who was responsible for the criminal area of the General State Attorney's Office until just a month ago, Rosa María Seoane, has made her debut in the private sector as a defender of Iberdrola Generación. Starting this Tuesday, the National Court is prosecuting the electricity company for the alleged intentional closure of reservoirs to artificially inflate the price of electricity in 2013 and, although Seoane did not speak in this first session, she could be seen sitting on the bench of the defenses.

As El Confidencial revealed last August, Seoane has just signed for the office of José Ángel González Franco, whose clients already included Iberdrola Generación. Now he will carry out his defense with another colleague to overthrow the accusation of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, which asks that the company be sentenced to pay a fine of 84.9 million for a crime against consumers and the market..

“Iberdrola, with the aim of causing an increase in the price of electrical energy and harming consumers, devised and put into operation a system to increase the price of the energy it sold, beyond that which should result from the free competition of supply and demand,” says Anticorruption. The prosecutor also directs his accusation against four managers for whom he requests two years in prison: “He caused damage to the demand of at least 107,340,000 euros”.

This Tuesday, in the first session of the trial, two of the accused testified and denied the alleged manipulation. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the other two directors and the company's own representative are scheduled to testify.. After them, it will be the turn of experts and witnesses, among whom the former Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism José Manuel Soria stands out..

From the sedition to Iberdrola

Until last September, Seoane was the person most responsible for the criminal proceedings in which the State was involved, among which the trial of the process stands out.. During the oral hearing in which the Supreme Court ended up condemning Oriol Junqueras and the rest of the Catalan politicians linked to the 1-O referendum, he defended the commission of a crime of sedition, the same one that ended up being attributed to them..

She specializes in tax crimes and, before taking the reins of the criminal area of the Legal Profession, she was deputy director general of Consultative and Litigation Affairs of the Legal Service of the Tax Agency. She also served as chief state lawyer in the Autonomous Community of Madrid and as deputy before the National Court.

In one of his last actions on behalf of the Legal Profession before the summer, he spoke about the adaptation of the Government's penal reform that eliminated sedition. After the Government reform came into force, the instructor of the procés case, magistrate Pablo Llarena, changed the prosecution of Carles Puigdemont and, instead of sedition and embezzlement, began to attribute to him the crimes of disobedience and the new aggravated embezzlement that introduces the legislative change.

The Law Office did not agree with his analysis and presented an appeal six days later. In it, the State's legal services agreed with Llarena in the aforementioned combination of aggravated embezzlement and disobedience, but they went one step further and asked to also add the new crime of aggravated public disorder.. In the case of Junqueras and the other convicts, the position was, however, different.. The Lawyers claimed that the aforementioned crime of public disorder should be applied, but, instead of the aggravated embezzlement that Puigdemont now faces, they pointed to the new type of embezzlement, which contemplates lower penalties..

Aragonès demands prominence for ERC in the investiture with his appearance in the Senate

The Catalan president, Pere Aragonès, claims a greater role for ERC in the investment pact of Pedro Sánchez. The gesture of going to the Senate to defend the amnesty law that is to serve as a bargaining chip for the investiture allows the Republicans to capture the focus at a time when Carles Puigdemont retreats in the face of disagreements with the Moncloa. The PP proposed the General Commission of Autonomous Communities in the Upper House tomorrow, Thursday, as a trap for socialism. But in the Palau they have seen it as an opportunity to take the political initiative again.

The problem will be the loneliness with which Pere Aragonès will face it. Nobody will support you. The lendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, has declined to attend. Like the three regional leaders of the PSOE: neither the president of Navarra, María Chivite, nor Adrián Barbón (Asturias), nor Emiliano García-Page (Castilla-La Mancha) will attend, to avoid the trap of the popular. Fernando Clavijo (Canary Coalition) sends a vice president. Instead, it is expected that presidents like Isabel Díaz Ayuso will charge against the plan to amnesty those involved in the process.

The Generalitat of Catalonia has called the Basque Government to inform them that they are going, without this having produced a change in the decision of the PNV. But they have renounced a round of contacts so that the amnesty has more defenders in the Upper House. So the appearance has more of self-aggrandizement in a Catalan key than giving the new amnesty the dimension of a State operation..

Aragonès takes the risk to take the position and fill the gap that Puigdemont has been leaving in recent days. Goes as president of the Generalitat. But the political move is for ERC, which has been saying for two weeks that the amnesty is done. Their defense in Madrid will be the clearest thing that the independence movement has spoken on the subject, and if in the end the investiture succeeds they will be able to claim their share of the spotlight..

Oriol Junqueras already did it. The president of ERC went to Madrid at the start of the negotiations to say that the amnesty was progressing smoothly. Last week, Junqueras and Pedro Sánchez spoke by phone for 45 minutes in a conversation that both parties valued very positively..

Now Pere Aragonès joins these movements in ERC. In fact, the Generalitat has not wanted to confirm or deny whether it is planned that he will meet with Pedro Sánchez on his trip to Madrid.. In any case, it is about capturing focus and then being able to display political triumphs before JxCAT.

On a national level, it will seem that Aragonès is alone and that the amnesty does not matter to the majority of Spaniards, even on the left.. It is the price of a staging of this type in the Senate. It will remain a matter for the Catalans, far from the “state pact” or the “historic agreement” that the independence leaders have sold, as is the case of Puigdemont.. But in a Catalan key, Aragonès aims to avoid JxCAT ending up surpassing them in votes. And with the advantage that the amnesty is an extension of the previous great success of the Republicans in the negotiation with Madrid: the pardons.

Traffic jam at Waterloo

Meanwhile, in Waterloo the talks with the Moncloa have stalled. There is no agreement on the figure of the mediator, which the central Executive and the PSOE reject. Nor about the explanatory statement of the future amnesty law, which those of Pedro Sánchez do not want to call that.. In the preamble of the law that is being worked on, we want to recognize the spirit of the ruling of the Supreme Court and Judge Manuel Marchena, in the sense that the independence movement ended up bypassing the law in a miscalculation to try to force the Spanish Government to negotiate. JxCAT also rejects this approach.. Furthermore, there remains the question of unilaterality. Those of Puigdemont refuse to propose any type of resignation or that it be included in the preamble of the law that they will also vote on.. All this separates both parties and makes dialogue very difficult..

ERC has prioritized contacts with Moncloa. On the other hand, you do not talk to JxCAT. But he has not explained what type of amnesty he proposes, nor what period it would affect.. Only Sumar has made a technical approach to the law, which all parties agree is not what is being negotiated.. It remains to be seen if Aragonès takes advantage of his appearance to define his type of amnesty.

All parts

However, it is not enough for ERC or JxCAT to give their approval to the negotiation. Both have to give it at the same time. Together with the PNV, Bildu and Sumar. The abstention of the Canary Coalition will then be sufficient. Therefore, the value of what Pere Aragonès contributes in the Senate will always be relative in terms of success for the agreement. But it will allow ERC to prevent JxCAT and Puigdemont from continuing to steal the spotlight in the negotiation scenario.

Fifteen people rescued from a boat adrift 34 miles east of Alicante

On Tuesday, a boat belonging to Salvamento Marítimo managed to rescue a group of fifteen individuals who were adrift in a boat, approximately 34 miles east of the coast of Alicante, according to sources from the entity..

According to preliminary information provided by Salvamento Marítimo, all the rescued migrants are adult males and of North African origin..

The rescue was carried out by the Salvamar Leo boat at 10:14 a.m., after receiving an alert from a fishing boat that had sighted a precarious fiber boat at a point in the sea located between the coasts of Benidorm and Alicante..

The fishing boat alerted the emergency services 112 and Maritime Rescue of the situation.. A merchant ship that was near the place where the boat was, remained in the area until the arrival of the Salvamar Leo, watching over the boat.. This collaboration was appreciated by Salvamento Marítimo.

Currently, the Maritime Rescue vessel is towing the boat to the port of the Alicante capital. Once there, the Red Cross will provide assistance to migrants. The emergency operation was coordinated by controllers from the Valencia Maritime Rescue Center.

Spanish Gypsy Society will request a Commission of Investigation into the Vigo fire

Spanish Gypsy Society has reported that it will request a Commission of Investigation into the Vigo fire that will be headed by Valedora do Pobo, according to the general secretary of this association, Ángel V.. Benedicto, after meeting with representatives of the PP of Vigo.

In statements to the media, he has claimed that an event like this, which led to the death of four people, “should not happen again”, which is why he has asked the administrations to find solutions for the affected families and for all those who are in a similar situation. “It must mean a before and after,” Benedicto claimed, underlining the importance of investigating the facts and “clarifying responsibilities.”.

Asked who, a priori, could be responsible for the families living in that vulnerable situation, he pointed directly to the local government of Vigo because, according to him, he was already informed that in that area and in that building there were ” obvious and imminent danger. “And it seems that the City Council has looked the other way and has not acted as it should have acted,” he lamented, hoping that the judicial investigation will clarify the facts..

Benedict explained that the families have relocated to the homes of friends and relatives, but has asked for a “long-term” solution, so that they have a home to live in.. He has focused on squatting, indicating that the majority of people who choose this alternative do so out of “necessity”, since they have no other alternative..

“I guarantee you that 99.9% of the families that have to enter a home to squat illegally are out of damn necessity.”. It's not that we are idiots. There is everything, but the majority is due to necessity: there are small children, vulnerable people and if they do not have resources and society does not open doors for them, if public administrations do not open doors (…) people will have to continue squatting illegal,” he explained.

For her part, the president of the local PP, Marta Fernández-Tapias, has shown her support for the victims, represented by the Spanish Gypsy Society, and recalled that there were reports from firefighters who recognized that it was “a tinderbox”, so who has insisted on “debugging responsibilities”.

Tapias has said that precisely in September the PP denounced the situation of that building in plenary session.. “And from the Vigo City Council the only thing that was said was that there was no alarm, that absolutely nothing was happening there,” he lamented, insisting on the search for alternatives for families..

Meeting with the BNG

Later, the representatives of the Spanish Gypsy Society also met with the spokesperson of the local BNG, Xabier Pérez Igrexas. After this meeting, he has demanded “agility” so that the demands of the affected families are met..

Igrexas has described as “indecent” that the PP in the Xunta and the PSOE in the City Council are using such a sensitive issue “as a weapon in their permanent partisan confrontation.” Therefore, it has demanded that all administrations cooperate to deploy policies that offer decent housing alternatives in the city that guarantee the right to housing.

“Less revictimization”

After these meetings, it did not take long for a response to arrive from the local government of Vigo, as usual in the form of an audio broadcast to the media.. In this case of the Minister of Welfare Policies, Yolanda Aguilar, who has asked the Spanish Gypsy Society to reduce public exposure and the re-victimization of the families who were victims of the fire..

She has vindicated the City Council's work “since the day of the tragic event”, helping families, covering their basic needs and providing “individualized” support..

He has also highlighted this support, “without the need for mediation from the Spanish Gypsy Society entity”, despite the fact that the grandparents of the deceased children do recognize this entity as a representative.. However, the government of Vigo does collaborate with Fundación Secretariado Gitano, since it has a collaboration agreement with it. “We are not going to make this public exhibition of a situation of extreme vulnerability, where families already have enough pain and trauma as so that they are being exposed publicly,” he said..

In another audio, Aguilar has also requested a meeting with the Xunta to address the search for housing for these families, offering the date this Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. in Vigo.

Seven minors arrested in Malaga for harassing a disabled high school classmate

Investigators from the Minors Group (Grume) of the Malaga Provincial Police Station have arrested seven minors accused of a crime against moral integrity for using social networks to harass a high school classmate who has a disability.. Those investigated allegedly created a chat group where they included the victim to mock, threaten and humiliate her, even publishing her personal information..

The events were reported by the victim's legal guardians and the first investigations revealed that events similar to those reported would have occurred since the 2021/2022 school year.. The educational center in which all the protagonists were studying had even issued several reports for events in which some of those now investigated had allegedly participated..

The agents confirmed that the group of minors created a chat on a well-known social network, “to which they added the victim as a participant with the intention of harassing, humiliating and threatening him,” the National Police reported.. From the content of the conversations it is also clear that, with the intention of mocking, several of the participants made false statements to deceive their target..

After having received information about the intention to publish his address in the chat, which was finally carried out, the injured party feared for his life, a fact that caused him great anguish and conditioned his daily life..

The victim, despite his high autonomy, has a disability, a fact that worries both his parents and the agents, because the situation suffered and repeated over time can represent a stagnation of his development..

The seven minors detained as presumed responsible for a crime against moral integrity were placed at the disposal of the Malaga Juvenile Prosecutor's Office, which subsequently ordered their release..

A car reverses and runs over an 8-month pregnant woman in Águilas (Murcia)

This Monday night, the emergency services treated a woman who was about eight months pregnant, who was injured after reversing a car, in the town of Águilas, according to the Coordination and Emergency Center..

The '1-1-2' received a call at 11:23 p.m. reporting the accident that occurred on Professor José Hernández Sevilla Street.. The caller reports that a car, reversing, has hit a 37-year-old girl and she needs medical assistance.

Local Police and a Mobile Unit of the Emergency and Emergency Management of the Region of Murcia have moved to the scene, whose health workers have transferred the victim to the Rafael Méndez de Lorca hospital..

Police operation against the neo-Nazi group Combat 18 in several provinces

Since early this morning, the National Police and the Mossos d'Esquadra have been carrying out an operation against a criminal organization linked to National Socialism and white supremacy called Combat 18, in which they have carried out 14 entries and searches in various provinces..

According to Mossos sources, the epicenter of the operation is in Catalonia, where a total of ten entries have been made in the towns of Barcelona, Navarcles, Sant Boi de Llobregat, El Prat de Llobregat, Sentmenat, Lloret de Mar (Girona ) and Mollerussa (Lleida).

Outside of Catalonia, there have been four raids by the National Police in Malaga, Lugo, Arganda del Rey (Madrid) and Talavera de la Reina (Toledo).. The police device in Catalonia, which was activated around 6 in the morning, is made up of agents from the General Information Commissariat, BRIMO, ARRO, the GEI and the Canine Unit.

The neo-Nazi group Combat 18, which takes the number 18 from the first and eighth letters of the alphabet -A for Adolf and H for Hitler-, originated in the United Kingdom in 1992 although it later spread to several countries, including Germany, where It was banned in 2020 due to its dangerousness.

Since its founding, Combat 18 has been known for its calls for violence against immigrants, ethnic minorities and people on the left or linked to the LGTBI movement.. Its logo is a skull derived from that used by the Third Panzer Division of the Waffen-SS..